Can you point to one real lie Trump told, with the exact quote and link?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Rob Larrikin, Aug 4, 2018.

  1. pol meister

    pol meister Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2013
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    So you get your truth from an opinion poll?
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  2. Rob Larrikin

    Rob Larrikin Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    You said:
    I replied:
    You came back with:
    I replied:
    You replied:
    So now I’ll say it again. You didn't provide the actual alleged lie. I assume it is the headline, "Donald Trump says the unemployment rate may be 42 percent," which sounds like an opinion to me, rather than a lie. I can look more closely if you supply the wording. Copy and paste the lie here, along with the link. Presto, I’ll investigate. If the lie is, “Donald Trump says the unemployment rate may be 42 percent,” that is an opinion. Notice the “may”? He’s not even stating it as a fact. What’s your problem? If you have a lie, spit it out.
  3. Rob Larrikin

    Rob Larrikin Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    Not quite. You can see both the entire transcript and the video here:

    The word 'pocket' doesn't appear anywhere. The relevant part is as follows [emphasis mine]:

    Scene: Trump interviewed by Earhardt

    Earhardt: Michael Cohen. Tell me about your relationship with him?

    Trump: Well, he was a lawyer for me for -- one of many. You know, they always say "the lawyer" then they like to add "the fixer." Well I don't know him as a fixer. I don't know where that term came from, but he's been a lawyer for me. Didn't do big deals, did small deals. Not somebody that was with me that much. They make it sound like I didn't live without him. I understood Michael Cohen very well. He -- well, it turned out he wasn't a very good lawyer, frankly. But he was somebody that was probably with me for about 10 years. And I would see him sometimes, but when I had deals and big deals I had outside lawyers, and I have a lot of inside lawyers too in addition to Michael. I always found him to be a nice guy.

    Earhardt: He said, one story said you didn't know anything about payments and now he's saying that you directed him to make these payments. Did you direct him to make these payments?

    Trump: He made the deal. He made the deals. And by the way, he pled to two counts that aren't a crime, which nobody understands. I watched a number of shows -- sometimes you get some pretty good information by watching shows. Those two counts aren't even a crime. They weren't campaign finance.

    Earhardt: Did you know about the payments?

    Trump: Later on I knew. Later on. But you have to understand, Ainsley, what he did -- and they weren't taken out of campaign finance. That's a big thing, that's a much bigger thing. Did they come out of the campaign? They didn't come out of the campaign. They came from me and I tweeted about it. You know, I put -- I don't know if you know but I tweeted about the payments -- but they didn't come out of campaign. In fact, my first question when I heard about it was, "Did they come out of the campaign?" because that could be a little dicey. And they didn't come out of the campaign. And that's big. But they weren't, that's not, it's not even a campaign violation.
    His lawyer made the payment without him knowing, which is a perfectly common practice with billionaires. That's why, when he found out about it, he had to ask, "Did they come out of the campaign?"
  4. Rob Larrikin

    Rob Larrikin Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    It’s called a crowd. Often filmed when disaster strikes. New York has hundreds of TV stations. Why wouldn’t most of them be covering the Twin Towers? Why wouldn’t most of them have reporters out on the streets, covering people’s reactions? Let’s say you’re right, and the hundreds of New York TV reporters decided not to cover 9-11. Wouldn’t that be remarkable? Instead, you think it’s remarkable that they would be covering it. Hah. :D

    For some reason? HELLO? Twin towers – hit by planes. Thousands being killed. HELLO?

    All media? One channel is all I’m talking about. Trump is flipping through channels. He stops on one, sees an Arab reporter in front of a market crowd of Arabs. At that moment the reporter cries, “Oh my God. The second tower is going down!” The crowd behind him erupt with cheering as if a touchdown were scored. Just as quickly they settle down and the reporter disappears as the multicultural station scrambles to show an ad instead. They don’t want people seeing Arabs cheering over the killing of thousands of Americans. The footage is indeed deleted – a press of a button. What? You thought they’d want to show everyone for decades to come how anti-American the Muslims were? Yeah right. They’re really going to want to do that. Riiight. So Trump stands there, shocked, and later, listens to the Howard Stern show and hears about other such crowds. He will never forget that crowd as long as he lives.

