^^ "They" are getting what "they" deserve...because "they" are Muslim. Nothing like a alt right who justify innocent little children being starved to death because of her religion.
And so.. your "It's very sad, but the USA aren't world police. What happens in Yemen is none of USA business" is total bullcrap. The US is simply complicit to starving civilians to death. It's going to be a genocide. It is as if the US is selling zyclon B to the nazi's, and you just shrug. Ah.. and starving massive amounts of children to death isn't a horror?
And so ? What would you like ? That the USA stop to sell those weapons so another country could sell Saudi Arabia buy it to another country. Would you feel better if those children die because of other weapons ? You don't have any idea of how peace could start in this region, and I'm not even sure you care. War is horrible, and it imply horrible things like starving children. But the shia/sunni war last for hundred of years and it will probably continue on a few centuries, with other children starving to death. It's maybe time to get beyond simply emotion, it's very nice to get outraged by this situation, angered or saddened. But beyond those outrage, there is nothing. You don't have a clue of how this conflict could be solved and so you blame the USA for it and their so called role in it. Yes, they have a light role in that, but far to be the main protagonist of this war, and they don't have a vocation to become one. Go on, present me a peace solution for Yemen Furthermore, the USA as powerfull they're can't offer a direct conflict with Saudi Arabia. Welcome to the real world diplomacy, that's not a place were moral considerations exist. It's very sad, but it's the world we're living in, and you won't change it.
You've made the point about 'No good deed...." "U.S. stated goals for this assistance are to restore the UN-recognized government of Yemen and preserve Saudi territorial integrity from incursion by Yemen-based Houthi rebels. Deepening Iranian support for the Houthi rebels has also reinforced U.S. concern for Yemen’s trajectory". "the Saudi-led coalition’s operations in Yemen have led to civilian casualties and collateral damage prompting concerns from the international humanitarian community and U.S. Congress". "These concerns highlight how the unintended effects of the coalition’s operations have exacerbated the terrible conditions of Yemen’s civil war, characterized as the “worst humanitarian disaster” in nearly 50 years. Recent congressional and administration debate surrounding U.S. support for the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen has raised important questions and implications about how the United States increasingly relies on partners to achieve common security objectives in complex operating environments." This is why the US should not get involved in any Muslim run country. Their reactions to assistance have always been counterproductive and only worsen the situations.
The Saudis have billions in oil money and should be helping their fellow Muslims in Yemen. They are neighbors. It is not up to the US to monitor the behavior of these people.
Geeze, millions of children are murdered by abortion every year and you think that is fine. Now you have your panties in a wad over one that at least had a taste of life. One may think you are a hypocrite.
Don't you find it strange how whenever there's fighting, Washington is always there either through their agents, their guns or their bombs.
Not always there, but you've probably seen many occasions when various leaders asked the US to act. I was one of those who supported the removal of Saddam Hussein, as did many world leaders, but have now become more of an isolationist, Not as many people supported democracy as I had expected. Let Europe and the Middle East deal with their own problems and the US can then make deals with whoever survives.
Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii is a rarity in our government. She's a real Christian in a nation which has turned its back on the very humane Christian roots that formed it and made it the greatest and most respected nation on earth. This will not bode well for us in the end. Only yesterday our coalition bombed and killed 15 civilians in Eastern Syria - so what are we doing there? The US was never invited into Syria. We invaded Syria under the pretense we were fighting terrorists but refused to work with the legal Syrian government or Russia. Instead of fighting terrorists, we were supporting them and turning a blind eye when they were killing and beheading non Sunnis; mostly Christians - and we even aided them when they were losing to the Syrian army under the pretense of the chemical false flag attacks. Oh yes, we knew that as long as we owned the press we were invincible - to all that is except Russia and China who keep arming themselves. We attacked and demonized Assad, even though he had a tolerant and all inclusive society and was their legal president while deceiving the American people into thinking we were fighting terrorists and why? So we can break Syria up into ethnic states like Yugoslavia, that way they will always have friction among them and remain weak.
