So you are saying their aren't more breakers further up the lines probably in the basements which the planes did not hit? psik
Every floor that had electrical rooms had breakers and fuse panels in them,no doubt it disrupted them all over the building...even in the basement.
Oops, I typed "their" instead of "there". If you regard English as more important than physics that is your business. I got B's in English and A's in sciences. English was easy but boring. If you can't figure out what the sentence meant, Too bad. Waste your time trying to browbeat me about English all you want. psik
If the breakers popped in the basement then there was no power in those lines to cause any further problems higher up. I don't recall any stories from witnesses saying power was out below the impact zone. This is just more made up BS with no supporting evidence. psik
The firefighters used an elevator up to a certian point below the impact area,so power WAS on,and most electrical panels use large buss type fuses which CAN explode if overloaded,not to mention lead acid batteries for backup power,along with large capacitors,and oil filled floor transformers No need to make up anything to counter your Bee ess,psikey
To address a bit more, psy, the power was redundant. One electric room on one floor didn't control every floor. They had power stations setup to avoid that exact thing. The power might work from the lobby to one floor below the impact zone, the building is designed that way. Creating a structure using the power setup you are imagining would be absolutely stupid.
mighta, coulda, shoulda and 10 bucks will buy you a 10 dollar cigar. how about all you electrical wizards since the video I posted is incontravertable proof of demolition and none of you are capable of arguing on topic of the thread, put your weenies on the line here and tell us what and where all these electrical contrivances were and how they all managed to "explode". No one, not even the government, reported seeing or hearing any "electrical" explosions, so you want to make the claim then (*)(*)(*)(*)ing prove it. lets see your in depth analysis and schematics. Like psi said you are making (*)(*)(*)(*) up. [video=youtube;u2mqqCMu-LM][/video]
of course it never occurred to me but maybe there are hidden transformers, batteries and capacitors and wires mounted to these columns thats why they are exploding and bursting into flames as they fall to the ground! Hmm.... I wonder? maybe thats what that is?
True, but I do not see any of them being powerful enough to do serious structural damage or personal injury. What is a more likely suspect, almost a 100% certainty, is a backdraft from hot fuel vapors pushed down the elevator shafts. This accounts for several of the phenomena observed, and the fire fighters ignored the results in some cases because they found it so not strange. The people who were burned in the blast were directly hit with the fuel or the flames. If you are close enough to an explosive charge of the size needed to do such wide-spread damage to be burned, you would also have the flesh ripped from your bones and smeared on the walls. Jet fuel deflagrations that leave enough unburned fuel in liquid state would douse the surrounds with burning fuel. This accounts for the crispy critters around the elevators. The blast in the basement is also more consistent with jet fuel than with any known HE in that it was a very soft explosion. The deflagrating fuel would better over-pressurize the impacted floors so that the walls moved without creating the sort of blast wave that one would expect from HE. The walls moved, but Willie R's eardrum remained in tact. This shows the absence of shock wave and the slow propagation of the blast.
Listen, check the outside of your house. There are "transformers" up in the top of the pole, perhaps in front of your yard over the grass, under "the street" etc. etc. This "theory of mine" came to be when a tree branch fell over power lines in a street near my house. The tree caused the cables to get together in one section. The magnetic and difference of phases created heat in the affected cables. Suddenly, the whole line of cables started to jump in each section between the street poles, and sometimes they got together and separated themselves with the sound of a thunder. The phenomenon expanded itself to a few sections going down the street. The transformer near the affected cables started to heat up as well and smoke came from it due to the intensity of the electric power mixed by the affected cables. The fire truck came, the electric company came as well to cut off the power, but they did it for the WHOLE BLOCKS. When I saw that, I compared this event with the Twin Towers. You must know that every floor in those buildings was like a huge block of houses, and that they required of a transformer besides the circuit brakers. Now well, I KNOW ELECTRICITY, I am a trobleshooting expert in this trade, and I can tell you that yes, circuit breakers will trip in a shortage scenario, but transformers won't do so. If electricity was to be cut off, then part of the city should be affected, and I have no records that the electricity was cut off leaving blocks and blocks surrounding the Twin Towers without power. For this reason, check the videos and see that a neighbor building, other than the Twin Towers, was expelling lots of smoke, and that the smoke came practically from the underground. Such was the heat of the transformers, because all those buildings have underground transformers and generators. The sound of explosions, better to say of thunders, were the sound of the electric cables getting together, heating up and expelling themselves one from another.
You might be correct, but "explosions were heard" before the collapsing of the buildings . The electric cables running close to the metal structures might compromised them by heating means, and they acquire the same characteristic of welding. The weight of the top part over the crash plus the weak metal structures caused such an "easy free fall". See/ The metal structures are the bones, the concrete is the flesh. You weak the bones to melted status and your body will be a jellied mass on the floor. I'll hope an investigation is made about this issue, because can prevent similar catastrophes in the future. Lets say, just cut off the power to half of the city if necessary, but avoid such heating of cables and transformers.
