Can the Abbott government survive?

Discussion in 'Australia, NZ, Pacific' started by Diuretic, Dec 1, 2014.

  1. DominorVobis

    DominorVobis Banned at Members Request

    Aug 23, 2011
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    You know what,like you I really don't know the truth, it's all academic as I am not them. There is other ways to bash labor, they are as bad as the Liberals with one exception, although Shorten is no political genius and a bit thick, he is miles ahead of Tony. But like I have said over and over, we need something completely new.
  2. culldav

    culldav Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    Myself & Ron Price discussed this very issues a few weeks ago. I do get frustrated and angry sometimes, because I am expecting to much too soon for humanity. I know the changes I see for humanity to put all the bickering aside will not happen for a few centuries. As I said to Ron, I am frustrated that humanity has had politics for thousands of years and it hasn't worked in the best interest of humanity or the planet. Surely with all the intelligent and educated individuals we currently have, they can create a system that supersede politics without having to wait another few centuries.

    To be honest with you D.V, I don't se any difference between Abbott & Shorten. Just like Abbott and every other politicians; Shorten would say and do anything to become the next Prime Minister.

    I seriously believe its all about them, and they would sell us sh1t wrapped up as chocolates if they thought they could get away with it.

    Who in their right mind would employ someone who lies to their face, deceives them, and refused to answer "yes" or "no" to a question? Oh, that's right, the majority of the Australia public does. :roflol:
  3. truthvigilante

    truthvigilante Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 30, 2012
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    Surprisingly Abbott has changed his manner significantly in very recent times. I think he has either had some coaching or discovered that trying to sweep everything under the carpet using smoke and mirrors is an awkward way of operating. He seems much more authentic. If he can hold this attitude, you never know. Backflipping will not hinder his chances either. On the whole people didn't oppose Labor policy as much as they opposed characters within the party. People aren't ready for a labor government just yet again, hence abbott back flipping will give him a crack!
  4. DaS Energy

    DaS Energy New Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    Tony Abbott concedes the government's 'fans in the stands' are unhappy with its performance.

    'But my job is not so much to be worrying about the scoreboard,' the prime minister told Macquarie Radio on Thursday.

    'My job is every day to be getting on with our plan.'
  5. DominorVobis

    DominorVobis Banned at Members Request

    Aug 23, 2011
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    So we are back to "Our Plan" again, this magical plan that has no substance, well non that we have seen.

    It's just headings .. like

    Stop the boats
    Bring the budget into the black
    Build the infrastructure of the future

    The only one he has done is stop the boats, and I am not sure of the legality of that, I do however know the morality of that. The boat that should have been stopped wasn't though, the one he came here on :)
  6. DaS Energy

    DaS Energy New Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    No Headings just quotes of Abbott!
  7. culldav

    culldav Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    Abbott uses the same headings as the ALP and the Greens. All they us is what they are going to do. They never say HOW they are going to accomplish any of their policies, and how much money it will involve. They are just the same old clowns in the same old circus that's been around for the past century, and the results have been financially and socially devastating to the Australian people.
  8. DominorVobis

    DominorVobis Banned at Members Request

    Aug 23, 2011
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    I agree I think we all agree so does that make Abbott right then?
  9. DaS Energy

    DaS Energy New Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    We should not forget that Abbott speaks for the LNP. Its a tired old trick by all the tired old political parties to pretend it was their deposed leader not them. How this is played out is to pretend its a new party when a new leader is installed, hence its always the leader never the Party that said it despite no Party denials.
  10. DaS Energy

    DaS Energy New Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    The only difference between him and the majority of Australians is he is a British citizen!
  11. DaS Energy

    DaS Energy New Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    Abbott has now put the sheep in different pens, yet it remains the same mob!
  12. DaS Energy

    DaS Energy New Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    Merry Christmas from the LNP! “The terror threat remains ‘high’ and, as I’m sure you all understand, at this level an attack is likely. We don’t know when and how an attack may come but we do know that there are people with the intent and the capability to carry out further attacks."

    The LNP repeated request to be allowed involvement in the ISIS fight has come home to roost!
  13. DominorVobis

    DominorVobis Banned at Members Request

    Aug 23, 2011
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    A little over a hundred years ago Australia became a nation, 15 or so years later our nation became embroiled in a war in Europe. Men, well some of them still boys really went to fight. Many many times these young men clambered out of muddy trenches following waves of their mates who only minutes before had climbed the same ladders only to be mown down by enemy fire.

    Those that survived the bloody war,
    returned home, most changed forever by what they had experienced.

    They worked together with those that hadn't had to fight to rebuild a nation depleted by years of war.

    This was supposed to be "the war to end wars " war. How wrong they were as approx 30 years later the world was plunged into darkness again as the Nazis spread their shadow over Europe once again. Our nation was a little under 50 years of age as our young men limped home again, well some of them, those that survived.

    Given homes, farms, work they once again started to rebuild. The war had depleted just about everything. Homes needed building, roads, factories etc.

    The war had propelled technology forward dramatically, new materials ... plastics etc. And new technology along with new wealth created the great Australian suburban life.

    Hills clothes lines, Victor lawn mowers, the Holden car and life was sweet. We had done it tough, those that hadn't gone oseas were lucky but had to have lived on rations as all we could spare was used for the war effort.

    The children they bore they protected, they didn't want them to suffer as they had. These children became known as "The Baby Boomers " as now with things on the improve a new baby boom occured.

