Can you point to one real lie Trump told, with the exact quote and link?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Rob Larrikin, Aug 4, 2018.

  1. Rob Larrikin

    Rob Larrikin Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    You like the term you've discovered, but don't wear it out. I've answered this one a while ago so I will paste that answer:

    Another Lefty:
    I searched and the first link is from The Daily Beast, here.

    They say:

    President Donald Trump claimed in a joint press conference with U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May that his bombshell interview with British newspaper The Sun was “fake news.” Trump criticized May in the Sun interview, saying she did not heed his advice when she opted for a “soft” Brexit.

    They provide a link to the Sun article, here.

    The Sun article has an edited subtitled soundtrack spliced in numerous places. The start is not the real start of the interview. First I begin typing Trump’s words as I hear them, without looking at the subs. Since it is not the real start I begin with an ellipsis (…) and a lowercase letter. Here is the script based on what I heard:

    …well, if they do a deal like that it will most likely… because we’ll be dealing with the, ah, European Union. Instead of dealing with U.K. So it will probably kill the deal with – if they do that, the - their trade deal with the U.S. is, will probably not be made.​

    Here is the script as seen in the SUN subtitles, in blue. Mistakes are underlined or given an @ symbol:

    @Well @ if they do a deal like that it would most likely @@ because we’ll be dealing with the European Union @ instead of dealing with UK, @ so it will probably kill the deal with – if they do that their trade deal with the US @ will probably not be made.

    I compared with how The Times presented the same quote, here. Here it is, in green, again, with mistakes underlined or with the @ symbol:

    @@It will most likely [not happen] because we’ll be dealing with the European Union @ instead of dealing with U.K.. So it will probably kill the deal with . . . if they do that @ the their trade deal with the U.S. @ will probably not be met.

    Both the Sun and The Times made mistakes, but the Times put “[not happen]” between ‘likely’ and ‘because’, showing that my original statement about the quote being chopped out of a longer quote was correct. Trump’s meaning was not conveyed by the Sun in this way, adding one more mistake to their transcript. So now I am going to compare the updated version of what I typed (in black), which will include The Times’ ‘[not happen]’, to the Sun’s version (in blue) and draw my final conclusions.

    …well, if they do a deal like that it will most likely [not happen] because we’ll be dealing with the, ah, European Union. Instead of dealing with U.K. So it will probably kill the deal with – if they do that, the - their trade deal with the U.S. is, will probably not be made.​

    @Well @ if they do a deal like that it would most likely @@ because we’ll be dealing with the European Union @ instead of dealing with UK, @ so it will probably kill the deal with – if they do that their trade deal with the US @ will probably not be made.

    The very beginning of the Sun’s quote was Fake for the following reasons:

    1) It did not start with an ellipsis or a lowercase letter, but a capital ‘W’, giving the impression it was the beginning of the quote, which is false.

    2 & 3) There is no comma after ‘well’, and they wrote ‘would’ instead of ‘will’.

    4) They did not include the [not happen] to explain what Trump meant, which is essential when cutting a quote from a larger quote when it will lose context otherwise. Fake News want Trump’s quotes to lose context so this was deliberate.

    5) They missed periods after ‘Union’ and ‘U.K.’. Trump’s pauses clearly made them separate sentences, but the Sun joined them together.

    6) They left out a comma after ‘that’ and the ‘the’ he said, and a hyphen.

    7) They left out the ‘is’ and the comma, after ‘U.S.’

    Given that this was only the first three sentences – a mere 54 words – and the Sun made so many errors, there is no point in continuing. It’s a very poor transcript, chockful of flaws, some deliberate; a complete fiasco disguised as “reporting”, and the soundtrack was further edited and spliced, and probably mischievously so. No doubt the work of Trump-hating millennials who don’t give a rat’s ass. There is no reason to trust anything else in it. Trump’s opinion that it is Fake News is perfectly justified.

    As usual – no lie. Surely you can find a real lie?

    Score for the Left so far:

  2. Rob Larrikin

    Rob Larrikin Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    In English we write "...for everything he says," with an 's'.
  3. Rob Larrikin

    Rob Larrikin Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    In English we use the word 'support' for a variety of things. You may think that to support MS-13, Harris would need to get a megaphone and a placard and yell, "I support MS-13, I support MS-13!" But no, there are many other ways she can support that murderous gang. Probably the best way to support them would be to abolish ICE, their mortal enemies, and that's exactly what she wants to do. Yell out when the penny drops.
  4. rcfoolinca288

    rcfoolinca288 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2016
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    Grammat police is in the house.
    Bowerbird likes this.
  5. rcfoolinca288

    rcfoolinca288 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2016
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    You are assuming all the gang members are here illegally. Like Trump, you lack logic.
  6. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2016
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    Trump lied about what would be accomplished in a summit with Kim.

