Capitalism is killing our morals, our future

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Surfer Joe, Apr 28, 2013.

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  1. mutmekep

    mutmekep New Member

    Apr 25, 2012
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    Capitalism was a step forward from the feudal era and if you were not a slave , native or 3rd world nation your life saw some serious improvement . Capitalism is not the last or the best system , we are still moving forward and soon we will take another step .

    Capitalism is just not suitable for our societies any more but killing our future? of course not ! it just shapes it with it's ugly face .
  2. Leffe

    Leffe New Member

    Aug 12, 2009
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    Do you think that Apple makes it's products in China because:

    a> They would go under if they didn't make 76% profit on each iPhone (by far the largest profit margin of any phone, incidentally they'd make 46% if they manufactured in the US).


    b> They Actually need $10BILLION in cash reserves.

    c> Greed


    Do you think that if the minimum wage was illiminated in the US, that Apple would return manufacturing? Do you think American workers would/could work for Chinese wages, if there was no unemployment benefits available?

    What do you think that would do to the American society, if the working classes all worked for Chinese wages? What would be the impact of the engine of your society, having no spendable income?

    Have you thought this through, or was your "socialism" thing, just a thrownaway line you heard on Fox?
  3. geofree

    geofree Active Member

    Feb 16, 2009
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    Change a couple names and faces and pure capitalism is the same as feudalism. An uninformed outside observer would not be able to distinguish between the two systems.

    The only reason capitalism has functioned at all is because of large intrusive government which effectively robbed the people of their wages before the landowners could demand it all in rents. This is something the poor seem to realize, even if they don’t understand the mechanisms by which it operates. The poor don’t mind large government because they know that no matter what, that they will always be poor, experience has taught them this. If government was smaller and more efficient, the poor would not get anymore reward for their labor, they would simply have to pay higher rents to their landlords. In fact, capitalism is what causes socialism to be accepted, because capitalism hides the inefficiencies of government central planning behind the even less efficient planning of private landlords.
  4. undertheice

    undertheice Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2010
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    i'm always amused when someone tries to claim that government props up capitalism. government is the enemy of capitalism. government, with its inherent need to grow, pushes out the people's power in the marketplace and drowns capitalism in a sea of red tape. government is not a friend of the people. in fact, government is the only institution that can enslave the people. government's lack of oversight in the marketplace can and invariably does restrict the people in their quest to equalize the marketplace on their own. each monopoly and abuse of power can trace its roots back to governmental interference, the use of government's violence to increase its power over the people. any violence initiated in the private sector can be easily quashed by the overwhelming force of government or even by the overwhelming numbers of the people themselves. it is only with governmental intrusion that abuse can thrive.

    there is no class of people that are capitalists. in a capitalist society everyone is a capitalist. there are those who refuse to participate, but it is only the interference of government that can keep anyone from playing the game. capitalism accepts communal as well as individual effort. its inherent checks and balances eventually level any playing field with only minimal interference by public authority. it is the natural state of man, to improve his lot through effort instead of public mandate. only an indolent fool, awash in the rhetoric of those who adore the absurd notion of universal "fairness", could fail to see the advantages of capitalism in the growth of both the individual and society.
  5. danielpalos

    danielpalos Banned

    Dec 24, 2009
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    Socialism makes a good container for capitalism; it may be one reason States and statism are so prevalent in modern times.
  6. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    True, but you have no right to complain about this authoritarian irrationalist government. All these "progressive" policies are imposed on purpose by agents of the Right Wing in order to discredit government. The children of the rich took over the government and perverted Liberalism into just the way you describe it. So your worship of hereditary class privileges brought on all the problems you whine about. You know perfectly well that if the disenfranchised majority had the right to vote down these Limousine Liberal policies, it would. Contradicting yourself, you call that "mob rule." As usual with Capitaliban fatwas, it is just the opposite. Democracy would crush those who act like mobsters.
  7. webrockk

    webrockk Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 7, 2010
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    :) Puleeeze...

    Translated: "Nothing bad, wrong, or destructive is ever the fault of the angelic, compassionate and tolerant adherents of progressive leftism (collectivism) the bad things are done by the right-wing....or, are just "right-wing conspiracies" to make authoritarian, nanny/police state, big government loving progressives look bad..."
  8. Ex-lib

    Ex-lib Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 14, 2010
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    That's hogwash, Surfer. Capitalism is not the problem, immorality ITSELF (incl. mostly greed in this case) is the problem.

