Are the KKK liberal or conservative?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by ManifestDestiny, Sep 26, 2014.

  1. ManifestDestiny

    ManifestDestiny Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2013
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    I constantly see conservatives say "Democrats are the ones who founded the KKK and supported them!" leaving out the fact Democrats of that time were of course conservatives, but you know what happens when you leave that fact out? You get people like this who think liberals supported the KKK just because the KKK were Democrats,

    That is what your misinformation gets you, and that is exactly what you wanted. If you notice, most right wingers just say "Democrats supported the KKK", they dont say it was "liberals" because they know it wasnt, they say it was Democrats because its half true, and all propaganda has a shred of truth to it that is how they convince people. When people hear Democrats supported the KKK they think of liberals, and that is EXACTLY why the right wing constantly says it, and to no surprise geniuses like the guy quoted above actually fall for it and become convinced it was liberals. I see this every single day on this forum, which is why I want to make a thread pointing out that they in fact the KKK were not liberal by any means, yes they were Democrats, but certainly not liberals, they are actually open conservatives.

    Can you honestly say with a straight face the KKK is in favor of affirmative action (liberal idea) and have "white guilt" like you constantly say about ACTUAL liberals? Its misinformation plain and simple, Mod edit,,flounder 8...
    VietVet and HereWeGoAgain like this.
  2. Omnipotent

    Omnipotent New Member

    Jun 24, 2013
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    The KKK is neither conservative, or liberal. They are outside the left/right spectrum.

    But whether you like it or not, the KKK and Jim Crow laws are the legacy of the Democratic party. And white supremacy is still part of that party and its institutional liberals. They've just flip flopped from malevolent racism to benevolent racism. Instead of treating minorities as equals, they are treated like children with down syndrome who need you good white breads to get their back and always protect them from the bad white breads.
    Distraff likes this.
  3. ManifestDestiny

    ManifestDestiny Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2013
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    So you are saying all throughout American History, the Democrats have always been liberal?

    You know how bad you would fail a basic history test?
  4. Questerr

    Questerr Banned

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  5. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    they are far far right conservatives, but nothing moderates would claim as their own any more then dems would claim west borrow church as theirs
  6. Omnipotent

    Omnipotent New Member

    Jun 24, 2013
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    Nope, wouldn't say that. Not sure how you would even extrapolate that from my post to ask such a question. IMO, liberalism as we know it now evolved over the last half century.

    Yes, I do know how badly. History is not my strongest subject. Science is more of my forte.
  7. tuhaybey

    tuhaybey New Member

    Sep 21, 2014
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    They are overtly right wing. If you read their paphlets or websites or whatnot, it is a mix of general right wing nonsense and racist nonsense. They have whole sections on how they think Christians are persecuted, that they think "communism" is the main threat facing the US, that "big government" is taking away opportunity, etc, etc.
    VietVet likes this.
  8. ManifestDestiny

    ManifestDestiny Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2013
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    They make constant references to "the liberals" and how we are destroying the country, not once did I see them mention conservatives doing anything wrong lol. Yeah I just did a "find" thing and they mentioned liberal 7 times, all extremely negatively, and the word "conservative" is no where on their page, not once. Good post,

    "Enemies from within are destroying the United States of America. An unholy coalition of anti-White, anti-Christian liberals, socialists, feminists, homosexuals, jews and militant blacks have managed to seize control of our government and mass media. This gang of criminals and degenerates has declared war on the hard working, tax paying, White citizens. White Americans have become second class citizens in the country our ancestors built from nothing. The liberal dictatorship seeks to disarm us and leave us at the mercy of savage rapist and murders. Bands of bloodthirsty criminals prowl our streets. They rape, rob and murder with impunity.