    I predicted back in March on PF that Trump's inexcusable, impulsive decision to accept Kim's invitation would be a drastic mistake for several reason. One reason is that the naive, clueless, incompetent buffoon would be meeting with a highly trained communist dictator and only bad things could happen from that encounter. Moreover, Trump listens to no one. He thinks he knows it all, and he admitted going into the meeting unprepared because the idiot thought preparedness was unnecessary. Whereas Kim listens to and obeys his benefactors, China and Russia, and was very well prepared.

    Weeks before the summit, I predicted on PF that this summit would prove to an extended, daytime three month long melodrama starring Trump and resulting in an elaborate, expensive photo op and nothing more. I further predicted, with the exception of Trump giving away concessions, receiving nothing in return, absolutely nothing would be accomplished. That is exactly what happened.

    Trump made three major concessions and received in return the infamous promise of the Kim regime for the past three decades that they would be willing to talk about denclearization of the Korean Peninsula. During the summit and to this day the two sides can't even agree on what denuclerization of Korean Peninsula means.

    Today, North Korea is still producing fissile material for nuclear bombs in spite of its pledge to denuclearize, according to US secretary of state Mike Pompeo. U.S. spy agencies are seeing signs that North Korea is constructing new missiles at a factory that produced the country’s first intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching the United States, according to officials familiar with the intelligence.

    Way to go, Champ. What an idiot we have for President. Trump is returning from vacation today. That is too bad. With him gone for the past two weeks, it has been pretty quiet. He should go on a permanent vacation and stay away from governing.
    Bowerbird likes this.
  7. Bowerbird

    Bowerbird Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2009
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    Who is the "another lefty" you keep posting?

    Netiquette demands you link to WHO you are quoting so that the member you are

    You have zero proof of tape tampering

    BTW You are up very late for someone posting from the Gold Coast
  8. Bowerbird

    Bowerbird Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2009
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    Again a generated false memo
  9. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    You and the other poster who brought it up couldn't possibly believe the OP is trying to pass those off as real documents. If you honestly believe that, I'm truly sorry. It's just a type of meme, nothing more.
    Hotdogr and Rob Larrikin like this.
  10. Rob Larrikin

    Rob Larrikin Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    In English we call them 'Grammar Police'.
  11. Rob Larrikin

    Rob Larrikin Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    You say that, and then you told us your thoughts about what a terrible job Trump did with North Korea, and in your enthusiasm you forgot to say what the lie was. So I'll gather other comments Lefties made to me in regard to alleged lies Trump told about NK, and paste them here. If you have a particular alleged lie in mind, please copy or type the details here, with a link.

    A Lefty:
    You, PolitiFake and Chuck Todd have no idea what the North Koreans have agreed to. You may think you know more about that than the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces with his intelligence apparatus and private conversations with Kim Jon-un, but you cannot possibly. Once again, you have shown me no lie – only your own allegation of a lie.

    Another Lefty:
    Here is the link you couldn’t find. Yes, the remark was part of a blast of tweets that Trump fired off even as Air Force One touched down at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland outside the US capital and brought Trump back home.

    [INDENT]“Just landed – a long trip, but everybody can now feel much safer than the day I took office. There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea. Meeting with Kim Jong Un was an interesting and very positive experience. North Korea has great potential for the future!,” he wrote.[/INDENT]

    What about it? This thread is an invitation for you to provide an alleged Trump lie. So where is the lie?

    Same Lefty:
    This is Fake News; mischievous editing to create a false impression. Here is the link you couldn’t find.

    Remarks by President Trump and President Macron Before Expanded Bilateral Meeting
    Foreign Policy
    Issued on: April 24, 2018
    Cabinet Room
    11:15 A.M. EDT

    Trump spoke about 1300 words. Here are just 222 of Trump’s words [emphasis mine]:

    In South Korea, on our trade deal, we’re doing very well. And as far as North Korea is concerned, we are going to be having a meeting with Kim Jong-un, and that will be very soon. We have been told directly that they would like to have the meeting as soon as possible. And we think that’s a great thing for the world. That’s a great thing for North Korea and South Korea and Japan and France and everybody.