    If we had the correct laws governing the application of Capitalism, everything would be fine. The rich wouldn't be so rich, which leaves more for the poor.

    The correct laws governing capitalism would incapacitate the ability to UTILIZE greed.

    Yes, those laws would take some creative thinking and some HONEST politicians. But here again, it's not POLITICS or Democracy that don't work, it's the DISHONESTY in politics that KEEPS it from working (correctly).
  9. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Nietzsche championed those who asserted themselves. Unfortunately, when applied to reality this meant exclusively natural bullies and the Heirheads, who are brainwashed by their fathers that they are "born to rule." Slave morality in the masses is not natural; it is achieved by indoctrination. In fact, it is the opposite of the malignant birth privileges. Children in the excluded classes are told by their parents,"If you are good to the boss, the boss will be good to you." Because their fathers didn't have the guts to rebel, they cover themselves by training their children to be bootlickers. It is as illogical for these children to feel inferior as it is for the children of the rich to fell superior. This unnatural slavishness is re-inforced by education, which has no immediate reward, indicating class bias because the children of the rich don't need that and the rest of us do. The worst case of this is the lack of resentment against Chickenhawks, because the self-indoctrination is that we should be "proud to die taking a rich kid's place."

    This is not done out of free will, but out of hopelessness and helplessness forcing this false choice. A truly natural society would encourage people to assert themselves by immediately rewarding achievement. It would make people choose whom they should obey and when. But those who have contempt for human nature fear its natural self-respect and wisdom because they themselves would be deposed by such a proud race.
  10. Neodoxy

    Neodoxy New Member

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Capitalism has been a dominant force in America since the mid-1800's. I don't know how you can say that capitalism in the past 60 years has lead to a collapse in morality when capitalism existed in a purer form for nearly a century before that and it appears you feel that morality appeared to be just fine. This is like saying that a specific medicine causes an illness, even though you were taking that medicine for years before any signs of this illness appeared.

    Also, if you want to look at the most pivotal point in American standards and morality in post-war America you should look at anything based around the "New Left" and the counter culture movements of the 60's and 70's, both of which were ardently capitalistic (whether or not they were good or bad).
  11. Serfin' USA

    Serfin' USA Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    Well, when I said socialism, I was referring more to roads, public education, water, and healthcare.

    I would agree that bailouts and subsidies of industry should be prohibited.
  12. upside-down cake

    upside-down cake Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2012
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    It's not about correct laws or a correct system. Arguably, there were laws that had attempted to limit capitalism, but they were either overturned, "re-interpreted", or simply ignored by the more unscrupulous. I agree, it's immorality itself that's the problem. More to the point, it's just human nature. Whatever system you come up with, it will eventually breed corruption and criminal behavior because the people running the systems will eventually be corrupt and criminal.

    But, yes, capitalism is a bad thing, but it is the same in a lot of ways to other fail systems. It's right to the people who benefit from it, and wrong to the people abused by it.
  13. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    If you own a man's work, you own the man. That work is done on property, but the work itself is not property. The Capitaliban dogma is that it is property. A second arbitrary claim is that they own all their other property after they are dead, which gives them the right to determine who gets it. A third is that they own the command over the competitive playing field in the next generation. This self-proclaimed property of theirs gives them the right to set up their sons with unearned advantages, which inevitably turns into our present race to the bottom. It also gives them the right, so they think, to impose crippling disadvantages on those who have the talent to win on a fair playing field. But making things fair would make their precious spoiled brats also-rans.

    Of course, the limited choices of what we are told to think ignore questioning these property privileges. You bootlickers whine and whine about your scarecrow Leftists, but when have you ever heard your phony opponents ask for the absolute abolition of birth privileges? So there's no way an honest person can call me a Liberal, but that's all I hear from the lying brown-noses bootlicking the bluebloods.
  14. Serfin' USA

    Serfin' USA Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    If you want to see what nature encourages, you can observe the most primitive societies. Tribalism is the most basic form of human civilization, and even in small groups, there are dominant and submissive types. The dominant people in these groups are effectively the elite. Granted, the distance between followers and leaders is considerably less among a small tribe.
  15. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Voodoo Environmentalism and its Zero-Growth academic gurus are products of the Heirhead guillotine-fodder who pretend to be progressive. Nature is a pretty sight only to those sitting pretty. Why do you take these brats seriously? Why can't you trace these ideas to the undeserved influence their Daddies bought for them? They are sheltered and therefore ignorant and only capable of thinking in unrealistic fantasies, which because of their unearned influence, are accepted as theories. The most respected theories from class-biased academia are no better than tin-foil delusions.