    Now you’re getting it. It’s called a delete key. See that key next to the insert button, enter key or ‘=’? Takes about one second. No scissors. No film. No cutting room floor. Just a delete key. Happens every second of the day in TV stations everywhere.

    No, because New York Multicultural TV doesn’t want to show thousands of Arabs gleefully rejoicing the Twin Tower going down. But you think they’d love to show it. Riggghhhttt… Gee, wouldn’t that be a great career move for Abdul the station manager? :D :D :D

    If you accuse a man of lying, you need evidence. He says he saw thousands of Arabs cheering. You say he didn’t. It’s your word against his. Obviously, any such footage would mostly be deleted, but stuff still survives. There are reports of Muslims celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers during 9-11, but even these are denied by the Democrat Mayors.

    This, from the New York Post.

    This, from The Independent

    Here is a video of Palestinians celebrating the fall of the twin towers on 911 (see more below this):

    American Muslims Celebrating 9/11 - Howard Stern Callers between 9/11/2001 and 9/13/2001:

    Another clearer version of four of the callers to Howard Stern with additional info (see description).

    Muslims Celebrating 9/11 in Europe

    “Another flick of Muslims celebrating 9/11. And no, it isn't faked. It is well documented the celebrations that occured in Egypt, Detroit, Montreal, Lebanon and Palestine to name a few of Muslim reaction to 9/11.”

    Witness: American Muslims Celebrating 9/11

    Will return shortly to answer that.
  5. Rob Larrikin

    Rob Larrikin Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    At first glance, it would just be like anyone's 72-year-old grandpa, when it comes to anything to do with computers. :D
    However, he's the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces, with a trillion dollar intelligence machine and its staff at his disposal, so he probably knows something about hacking. Either way, it has nothing in common with lying since he believes what he's saying. It's a wise old man's (probably good) advice; not deception in any way, shape or form.
  6. Rob Larrikin

    Rob Larrikin Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    I haven't said that Trump never lied, or if I did, it was said in the context of the lies assembled by Fake Media. Obviously, if you look at the man in terms of his entire life, he would have told some lies at some stage. What I mainly say is that I haven't seen lies from him. Believe it or not, I'd actually like to see one. It would be a relief to know that his opponents got at least one of them right. As for others, I'd rather leave that for another thread. So, I do hope someone can come up with at least one genuine Trump lie.
  7. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Your reverential fanaticism is embarrassing for Trumpers who admit to your messiah's habitual mendacity, but endure the moral stench because they perceive him as furthering some aspects of their rightist agenda.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2018
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  8. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    I get my truth from multiple sources, and even occasionally check to see what the extremist propaganda outlets are spewing, and I do not exclude polls based upon whether their findings serve one agenda or another.
  9. Rob Larrikin

    Rob Larrikin Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    As I thought - all hat and no cattle.
  10. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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  11. RodB

    RodB Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 29, 2015
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    "But you're a troll, so you'll keep this childish game up as long as there are suckers who will play it with you."
    When they run out of rational retorts name calling follows. Today it is "troll." You can count on "racist" not being far behind.
    Rob Larrikin likes this.
  12. pol meister

    pol meister Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2013
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    I have no doubt that the left-wing news sources serve your version of the truth quite well, and that you check in to see their spew far more than occasionally.
    Rob Larrikin likes this.
  13. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    I have no doubt that you buy into the conspiratorial paranoia that right wing media entertainers train their fans to parrot.

