‘Died Suddenly’? More Than 1-in-4 Think Someone They Know Died From COVID-19 Vaccines

Discussion in 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) News' started by Navy Corpsman, Jan 4, 2023.

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  1. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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    The comments in black illustrate you have no clue how the Covid 19 vaccine works and the comments in the second paragraph indicate your agenda is to spread false information.

    1. Even if one were to take your story of 6 dead people verbatuum what makes your comment it took 3 weeks for 3 to dies but the others died within days is this: it takes a few weeks after vaccination is injected for the body to produce T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes and so it is possible that a person could be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 just before or just after vaccination and then get sick because the vaccine did not have enough time to provide protection and die. They could also have died of other reasons including the virus itself and not the vaccine. In addition, your comments show you have zero proof the vaccine killed anyone. More to the point even though I believe you fabricated the 6 deaths to try add gravitas to your agenda, your own words establishing your lack of understanding of the actual causes of death and how the vaccine works.

    2.The MRNA vaccine you speak of does not enter the nucleus of the cell where DNA (genetic material) is located, so it cannot change or influence genes or affect or interact with DNA. You have been provided the info for that over and over. You reject it with zero proof to counter it.

    3. Taking a vaccine to try better equip one's immunities to fight a virus has nothing to do with replacing or challenging as you call it "God's perfected immunity system". If our immunity systems were perfect we would not get sick from exposure to viruses, cancer, Lupus, Muscular Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, ALS, arthritis, asthma, psoriasis, hepatitis, influenza, meningitis, to name but a few examples of medical conditions that arise from defective immunity systems. Using your argument medicine and the attempt to
    use medicine to manage illness is against God's will (perfected immunity system) so we should never do medical research and provide vaccines which is illogical.

    4. Next your suggestion in addition to vaccines being against the divine ordination of God, you add to your name calling claiming the vaccine is part of a eugenics scheme, i.e., its designed to create a superior type of human and kill inferior types off is not just false but bizarre. You have been provided information over and over explaining the MRNA vaccines do not alter our DNA code nor are they part of any conspiracy to replace you.
    In fact all mRNA vaccines do is teach the cells how to make a protein (or even just a piece of a protein) which then in fact triggers an immune response inside our bodies that can resist a specific virus. It does not change DNA and it certainly doesn't promote a specific DNA code.

    The fact that this technology has been used to successfully contain flu viruses, and other viruses like Zika, rabies, and cytomegalovirus evidence how it does NOT alter DNA or promote a specific DNA code

    It is also now being used to trigger the immune system to target specific cancer cells meaning in years to come if and when this technique is perfected, we will be able to treat cancer more effectively.

    In conclusion you have made it now abundantly clear your agenda is to spread fear of the vaccine though supposed claims you can't prove and linking those claims to false assumptions of how the vaccine works.

    All my role is, with people such as you, is to expose the falsehood of what you say. You personally are not the issue, the words you write are.

    However since you opened the window up of personal agendas and accuse me of megalomania and eugenics I will in response suggest I could also state your words show you have an issue with government, authority and those who gave or give you orders which might explain many of your subjective personal remarks.

    Been there and done that Navy. We know who the first in line was for his syphilis shot and first to complain about his bum bum hurting. Lol if you call megalomania cleaning bed pans and toilets and draining boils, oh yah I sure was one. Lol.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2023
  2. Nwolfe35

    Nwolfe35 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2013
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    Once again, those who do not understand science are commenting on science.

    Rising CO2 levels are not only a cause but it is also a symptom.

    Before humans started dumping CO2 into the atmosphere there was a balance that had been reached. Rising CO2 levels are a sign that that balance has been altered. The alteration in the balance means CO2 levels are climbing which leads to global warming. Global warming, in some ways, further alters the balance causing CO2 levels to rise at an accelerating rate. Rising CO2 levels (rising at the rate they are currently) is NOT a good thing. There is no way to interpret it as a good thing.
  3. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    I'm old fashioned and still rely upon dictionaries. Fascism is defined in Webster's and elsewhere. An unholy alliance between corporations and government. Or as Mussolini put it, "corporatism".

    We've had that here in the US for a very long time and we still have it today. You can fool yourself about it, but I cannot.

    Propaganda does not deceive people, it merely helps them deceive themselves.
  4. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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    I am afraid Wolfie your message will be missed for the same reasons as the vaccines are.
  5. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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    Your being old fashioned has nothing to do with the definition of fascism. Your choosing to selectively read only what you choose to and ignore the rest and remove things out of context to suit your preconceived biases is the issue.

    Telling people you rely on a dictionary so can rely on a simplistic phrase to describe fascism that suits your big pharma conspiracy belief is pointless.

    You know damn well the definition of fascism is not reduced to and limited by the words you provided.

    Hiding behind Webster's dictionary to try justify your simplistic stereotypes, biases and assumptions does not establish credibility.

    “Dictionaries are the record of how people are already using the language, not providers of words for us to start using.” ― Gretchen McCulloch
  6. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Your being in denial about the fascist qualities exhibited by the US government is your own personal problem, not mine.
    Navy Corpsman likes this.
  7. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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    I come from a family that escaped countless pogroms and the holocaust. For you to call the United States a fascist regime speaks to how sheltered and self entitled I believe your descriptions of the US are. I am not saying the US is perfect. I myself believe Donald Trump and his followers are a classic example of a type of fascism. That does not mean the country is or the average person is or all Republicans or conservatives are.