    So we’re having very — very good discussions. Kim Jong-un, he really has been very open and I think very honorable from everything we’re seeing. Now, a lot of promises have been made by North Korea over the years, but they’ve never been in this position.

    We have been very, very tough on maximum pressure. We have been very tough on, as you know, trade. We’ve been very, very tough at the border. Sanctions have been the toughest we’ve ever imposed on any country. And we think it will be a great thing for North Korea and it will be a great thing for the world. So we’ll see where that all goes. Maybe it will be wonderful and maybe it won’t. And if it’s not going to be fair and reasonable and good, I will — unlike past administrations, I will leave the table.​

    Let’s put the NBC Fake News quote you supplied next to Trump’s actual words:

    NBC-TV: "Kim Jong Un was uhh, he really has been, uhh, very open. And I think very honorable."
    D. Trump: “Kim Jong-un, he really has been very open and I think very honorable from everything we’re seeing.”

    As you can see, Fake News put in the “uhs” which they would never do to Obama; they added a period after ‘open’, made the ‘a’ on ‘and’ a capital, to make it two sentences when it was actually one, and they chopped out “…from everything we’re seeing.” Trump said those words for a reason. It was to indicate that it might just be a front being put up by Kim. Fake news took it out so it would appear that Trump had NO doubts. Fake News.

    They used the same devious trick on their TV news, which you can see at the 5:30 mark here.

    On the same day (24 April, 2018), in the White House East Room at 12:47 P.M., Trump and France’s President Macron gave a press conference. Trump said [emphasis mine]:

    As you know, I will soon be meeting with Kim Jong-un as we seek a future of peace, harmony and security for the whole Korean Peninsula and, in fact, for the whole world.

    However, in pursuit of peace, we will not repeat the mistakes of past administrations. The campaign of maximum pressure will continue.

    So to sum up, Trump has been tough on NK and continues to be. This coverage was just more Fake News.

    Same Lefty:
    When a POTUS is talking about an enemy like NK he knows that everything he says is being listened to by them. So he says what he says through that filter. A village idiot might listen and think Trump’s just stating a plain fact for Americans to hear, but anyone with any understanding of international politics, diplomatic relations, and the psychology of war would know it was far more complex than that.

    Another Lefty:
    You have a lot of people who use the word “son”. Many groups come to see Trump and they point out that their parents long wanted their sons’ remains to be brought home. They say things like, “Our parents prayed to have their son’s remains brought home, for decades. We’re here to see their wishes come true.” Trump would reply, “We’ll do our best to bring your parent’s sons home as they wished.”

    After many conversations like this with so many people, in which the word ‘sons’ is used over and over, it becomes a habit to refer to ‘their sons’ in reply to the groups asking for the remains. If English were your first language this would not be hard to understand. If it isn’t, that would help explain people misunderstanding Trump. Many immigrants would not quite understand this and other nuances of the English language. Trump can, for instance, stand at a podium in front of such groups and say, “We will bring home your sons’ remains,” even though there might only be one parent in the audience, and the audience will understand exactly what he means. Many will even shed tears. Not one will leap up and screech, “LIAR! LIAR! NONE OF US ARE THE PARENTS!” though I wouldn’t put it past smallminded Trump-hating snowflakes to behave in that despicable manner.

    So once again – no lie - just a nuance of the English language, a manner of speaking and a habit of using the word ‘son or ‘sons’ in regard to a particular group.

  12. Rob Larrikin

    Rob Larrikin Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    Another Lefty:
    Ed Markey is a Democrat senator from Massachusetts. You didn’t really expect him to say anything else did you?

    First let’s look at CNN’s coverage, here. Watch the video and you will see they are quoting “38 North”. At the 30 second mark the commentator says that 38 North say that “probably some of the upgrades occurred after the Singapore meeting.”


    Who the hell is this “38 North” anyway? A quick search brings us to their webpage.

    Go to their ‘about’ page and we see that it's "a website devoted to informed analysis of North Korea.” Isn’t that just peachy? And look, their email address is – how cute; they use gmail. Down the bottom they say, “38 North is a project of The Henry L. Stimson Center,” and it links to this place.