    They have been indoctrinated into the nihilistic notion that "Truth isn't truth!"
    The Bear and AZ. like this.
  14. Etbauer

    Etbauer Banned

    Dec 1, 2011
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    Lol, so, some things here:

    Several crowds of thousands of people popped up and almost instantly disappeared flashmob style. We know this happened because there is no possible way or other reason for a half dozen or so racist idiots to make up a story or suffer the mandela effect, and thousands of people wouldn't be visible to more than 8 people at a time, so there is no reason for there to be any reliable witnesses. Nobody had their vcr recording that particular channel at that particular time on one of the biggest news days in history.

    Only one station caught one of them instantly before being quashed. The reason is that all reporters were covering the one event, and they had no time for anything else, except for the coverage of the celebrations in other countries.

    The huge cover up is to protect muslims which is why there was extensive coverage of muslim celebrations in other countries.
  15. Etbauer

    Etbauer Banned

    Dec 1, 2011
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    This is actually very relevant to this thread. The reason is that we need to see if there is a valid real life and reasonable example that can pass through your scottsman detector that doesn't have one or many trump analogs. And you are right, I don't believe you, but you are also right it is an insane notion that anybody never lies.
  16. Etbauer

    Etbauer Banned

    Dec 1, 2011
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    I'll actually give you a few points on this one. Of the thousands of these that exist, most can sort of loosely be categorized under stupid or liar. Actually, most can be categorized under both, and this one like global warming denial, can be filed somewhat under the stupid category. But, as stupid as he is, he has to have some inclination that he doesn't know a lot about hacking... but then he is pretty stupid. In the end, this one has to be both stupid and liar.

    Which one is this?
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2018
  17. Rob Larrikin

    Rob Larrikin Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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  18. Rob Larrikin

    Rob Larrikin Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    You're right as usual Rod. When you meet the same people in real life they're usually as mute as a mackerel and won't say boo to a goose. I knew a sheepish and mild young girl who would just sit quietly while we (conservatives) talked politics. Online however, she had a very savage character with an angry male avatar, calling conservatives a variety of vile names. I have a left-winged niece who can be described the same way. I watch at a distance as she torments conservatives online, while in real life she behaves and sounds like Minnie Mouse. :D
  19. Etbauer

    Etbauer Banned

    Dec 1, 2011
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    Lol, also, what's your explanation for this one?
  20. Rob Larrikin

    Rob Larrikin Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    Since when are markets flash mobs? Like most communities, Arabs like to get together to dance, celebrate, shop for their favorite groceries, etc. They would have been there all day.

    Many Arabs hate America. Today many Democrats hate America too and say so openly. They spit on the flag and topple historic statues, refuse to stand for the anthem, attack their President viciously, spit on the first amendment and want borders to be eliminated along with ICE. It seems weird you don’t know this, or that many Arabs feel the same way. Seeing a crowd cheer? They cheer all the time. Go to an anti-Trump rally and burn the American flag and watch the crowds cheer. Kill a cop and watch them cheer. Assassinate the POTUS and watch them cheer. Have you been living under a rock?

    Yeah – you say VCR because cell phones with cameras weren’t around until about 2003, so nobody at that place had one on them. YouTube didn’t start ‘till 2005, so that wasn’t an option. If some Arab was recording the Arab channel at that time, would he want people to know that Arabs cheered? What would al-Qaeda think? It would not be helpful to their cause. Americans would be furious. Arabs might be killed. Do you really think he would want to bring that upon himself and his family? Nah. I don’t see that happening.

    There were plenty of other crowd cheers that were also missed by New York reporters that same day. Many firemen and cops made many rescues that day, and many crowds would have cheered. How many were caught by reporters? A reporter is lucky to be in the right place at the right time. Remember, no cell phone vid cams and no YouTube.

    It’s a marketplace. Who wants to be there? One reporter is lucky. You should be grateful he was there.

    Well, huge is your word. It’s only a small amount of footage, and only takes one Arab editor to delete it with his delete key. Today the same Arab editor will delete some other thing he doesn’t like. It’s his job. Like footage of a crazy drunk Arab flashing his penis at people as they walk past. He thinks it would make Arabs look bad, so he deletes it. Do you think he’s wrong to do that? If I were him I’d do the same thing. In fact, I’d say he would be stupid to not delete it. What kind of a klutz would publish his own people cheering at a Twin Tower going down? Geez, he would have to be a first class clown, not a proud Arab.
  21. Etbauer

    Etbauer Banned

    Dec 1, 2011
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    None of this is unique to arabs or liberals. Most trump supporters hate America too.

