Are Jews "Chosen" ? Chosen by who ?

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Marlowe, Oct 9, 2011.

  1. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Could it be due to their sheer arrogance that they're loathed + disliked ?

    Jewish people are just that, people, and far from chosen

    The idea that we are members of the chosen people is deeply ingrained, not only in the Jewish tradition, but also among modern and ostensibly secular Israelis

    On Saturday, the prayer was once again read in the synagogues. "You have chosen us from among all the nations" was once again heard all over the land. The idea that we are a special nation was once again specifically expressed, as is often the case in prayers and in the Torah, and not only on Yom Kippur.

    But the idea that we are members of the chosen people is planted far deeper, and not only in Jewish tradition and among those who observe it - modern and ostensibly secular Israel believes in it with all its heart. There are not many other ancient Jewish ideas as deeply implanted in the contemporary Israeli experience as the idea that the "Jewish people," however it is interpreted, is better than any other nation. If you scratch beneath the skin of almost any Israeli, you'll discover that he really is convinced of that: We're the best; the "Jewish genius" is the most successful; the Israel Defense Forces is the most moral. Nobody will tell them different, we're simply the best in the world.

    This is not only unnecessary and groundless arrogance, it's also an extremely dangerous idea that enables Israel to behave as it does, with blatant disregard of the world's feelings. Nor does it lack benighted ultra-nationalist and racist foundations. It's good and well that a nation considers itself successful. The Jewish people have many reasons for that, of course, and many accomplishments of which to boast, as does the State of Israel, which is a kind of wonder, almost a miracle. But among all these, prominent in its absence is an equally important national trait: modesty. It is hard to accuse the Israelis of having it.

    At the basis of Israeli arrogance lies the idea that this really is a special nation with special traits that are shared by no other nation. You can see that among Israeli travelers abroad; you can hear it from anyone who comes into contact with foreigners; you can sense it in the deeper currents of Israeli policy.

    The Americans are "foolish," the Indians are "primitive," the Germans are "square," the Chinese are "strange," the Scandinavians are "naive," the Italians are "clowns" and the Arabs are ... Arabs. Only we know what's good for us, and not only for us but for the entire world. There is nothing like Israeli ingenuity, there is nothing similar to Jewish intelligence, the Jewish brain invents new ideas for us like no other brain, because we're the best, bro.
    There are many opportunities to see this idea in action

    The latest example not only erupted from the synagogues on Yom Kippur, but was observed on the eve of the holiday, when we heard the very happy news that another Israeli scientist had won the Nobel Prize. And it really was heartwarming: Prof. Dan Shechtman certainly deserves the prize, but Israel does not deserve the sentimental national celebration that immediately erupted. In a society where blunders and failures are always the responsibility of the individual, achievements are nationalized and belong to us, all of us. We were all together on April 8, 1982, in Shechtman's laboratory in Maryland when he first observed his quasicrystal; we're all with him now, on the way to Stockholm.
    The achievement of the individual immediately becomes a communal achievement, the communal achievement immediately becomes more irrefutable proof of Israel's superiority. "The crystal is ours;" "The secret of our existence;" "National pride;" and the "Israeli brain" screamed the headlines in a tasteless and unfounded display at the news of the individual prize.
    In order to confirm the baseless
    notion that we are all partners to Shechtman's impressive achievement, they immediately come with the calculations: how many Nobel Prizes "we" have won, and where that places us relative to the size of the population. The list of Jewish Nobel laureates throughout the generations is immediately put on display, as though saying that they won because they were Jewish. Every prize that is added to the collection immediately reinforces the idea that it's a matter of clear genetic superiority. That is the other side of racism - on the one hand, trampling the other; on the other, we praise and exalt the "chosen people" above everyone else. Two sides of the same coin: unconscionable racism.
    We should, of course, continue to read the prayer "You have chosen us."

    It is part of the Jewish heritage. But Israel should long since have freed itself from its contemporary and practical meaning. No, we are not a special nation - we haven't been for a long time. Nor are we chosen, certainly not above other nations. Therefore, the day after this Yom Kippur, with another Nobel Prize for an Israeli, let's try to be at least a nation like all other nations.

    btw - Are JEWS a nation - a race - "a people" All Jews are NOT Israelis , are they ?

    If they're "a chosen people" then who are the "other people " ?

  2. Oddquine

    Oddquine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2009
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    The other people would be the ones (Gentiles as in non-Jews) who were put on the earth to be servants and chattels of the Jews, according to that Rabbi who is the head of the Shas' Council of Torah Sages.

    Now you could almost forgive a senile nonagenarian for saying that kind of thing.but it is much more worrying when people who think like that have 11 MKs and sit as part of the Israeli Government.
  3. CKW

    CKW Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
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    They are chosen by God for a purpose, and they will be here til the end of the earth has come.
    Sorry. I know that is disappointing.

