Thats a lie. Your imagining sexual acts. You love thinking about the sexual acts you attribute to homosexuals, so much so you forget the fact that we are talking about people to discuss anal sex. I think you find it deeply titillating to talk about. That is why you take every opportunity to talk about it. You just pretend you don't like talking about it because you don't want people to think you do find it titillating. So if you are so unconcerned about it explain your obsession with it? Do you think you are fooling anybody?
Yes the leftist Marxist professors and teachers do a great job of churning out little junior leftist bigots who as they grow older grow up and become freedom loving American conservatives.
It actually is in some places. It is in California. There is something called the equality act in the Senate right now, that will add it to the nationally protected classes. It's coming. - - - Updated - - - Equality may be a principle of Marxism, but it is also a principle of constitutional republics.
I think you are being too sensitive in picking on the word 'become.' You may be reading too much into my comment. No I would like gays to tell others about their gayness. That's a two-way street. Since the discussion involves sexual practices, I see no dehumanizing going on. Seems you see it just the opposite.
The slaves were blacks. They weren't homosexuals. Being black is not an activity. Homosexual acts are a sexual activity. Being black is not a genetic disorder, it is not a mental disorder. Blacks are not genetically inferior. Right. There is no cure for being black. But being gay is not the same thing as being black. Being a homosexual or participating in homosexual sex is a choice. Black people don't have a choice about being black. I suppose that some parents will choose to abort, others will choose to try some kind of medical, pharmaceutical or psychological treatments. The point being that homosexuality is not something that will be a problem in the future because there will be no homosexuality.
I see you are back to the hatred of religion. Even if religion was used to oppress gays, that's history and its over. Gays have their same sex marriage and "equality" in the eyes of the law. So why are you intent on destroying religion now that you are free of it? You have become what you hated.
I agree that I may be reading too much into it. I am sensitive about it. I know quite a bit about it. And if you are genuinely trying to understand I'll take that into consideration when talking to you about it. But if you talk to a homosexual person, when we come out we didn't just become gay we always were. And we are just existing that. I don't quite understand. Do you mean like gay folks explain it honestly and openly to others? I absolutely agree. Further I apologize for being uncivil in the past. If you are interested in an honest discussion, I absolutely want that, and everything that occurred as far as I'm concerned is water under the bridge. Well, when I state that I'm homosexual to me that means I'm attracted to the same sex. Practices are not really part of it. It may inform actions but they are secondary. Basically homosexuality to me means same sex attraction. And that is what people are expressing when they claim to be gay. I'm really very interested in open dialogue. And we can discuss that way. I will listen to your concerns. If you are interested in that.
No, not religion. Not even if the religion absolutely despises black people or women or all other religions. Most religion is good. I'm attacking the cowardice of hiding restricting equality behind religious liberty. Incorrect it occurs today and it's perfectly legal.
Really, I don't know what is going on in your head but I am seriously not interested. I am concerned for the country because there are so many stupid Americans that don't understand freedom and liberty or the Constitution.
Yes well my native California has been overrun with liberal indoctrinated morons. My wife and I, both native Californians are looking for a free part of the country that isn't occupied by stupid leftist Marxists who are taxing the poor with their sales taxes, gas taxes and and cap and trade taxes. All they do here is redistribute the wealth to their wealthy friends. My city has one of the highest per capita property tax revenues in the entire state, yet they just imposed a .5% sales tax that doesn't hurt the rich and middle class, does it? No, it just hurts the poor. And what do they want to do with the money? Police, Fire and roads. Why the hell do they not already have that covered? Because they are incompetent liberals.
if what you say about your wife is true, then she obviously is basing that on facts and not emotion; kudos to her - - - Updated - - - define, "care" if "care" means why oppose "gay rights" then it's not worth having the discussion with you because you obviously do not understand the Constitution - - - Updated - - - highlighted items are spot on
It would appear that homosexuality is either increasing or at the very least becoming more open. Christianity on the other hand may be dying out. As people around the world become more educated thru advances in technology less people have the need for a bronze age mythology. Christianity appears to be going the way of the dodo bird......extinct
You are sadly mistaken. Many are STILL pursuing ways of oppressing or discriminating against gay people, via religion. Religion isn't the sole approach... but it is still a major one. Even so, most gay people and their allies aren't so unaware of reality that they have let their guard completely down. They realize that it will take persistent vigilance to maintain the gains they've made over the last few decades. People are less than perfect, but all of them can't be fooled ALL of the time.
in the USA, around 70% claim to be Christian and yes, that number is down. What is interesting is that we also see a drop in morality as more things are becoming accepted behavior. Can you spell ................ cause and affect
I don't give a rats ass what homosexuals do what I'm against is forcing me to accept it as normal behavior forcing me to recognize their marriage as a legitimate marriage
College Students Want MLK Quote Removed For NOT BEING INCLUSIVE ENOUGH Apparently the phrase, "...judged by the content of their character..." is exclusive because gays are apparently not of high moral character.
OK then....I too am willing to have an open discussion. Perhaps we can take turns questioning one another that is, one person asks a question and the other answers, there is a bit of polite (but substantive) discussion then the one who answered gets to ask a question of the other. The topic being when each one of us knew we were attracted to the opposite sex (me) or the same sex (you).
big·ot·ry. NOUN 1.intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself. That definition would seem to apply to you. - - - Updated - - - Good luck with that!
I would say it dawned on me when I was in sixth grade so I was maybe 11 years old. That was when it became sexual attraction. Prior to that I can't say if I was attracted to boys or if I just preferred boys as friends.
No, religious people are on the defensive and are pursuing paths which will allow them to practice their religion in peace. In fact, that's what the vast majority of religious people have always wanted, its the gays who could not and cannot tolerate people who do not agree with the gay lifestyle. The LGBT "victim" meme doesn't work anymore. You have become what you hated.