That's not the argument, dodge noted. Take off the dancing shoes and address the issue. What IS the percentage of men who engage in pedophilia do it same sex, homosexually.
One third to one half of child molestation victims are males. Some claim that male victims of pedophilia are under reported. Given that one percent of men are homosexuals, and are committing 1/3 to 1/2 of the crimes against children, as opposed to heterosexuals, 99% of the population committing the other 1/2 to 2/3rd of the crimes against children. Using the more generous statistic, 1% of the population commits 33% of the crimes against children. 99% of the population commits the other 66%. So homosexuals are 33 times more likely to be pedophiles than heterosexuals.
No dodge. Just pounding you over the head with reality.......... A 2 second google search The percentage is less - - - Updated - - - Debunked
I find it profoundly sad that the Gay Derangement Syndrome that seems prevalent these days from some of the more "enlightened" among us has now called into suspect every situation that an adult might be in with a child. According to one cable TV aficionado in this thread, if you don't have a child in the group you're working with, you're automatically a pedophile which some on this forum seem to think is interchangable with being gay now. Apparently, after "eeew yuck" stopped working as a legal justification for the anti-gay folks, they had to come up with something new so now we have this. Yay for logic and reason! Next they'll be telling us that just having kids means you're a pedophile. They'll tell us that if a gay person is in the same state as a child, they must be a pedophile. It will keep getting more extreme as they get more and more desperate. It's just sad.
Nonsense. First it makes no good sense to group together homosexual teleiophiles (usually called only homosexuals) and homosexual pedophiles. Next you can't judge someones orientation just based on who the person have sex with. In about every serious book on the topic of child sexual abuse, there is a division of offenders to preferential and non-preferential.
Again a nice simple statistic for an issue as complex as human sexuality. It ignores that the assumed percentage of gay men in the population differs from survey to survey. Occasional homosexual contacts have been reported for as much as 11% of men. Include people with repressed homosexual feelings and you get up to 20%. I have these numbers from Wikipedia - I don't trust them anymore than I trust your 1%, but they demonstrate the arbitrariness quite well. Your statistic further ignores the different types of child abusers, which range from men in functioning heterosexual marriages to openly homosexuals to men who have no sexual or romantic interest in adults at all, regardless of gender. This alone tears a huge black hole in the statistic. A single statistic alone can provide clues, but not prove anything except in the most simple of issues. What this one says is: pedophiles are more likely to target boys than the percentage of homosexuals in the population suggests. Everything else is just interpretation and assumption.
I'll believe the Gallup poll thank you. It has heterosexual adults at 96.6% and all other deviant sexual practices at 3.4%
We all know girls are also victims, the question is what percentage are same sex crimes when the pedophile is a male engaging in homosexual abuse. - - - Updated - - - You mean dodged, what percentage of male pedophilia is same sex, homosexual? Homosexuality and pedophilia are not mutually exclusive.
sec, the Gallup poll sounds credible to me, too, but the 3,4% refer to people who identify as LBGT. That's what the poll says. I'm trying to point out that there is a grey area between identifying as hetero or gay. And a statistic that ignores these areas cannot be used to prove a theory like this. Anybody show me good sources that prove that the majority of child molesters abusing boys are indeed living openly homosexual and I will agree that I was wrong and gays are more likely to sexually abuse children.
Maybe gay men need to step it up with respect to scrutinize who are around kids, paying particular attention to their parents because up to 20 million children are molested by their parents each day. This causes devastating effects on their futures. Just because those kids aren't yours doesn't mean you shouldn't intervene.
Holy Cow!!!! "up to" 7,300,000,000 molestations each year just by parents. For those who aren't good with zeroes, the assertion is 7.3 BILLION molestations committed each year by parents. I can't wait to see the resource for that
correct and I state that when I say that 3.4% are for all other deviant sexual lifestyles. But, since it's difficult to determine just how many are homosexual, I use the entire 3.4% population. That actually lessens the ratio because we use a sampling of 8 million adults as opposed to a smaller number
Same-sex-attraction does happen outside of "deviant sexual lifestyles". Not every man is that open about his predisposition for people of the same sex, much less when it is focused on children. You can call those people homosexuals, and in a way you are right about it, but they will not identify as such and thus not show up in the polls. I don't know how many there are, but at least I have to assume there are enough to skew the statistic. A little example (all numbers made up): If I told you that 9% of all people are bad drivers and cars of brand X are involved in 48% of all road accidents, you could deduce that bad drivers are very likely to drive a brand X car. Until I tell you that brand X cars have a mechanical problem with their brakes which leads to a lot of good drivers causing accidents.
nah not similar at all. There are so many variables with driving such as drunk, insufficient rest, medical condition, mechanical failure etc With sex, you are either having heterosexual sex or homosexual sex. There are only males and females.
I say there are as many variables with sexuality. The act of sex itself is a binary thing, but I'm not talking about that. Take into account what people fantasize about, it gets much more complicated.
how about getting quiet within the home when your game is on, a plate of nachos, a sub sandwich, a cool glass of ice tea and your buddies there enjoying the game with you .................... completely without interruptions. Maybe some day my fantasy will come true.
I say we make sure to keep our children away from people who show a inordinate, even passionate interest in pedophilia. They should be easy to spot in some cases.
They aren't. There was a local case of a pedophile (somebody I actually knew--not a friend, but I knew who he was). I would never have guessed it. He even had child porn on his computer. I will admit there was something I didn't like about the guy, but it had nothing to do with facts.
and we tend to let down our guard with certain people such as teachers, coaches, counselors, troop leaders, clergy.
First, you seem to want to blame the child victims of pedophile homosexuals? Second, you say that you can't determine sexual orientation based on the sex of the person they are attracted to? Now that is real nonsense. If you can't base someone's sexuality based on what sex they are attracted to, then there is no such thing as homosexuality. Regardless of how many books homosexuals or their advocates write which make excuses for abhorrent sexual deviancy of homosexual men, there is no getting around the fact that homosexual men are much more likely to prey on children and commit sexual crimes against children.
The percentage of men who are gay is 1.2% and those BS stats are only wishful thinking by gay activists and groups. Studies with higher percentages always turn out to be biased homosexuality support organizations with an agenda. There is nothing arbitrary about their counterfeited figures. Making excuses for homosexual perversion based upon their ability to hide in heterosexual marriages to openly gay men who are only interested in molesting children only muddies the water on what is clearly a reprehensible crime against children. It matters not whether the perpetrator is open about his sexuality, or closeted, the behavior is equally unacceptable. It is not an assumption to assume that pedophiles who victimize children of the same sex are homosexual. It is a description of the suspect.