I could have said 'religious freaks' because that is how I would describe the extremist ones, like this one. Margaret Court used to be one of the best Australian tennis players. She won many Grand Slams and is now a Reverend. She thinks we need to protect children from homosexuals, and basically argues that gay marriage should never be allowed because religious people are opposed to it: The following statement made my blood boil: http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/breaking/12256170/legend-condemns-gay-marriage/ So, according to her, its all about what the religous nuts want? Its all about their beliefs, their opinions, and if they don't like something, we should ban it? I am ashamed to say that Margaret Court is an Australian. I think we should rename that stadium, and when I go to the Australian Open next year, I won't be stepping foot inside Margaret Court Arena.
Infuriating... isn't it? It is (in my very strong opinion) just a form of HYPOCRISY (and we surely suffer from it here in America as well). They (certain "Christians") are so concerned about people being "homosexual"... yet when it comes to something like RACISM, GREED, WORSHIP OF MONEY, WEALTH AND POWER... they are virtually silent! Those are the insidiously negative HUMAN things which are destroying this nation; causing the middle class to become more poor and the poor to become even more desperate. Yet, homophobic and hypocritical jerks like the woman you describe above, spend large amounts of their religion-laced, hateful energy... seeking to demonize and dehumanize homosexual people. And one does not have to be any biblical scholar, to know the kind focus many pious hypocrites are promoting today... isn't very close to those things which Jesus Christ placed the greatest emphases upon. Most ALL of these anti-gay politicians out here, are exceptional HYPOCRITES and homophobes. What they say and do, is something that simply disgust, angers and motivates myself and millions of others to FIGHT for the very rights we would be denied (by the same).
That's the thing, the religious wackjobs, really do believe the world revolves around them and what they believe. If you don't do as they say then you're "going to burn in hell." I notice quite often that they hold others to a standard that they themselves don't ascribe to. Ted Haggard comes to mind as well as Senator Craig. I have no problem with the religious or their believes. Until they start trying to dictate my freedom on the terms of their belief. Keep your god to yourself and I'll do the same.
The Christian Lobby over here is furious the Labor Party has changed its stance to support gay marriage. They are making all kinds of threats because the party opinions goes against what THEY think is wrong. Its always about what the religious people want, and that (*)(*)(*)(*)s me.
The religious folks want special favors and pandering.... essentially they want the government to enforce their faith. Scary. http://www.politicalforum.com/humor-satire/218385-stop-disrespecting-our-beliefs.html
They don't want gay marriage because it 'forces' them to 'accept' something they believe is wrong, but they want it banned because they happen to be against it. So what they are saying is that it is okay to discriminate against people if they are gay, but you can't 'discriminate' against Christians?
They fail at understanding the first amendment. Essentially is gives people freedom to believe and practice their religion freely. However, it gives others the right to be protected from the religious believes of others as well. It's a live and let live scenario.
I didn't know there were people this smart in Australia. I'm impressed. Most of the ones I come across are worse versions of American liberals. Although that might just be the internet. I've met some cool ones in real life.
I'm pretty sure she's a (*)(*)(*)(*)ing idiot and thinks that discrimation is fine as long as it's not aimed at her.
I encourage gay people to get married. They should settle down and lead normal lives. Have children. If you need to go to therapy to help you then do it.
They shouldnt get married and they shouldnt act gay in public. Inside your house do what you want, but in public give a good example to children.
That (*)(*)(*)(*) is what made your parents have you, i doubt the same would have happened if you had two dads or two moms. And btw, i also think its lame when couples are making out in the middle of a public place.
You are saying something, but it's making no sense. Get over reality, or go lock yourself away from those things you should be able to handle in better ways than you obviously do. I hope you make enough noise about this, to reveal in-person what you're saying here; maybe then you'll get help... or someone will simply set you 'straight'.
Oh no, im bigoted... i wont sleep at night. Im idiotic according to a leftie, i will definetly sleep at night then.
Its funny when many people argue against same sex marriage, they use religion a lot, like the assume that we should all be made to follow their religion and abide by their rules. I haven't heard a decent argument from anyone in years.
Yeah, that always gives me a good chuckle to. Do they really believe they have the right to inflict their religion upon the masses? They go against the tenants of their own religion.
It's to the point where the irrational animus of most people (against homosexuals) can only be explained via religion and/or homophobia. I'm not going to try to figure it our anymore (that's for sure); I'm mainly going to challenge the bigotry head-on, in the most reasonable and effective ways I can muster. And I will actively encourage others to do the same.