    TRADITIONAL VALUES: The liberal government and its media encourage our young children to behave like primitive savages. Homosexuality, bisexuality, transsexuals, sado-masochism, and every other type of vile perversion is applauded by the scum that control our country. The American Knights demand a return to sanity. We call for a restoration of Christian values to all walks of life.
    CRIME: America is the most violent nation on the face of the earth. Major cities like New York, Chicago, Miami, Atlanta and Philadelphia have been all but over run by hordes of savage criminals. The liberal government papers these subhuman and attempts to disarm law-abiding citizens. The American Knights demand that our cities be liberated from these barbarians. We shall remove the killers and rapists from our streets and execute those that deserve it.
    ABORTION: Thousands of innocent children are slaughtered each day at Baby killing centers all over the country. The government has made abortion a convenient form of birth control. The American Knights will outlaw this barbaric, satanic practice and punish the sadistic doctors who are guilty of these crimes against humanity.
    GUN CONTROL: The so-called gun control bills enacted by the government are nothing but anti-self defense laws designed to disarm law abiding White citizens. The Klan will completely restore the right of all law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms.
    EDUCATION: America's public schools, colleges and universities have been turned into political indoctrination centers run by deprived liberals, communist and jews in our public. WHITE teachers and students are raped and robbed by (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)s and other savages on a daily basis. The Klan will remove the criminals from the classrooms and put them behind bars where they belong. Forced bussing will be outlawed. Prayer will be returned to our schools. All teachers who continue to promote anti-American doctrine will be removed and replaced by decent American patriots.
    HOMOSEXUALITY: The Klan will take away all the special rights and privileges granted to homosexuals by the liberal dictatorship over the last few years. Homosexuals will no longer be permitted to adopt children or marry each other. Gay bars, gay nightclubs, and gay bathhouses will be shut down.
    IMMIGRATION: Millions of Third World bandits enter our country illegally every year. The Republicans and Democrats do nothing to halt this massive invasion. America is being transformed into a new Mexico. The American Knights call for an end to this madness. We shall halt all immigration from non-White nations and use the U.S. Army to restore integrity to our borders.
    THE NEGRO PROBLEM: We shall abolish affirmative action and minority quota systems. All unqualified blacks will be removed from positions of power and influence in our government. The Klan will launch a massive campaign to liberate our cities from the black gangs that presently terrorize them.
    THE ECONOMY: Taxes will be lowered, the corrupt Federal system will be smashed, and the foreign buying up of our nation will be halted. The Klan will place trained economist in charge of our economy and punish the jew tycoons who have brought America to the brink of financial disaster.
    FOREIGN POLICY: The Klan favors a strong foreign policy that closely guards American interests around the world. The Klan will encourage all other White nations to throw off the yoke of zionist/liberal occupation. All aid to worthless third World nations like Israel will be cut off. The foreign policy of the Klan led United States will be: AMERICA FIRST, LAST AND ALWAYS!"

    They mentioned Republicans not doing anything, but they not once said they were doing anything wrong, its just about how they arent doing enough. Whereas their critique of liberals? Not nearly as nice, in fact its down right dehumanizing. They pretend liberals are dictators destroying the white race, sounds JUST like Republicans. The only difference between Republicans and the Klan is Republicans love Jews, the Klan doesnt. Thats it, the only difference.
  9. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    The KKK hates Jews, immigrants, blacks.

    They hate abortion rights.

    They hate homosexuals.

    They support smaller government.

    They support nationalism, strong family values.

    They are clearly Conservatives.
    Giftedone and VietVet like this.
  10. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    KKK is this (as I see it):


    Moral Conservatives...(VERY SELECTIVELY SO) in the overall Biblical sense.

    Fiscally Conservative

    But to put the proper finish on what they are like... it is fair to say that their social, political and moral views are extreme.
  11. ManifestDestiny

    ManifestDestiny Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2013
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    You are joking right?

    Just read your post, you say "But whether you like it or not, the KKK and Jim Crow laws are the legacy of the Democratic party. And white supremacy is still part of that party and its institutional liberals. They've just flip flopped from malevolent racism to benevolent racism"

    You are saying DIRECTLY that the Democrats and liberals have always been the party of white supremacy, we just "flip flopped from malevolent racism to benevolent racism"

    Why do you have to lie so blatantly? Just defend what you say, dont try to deny you said it because you clearly did.
  12. Papastox

    Papastox Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    History Of The Democrats And The KKK.....(Why the Democrats started the KKK)
    Live Leak ^
    Posted on Thu Aug 06 2009 12:59:36 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) by IrishMike

    The original targets of the Ku Klux Klan were Republicans, both black and white, according to a new television program and book, which describe how the Democrats started the KKK and for decades harassed the GOP with lynchings and threats.

    An estimated 3,446 blacks and 1,297 whites died at the end of KKK ropes from 1882 to 1964.

