I am not taking your word for it. But I won't deny that there might be some people who mention it. There are billions of people in the world. I am sure most everything is discussed.
In fact you're making personal attacks without offering any credible support. Why not contribute some solid evidence and posters can go from there?
This is why it is so hard to discuss things rationally with especially conservative American mindset. They are for the most part so marinated in the patriotic/corporate/propaganda narrative that your country is so awash in that you really have no contextual idea of even your own history or the role your nation has played in the world. While it is true that there has been conflict between Sunni and Shia for centuries, it is only recently that that conflict has turned into the deadly humanitarian crisis that is overwhelming the middle east. It is absolutely not true that Iran is the "biggest exporter of terrorism in the world." Iran has had a huge part in wiping ISIS off the map in Iraq - a nation that was illegally attacked by your own country which allowed the Shia majority to gain superiority there. A little ironic blowback from yet another of your countries abysmal failures in indiscriminate interference in the affairs of other nations around the world. And speaking of Iran, did you know that in the 50's they had a democratically elected government under Mossadegh but then he had the absolute nerve to make noises about nationalizing their oil industry for the good of the Iranian people. This went against American interests(actually British Petroleum but US and British economic interests were very aligned in the 50's) so guess what? CIA coup in support of a vicious dictator the Shah and his murderous secret police to keep the Iranians under control while the Atlantic consensus looted their country: discontinued.” “Operations against Mossadegh should be discontinued.” That is the cable which Kermit Roosevelt, top CIA officer in Iran, purportedly and famously ignored, according to Malcolm Byrne, who directs the U.S.-Iran Relations Project at the National Security Archive at George Washington University. At least “one guy was in the room with Kermit Roosevelt when he got this cable,” Byrne told Foreign Policy. “[Roosevelt] said no — we’re not done here.” It was already known that Roosevelt had not carried out an order from Langley to cease and desist. But the cable itself and its contents were not previously published. The consequences of his decision were momentous. The next day, on August 19, 1953, with the aid of “rented” crowds widely believed to have been arranged with CIA assistance, the coup succeeded. Iran’s nationalist hero was jailed, the monarchy restored under the Western-friendly shah, and Anglo-Iranian oil — renamed British Petroleum — tried to get its fields back. (But didn’t really: Despite the coup, nationalist pushback against a return to foreign control of oil was too much, leaving BP and other majors to share Iran’s oil wealth with Tehran.) Operation Ajax has long been a bogeyman for conservatives in Iran — but also for liberals. The coup fanned the flames of anti-Western sentiment, which reached a crescendo in 1979 with the U.S. hostage crisis, the final overthrow of the shah, and the creation of the Islamic Republic to counter the “Great Satan.” https://foreignpolicy.com/2017/06/2...-releases-details-of-iranian-coup-iran-tehran https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/aug/19/cia-admits-role-1953-iranian-coup So the Iranians dared to overthrow the US puppet Shah and have received the unending hatred and wrath of the Empire ever since. This is why they hate you and chant "death to America" And they are the shithole country????? Give one piece of legitimate evidence that they are the leading supporter of terrorism? They support Hezbollah who is a legitimate political party in Lebanon who had the sheer gall to fight back against the Israeli air assault condemned by the entire world for it's human rights abuses. It has also been a big player in cutting down ISIS terrorists in Syria something the US, an unwanted and illegal interloper in that country, refuses to acknowledge. Sorry friend, the biggest exporter of terrorism is your buddies in the Kingdom of SA who are busy mass murdering the people of Yemen and creating the greatest humanitarian crisis in the world with weaponry and logistical help supplied by the good old USA. And America should stop threatening to nuke people out of existence. The world is taking notice of all the threats. And America does not protect anybody. It aggressively pursues it's own interests and those of corporate elites in other countries with similar interests. Would you like to discuss all the countries in the world that have been subject to US military aggression from the Spanish American war onwards, or bloody covert CIA interference in the democratic affairs of nations the world over since the 50's? https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/201 https://www.channel4.com/news/factc...tory-of-meddling-in-other-countries-elections https://www.geopoliticalmonitor.com/us-interventions-in-latin-american-021/ https://www.pambazuka.org/governance/coup-set-ghana-and-africa-50-years-back When you look at it, it does not seem that the world has been sucking on America's teat at all does it? More like America is an ruthless, imperialist parasite sucking the blood wealth out of the world for the profit of it's own minority of elites with no care how many people are crushed beneath the empires boot. And Canada has never been attacked by anybody - oh, sorry except for the US. Ps., nothing against the American people - especially Californians A little hyperbole on my part - call it a weakness.
