I stand corrected on Jefferson Davis’ position on slavery. South Carolina threatened succession over the 1828 and 1832 tariffs. The compromise...
It does matter when the agents didn’t believe he lied, that we now know they knew what he said because he was recorded, advised him he didn’t need...
First, so it’s clear, I don’t support the use of slavery. Second, I am not claiming to be a civil war expert. Tariffs did play a role in the...
I have not researched and your link didn’t provide info on the domestic trade of slaves. Therefore, I will logically assume of course the...
The problem with this part of our history is that like always, the winners write the history and it rarely reflects the whole truth. The division...
I have zero faith in our legal system. It no longer represents what is right and wrong, only winners and losers. General Flynn is being charged...
Nope wrong again. Our President didn’t commit a crime, his opposition did. Nothing like watergate. Nothing at all.
This is absolutely nothing like watergate.
IMO, the swamp knew when Trump was elected they were sunk. Everything done with Russia was to distract from their crimes, and provide a charge to...
From my observations in the real world, it most always comes down to what’s perceived as being most beneficial to the person giving the opinion....
I could not agree more with you. Been on this site too many years and debate has taken several steps backwards. It’s really sad and has...
And if we are ever going to stop it, we need to prosecute these abuses to the fullest extent allowed by law. If found guilty, sentenced with the...
I believe that to be true and in addition to that, Trump was the outsider promising to drain it. Amazing how when that swamp turned on the...
I’ve not shown support for any of these allegations, from Al Franken, through Trump, Kavanaugh, and now Biden. What is important to me is...
Another reason is there is nothing good to come of it. The media and democrats have already provided enough evidence that no matter what the...
Separate names with a comma.