I'm a little confused carlos, there was no concrete in the upper floors of the WTC. While the WTC floors were big, houses might be a bit of an exaggeration. They weren't quite that big. While your description of wires bouncing off each other sounds plausible, I just definitely think that transformers were blowing at some point during the fires. The fires covered 5 floors at least, which included many transformers. The heat would cause them to blow.
A video about how the towers were built is here. As stated before, the explosions can be the sound caused by electric means, not so by explosives. Electricity at such high amperage can cause tremendous damage to those iron structures. For example, use a well insulated glove and with pliers cut together a live cable controlled by a 15amps circuit breaker. The contact of the pliers while cutting the wires of the cable will cause an explosion and besides of the cable to "maybe" being cut off, surely the pliers have ended with a huge teeth or with one of the jaws going away. Such is the power of electricity, iron becomes an easy victim to be cut in pieces or melted. The combustible of the airplane can't produce such a heat, this has been proved already by many, and has been observed as well in other buildings set on fire. And you are right, blowing transformers cause extreme high temperatures. A Master electrician with a helper went to work up in a pole, by negligence, witness in the street told their story, this man let a long screwdriver to touch the electric terminals. The explosion was big, I don't know if this is true or not, but what I heard is that nothing was left from this man but sporadic pieces found even two blocks away, from the helper who was standing in the back, parts of his body were also found tens of feet from the explosion. About the cherry truck, the basin and metal arm were melted. Still no one knows how a man with such knowledge about the danger while working around that transformer tried to fix it or whatever using a long screwdriver. I refuse the idea of planted explosives to make the towers fall down, I think that if the electric power was cut off in that part of the city when the crashes happened, perhaps the damage should not be more than 25% of the disaster. It is amazing to observe that these two buildings were constructed like a lego toy, by connecting parts secured with bolts... and how pressure from the top part just caused it to disassembled itself...
I am familiar with exactly how the towers are constructed. I've seen the blue prints and pictures of the buildings being constructed. At first I thought this was a mere typo, but you go on to repeat the mistake later on in your post. The buildings are steel, carlos, not iron. They are two completely different things, just stating that for the record. As I said before, I have no reason to doubt that some of the explosions could have been created by the phenomenon that you are descriping. Here it is again, the buildings are steel, not iron. As for the experiment you are suggesting, I fail to see how this is really relevant to the actual discussion. This sentence is kind of contradicting as you say that the combustible of an airplane can't produce heat, but that this has been observed in other buildings. However, the WTC is the first time in the history of the world that a plane, the size of a 747\757, fully loaded with fuel, has crashed into a skyscraper. There is no possible way this has been observed before, ever. Also, it is not the planes combustibles alone that caused the heat of the fire. There was also all of the items inside of the towers that caught fire from the jet fuel. Not...quite, what I said. I said that the heat\fire would cause the transformers to blow. That would result in some of the confusion that there were explosives going off, as it would be an explosion. That's a sad story, it's too bad when mistakes or bad worksmanship cause peoples' lives. Electricity or not, those buildings were coming down. I am not sure what role the electricity played, as it doesn't appear to be mentioned a lot in the NIST report. However, the plane damage and the fires were more than enough to bring those towers down, of that I have no doubt. I am glad you refuse the idea of explosives though. There have been studies that prove no HE\Therm*te were used at all in the towers collapse. That is...a very generic sum up, but yeah. It was definitely terrifyingly amazing to watch. Hopefully not event I was see again in my life time.
When you were correcting me about steel and iron, I found why it was so easy for the towers to come down, while iron is best for bridges and construction in general, steel is not recommended because IT BREAKS UNDER PRESSURE. Bridges and buildings are built with iron because bends instead of cracking. I didn't mean to say that the fuel from the airplane won't cause heat, but it won't cause heat enough to weak the steel down the fire. Still, when electrical means like transformers explode, they will cause a similar damage to steel than to iron.
In addition to which, the noise of a few thousand square feet of concrete floor impacting on the ones below, in sequence, is going to sound pretty bloody loud. Imagine the sound of a large book dropping onto a hard floor, and amplify that. Explosion? That's exactly what it sounds like.
A few thousand square feet of concrete floor? I don't think the floors contained all that much concrete. I believe they said there was only a thin layer covering the rebar.
What?? Do you have any clue what you are talking about? I worked in STEEL erections all the time, I have built many buildings out of steel. Clueless. Steel cracks? Are you serious? You should go talk to a blacksmith. It has already been shown numerous times that when the planes crashed into the buildings, it knocked the fire safety coating off of the steel making it exposed to the element, and the heat did not have to be that hot for the steel to lose a significant portion of its strength. Just ask a blacksmith.
Ironic, since NONE of your idiotic posts contain anything of value, credibility or factual analysis. All I read in them is conjecture and supposition.