    Being a chosen people has not been and will not be a pleasent thing. Though having a purpose in God's plan can be a joyous thing... it can also mean much tribulation and heart-break for them. They just won't die as a people...and nothing you and your allies will do can make that happen.
  4. Oddquine

    Oddquine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2009
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    The tribulation and heartache is being visited on everybody else, thanks to them. If they've been chosen by anybody, in the last 60 years, Satan has been the bloke in their driving seat!

    Sometimes kinda wonder if they have been chosen to end the world in an almighty bang.....soon! :mrgreen:
  5. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    If you are religious, you have to believe that Jews are chosen by god...not for additional privileges and benefits but for more responsibilities, tribulations, sufferings...

    If you are not religious than...the jews are disproportionately "chosen" by the Nobel Committee for their achievements in medicine, science, technology, they are "chosen" by the Ivy League schools' admissions as they (Jewish students) make up between 10 and 29% of undergraduates, jews are chosen by the american voters during democratic elections, jews are chosen by the consumers when they "choose" youtube, facebook, google, oracle, dell..... What's your problem with this? Jealousy? Yep, you should be jealous.
    gypzy and (deleted member) like this.
  6. mikezila

    mikezila New Member

    May 30, 2009
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    God said it, and events since 1948 prove it.
  7. signcutter

    signcutter New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I guess so.. If you set up a system where you get the spoils.. your probably going to excell in that system. I would like to see what would be of Jews if the U.S cut off the welfare check and bullets.
  8. signcutter

    signcutter New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Tell your god I said to kiss my ass. I am nobodies lapdog.
  9. skeptic-f

    skeptic-f New Member

    Apr 5, 2004
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    Most groups in history have felt they were THE people and everyone else were pale or distorted imitations. You would be amazed how many tribal names translate as The True People or The Real People. All it took was for that attitude to intersect with religion to give it a special place in Judaism. I think there is a lot to admire in the attitude: it gave a dispersed and often oppressed people a reason to continue and resist assimilation.
  10. mikezila

    mikezila New Member

    May 30, 2009
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    tell him yourself, but you're going to have to mark a spot.

    nobody said you were.
  11. signcutter

    signcutter New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Yep.. the Nazi's and the Third Reich are a nice parallel to the Zionist. Seems there were groups of Jews that supported Hitler .. yep Zionist Jews are some holy motherfuuchers.. totally above reproach.. always ready to exploit any handout or lie... master manipulators and spinners of truth.

  12. signcutter

    signcutter New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    He is omnipotent right?.. he will figure it out.

    You support the claim to jewish supremacy right? I am not jewish.. so it stands to reason that you think I am inferior to jews because I am not jewish...I say f88k that.

    If I am misinterpeting your point of veiw.. my apologies.
  13. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    Wrong. Even if taken at face value Jewish "chosenness" has never meant "superiority" in any way shape or form. Your inferiority complex is shining through, get a grip, man.

    The idea of chosenness has traditionally been interpreted by Jews in two ways: one way is that God chose the Israelites, while the other idea is that the Israelites chose God...Crucial to the Jewish notion of chosenness is that it creates obligations exclusive to Jews...Generally, it does not entail exclusive rewards for Jews.

    You most certainly are inferior to just about anyone, including jews of course but it has nothing to do with your ethnicity and/or religion. By definition (of being inferior) you probably won't understand the real reasons of your inferiority.
  14. signcutter

    signcutter New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    <<<MOD EDIT: Quoted deleted post.>>>

    Yep.. I hate Zionist pigs as much as I hate skinheads, Islamic terrorists, childmolesters, etc... I hold a special spot for Zionists because I helped kill people as a result of their manipulations. I never helped those other predators do anything.

    I can only hope that my position that all jews are NOT Zionists is clear. I bear no grudge against decent jewish folk
  15. MisLed

    MisLed New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    They were chosen to shine God's light to the rest of the world. They were chosen to be the people from which the Messiah came. NOT because they were smarter or whatever but because of Abraham's respect for God. And the Jews have suffered for this because from the beginning of time, satan has devised ways to turn the rest of us against the jews in order to annihilate them, even the babies and children. The Jews are no less guilty because their kings of Israel and Judah were mostly bad, spiritually bad kings who led their people, the Israelites/jews in the wrong direction. Satan wants to destroy the jews because he thinks if he destroys them then he can prevent the return of Christ and the world and our souls are his. Because of the Jew's stiff necked resistance, God offered salvation to the gentiles. Thank God but that doesn't alter God's promise and purpose for the Jews. They will still lead many to Christ.
    Liebe and (deleted member) like this.
  16. signcutter

    signcutter New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Thats fine..If they want to believe that... but it is clear that Zionists twist that into justification for theft and mass murder... just like an Islamic terrorist.
  17. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    Actually your Nazi predecessors murdered 50 million (not 15)

    This is not and has never been in dispute. My claim was that you were inferior to just about everybody, not just Jews and/or Zionists and your post certainly confirmed it.