    Who are A bunch of Lefties – way too many to list. Here’s one of their articles:



    “…the U.S. and Russia are already engaged in a nuclear arms race – a nonsensical exercise which accomplishes nothing…”

    Yes, a very Partisan organization. They are made up of old hippies, environmentalists, anti-nuclear UN people and the like.

    So, the so called “lie” was just Trump’s opinion vs a bunch of Lefties’ opinions. Out of the two, he is the one with all the military intelligence about what happened. They are just guessing.

    Once again – no lie. Try harder.
  13. Rob Larrikin

    Rob Larrikin Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    Heh heh, thanks. Yeah, I'd like to see the kind of handwritten note he would make to leave instructions for the same editing. Maybe he'd write it in Chinese. Let’s say I wanted my assistant to take the first 108 words of Hamlet, Act III, Scene I), and make the following changes:

    1) Change the second ‘be’ to ‘bee’.
    2) Change the word 'slings' to ‘stings’.
    3) Change the word ‘fortune’ to ‘honey’
    4) Change the word ‘Arms’ to ‘wings’
    5) *IMPORTANT! Delete the last 31 words!

    Wouldn’t a handwritten note look something like this?


    Maybe Lefties don't write handwritten notes that way. Maybe his version would be:


    Of course! That would make so much more sense! :D
  14. rcfoolinca288

    rcfoolinca288 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2016
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    How about addressing the issue? When will Mexico pay for the wall? Why is Trump asking Congress to approve tax payers' money to be used?
  15. Rob Larrikin

    Rob Larrikin Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    It was addressed in posts #182 and #296. Here are both those replies:

    As Trump himself explained before the election, you sometimes make debtors pay later. In this case Mexico refuses to pay, so Trump will have to use taxes or some other mechanism to force payment from them. In the meantime there are many who will try and stop him doing that, including Democrats, Republicans and Fake News. If they succeed, and he is blocked, his promise was still an honest one. It doesn’t magically become a “lie” because the Left sabotage his plans.
  16. Rob Larrikin

    Rob Larrikin Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    To understand the next example of Fake News you have to understand there was always interference in American elections by a number of overseas nations. China, Russia, North Korea and various other enemies of the U.S. have their spies, agents, moles and organizations, gathering information and helping whoever they want in regard to politics. This has been going on since the Cold War and before, so, for many decades. That is a given.

    The Russian conspiracy cooked up by the Democrats and Fake News is an entirely different kettle of fish. It’s a big nothingburger, as CNN’s Van Jones explained. The idea was to create the idea in voters that somehow Trump and his team were colluding with Russia and Putin, to defeat Hillary and give Trump the White House. A big nothingburger; a conspiracy; a myth.

    Two different things.


    Say it over and over. One, two. One, two.

    Trump talks about both one and two. He talks about real Russian and Chinese meddling (see picture on the left), and he talks about the nothingburger (see picture on the right). When he talks about the real Russian or Chinese meddling he says stuff like, “Well of course Russia tried to interfere, just like China tries to interfere, and many others…” When he talks about the nothingburger he says stuff like, “That’s a load of crap. It’s just a myth. All Fake News.”

    One, two. One, two. Two different things, and Trump talks about both.

    PolitiFake and Fake News like to pretend there is no nothingburger. They mischeviously pretend that when Trump talks about one and two, he’s really only talking about one. That’s not true though. He’s talking about two.

    Using this mischievous approach, Angie Drobnic, editor of PolitiFake, awarded their “2017 Lie of the Year”, to Trump, December 12th, 2017. The article can be seen here.

    Drobnic cites an example of Trump talking about real Russian meddling, and then cites him saying that the nothingburger is Fake News, and concludes that this is a contradiction. “First he says it exists, then he says it doesn’t exist,” that sought of thing. You get the drift. A very childish and simpleminded lie, which Ms Drobnic was very proud of.

    Another PolitiFake reporter, Jon Greenberg, used the same approach again to award Trump a Pants-on-Fire award, here.

    Once again, he pretends that when Trump is talking about Russian meddling and the nothingburger (two separate subjects), that he’s only really talking about one, and then concludes that this is a contraction, which makes Trump a liar. He proudly points out in his article that this was the reason Trump was awarded ‘liar of the year’ and provides a link to Angie Drobnic’s article.

    So who are these two knuckleheads?


