For one, the Qur'an is the uncorrupted and unadulterated word of God, while Bible is the corrupted writings of those who were supposedly inspired by God. The Quran is pure, the Bible isn't. And then we have the nature of the texts themselves, along with the history of their composers.. Indeed, how can a simple illiterate man recite one of the greatest (if not greatest) verses of Arabic poetry? There is more, but the above are probably the most important.
Free will is simply something added to try to make sense of the Bible(s)'s an excuse for God to use against it's creations.
My god's better'n yer god. My book's better'n yer book. My faith's better'n yer faith. I submit as evidence the current state of humanity and its constructs to prove that the above is so much bullcrap. Seems god ain't doing a very good job playing with its toys.
They were all there listening to Gabriel's exact words? - - - Updated - - - How is it not corrupted, you just admitted that muhamid didn't write anything down? He had to memorize the whole thing and then recite it. For an illiterate.
I read your claim but see no evidence to support said claim thus I see the above as opinion. Again an opinion but if you want to elevate that to a fact I will need source citation. If you use the Quran you will need to offer empirical proof that it is the word of God. Claims made in the Quran are not proof of said claims. Christians could say the same of Islam; while Quran is the corrupted writings of those who were supposedly inspired by God. The Bible is pure, the Quran isn't. I do not see irony that a Muslim would reject Christanity or that Christians reject Islam... I see predetermination. As reciting is verbal an illiterate man can compose poetry, but would need others to write it down. But any claims in the Quran may just be stories unless the stories can be empirically proven to be fact.
It has everything to do with your argument. You are the one claiming that your book is the superior word of god for no other reason than it is better poetry. Standard arrogant theistic dismissal of facts and contemporary reality. Nothing new to see here.
The Koran is Mohammed saying words which to him come from God. The problem Mohammed has here is that he laughed at the idea of Trinity. He did this because, in his day, the idea of Truth being Lord to a God which is Reality never occurred to him.
Should a muslim grasp you by the throat some day in the future, you may do well to explain that Allah can not be one, because Truth has an identical looking father, called Reality.
What Mohammed told us he heard from God did get much conservative protection and was quickly said to be more accurate of what Mohammed had heard than the OT, which was already 2000 years old. But the real issue is whether what Mohammed said makes sense. Mohammed may well have been sure, himself, that God told him what was later written down 30 years after he died. But verification of the issue of denial of Trinity is essential for Mohammed to certify his writings. I say Mohammed was wrong. Truth is lord, and His father is Reality. This matters whether one reads the Bibles or not, because it is correct even without gods at all.
It will. After you die and dozens of Christians too, muslims will start recognizing that their Mohammed was dead wrong. Muslims are great people. They are more effectively Christian that Christians, and they intend to do the religion. After they have killed so many martyrs, guys like you who are telling them the Truth, some will start acting sanely and become very christian-like.
Well, MANY Christians have died at the hands of Muslims, and no sign of this change you predict. But if you think that your particular brand of interpretation is what it takes, I suggest you volunteer. I'm sure they'll be all ears.
That would explain why all forms of dissenting opinion about the prophet and his cult are outlawed in Muslim countries. We see that they also hurt one another when they get confused, like in the Shia vs Sunni conflict. You disagree? MURDER DEATH KILL! THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE DEATH CULT!!
One will behave as the Jews did in 32AD. And he and then others would start exposing that Mohammed was the false prophet of Deuteronomy 18. Mohammed was the one who died, as was the test then, according to the passages therein. - - - Updated - - - You'll probably have a better chance than me, because you are a gentile pagan which they are definitely more after than me.
Ah, OK. I can't help but think of Joseph Smith and his cult when I think of Mohammad and his cult.. Joe likewise died, I think even in some kind of gun battle, but he's still revered by thousands of idiots.
Lol@pagan. I haven't started worshipping the trees or Zeus yet. As for "gentile", we're all gentiles except for the Jews, even those Muslims.
No, were listening to the Prophet's recitation of the Qu'ran. It was recited throughout a period of 20 or so years. It was his followers who transcribed the words down.