yeh but there are lots of people who fail to distinguish between black and white so you wont mind if I do not take you seriously
now you shouldnt call him an idiot since he has far more qualifications than any trougher on any board I have seen yet. no I am referring to the one where you can see the column being blown out, not the top tipping, that and you realize that you would not be able to see alum axially at nearly a 1/4 mile away.
Horse feathers. A mile away, you would mostly see flashes of light and dark as it rotates. Up close like these zoom-ins, you will not normally be viewing it end-on. And why would anyone fire rockets from inside a building? You and doofus Chandler are makig no sense here.
no kidding, hence an incendiary/propellant of some type - - - Updated - - - most likely? more guessing? you must have forgotten how high the towers were, damn near 1/4 mile high and you people approach it as if it were a duplex
yeh the "look the other way" investigation failed to identify the type then destroyed the evidence. Of course that is what they get paid to do and why taxes are so high.
"who" is irrelevant to this discussion. the fact is the steel is no longer accessible to inspection. if you dispute that tell us where we can inspect it. if you are not aware this discussion is about steel bursting into white flames with white smoke and other related matters, such as the top of the tower being destroyed in a manner not consistent with a building simply falling in on itself before it descended 30 floors. other matters the em interference we see. primarily the first pic wow they never showed us those on tv they used abc and other news media in every report made. HUGE billowing brilliant white flames out the left side on the maintenance floor no less. the same falling metal seen in the OP on nbc just look at that!
I love how sneaky they are and the most popular clips that they put out for everyone to see show the flaming iron alright, but looking into the sun so you cant discern it. sneaky wabbits.
Fine then. Prove that what you see in the gif is steel and not some other building material. Cite your source.
if thats your opinion what can I say, dont let the door hit on the way out. you have no reason to respond to my posts. - - - Updated - - - welcome to the land of ridiculous. try watching the clip. That requires a minimum of open eyes. If the eyes do not work then hire someone who has eyes.
It's not an opinion koko. It's unsurprising you can't distinguish between facts and opinions, expected even.
The clip does not prove that falling piece of smoldering wallboard is steel and not some other material. Link to the original footage instead of a compressed gif, then. Lets take a closer look.
you are obviously not looking at the same thing I am referencing. Look for the column and if you have a link to original footage post it. thanks.
There were no columns blown out beyond the dust plume. Nothing outside the dust plume behaves likke a steel column. There are hundreds of objects, including the thing you claimk is a rocket acting exactly as a rational person would expect the aluminum cladding to act.
there is no claim of anything going beyond the plume in this thread there no clim of a physical rocket, that was a descriptive noun. no that acting like alum is impossible. you cant fake an answer on this sorry.
I see. You have no claim and no evidence. You're just babbling nonsense. - - - Updated - - - Try again in English, please. Your sentence makes no sense.