    Jon Greenberg worked for National Public Radio and now PolitiFake. His editor is Drobnic. Critics online say she is a biased partisan hack. See those here, here, here, and an article about how much she used to drink and sleep under a desk, here. Born in Venezuela to Yugoslavian parents, she seems to want to bring the same communism her parents escaped from to the U.S. Weird.
  17. Rob Larrikin

    Rob Larrikin Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    Speaking of Trump making slip-ups, I wrote sought instead of sort, above. Were I Trump I’d be flogged for that, as well as my ‘whoever’ instead of ‘whomever’. :D

    Another Lefty:
    I read the PolitiFake beat up, written by Ben Schreckinger. Ben manipulates the details so that Trump looks like a hypocrite or liar.

    TIGL Ireland Enterprises Ltd. bought a golf resort in Country Clare, Ireland. There was a lot of erosion by a storm along the coastline, and TIGL Ireland Enterprises Ltd. wanted to build coastal protection works (including a rock barrier or “wall”). When applying for this they were held up by Leftist environmental green tape. TIGL Ireland Enterprises Ltd. had to apply for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). You can see info about the application here.

    A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) accompanied the application. There was an appeal when the application was turned down, as you can see here. The appeal applicant’s name and address is listed as:

    TIGL Ireland Enterprises Ltd.
    c/o John Crean
    Cunnane Stratton Reynolds
    Copley Hall
    Cotters Street, Cork

    CSR are town planners and landscape architects, and you can see them here.

    These are the people who would have mentioned global warming, not Trump. If you want someone to blame, blame Director and Principal Planner, John Crean, of Cork.


    Of course Trump is too polite to mention this, taking the bashing from Fake News instead of embarrassing Crean. Eventually the application to build the coastal protection works was granted, as you can see here. In this 2017 to 2023 Clare County development plan, under a search for “global warming”, you will see a paragraph that reads:

    Given its naturally low level vis a vis sea level, the proximity of the sea itself, the expected rise in sea levels associated with global warming and the implementation of ‘The Planning System and Flood Risk Management – Guidelines for Planning Authorities’ (2009), it is necessary that the area remains available as a flood plain.
    It’s pretty obvious that to get any kind of rock wall John Crean would have had to humor the town with their belief in global warming, and that is a form of extortion. You either humor the bureacrats with their global warming weather gods, or you don’t get permission to stop erosion. Crean wanted to get the job done, so he made his offering to the weather gods as requested. Trump was no doubt in the U.S.A at the time being interviewed by Fox News about American taxes, or being cheered at a rally.

    Trump tells his underlings to get a job done, and they get the job done. If they have to humor the local natives with their silly religious beliefs, that’s what they do. It’s called business. This cannot be interpreted as, “Trump acknowledges climate change — at his golf course” as PolitiFake’s headline screamed.

    So who is this knucklehead Ben Schreckinger, who wrote the PolitiFake beat up?


    Ben studied history, language and philosophy at college in Rhode Island. He likes a cocktail. He likes his Trump bashing, and he likes being a young millennial. He was kicked out of a Trump press conference for being a pain in the neck. What else would you expect?
  18. Bowerbird

    Bowerbird Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2009
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    And in Australia we call that a "typo"
    The Bear likes this.
  19. RodB

    RodB Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 29, 2015
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    WOW! You are still at it and still going 100MPH! You are a better man than I, sir. Very Impressive. When I did it I just threw the most BS and CS items on the floor as not worth my time (C stands for chicken); and those were the preponderance of the "lies."
  20. Rob Larrikin

    Rob Larrikin Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    Thank you kind sir, though I'm sure you are the better man, and thanks also to others who also see through Fake News. :D

    Speaking of Fake News, I will now present the Rob Larrikin award for the biggest liars of 2017, to, [drumroll]… PolitiFake.


    None of them are lawyers or judges. All are Trump haters, no better than the average Leftist troll you find online. Yet babushka Drobnik has promoted them as “great judges” of the honesty of the President of the United States. Give me a break! What a load of Yugoslavian baloney (or ćevapčići as they would say)!

    The Washington Post is looking good for 2018’s award, since they are up to their ears in all the manufactured lies about Trump.

    As for this thread, sadly the Left were unable to provide me one genuine Trump lie, but the invitation remains open. If you come across an alleged lie, research it to avoid embarrassment and present it here, with a link. I’ll hoist it up on my Auto-lift to check its undercarriage, chassis, engine and gearbox. If it passes my inspection you will be given the award for the first person to find a real Trump lie.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2018
  21. Hotdogr

    Hotdogr Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 21, 2013
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    I have finally found one blatent Trump lie that cannot be disputed or debunked.