    In case you have problems with math (a pretty good calculated guess) your share is less than $10 a year. If you don't want to contribute you can request a refund at this address:

    Refunds Department,
    The Elders of Zion, LLC
    666 ZOG Avenue,
    Jew York, US of AIPAC 12345

    or call: 1-800-I-hate-Jews between 5 and 5:01 Gaza time.

    Jewpresentatives are standing by.
    Nosferax and (deleted member) like this.
  18. Oddquine

    Oddquine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2009
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    Nope...most groups in history didn't. They may have considered themselves important in their specific bailiwick at the specific time they tried to take/took charge of it....but no other religion/country/monarchy/race/ apart from the Jews have ever called themselves or acted as if they were "God's Chosen People" just because the book they wrote themselves called them that.

    Maybe I'm weird, but even as a very patriotic/nationalistic Scot, I would be very hard pushed to believe anything a coterie of Scots authors with an agenda wrote which even hinted at a a God-given right for the Scots to do anything at all.

    I'm not faulting those struggling to form a society out of nothing but a pretendy history.......but what I do find hard to swallow are those outside that society who do have access to all the information in the world via libraries and the internet still believing that the Jews were chosen at all......for anything.

    Given that the Jews have never condemned usury, but always embraced it, despite what the Old Testament says..while Christians once didn't practise it, and Muslims still don't to an extent...Jews have always had a head start in gaining wealth and using their monetary influence to achieve their so amply illustrated by the US Government's relationship with AIPAC.

    Early American immigrants felt much the same as the Jews have probably always felt...oppressed because of their religion.....otherwise they'd not have been in America at all....which means that most of the American population is descended from people who were in America because they really didn't like/approve of the countries they came from and influenced their offspring in that view (ergo, acquired dissidents)...and the main problem with much of the world today is that America has much more sympathy for minority groups trying to buck majority opinion than they have for fairness and equity...maybe because minority groups from other countries built America.?

    I know we can't go back in time to repair all the damage we, and particularly the USA , the UK and Europe have caused other countries over the years....but we should have learned enough over the years/decades/centuries to stop us perpetuating the myth that any country has any right to dictate the thinking of any other country......and until we do learn that, we have a world which will never know peace.

    But what we will have is a world in which arms manufacturers will make enormous what do a few hundred/thousand/million deaths matter if the bottom line is acceptable to the private companies........and the Government tax take :evil:
  19. Blackrook

    Blackrook Banned

    May 8, 2009
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    The French also think they're special.

    So do the English.

    And the Germans.

    Name a country where the people don't think they're special.
  20. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    Actually this whole thread is about jews, don't take my word for it though, look at its title. And all your original hateful rants in this threads were about Jews, Jewish "superiority" etc... Then when several posters pointed to you that you are a Jew hater you changed your tune and turned to whining about Zionists instead. It was too late though, you did not fool anyone, just demonstrated once again that most of so-called anti-Zionists are plain-vanilla Jew-haters under the guise.

    Absolutely. I was not pointing to my superiority, I was pointing to your inferiority instead and your inferiority complex.
  21. Oddquine

    Oddquine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2009
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    Welcome to my ignore list. I am very sure you will find a lot of other irrationals on both sides of the argument there to amuse you.
  22. mikezila

    mikezila New Member

    May 30, 2009
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    the word you're looking for is "omniscient".

    i'm just stating the facts. Jews are constantly getting kicked around by Rome, The Third Reich and Arab Imperialism, yet they're still here. if that isn't an argument for divine favoritism, i don't know what is. anyone else would have gave up and gone quietly into the night.
  23. mikezila

    mikezila New Member

    May 30, 2009
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    Belgium shouldn't. :laughing:
    gypzy and (deleted member) like this.
  24. Oddquine

    Oddquine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2009
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    Welcome to my ignore list. I am very sure you will find a lot of other irrationals on both sides of the argument there to amuse you.

    I am almost embarrassed at the standards of this forum now that my ignore list, with the addition of yourself stands at 32.........and I think I am reasonably open to real discussion.

    Problem appears to be that I am not open to posts which assume I give a toss about religion and I have found that adding religious nutters, Zionist nutters, Islamist nutters, and any individual who produces reams of Bible verses which prove bugger all (as in Christian nutters) are much better on ignore....otherwise I'd find myself banned if I felt compelled to respond honestly!

    So.hello and goodbye!
  25. Bishadi

    Bishadi Banned

    Apr 26, 2010
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    the earth does not 'end' but the hypocracy does

    Sorry. I know that is disappointing.

    self chosen, always perish in the most horrid ways

    they destroy themselves with their own arrogance and selfish pursuits.

    Look at how many generations it has occurred.

    The last one, with be based on their pursuit of 'tel megiddo' (the hill/the mount)

    ie.... its in 'the plan' as you so ignorantly yet apparently observe.

    Perhaps read a bit more on the theology, then perhaps you will realize, them bigots are the bad guys and have been all along!

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