    You're ignoring the Malthusian fallacy. We've barely scratched the surface of the Earth; there are resources enough to last hundreds of years, and the productive human resources can extend that indefinitely. The richest continent in the world, Antarctica, is a Forbidden Zone. Conservation is nothing but hoarding, just like the pre-guillotine aristocratic trash had their hunting preserves. The economic elitists who control the wealth also know that increases in development will lower the value of the resources their class monopolizes. Unknowingly because unthinkingly, you support the side you think you are attacking.
  16. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    No, you don't. You still support the massive dysfunction of class-biased indentured-servitude education. College is a job and should be paid as much as the alternative full-time jobs. That will get the most talented and get them to study. Maybe your grandkids won't make the cut, but they will benefit by being dependent on people with talent, not on the brown-nosing or blueblooded Diploma Dumboes we've been relying on since the 60s.
  17. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    This is the is/ought thing that left wing politics are so bad about. Maybe you feel that it "should" be that way, but it's not. And with good reason.
  18. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    Says a lot that I've noticed and had on my mind for a while. The more privatised everything becomes, the more corporate it gets, with one-size-fits-all standards and rules, including rules that technically violate our basic freedoms but are still permitted because they're "private" rather than "public" in nature. I've already shut out ads as completely as I can, which given my habits of using the internet with ad blocking software and consuming audio and video purchased or downloaded rather than received through radio or TV service, means I'm virtually ad-free now and LOVING it. And yeah, our government is securely in the pockets of the ever expanding elite class. They own both parties.
  19. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Actually, nature offers little in value, only the opportunity to live the life of wild animals. "Nasty, brutal, and short." The problem is that capitalists claim credit for the increase over the subsistence level that passive and backward savages can get out of the wild. It is the few who actually deserve being called homo sapiens who must be rewarded most. The average worker is only homo habilis, while the capitalist is the most unevolved. He is thehomo erectus who maintains his power by howling at the moon, grunting, beating his chest, and hitting the advanced species over the head with his club.

    Another reason that Capitalism is even more primitive than the savage Tribalism is that its hereditary privileges make it "Familyism." It is a cancer that will lead the homo erectus-created civilization to being overrun by unevolved human species, forcing us to start all over again.
  20. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    Huh? Are you saying that college students should receive a paycheck? :lol: That's fine if they're working for the college, hence adding some sort of value worthy of remuneration.

    It may be time for an inventive entrepreneur to come up with something other than college proper for the majority of people studying a trade these days, though. I suppose technical and community colleges are as close as we get to that now, but maybe an even slimmer, cheaper training program could be developed. It would certainly be nice to see more in-house company training and certification rather than these entities looking for perfect job candidates with a long list of qualifications already under their belts. Companies need to invest more in their workforce..
  21. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    "Disappearing overseas"? Who gave it the right to outsource? Also its right to import cheap skilled labor? A democratic government would never have allowed either, so your hidden extortion by not mentioning that as an evil shows how Libretardians are incapable of making any sense. The imaginary Socialists you whine about are anti-social, except when they enjoy brie and chablis at high-society planning functions.
  22. Surfer Joe

    Surfer Joe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 13, 2008
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    You seem to think that capitalism is immutable and hasn't changed. It has, for the worse.
  23. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    No, science did all that. Investment is static, invention is dynamic. The inventors create all the value of the investment. The Capitaliban should go back to the crumbling medieval castles where they belong. All we get from them is dust blown in the wind from the ruins they leave.
  24. Rusty Houser

    Rusty Houser Banned

    Mar 23, 2013
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    The downfall of capitalism began with the rights explosion,which began with the civil rights act.What most educated people thought would happen has come to pass.The white race has been pulled down,and the blacks are still in the same "you done us wrong" mode they were in at the start. The fact that a black president has been reelected and affirmative action[and the 100's of other things now in place for the same purpose] is still in place shows it is time this ship went over. Morally and financially the US is bankrupt.
  25. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    By the Capitaliban's creative accounting, moving back to America would mean a 30% loss, creating bankruptcy by the fourth year back home. They are money addicts and have to get more and more as their addiction gets worse. So living with a mere 46% profit margin doesn't satisfy their addiction any more. Like crackheads who become muggers, Greedheads are a menace to society. When fat cats go "Me, Me, Me," the rest of us go "Ow, Ow, Ow!"
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