    He said: "I only hire the BEST people to work for me."

    Then he hired Omarosa.
    The Bear likes this.
  22. Rob Larrikin

    Rob Larrikin Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    He meant it when he said it. No lie. If you can find an actual lie he told, present it here. No Gish Gallops, thanks. Just the one alleged lie, along with a link.
  23. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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  24. Rob Larrikin

    Rob Larrikin Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    I've encountered this one several times here and elsewhere. Here's one of my replies - I took the other guy's name out because it's a different board:

    I’ve looked at the information and I still don’t see Trump saying anything about “knowing” that he knew at the time. He was asked if he knew about the payment and he said no. In tweets, he was explaining things about that payment. According to Fake News that means he told a lie. Sorry – that doesn’t add up to a lie. Legal matters are often taken care of by lawyers without billionaires being aware of the detail. Here is how it can easily happen:

    Scene: Trump apartment. Trump and his lawyer talk over coffee.

    Trump: Okay, so what’s happening today?

    Lawyer: I just need you to sign this, and this.

    Trump: Okay [briefly looks and signs]. Anything else?

    Lawyer: Take a look at this – would you like us to go ahead on that?

    Trump: [Looks] Yeah, that should be okay.

    Lawyer: Fine, I’ll get the paperwork on that organized by next week.

    Trump: How about by Friday? I gotta lotta work next week, I’ll be overseas.

    Lawyer: Okay, Friday.

    Trump: What else?

    Lawyer: We have three people threatening to sue. There’s a fat woman who fell over in Mar-a-Lago on the wet tiles.

    Trump: The Spanish rhino?

    Lawyer: Yup. Also, that hippy who swears you ran over her in your limo in Chicago.

    Trump: What a creep. I wasn’t even in Chicago.

    Lawyer: I know. We can ignore her, but the rhino we may have to deal with.

    Trump: How much?

    Lawyer: A hundred grand.

    Trump: Nothing you can do?

    Lawyer: Not worth the expense.

    Trump: Okay, pay the beast.

    Lawyer: Will do.

    Trump: Anything else?

    Lawyer: That woman Daniels.

    Trump: Daniels? Daniels? Oh, not that crazy bitch again. I thought you got rid of her.

    Lawyer: Sorry Donald – it’s my fault. I made a mistake when I told you to…

    Trump: I tell you what, I don’t even want to talk about that lying pig.

    Lawyer: Listen, I’ll fix this out of my own pocke…

    Trump: I hate these parasites. They give me a stomachache.

    Lawyer: I’ll organize to p…

    Trump: Look, I don’t want to talk about her again – just make her go away.

    Lawyer: Kay. Um, do you…

    Trump: I don’t even want to know the details. You sort it out.

    Lawyer: Sure.

    Trump: And don’t ruin my day by bringing her up again.

    Lawyer: Okay.

    Trump: I mean it Mike. Never again.

    Lawyer: Okay.

    Trump: Thanks. Now, its that it for today?

    Lawyer: That’s it.

    Trump: So long – see you on the golf course in two weeks.

    Lawyer: Yup – see you then.

    Two months later

    Reporter: Did you know about the $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels?

    Trump: No.

    Reporter: Then why did Michael Cohen make this, if there was no truth to the allegations?

    Trump: Well, you’ll have to ask Michael Cohen. Michael is my attorney and you’ll have to ask Michael Cohen.

    Reporter: Do you know where he got the money to make that payment?

    Trump: No, I don’t know.

    That night, on phone

    Trump: Michael, did you pay that bitch Daniels $130K?

    Lawyer: Yes.

    Trump: Cos the press are attacking me about it.

    Lawyer: What did they say?

    Trump: They asked me if I knew about her $130K payment

    Lawyer: You didn’t know.

    Trump: I know. I had no idea.

    Lawyer: What else did they ask?

    Trump: About where you got the money to make the payment.

    Lawyer: What did you say?

    Trump: Said I don’t know. That’s the truth.

    Lawyer: It is. I actually paid her from…

    Trump: I don’t wanna know. Let’s just forget it, okay?

    Lawyer: Okay. Of course, Fake News will make a huge nothingburger out of it.

    Trump: I’m used to those morons. It’ll be fine.

    Lawyer: They’ll call you a liar of course.

    Trump: Of course.
  25. Etbauer

    Etbauer Banned

    Dec 1, 2011
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