    The documentation has been assembled by David Barton of Wallbu More..ilders and published in his book "Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black & White," which reveals that not only did the Democrats work hand-in-glove with the Ku Klux Klan for generations, they started the KKK and endorsed its mayhem.

    "Of all forms of violent intimidation, lynchings were by far the most effective," Barton said in his book. "Republicans often led the efforts to pass federal anti-lynching laws and their platforms consistently called for a ban on lynching. Democrats successfully blocked those bills and their platforms never did condemn lynchings."

    Further, the first grand wizard of the KKK was honored at the 1868 Democratic National Convention, no Democrats voted for the 14th Amendment to grant citizenship to former slaves and, to this day, the party website ignores those decades of racism, he said.

    "Although it is relatively unreported today, historical documents are unequivocal that the Klan was established by Democrats and that the Klan played a prominent role in the Democratic Party," Barton writes in his book. "In fact, a 13-volume set of congressional investigations from 1872 conclusively and irrefutably documents that fact.

    "The Klan terrorized black Americans through murders and public floggings; relief was granted only if individuals promised not to vote for Republican tickets, and violation of this oath was punishable by death," he said. "Since the Klan targeted Republicans in general, it did not limit its violence simply to black Republicans; white Republicans were also included."

    Barton also has covered the subject in one episode of his American Heritage Series of television programs, which is being broadcast now on Trinity Broadcasting Network and Cornerstone Television.

    Barton told WND his comments are not a condemnation or endorsement of any party or candidate, but rather a warning that voters even today should be aware of what their parties and candidates stand for.

    His book outlines the aggressive pro-slavery agenda held by the Democratic Party for generations leading up to the Civil War, and how that did not die with the Union victory in that war of rebellion.

    Even as the South was being rebuilt, the votes in Congress consistently revealed a continuing pro-slavery philosophy on the part of the Democrats, the book reveals.

    Three years after Appomattox, the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, granting blacks citizenship in the United States, came before Congress: 94 percent of Republicans endorsed it.

    "The records of Congress reveal that not one Democrat � either in the House or the Senate � voted for the 14th Amendment," Barton wrote. "Three years after the Civil War, and the Democrats from the North as well as the South were still refusing to recognize any rights of citizenship for black Americans."

    He also noted that South Carolina Gov. Wade Hampton at the 1868 Democratic National Convention inserted a clause in the party platform declaring the Congress' civil rights laws were "unconstitutional, revolutionary, and void."

    It was the same convention when Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest, the first grand wizard of the KKK, was honored for his leadership.

    Barton's book notes that in 1868, Congress heard testimony from election worker Robert Flournoy, who confessed while he was canvassing the state of Mississippi in support of the 13th and 14th Amendments, he could find only one black, in a population of 444,000 in the state, who admitted being a Democrat.

    Nor is Barton the only person to raise such questions. In 2005, National Review published an article raising similar points. The publication said in 1957 President Dwight Eisenhower, a Republican, deployed the 82nd Airborne Division to desegregate the Little Rock, Ark., schools over the resistance of Democrat Gov. Orval Faubus.

    Further, three years later, Eisenhower signed the GOP's 1960 Civil Rights Act after it survived a five-day, five-hour filibuster by 18 Senate Democrats, and in 1964, Democrat President Lyndon Johnson signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act after former Klansman Robert Byrd's 14-hour filibuster, and the votes of 22 other Senate Democrats, including Tennessee's Al Gore Sr., failed to scuttle the plan.

    Dems' website showing jump in history

    The current version of the "History" page on the party website lists a number of accomplishments � from 1792, 1798, 1800, 1808, 1812, 1816, 1824 and 1828, including its 1832 nomination of Andrew Jackson for president. It follows up with a name change, and the establishment of the Democratic National Committee, but then leaps over the Civil War and all of its issues to talk about the end of the 19th Century, William Jennings Bryan and women's suffrage.

    A spokesman with the Democrats refused to comment for WND on any of the issues. "You're not going to get a comment," said the spokesman who identified himself as Luis.

    "Why would Democrats skip over their own history from 1848 to 1900?" Barton asked. "Perhaps because it's not the kind of civil rights history they want to talk about � perhaps because it is not the kind of civil rights history they want to have on their website."