    I constantly defend and support Mitt Romney the way I do Joe Biden. I do not have to agree with every policy they agree with to know they are honourable men of the so called right and left who uphold the basic principles of democracy.

    I do not say or speak for anyone afraid of police, authority figures, just myself although I know people who got out of Iran, Warsaw Pact nations, Spain, Chile and Portugal and I would never presume to lecture them on police states and they understand me at a basic gut level as I do them for the same reasons.

    I do state if you want to equate the United States with WW2 Italy, Germany, or Spain with Franco, Pinochet in Chile, Salazar in Portugal, the current regimes in Russia, Iran, North Korea you are engaging in extremist language and ignore the rights you have that people in fascist states do not have and even worse, insult the people of your country who died or will die to assure you have those rights you take for granted.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2023
    yardmeat likes this.
  8. UntilNextTime

    UntilNextTime Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2022
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    Suspending Covid vaccine is a "no brainer"

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  9. ricmortis

    ricmortis Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2018
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    The real question is then, do you believe everything the US Government tells you to believe?
    UntilNextTime likes this.
  10. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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    Your question is in fact a rhetorical statement that you believe because I challenged you for calling the US a fascist state, I believe everything governments tell me.

    That makes zero sense and repeats your exercise of throwing out simplistic labels.

    I challenged you for calling the US fascist. It has nothing to do with whether I believe in what anyone says in government or outside government. Stop deflecting from your comment which is what I challenged and repeat again is simplistic to the point of just out and out stupid.

    The fact you disagree with what you think are US governmental policies in your mind gives you the right to label the entire government as fascist.

    What I challenged is for you to say that you clearly take for granted certain rights you have in the US that fascist regimes do not allow their citizens to have.

    I have been in fascist states. I suggest one day if you do travel and widen your awareness you will come to realize that while the US is not perfect by any means for you to call it fascist is because you have nothing to compare it with.

    If you lived in or visited a police state you would not say what you have.

    By the way I am Canadian. You want fascist states? I was in Guatemala where the military shot down a line of farmers for protesting their wages and work conditions and barely got back across the border to Belize. You want fascist? Well I have been in Russia that pretty much is. I was in Argentina, Egypt, Lebanon and met people arrested by and tortured by fascists.I can tell you how Hamas operates on the West Bank and how would place rubber tires around the neck of people questioning them and light them on fire. I can tell you how they shoved a wooden pole up a young man's butt and pulled his insides out for working in Israel. I can tell you about some extremist settlers on the West Bank who claimed I was not a real Jew. I can also tell you about anti semites calling me a Nazi fascist because I said Jews and Palestinians have equal rights.

    I can tell you about treating the wounds of victims of a nail bomb and how the person who planted that bomb was a fascist. I can tell you about what I saw in Greece, Turkey, Germany, Belgium, Denmark if you want to know about young fascists.

    Please you don't give a ****. All I am saying to you is, its elitist to presume the US is fascist because you think you have disagreements with what it does. Its also silly to suggest I don't question my own governments in Canada or government policies because I use restraint before using that label.

    Even when I used it with you above, I don't use the words with others. I simply use the word extremist.

    I can get into a major dialogue with you over Hitler, Mussolini, the Phalangistes in Spain, Lebanon, Salazar in Portugal, Stroessner in Paraguay, Peron in Argentina. Pinochet in Chile, Greek fascism, French fascism, the National Front in UK, on and on but I doubt you care.

    You might want to look up US history and examine the difference between Henry Ford and FDR or Donald Trump and Joe Biden before you throw the label out.
  11. UntilNextTime

    UntilNextTime Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2022
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    Any government for that matter.
    Eleuthera and ricmortis like this.
  12. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Whether vaccines 'work or not' is a moot point because the virus it is said to protect us from has never been scientifically confirmed to exist. If you can provide a single published study to confirm the physical isolation, purification, and physical (not in silico) sequencing of said virus, plus evidence of its pathogenic/infectious & contagious nature, then please do.

    Vaccines are based on the pseudoscience of virology and do nothing but expose to the body to a toxic bomb. That's why millions have been injured & died from it worldwide.
    UntilNextTime and Eleuthera like this.
  13. UntilNextTime

    UntilNextTime Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2022
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    Ooh, but they wouldn't want to accept that fact, as it would burst their bubble.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2023
  14. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    It'll burst something else if they agree to get the jab.
  15. Polydectes

    Polydectes Banned

    Jun 21, 2010
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    The covid vaccine doesn't work the fact that you deny this reality shows that you're committed to the media religion.

    And as such most of what you say is not worth reading and because we already read it when your Master's programmed at India they tried to program it into us too.

    If we took the politics off the vaccine and the politics of the pandemic I don't think anyone would have continued calling it a vaccine after Gibraltar.

    But because you are led by your politics and your politics are ruled by Pfizer and a few other billion dollar corporations way to rebel and be an individual do the corporations bidding you have turned off your rationale.

    That is truly sad.
  16. UntilNextTime

    UntilNextTime Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2022
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    I think it already has. That part of the brain where common sense is processed. [Past tense] However, they haven't been jabbed yet as it's a very power powerful part of pseudo-science. But yes indeed, when taken the fuse has been lit.
  17. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    That's the scariest part about vaccines. You become a ticking time bomb as soon as it's in you.
    Eleuthera and UntilNextTime like this.

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