Getting weapons is not a difficult problem for any country with cash. We can never know who the good guys or the bad guys are. In fact they all seem like bad guys eventually.
Agree that America should not get involved and that such interference is counterproductive. The one thing that Trump made sense about was to stop these kinds of interference but now he is largely an isolated figurehead in his own regime and the neocons are given free reign. Be careful when thinking that Saudi backed government was the legitimate one though - maybe to the Saudi's but the Houthis have been there as a legitimate actor for generations: The American invasion of Iraq in 2003 deeply radicalized the Houthi movement, like it did many other Arabs. It was a pivotal moment. The Houthis adopted the slogan: “God is great, death to the U.S., death to Israel, curse the Jews, and victory for Islam,” in the wake of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. The group also officially called itself Ansar Allah, or supporters of God. It was a turning point largely unrecognized outside Yemen, another unanticipated consequence of George Bush’s Iraq adventures. Hezbollah, the Shiite movement in Lebanon which successfully expelled the Israeli army from the country, became a role model and mentor for the Houthis. Although different kinds of Shiites, the two groups have a natural attraction. Hezbollah provided inspiration and expertise for the Houthis. Iran was a secondary source of support, especially since the Houthis and Iranians share a common enemy in Saudi Arabia. After 2003, Saleh launched a series of military campaigns to destroy the Houthis. In 2004, Saleh’s forces killed Hussein al Houthi. The Yemeni army and air force was used to suppress https://www.brookings.edu/blog/mark...-the-houthis-and-why-are-we-at-war-with-them/
I would love to see Gabbard run for the big kahuna in 2020. She may not be able to save the democratic party from itself but she at least seems to understand geopolitics and speak truth to power. Any chance she will run?
Pakistan or Indonesia aint a neighbor Not relevant. But they are. All in all. You're blaming innocent muslim countries for the way the US is making money by helping out starving children to death.
I didn't make a personal attack. And I don't need to prove the US is making money on having children starved to death. It goes without saying that this is what goes on. It's not even disputed. You're just trolling.
In this case you do know now. We're talking about a nation who executed a person in their embassy and a nation who is massacring civilians by starvation. The US simply cares more about making money than opposing executions and genocide. And you are distracting away from this, or making dishonest comments like this.
We can have a very good idea. It's not been any secret what SA does and how they do it. But they have the most oil. IMO, they are no better than Iran or Syria of any other muslim country we don't like.
Perhaps Canada has never been attacked because they share a border with the world's only Superpower. Does Justin Trudeau reflect the character of the Canadian people?
No, they're just more bad guys, not to say evil. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_Qatar https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_the_United_Arab_Emirates https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_Dubai
You should calm down, pick the phone and call Jeannette's husband Fidan immediately... tell him what you know about the body he's been looking for a month now...
It's very simple: 1 - If they're against Russia they're good guys. 2 - If they're against Assad in Syria they're good guys. 3 - If they're against Iran they're good guys. 4 - If they're against Venezuela they're good guys. 5 - If they're against China they're good guys. 6 - If they're against North Korea they're good guys.
The way the country is now she doesn't have a chance, but things can't go on like this forever, so who knows what the future will bring.