    The National Review article by Deroy Murdock cited the 1866 comment from Indiana Republican Gov. Oliver Morton condemning Democrats for their racism.

    "Every one who shoots down Negroes in the streets, burns Negro schoolhouses and meeting-houses, and murders women and children by the light of their own flaming dwellings, calls himself a Democrat," Morton said.

    It also cited the 1856 criticism by U.S. Sen. Charles Sumner, R-Mass., of pro-slavery Democrats. "Congressman Preston Brooks (D-S.C.) responded by grabbing a stick and beating Sumner unconscious in the Senate chamber. Disabled, Sumner could not resume his duties for three years."

    By the admission of the Democrats themselves, on their website, it wasn't until Harry Truman was elected that "Democrats began the fight to bring down the final barriers of race and gender."

    "That is an accurate description," wrote Barton. "Starting with Harry Truman, Democrats began � that is, they made their first serious efforts � to fight against the barriers of race; yet � Truman's efforts were largely unsuccessful because of his own Democratic Party."

    Even then, the opposition to rights for blacks was far from over. As recently as 1960, Mississippi Democratic Gov. Hugh White had requested Christian evangelist Billy Graham segregate his crusades, something Graham refused to do. "And when South Carolina Democratic Gov. George Timmerman learned Billy Graham had invited African Americans to a Reformation Rally at the state Capitol, he promptly denied use of the facilities to the evangelist," Barton wrote.

    The National Review noted that the Democrats' "Klan-coddling" today is embodied in Byrd, who once wrote that, "The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia."

    The article suggested a contrast with the GOP, which, when former Klansman David Duke ran for Louisiana governor in 1991 as a Republican, was "scorned" by national GOP officials.

    Until 1935, every black federal legislator was Republican, and it was Republicans who appointed the first black Air Force and Army four-star generals, established Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday as a national holiday, and named the first black national-security adviser, secretary of state, the research reveals.

    Current Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice has said: "The first Republican I knew was my father, and he is still the Republican I most admire. He joined our party because the Democrats in Jim Crow Alabama of 1952 would not register him to vote. The Republicans did. My father has never forgotten that day, and neither have I."

    Barton's documentation said the first opponents of slavery "and the chief advocates for racial equal rights were the churches (the Quakers, Presbyterians, Methodists, etc.). Furthermore, religious leaders such as Quaker Anthony Benezet were the leading spokesmen against slavery, and evangelical leaders such as Presbyterian signer of the Declaration Benjamin Rush were the founders of the nation's first abolition societies."

    During the years surrounding the Civil War, "the most obvious difference between the Republican and Democrat parties was their stands on slavery," Barton said. Republicans called for its abolition, while Democrats declared: "All efforts of the abolitionists, or others, made to induce Congress to interfere with questions of slavery, or to take incipient [to initiate] steps in relation thereto, are calculated to lead to the most alarming and dangerous consequences, and all such efforts have the inevitable tendency to diminish the happiness of the people."

    Wallbuilders also cited John Alden's 1885 book, "A Brief History of the Republican Party" in noting that the KKK's early attacks were on Republicans as much as blacks, in that blacks were adopting the Republican identity en masse.

    "In some places the Ku Klux Klan assaulted Republican officials in their houses or offices or upon the public roads; in others they attacked the meetings of negroes and displaced them," Alden wrote. "Its ostensible purpose at first was to keep the blacks in order and prevent them from committing small depredations upon the property of whites, but its real motives were essentially political � The negroes were invariable required to promise not to vote the Republican ticket, and threatened with death if they broke their promises."

    Barton told WND the most cohesive group of political supporters in American now is African-Americans. He said most consider their affiliation with the Democratic party longterm.

    But he said he interviewed a black pastor in Mississippi, who recalled his grandmother never "would let a Democrat in the house, and he never knew what she was talking about." After a review of history, he knew, Barton said.

    Citing President George Washington's farewell address, Barton told WND, "Washington had a great section on the love of party, if you love party more than anything else, what it will do to a great nation."

    "We shouldn't love a party [over] a candidate's principles or values," he told WND.

    Washington's farewell address noted the "danger" from parties is serious.

    "Let me now � warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party, generally. � The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism," Washington said.

