the topic left off here. we are all really happy that you are a spelling nazi, however this thread is not about spelling ok, so if you want to talk about spelling why dont you either find a thread or create one, because its off topic in this thread k.
I know that. You were talking about the aluminum cladding twisting in the wind and reflecting bright sunlight, but calling it something else from the pyrotechnics realm. Those idiots Jeff King and Chandler made the same stupid mistake.
wrong you were talking about aluminum cladding I was talking about steel columns, you cant seem to tell the difference.
the dust/smoke plume follows the steel so the steel always leads the plume, but what about those flames that follow the steel??
What the hell is that? I will need to see your original source material. You keep manipulating your lame-ass gifs to look like things they clearly are not. I am becoming convinced that I am dealing with a 15 year-old child. I am convinced, too, that that meteoric-looking thing was not part of the collapse footage. The fibers on the edge of the screen suggest that it is transferred from film. We need to see your sources before we are convinced that you are not deliberately and dishonestly fabricating stuff now.
nah, I need an explanation (hopefully anything that is above totally laughable) as to how those flames were spewing from those falling columns. I assume that is because of trapped fuel that could not burn because it was not oxygenated. Oops wait thats right I said above totally laughable. so go for it.
there were no flames spewing from falling columns in any of your gifs. You just have no clue what you are looking at. The second gif with the hairy debris in the upper right corner is not, as far as a rational person can see, from the collapse itself, because flames are still seen rising almost unperturbed up the side of the building. The flaming material away from the building looks more like burning plastic debris of some kind. Naturally, by separating it out and giving no clue to your source, you have divorced it from any external reality. This surprises nobody here. You need to show the actual video from which it is taken to have any credibility here. Of course, like the airliner crash test, that always leads to your debunking your own BS.
you go right ahead and keep praying, it wont work for bull(*)(*)(*)(*). a gif is a frame reduced video, do you have any clue what that is? So you are watching the "original" video just with reduced frame rate. I already told you about the originals every time you kids get your titties caught in the ringer you cry blurry gif lol that most certainly is fire, brilliant white fire like magnesium, but then you being the expert should have known that but as usual someone out here has to pound it down your throat. I guess being an expert is how obtuse one can be when faced with facts.
You lost the color. FAIL No, you didn't. Link to the source video with a time stamp. No. Not bright enough in comparison to the surroundings. There is dust visible elsewhere with the same light value. You have demonstrated no expertise of any kind here, in any thread, that even suggests that you have finished high school. Grow up and start showing some real evidence.
well then mr expert lets see your definitive evidence. your post has no substance what so ever, just a lot of hot air. since you are totally wrong in every point you are trying to make here, me thinks thats all you got, I call.
well that is good to hear, since the only way someone can explain anything complex to a fifteen year old is to bring it into terms a fifteen your old can understand. See when you have brilliant white light flickering off of a column with a trail of smoke following, it is a very safe bet that its fire. Thanks for complimenting my abilities to reduce and simplify these matters to the comprehension levels of 15 year olds.
Easier to sell a lie to a child that way. To a grown-up who has fought fires and taken some college-level art and photography classes, not so much. We did not observe that in any undoctored videos. Your gifs manipulate the colors and value to the point of being worthless. Your logic is at about a Beavis and Butthead level when you are in your best form.
huh? you have not shown that to be true on any level. You do know that most of these fioa releases have the artists siggy on them I hope. No that cannot be "proven" to 15yo mentalities. so you whine for me to post the videos then claim you have them. Now now how disingenuous is that. Ok lets see your undoctored videos that you are referencing for this bull(*)(*)(*)(*) claim of yours. I know you keep tooting about your wonderful qualifications yet I have to continually correct your, well, I will be kind, less than honest/educated assessment.
Yeh the brilliant white is fire or flames or hot stuff what the (*)(*)(*)(*) ever, immediately followed by whitish gray smoke. Now I am most likely asking too much but anyone who claims to be a fire man should immediately recognize this and if not his credibility as a fireman should be put under close scrutiny, because maybe he isnt a fireman at all. and to think of all the new yorkers who have witnessed this and are simply being drowned out by the media and trougher agencies. Any wonder this country is in such dire straights right now and sinking fast? Oh yeh...... Happy 4th! In the land of free hee hee hee
Those buildings were big. As they were very tall it tricks to the eye that they weren't "fat" as well, but they were also fat. Inside these buildings, and it is inside any other huge building, there is a need to install electrical panels, which are also huge, this is to say, every certain number of floors, a huge electrical distribution center must be installed. You can verify this procedure in construction with any building construction company. Now, electricity reacts different acording to the amperage, size of conductors, insulation of conductors, etc, etc. 1)- Lets say, you cause a short circuit in you house and will trip the circuit breaker. 2)- On the other hand, a branch of a tree causes a short circuit on the lines running from pole to pole and no trips of circuit breakers will happen but the lines of cables will start to heat up, they will start to have sporadic movements and will hit one to another creating sounds like thunder... like thunder?... better to say: like "explosions". See, when the airplanes hit the buildings and cut off the electric cables, the rest of conductors were in a short circuit scenario, and due to the size of the conductors, their insulation, etc. etc... the reaction of the cables were to heat up and create magnetic atraction and when in contact between cables the sound of explosions was heard. You have several versions of people who stated that they heard explosions before the collapsing of the buildings. Also, underground the buildings were the electric main centers, the ones who have bigger transformers. These transformers also were exposed to the short circuit phenomenon and heat up as well, and for this reason you can review in the News videos that smoke was coming from a neighbor building, and notice that the smoke came practically from the underground... this is to say, from the electric generators, transformers, etc located in such a place. You must also remember that the underground heat after the collapsing of the buildings lasted several days, such heat was from the former underground electric main centers of the affected buildings. So, the heat capabl;e to melt metal wasn't caused by the fuel of the airplanes but by the electric means of the buildings. It passed floor to floor because the electrical conductors run besides the metal structures in this kind of buildings. So, there were no bombs at all, those sounds of explosions were caused by the electrical means. I have not reviewed the blue prints of these two buildings but if by any chance there were gas pipes installed, then you must also add their influence for the extreme heat developed after the collisions. This "assumption" trying to explain the hearing of explosions, the smoke coming from the neighbor building, and the melting of the metal structure and finally the collapsing of the buildings, is a "theory of mine", and feel free to consider it, expand it, ignore it, challenge it... whatever.
Great post! Awesome theory! Maybe you should start a thread about it, I am sure it would prove to be a very educational debate! [video=youtube;jBDF04fQKtQ][/video] thanks.
ROFL What made up bullsh!t. Any short circuits caused by impacts would have tripped breakers within seconds thereby leaving those lines dead. The collapses started 50 to 140 minutes after the impacts. psik
<sigh> the cables are live going into the 'breakers',and line fuses sound like explosions when they fail.....
troughers continue to want tomake this about their delusions, of exploding breakers and cables. make your own (*)(*)(*)(*)ing thread so we can watch the steel burst into pretty flames all the way to the ground and discuss it in this thread. this has nothing to do with (*)(*)(*)(*)ing electricity.
the power was turned off before going into the building after the plane hit..thats why the elevators didnt work
and i am sure the elevators shafts were damaged anyways, but it is standard procedure to cut the power to the building when there is a large fire inside