Close, and this is one of your better posts, being civil and all, but I have convincing evidence the state and court both exist, and to boot, it's evidence I can share with others that they can see is evidence to them as well, and it wouldn't just be based on my word.
Well, I agree completely, though my agreement on the second part is because he was designed that way, so far as the literature is concerned.
So it isn't exclusively truth or lies. How do you determine which are the facts and which are the fabrications? Just to be clear, I do not pretend to be fearless. I have fears; just not of anything mentioned in this thread. Not exactly. Jail is real, and I've been there, and while it doesn't exactly match what you see on TV or in movies, it is quite unpleasant. And before anyone asks, they were two stays of about a week apiece in county facility over very minor things; no big prison time or anything. I'm not a tough guy criminal either, for the record.
Limbo is the place that the unjudged dead remain until they are called up for their judgement. You don't stay there for eternity
Well, I sort of figured you would attempt to make a rebuttal, and was waiting to hear back with that rebuttal. Please allow me to submit the following:"court is an incorporeal&f=false Read the entire page including the case citations.
Is there something specific I'm supposed to be spotting in a lengthy 1930's treatise on the term 'court'? Here's one you can read in less than a day and a half, without the unnecessary meandering: Here's a more modern one with limited meandering:
It is plainly pointed out, both in the case citations, and by the author of that Legal Journal, that the "court" is an incorporeal entity. The "Court" has not changed its essential demeanor since that time.
Why is there famine in Somalia? Is it God? Or is it human who made the choice of waging wars against each other? We do have free will, and the liberty to act according to it. God isn't a puppet master.
Either the resources are limited so as not to be able to feed everyone, or if everyone is able to be fed, food is being kept from some by others. How do you go from not knowing what if anything in the Bible is true to declaring that we have free will followed by stating what God isn't? You can't possibly know such things.
I don't know any better to argue with this or agree with it. If it was done by man's hands then man should be able to fix it as well. Again, especially in light of your response that is now directed at me, where you say we can't know God's plan or if he is obliged in any way to right what we perceive as a wrong, how can you also say that there is a God, that He has any plan, that we have what we perceive as free will, or that we can perceive in any way, not only what God might be but what He isn't? How do you know the things you seem to think you do in relation to God?
Thank you. All we have is beliefs about truth. Truth is as elusive as knowing God. If you claim to know Truth, you claim to have an objective perspective that you simply don't and cannot have. We can strive toward Truth, formulate beliefs about Truth, but to claim to own some Truth...that's simply wishful thinking. On the other hand, I can be very confident in what I believe to be Truth. And, that I am. You may get lucky, and your "recognition of truth" is accurate, but it's still a belief. Those are things I believe I have in the faith that I practice and confess. That has been part of the experience of my faith and my process of coming to have confidence in what I believe to be Truth.
No real point in arguing about a theological theory that has no dogma associated with it. But...the theory actually does suggest that Limbo is a part of heaven that is separate from the Beatific Vision. What you are describing is more similar to Purgatory. And don't forget--eternity is without time, so the idea of waiting for your number to be called is really just a human description of theological ideas.
Before one can even discuss that topic people need to know what does the word hell means? Its an English word, and it originally meant a hole in the ground. But the word hell has been misapplied to mean a place for the wicked, a place where Satan and his demons are and so on. The truth is the Bible tells us that Satan is living on the Earth, and the spirit of the wicked and the righteous are all with God.
None of your question that you are asking can disprove the existance of God either. God is God and he does what he does for reason that only him know. Whatever I may believe about God, I can only do so from my flawed perspective. But in the end, when I'll be judge by him, then I'll know.
The reason we believe in hell is because Jesus said there was a hell and said many people would go there including people who never give a rat's ass about anything but their own concerns.