    Are you saying that Robert Byrd was a conservative? LOL
  13. ManifestDestiny

    ManifestDestiny Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2013
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    Not one single time did you mention liberals nor did anything you quoted for that matter, and the subject is whether or not they are liberals. Robert Byrd is just one example that others have brought up before lol, he is SUPER old and he grew up in the South, look who voted for him, Southerners voted for him and Northerners did not. Yes he is a Democrat, and still is, but he is a rare example and was literally born in the time when conservatives were mostly Democrats.

    Nice piece of anecdotal evidence though. One guy is all you got, seriously? lol :roflol:
  14. Omnipotent

    Omnipotent New Member

    Jun 24, 2013
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    Umm... what? You are adding the "have always been liberal" part. But I do directly make the claim the Democratic party has always been a party of white supremacy. And brownies are no better off today than they were 50+ years ago. They are STILL mostly still poor, ignorant, and pissed off at whitey. Thanks to failed social policies of benevolent racist who think coddling and protecting them from mean old white breads is answer to their woes.
  15. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    go to a Klan rally, and call them "Liberals".

    watch what happens. :)
    VietVet likes this.
  16. logical1

    logical1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    The KKK is a democrat invention!!! Look at all the democrats that were in the KKK including Harry Truman.
  17. little voice

    little voice New Member

    Aug 29, 2013
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    I hope you realize

    In a number of states the head of the democratic party is African American

    The democratic party worked for and supported an African American for president

    44 out of every 45 African American elected officials are democrats

    This does not sound like white supremacy to me

    Just like today there is a struggle going on within the Republican Party between the far right and moderate republicans

    This same struggle went on within the democratic party Between racist and Non racist within the democratic party

    It is very unfortunate that you do not realize this
  18. ManifestDestiny

    ManifestDestiny Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2013
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    This is from a AP history test I just took for free, I just googled history test and it came up but this was one of the questions, it was short so it was the only one on topic to this subject

    "7) The majority of republican voters in the 1854 elections were:

    settlers in the Western territories
    recent immigrants
    Northern businessmen or Southern farmers
    Northern abolitionists
    merchants and businessmen in the mid-Atlantic states

    Answer: Northern abolitionists

    Explanation of Answer:
    The Republican party was formed in 1854 on the premise that it opposed slavery. The party was immediately an enormous success in the northern states."

    The North and the South still disagree with each other, it was the South, conservatives, who favored slavery and "states rights" and it was the North who favored federal power and abolishing slavery. Today, its the same, the North tries to help black people as we did in the past and always have done, and the South still tries to oppress them. This is a historical fact, even (*)(*)(*)(*)ing North Korea knows this and talks crap to us about it. The Right Wing gives dictators and terrorists around the world easy excuses to attack us based on how we treat minorities.
  19. CatholicCrusader

    CatholicCrusader Banned

    Jun 19, 2012
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    That's because they did. Its history.
  20. Questerr

    Questerr Banned

    Feb 6, 2007
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    I posted a link to the KKK platform on the previous page.

    By all means, show which part of it is Liberal.

    - - - Updated - - -

    And Democrats used to be conservatives.
  21. ManifestDestiny

    ManifestDestiny Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2013
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    lol this is exactly the problem, when we protect black people from racist whites WE are seen as the racists simply for protecting black people lol, its absolutely hilarious
  22. Omnipotent

    Omnipotent New Member

    Jun 24, 2013
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    Oh contraire... black folk can be white supremacist. That concept may escape most, but if you have a heart to heart talk with enough black folk you'd know what I mean. White supremacy is just the notion that whites are superior.
  23. ManifestDestiny

    ManifestDestiny Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2013
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    Exactly, does anyone really think they would be equally pissed to be called a conservative? Absolutely no way
  24. ManifestDestiny

    ManifestDestiny Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2013
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    The only blacks I have seen who believe in white superiority are hardcore conservatives, like Jesse Lee Peterson who thanks white people for slavery (and god, like a true conservative) and on top of that he literally blames blacks and arabs for slavery saying it was them who sold each other not the white man lol.

    Dont believe me? He is a Fox News analyst also

  25. Omnipotent

    Omnipotent New Member

    Jun 24, 2013
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    They are not children that need your effing protection. They only need to be afforded the same opportunities and rights as everyone else.

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