It wouldn't be the first country that wasn't allowed to buy weapons to fuel a genocidal war. Go ask the Serbs. It's hard to keep fighting with no weapons. It's exceptionally simple. Blows your mind. Their roll is making money so Saudi Arabia can starve civilians to death in a genocidal war. You know that... and downplay it as a "so called". The US is fully complicit. And keen to make money over the corpses on dead children.
You mean the UN where no Muslim nation got a veto, and no Muslim nation is a super power? Weird question. And at the end of the day... it's the US who makes money over the corpses of children who got starved to death. As long as that Christian/Jewish super power is able to make money like that,.. it will go forth with it. And so it will be noted. That Trump supported the massacre of civilians by helping out starving them to death.
You're a hypocrite to has a problem with abortions but not a problem when people are starved to death, like the Jews in Auschwitz. Only difference is that not all the Jews had to wait till they died from starvation.
Yes because the USA are the only country on this world to sell weapons. I mean, China would never sell weapons to the saudi. We all know that. There Those children are just tools for your ideology. You don't care of them, you pretend to care of them because it makes you look good, but at the end, I doubt you ever gave even 1 dollars for these children. Do you care that much of them ? Or do you see them just as opportunities to make you look good ? And since you're so mean with Saudi Arabia ? Don't you consider them as the most faithfull muslims of the world ? I would be for the US to stop selling weapons to Saudi Arabia, if we knew for sure that the other nations would stop to sell them weapons. Even if it won't stop the sunni-shia war. Yes we all know that every US citizen of this forum got a 100 dollars check in yemeni babies bones. It's quite funny how hard you blame the USA for selling weapons but how few you blame the most faithfull muslims in the world.
@notme And most muslim countries won't do anything because a lot of them sided with Saudi Arabia. According to wikipedia the Saudi coalition is composed of : Saudi Arabia, Morroco, Sudan (a country with sharia), Senegal (80 % of muslims), UEA and Qatar. And big muslims countries doesn't seems to much angry about the situation, why Indonesia or Pakistan don't do anything ? Oh I forgot, pakistanis have to gather for asking for the death of a christian girl who drank the wrong water, they don't have time for supporting the yemenis starving to death.
The USA is supplying the military hardware. AFAIK Didn't tRUMP stand with Saudi Arabia over Kashogi? Yes, because he didn't want to disrupt military sales to SA.
If a person walks into a gun shop and says I want to buy a gun to kill my wife, I would say the gun shop is party responsible if that person goes and kills his wife. Legally? Doubtful, but morally, absolutely.
Well clear? Stop selling weapons they use, or else we can't stay clear. We refuel their aircraft. Mattis says the U.S. refuels less than 20 percent of Saudi coalition aircraft in the Yemen campaign. https://yemen.liveuamap.com/en/2018/30-october-mattis-says-the-us-refuels-less-than-20-percent https://search.yahoo.com/yhs/search..._US&p=usa refuels saudi aircraft in yemen war
How does that prevent them from helping their neighbors? Their fellow Muslims? Helping those in need, particularly when they're close by, shouldn't depend on a UN veto. Is that where the Arab mind is at? Where do you get this stuff? Spend some time out of your madrasa, get some fresh air, and try to discover what's actually going on in the world.
You're questioning me why Pakistan and/or Indonesia are not doing something against the US making money over the corpses of children being starved to death? How about, maybe the can not do anything, because they are 3rd world countries and the US is a super power! Jaw drop, no? And at the end of the day. It still is that it's Trump who makes sure the US is making money on children being starved to death. Ah... here come the personal attacks from a weak poster.
in fact afterbirth abortion, or postpartum abortion, is an idea that's already being discussed. You can also look at it as retroactive abortion. To those who value human life all these terms are equally abhorrent.