CRT is a socially divisive dead. It doesn't build bridges or understanding. It casts a bad guy and a victim and nothing more. It holds belief that we need more discrimination to counter past discrimination. It's garbage and needs to be outed and removed from all of education where ever it is trying to be snuck in. Nobody is saying we can't teach American history. We always have. You get that right? WE ALWAYS. HAVE. I was taught about slavery in schools. So were you. But we didn't need to teach it in way that demanded I feel guilty because I'm white or that blacks in my classroom are victims. Get over your hysteria. We need to course correct from this woke bullshit.
CRT is a class in law schools, which is a grad school. This attack on schools is pure dog whistle racism. There has always been a tug of war, in secondary schools, between American mythology and American history. I am quite familiar of the long standing tradition in (mostly) the South to tap dance around the ugly reality.
Oh you are one of "those" CRT is as I define it, a theory that looks at outcomes through the lens of race. And yes **** that is being pushed in public schools is absolutely downstream from the law grad course **** you are trying to hand wave it off ass. Sorry bud. I'm gonna have to hand wave you off as their are too many examples popping up that are EXACTLY CRT. You may go now.
You mean you prefer the propaganda. Back in the real world, CRT is in grad school. White Power uber alles..
BS. The right doesn't want to teach ANYTHING that that isn't their red-white-blue, America Flag waving, Military Parade, Small Town main street Ansel Adams photograph version washed version of America. Nobody forced you to feel guilty, FFS man. If our history hurts you, or makes you uncomfortable that good, because you wont repeat it. But to not teach it, and to whitewash it demands that we will repeat it. When did the right become these little flowers that dont want to learn anything tough because they may feel guilty ? Are you serious ? You are the ones claiming that the left are bad for doing exactly what your doing here WOKE bullshit is EXACLTY what you're claiming the right is doing here. JFC !
Erm nope. No sir. I think my definition sticks just fine with the principles behind the law course. And how it relates to the **** being pushed in public schools which you wish to hand wave. Your hand waving? Solves nothing. Does nothing. Acknowledges...nothing. It's why you can effectively be ignored.
We kind of want society to not turn into a racist melting pot pushed by promoting racially divisive ideology. As it has slowly become. Or haven't you noticed yet that what has currently been pushed in schools has only created more violence and divide and not built any bridges? Oh. You haven't? how embarrassing.
I'm not sure what he's flagged or removed from the curriculum. I only have trust that the books that will remain, I will approve of. And I'm fine with that. Considering the MANY examples of woke bullshit being snuck into courses these days, I wouldn't put it past various administrations into sneaking CRT **** into math books. Because they have proven to be that bat **** crazy. You should be happy. Things will stay as they always were and as we have shown success in their being. You are getting mad at nothing.
Everything old is new again, I have been talking about a coming resurgence of racism for several years, and now it's here. White Power, thinly disguised.
Whites are the ones being openly attacked. Try again with glasses on this time. (like the old pixar guy in your avatar!)
Curiosity question, since you feel there is a resurgence of racism, where, exactly, is this happening? Not geographically, but in employment? Legally? In social discrimination? As with many things, if people believe they have been discriminated against, there are legal remedies. One cannot sue people or seek other legal remedies for opinions, or things that are not voiced. For actions not taken, or words not said. There will always be racists. They are not always White, Black or Brown, Yellow or Red.
Whose political beliefs? The textbook publishers? What possible political belief would belong in math textbooks?
I don't think that's what happened. The OP says, "It's not THAT far-fetched." That statement implies that he knows it's satire, but that it doesn't stray as far from the truth as would be expected from satire. Didn't belong in current events, sure, but I for one forgot the satire section even exists so.
I think you, along with most conservatives, largely don't understand the message or its implications. Most of the next paragraph is NOT my opinion, but my understanding of their position: The idea behind all of this is that the effects of systemic racism is still with us today. Part of this is from the fact that white people have unearned advantages from being born into better circumstances set up by their ancestors. These so-called CRT people believe the first step to dismantling the lingering effects of racism is for white people to acknowledge that the plight of black people today is a result of the this past. Not acknowledging this is perpetuating racism. These black people feel blamed, in a racist way, for their less ideal outcomes, which they blame on the effects of the past. I think the flaw of the thinking I described is that it completely ignores the effects of their destructive subculture and personal responsibility, but there is some truth to what they say. It's part of the story. But what they are saying is not actually an attack on whiteness, so much as insisting that white people help fix the effects of the crimes of their ancestors. The "All white people are racist," message is probably counterproductive to their goal, frankly, but I see where she's coming from. All white people are the beneficiaries of a racist past, and they become complicit by not doing more to fix it, would be the better way to state it.
I'm well aware of their position and I agree with the idea that minorities didn't start off on equal footing. I think where we diverge is with an understanding of AGENCY that the individual holds, and an understanding that today is not the same as the 60's and that their solutions to use "counter discrimination" to topple past discrimination is only going to drive a huge wedge socially on racial boundaries. And NOT build bridges. Blacks/minorities need to take personal responsibility for their failings at this point. And a hard look at their cultural influence that needs drastic changing. I can't fix you. You have to fix you. All you can hope for and all I will fight for is EQUAL OPPORTUNITY. I will not fight for or back equity. You need to earn your spot like everyone else. I reject lowering standards so you gain entry. I will not get behind teaching slavery history to children with an angle of having white kids feel guilty or black kids feeling inferior or as victims. This is all divisive garbage not needed which leads to a dead end. And I don't need to play this out to understand how much damage it's going to cause to be able to call it out as the garbage it is.
What blinders? I'm not seeing anything new, so perhaps you are. There are people who think melatonin makes people different. There always has been, and always will be. Nothing new.
I'm seeing something old. In the 80s, Right wing extremists went on a killing and robbery spree to start a race war. In the 90s, Tim McVeigh was White Power. Obama drove these guys crazy, ask the FBI. It's a constant that goes back over a century. All anyone has to do is pay attention, after they drop the blinders, of course.
Events that happened 40 years ago, 27 years ago, and 5 years ago, equate to a 'resurgence' in your estimation? What is the current number of 'known' White Supremacists in the US today? What is the total population of the Untied States today? What percentage does that come out to?
Just counting on this board I'd say about 25% The purpose of history is to see what was and how it affected the present day. Kids and adults looking at that critically can then change the system. Just to say there is no problem today actually extends the problem. Too many are living on old thinking and subsequently we have as an example more unarmed black men are killed by police than armed white men despite white men actually make up a majority in our prisons.
Like I said, Obama drove the crazies even crazier. Since they are part of the Republican party now... well they pop up in all the fun places, like the Jan 6 Insurrection.
While some may say it doesn't exist today, I haven't. It does exist, but not in the numbers some seem to want it to be. Painting today with the issues of 'yesterday', is certainly blind to many facts of what exists today. The ability to understand what existed, in what context (right or wrong) but also understanding that environment doesn't exist today, quite the contrary, is a clearer position then trying to 'correct' something that doesn't exist today. The killing of Black males over White males may or may not be racially driven. Being armed in and of itself is not necessarily the cause of death, but the actual actions of the individual involved. To try and use that as a measuring stick without all mitigating details gives a false representation of the situation.
The crazies are members of both parties, and no parties. Once again, what percentage are those people of the overall population? Hatred is not selective to a political party, as much as you would prefer it to be.