Extreme weather is increasing. So are wildfires. It's all happening before our eyes in real time. Typically these threads devolve when climate change deniers do their......you know.......denial thing. As tempting as it is to point the finger of blame at Repubs for consistently blocking efforts to do something about the crisis I'm not going to go there. This is really just an attempt to drive home the point each of us has to do something. Reduce your carbon footprint. Call your congressman. Contribute to an organization promoting renewable energy. Anything. If you do it will be easier to answer the question from your grandkids......."what did you do to help?"
As Frozen Land Burns, Siberia Trembles: ‘If We Don’t Have the Forest, We Don’t Have Life’ Last year, wildfires scorched more than 60,000 square miles of forest and tundra, an area the size of Florida. That is more than four times the area that burned in the United States during its devastating 2020 fire season. This year, more than 30,000 square miles have already burned in Russia, according to government statistics, with the region only two weeks into its peak fire season. Scientists say that the huge fires have been made possible by the extraordinary summer heat in recent years in northern Siberia, which has been warming faster than just about any other part of the world. And the impact may be felt far from Siberia. The fires may potentially accelerate climate change by releasing enormous quantities of greenhouse gases and destroying Russia’s vast boreal forests, which absorb carbon out of the atmosphere. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/17/...action=click&module=Spotlight&pgtype=Homepage We need for there to be a reckoning for Repub politicians by voting them out or, for them to stop denying the perilous position they have helped put us in.
. In the history of the planet... or even the human history of the planet... we don't have a clue what is or what is not "extreme". .
So you believe the current "extreme weather" -- whatever that might be -- and wildfires are the direct result of anthropological global warming. Very few climate scientists do.
News reports have repeatedly said... so many large wildfires in the west are the result of not clearing out the underbrush We used to burn off the wild brush near the outlying buildings on my parent's farm in the Ozarks. Failure to thin brush may have worsened California wildfire | Reuters https://www.reuters.com/article/usa...ned-california-wildfire-idUSL2N0GX02220130901 A Century of Fire Suppression Is Why California Is in Flames https://www.motherjones.com/environ...e-suppression-is-why-california-is-in-flames/ Here’s how California can use fire to solve its wildfire problem https://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-controlled-burns-forests-20181220-story.html .
Even your own link states that flooding has a human component to it, as well it’s hard to contribute flooding to climate change, because it’s hard to determine if these weather events would take place without climate change. That being said, the atmosphere is 0.75 degrees higher than it was 20 years ago, which means more moisture. Even climate scientists say linking every extreme weather pattern to climate change would be a mistake. But, that didn’t stop you from misrepresenting science to achieve your partisan ends.
The net result is that even thought the atmosphere will hold more moisture, it will also tend to cause more drying on the earth. All in all, 0.75 degrees over 20 years does not amount to much..
It’s always “do something” with climate change authoritarians. please feel free to tell us all what that is, and in the context of actually saving the planet within 10 years, you know, the deadline we’ve been told is the deadline for the last 40 years and I’m guessing wildly will be the deadline 10 years from now…
Pretty sure that everyone knows that our climate is changing. What is in dispute is whether its exacerbated by human civilization and to the degree that it is. Personally I have no doubt that humans have an effect. I just don't know how much of an effect. I also have no problem with trying to curb human's impact. But I also do not want to completely change human civilization practically over night either. For instance if we develop the Three Seashells technic for wiping our butts that would be great, but in the mean time I'm not going to stop using toilet paper you know what I mean? (for those that don't know the Three Seashells is watch Demolition Man with Sylvester Stallone and Sandra Bullock)
What does that mean? Extreme is when something is beyond the point of what we be "normal" for whatever is being measured. How can we NOT have clue what "extreme" means? It's a comparison.
Nice post @Lee Atwater I agree people need to put more effort into this I’ve been trying to carpool more and stopped buying plastic bottles stuff (only here and there when I’m desperate and it’s the only option)
I’ve been trying my best to cut down on plastic purchases as well. It’s a challenge. We are completely behind the ball on what to do with plastics.
I think it can happen. People can get the reusable bags for shopping and buy a fancy reusable bottle and Brita filter. I hate the paper straws so I just don’t use straws anymore. I recycle but have a horrible feeling it ends up in a landfill anyway. But I think of everyone does a little we can make a difference
Floods in Germany have been a regular occurrence for decades, and German politicians are talking about "climate change" to deflect blame. Criminal Negligence? Authorities Failed To Heed Flood Warnings…”Let People Drown”…”Monumental System Failure” By P Gosselin on 17. July 2021 Share this... Harsh criticism of German authorities failing to act is mounting in the aftermath of the recent deadly floods. Germany’s New Orleans Many of the over one hundred people died in the recent flood disaster in Central Western Germany could have been prevented – had the responsible institutions heeded the warnings that had been already issued days in advance by the weather services. . . . ". . . Belgium and the Netherlands both evacuated citizens. Climate change to deflect attention from failure Meanwhile science editor Axel Bojanowski at “Welt” commented on claims that the flood was caused by German CO2 emissions: “The climate argument is used by politicians to deflect attention from their own responsibility for a disaster. Records show flash floods are less dangerous than before despite climate change.” Building in a natural flood zone! Another suspected problem not getting the needed attention is reckless planning and zoning. At Twitter, Stefan S. astutely noted that the hard hit town of Altenau in Rhineland Palatinate appears to have been built on an area that is a natural flood area of the Ahr River . . . "
Wildfires have been decreasing. Global trends in wildfire and its impacts | Royal Society https://royalsociety.org › blog › 2020/10 › global-trend... Oct 2, 2020 — Overview · Fire activity is on the rise in some regions, but when considering the total area burned at the global level, we are still not seeing ... Global trends in wildfire and its impacts: perceptions versus ... https://royalsocietypublishing.org › doi › rstb.2015.0345 by SH Doerr · 2016 · Cited by 261 — Chaloner for organizing the Royal Society Discussion Meeting 'The interaction of fire and mankind' and for inviting us to participate. Our ...
Die-offs of coral reefs-check Sea level rise-check Drought-check Famine-check Wildfires and floods-check Unprecedented rise in CO2 level-check https://climate.nasa.gov/climate_resources/24/graphic-the-relentless-rise-of-carbon-dioxide/ It's past time to waste energy arguing with the deniers. We must do something.
Vulnerability to weather extremes is currently lower than it has ever been - in rich and poor countries — ever! This is one of the most significant science, technology & policy success stories of the past century.