    These children really never wanted for anything. Their parents had done the hard yards, fought a war, then rebuilt a nation. They weren't wealthy but most had built a home and had a car.

    Washing machines, supermarkets and television helped define the new life. Once again though war had raised its ugly head and some of our men went to fight in Korea.

    War was changing however and pictures of the war were starting to change attitudes of a population sick of the blood shed.

    Then their children started to be conscripted to fight yet another war. Vietnam was the first "televised " war, there it was every evening in our lounge room every night, horror movies, the six thirty news.

    Redistance to what was happening, the Baby Boomers (BB) where more educated and enlightened. Those that HAD to go went, those that didn't protested, the hippy movement was in full swing, these were usually young people from middle class background looking to change the wold.

    Technology especially television and then the internet has given us unprecedented access to world events. Wiki leaks and online news channels inform us of what is going on behind the scenes.

    Conservatives will tell you Capitalism was the driving force behind the enormous changes or the latter years of the 20th century. Liberals will say it was the union movement.

    There both wrong actually. It was people, people charged with making a better world, with putting the darkness of war behind them.

    The "Boomers" grew into Adults, they really hadn't had it hard, life was good, all types of new inventions, microwaves, mobile phones, personal computers, cheap cars and we were all in clover.

    But we wanted more. Our parents mostly were content with building a little nest egg. A home, maybe a small family business, a farm or a trade. We looked forward to the golden years, getting our pensions and sitting back and enjoying our grandchildren.

    The BB however wanted more. Not happy with a cottage in the "burbs" they wanted more and more. Inflating property meant that Mum and Dads little cottage was now worth a fortune we moved focus from building a nation to building a bank ballance.

    We pulled our investments in business to invest in property a more sure fire way of making a return. Business suffered and many sold off to overseas interests.

    Our politicians were selected more on what they could do for our wallets then what they could do for the country, we became blinded by greed and self centred lifestyles.

    We created wealth from nothing fooling ourselves it was real.

    The problem is us, we either caused the problems or fasciliated them.

    Yes, the man in the mirror.
  14. DaS Energy

    DaS Energy New Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    Caesar gathered them close around him!
  15. DaS Energy

    DaS Energy New Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    Never a day goes by without a media Bishop look at me and a Abbott look at me instead. So far Bishop is in front by being near first every time plashing into the media.
  16. DaS Energy

    DaS Energy New Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    Australia a sovereign nation with a British PM. The LNP try to pretend Abbott is not but birth certificate and paper work show what liars they be!
  17. Libertarian96

    Libertarian96 New Member

    Jan 3, 2015
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    They'll survive the rest of the first term but will get absolutely slaughtered in the next election, which is unfortunate. I supported the Liberal's throughout the election but they really have no idea what they're doing. Lack of direction and lack of principle. Alright so they got rid of the Carbon Tax and Mining Tax but what they did with the budget was a horrible mistake. In my opinion they would have been better off slowly introducing certain elements of it, not just dumping everything in their first budget. If they did that I think that they may have been a bit more successful with selling it but who knows...

    Tony leading the Liberal's into the next election may need to be reviewed, at this point they'd have no hope with him. Turnbull may be a better choice because you know, he's an actual LIBERAL.
  18. DaS Energy

    DaS Energy New Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    Comb over Tony has the girls drooling to do his ironing.
  19. DominorVobis

    DominorVobis Banned at Members Request

    Aug 23, 2011
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    The girls ave no time for ironing, they are too busy adjusting their budgets to spend the $10 windfall each week from the scrapping that dastardly carbon tax.
  20. DaS Energy

    DaS Energy New Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    Abbotts Margie is wetting herself with excitement, she works all week then comes home to iron Tony's shirts, with the extra $10.00 now given her, she can buy Nulon and give Tony that extra starched look.
  21. robot

    robot Active Member

    Sep 18, 2010
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    $10? That would not buy 3 coffees. It is a pittance, not worth changing your vote for. Saving the environment yes.
  22. culldav

    culldav Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    Who cares? Do you really think Abbott or his circus clowns have spent 1 millisecond thinking about whether "you" survive? :roflol: :roflol:

    Its just another circus that will be around for another few centuries, or until the stupid people decide they don't want clowns governing them or their country anymore - so who cares? :roflol:

    Go :fishing: or do something exciting with your lives besides worrying about these clowns, that couldn't give a damn about you.
  23. DaS Energy

    DaS Energy New Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    Some care enough to vote no Coal-ition next election. Some prefer we not and will go to any length to make us feel hopeless enough not to vote, so giving the Coal-ition a better chance of getting back in!
  24. DaS Energy

    DaS Energy New Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    The LNP is obsessed with stirring up religious hatred so it can claim we need them and its British leader to shirtfront the terrorists it organised to commit terrorist acts against Australians. LNP Politicians greed to be on the gravy train exceeds that of human life, so long it not be one of them, but hey if it is one of them, think of the extra electioneering it generates.
  25. culldav

    culldav Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    Look at natural resources; technology; industrailisation and prosperity of South Korea; Japan, Germany and all the other countries that have suffered through major wars, and look then look at where Australia is. It doesn't take a genius to understand that all the other countries ability to advance, progress and develop after major wars far exceeds Australian intellect on every level.

    All we have been doing for the past century is voting in the same clowns to manage our country that have ran our country into the ground, and we as a Nation have accomplished NOTHING.

    We have a country of morons based in two opposite political camps that continue to point-the-finger of blame at their political opponents either (ALP & LNP) for our countries bad scoial and economic situations and demise.

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