    So, now they were there all day, but it was only caught once briefly?
    Yes, but vcrs were around. And everybody was watching the news. It's not like trump is a big al jazeera fan.
    So... this says nothing.
    Except he wasn't
    So, basically your entire argument is this thing involving thousands of people that only like 10 people saw must have happened, because it involved arabs. This would have been a GIGANTIC story, and thousands of people would have seen it and been completely outraged. There is no way it could have been kept quiet, and those people who were so interested in keeping it quiet were quite happy to report on it in other countries.

    You have nothing here, alien visitation is a more believable and well supported position.
    rcfoolinca288 likes this.
  22. Rob Larrikin

    Rob Larrikin Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    Trump is neither stupid nor a liar, which is why Fake News work so hard on pretending he’s both. When a person really is a stupid liar, they don’t have to work on creating that image. It quickly becomes obvious all by itself pretty soon. In Trump’s case they work 24/7/365 non-stop to create highly creative myths about Trump’s “lying and stupidity”. You can either be one of the sheep who swallow that propaganda, or you can wake up. It’s up to you.

    Man-made global warming is a myth, already debunked many times by real scientists. It’s an example of Trump’s high intelligence that he saw straight through it.

    Yeah, nah, as the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces, with a trillion dollar intelligence machine and its staff at his disposal, he probably knows more than the average bear about hacking.

    As usual Fake News left out important details. Just to go through from the start, after Trump guessed that it was the biggest Electoral College win since Ronald Reagan, an NBC reporter, Peter Alexander, pointed out the error. Trump defended himself, as Alexander continued. There were four or five levels of this defense:
    1. First Trump pointed out that “Obama was “not a Republican,” which meant he was only claiming he had the biggest Electoral College victory since Reagan among Republican presidents. Then Alexander pointed out that George H.W. Bush got 426 when he won.
    2. Trump then said he was given that information. Alexander continued harassing him.
    3. Trump replied, “Actually, I’ve seen that information around.”
    4. Various people then realized as pointed out, that:

      “It’s possible Trump was referring to his own biography on the White House’s official website, which correctly states that Trump “won the election on November 8 of 2016 in the largest electoral college landslide for a Republican in 28 years.” That is, in fact, entirely true since former President George W. Bush barely defeated former Democratic Vice President Al Gore 271-266.”
    Either way, it was no lie. Trump was told some stuff (by someone he doesn't name because he's protecting them from Fake News beat-ups) and saw some other stuff that added together made it seem he had the biggest Electoral College win since Ronald Reagan. Thus he expressed an honest opinion, which is not a lie. They corrected him, but instead of letting it go they continue to hassle him about it to this day, like a bunch of desperate hyenas humping a dead corpse.

    See if you can find a real lie instead of hanging around the bottom of the barrel with these flea-bitten examples you keep providing.
  23. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    He said he saw thousands of people in NJ celebrating in the streets on 9/11. He's either lying or completely off his rocker, because he didn't see that in person or on TV. Thanks for highlighting another one of his lies.
    rcfoolinca288 likes this.
  24. Etbauer

    Etbauer Banned

    Dec 1, 2011
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    It is very obvious all by itself, the media is all over it for 2 reasons. #1, we've never had to deal with a very stupid president, so his stupidity is such a newsworthy thing. #2, religiously devoted zealots, won't believe it.
    No it isn't, no it hasn't, and no he didn't.
    Lol, no, no and no.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2018
  25. Etbauer

    Etbauer Banned

    Dec 1, 2011
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    Lol, ok. I'll accept that. We can file that one under stupid.

    This one?
    rcfoolinca288 and Bowerbird like this.

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