Hello. I sometimes encounter people on the internet who believe that the Holocaust happened. Note these are contemporary, relatively young people who couldn't have been alive during the 2nd World War. So this means they did not see the Holocaust with their own eyes. Note I am not saying that the Holocaust most certainly did NOT happen, just because they didn't see it happen with their eyes. What I AM saying is that these people believe in something that they did not witness with their own eyes. And whenever I point this out, they go ape-sh!t. What are your thoughts on this? Another thing. How do you feel about laws in certain European countries outlawing Holocaust denial? Do you think that they would need to resort to this if they had truth and justice on their side? What are they afraid of? Do you think we need to legislate that the sky is blue and throwing people who maintain the sky is orange in prisons? No. Your thoughts?
There is ample evidence.. undisputed evidence that the Holocaust happened. What is your point with this thread?
It was not my intention in this thread to argue whether Holocaust happened or not. I just wanted to point out that some people (like you, for one) believe in something that they did not see with their own eyes. Did you see the Holocaust happen with your own eyes?
WAN, may I make an educated guess that you are going to make this the same as believing in God even though no one sees him with their own eyes?
Not sure what you are trying to say. In any case, you might be attacking an imaginary enemy. I am agnostic.
There is ample film and the Nazi record keeping. - - - Updated - - - Funny, 6 months ago you were a fundamentalist Christian.
We have first hand accounts, we have film records, paper record, pictures, heck even radio recordings of people. It was corroborated not just be one government but dozens. The townspeople around the camps were forced to go to them and see them. Frankly there are many historical accounts that we can assume are inaccurate but the holocaust is about as guaranteed as any event can be. Do you think the battle of Bull Run happened? Where you there? This kind of question does not seem logical.
I didn't see the Decleration of Independence get signed. neither did you. but we all know it happened.
I have heard that some of the "confessions" from top-ranking Nazi officers were obtained under duress or from torture.
Note in the OP I emphasized that I was not saying that Holocaust did not happen. I just wanted to point out most contemporary people did not see Holocaust happen. So they don't know for sure. And this means there is always room for debate. So if someone wants to doubt the veracity of Holocaust, we should hear him out. Whereas with the signing of Declaration, nobody is disputing it. And if someone did, we should hear him out too.
I have never seen a nuclear blast with my own eyes. but we all know they are real. and it happened in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. the logic of the OP is terribly flawed - - - Updated - - - why should we lend an ear to the absurd? sounds like a HUGE waste of time. if someone wants to argue that the Earth is really flat, you gonna listen? I aint. - - - Updated - - - if someone claims that cats are really zebras and fish are really ants and up is really down, should we hear him out? LOL!!
Note it was not my intention in this thread to "prove" that Holocaust did not happen. So do you agree with me that some top-ranking Nazi officers got tortured?
do you think we should pay attention to folks who claim that fish are really planets and monkeys are really birds? we dont have to acknowledge the absurd., if you want to, go ahead, but we wont waste our time.
Someone who doubts any aspect of the Holocaust is different from someone who claims that fish are really planets and monkeys are really birds.
if one doubt that millions of Jews were slaughtered in a systematic regime of mass-murder orchistrated by the Nazi Germany regime, one is a Holocaust denier and should discuss such things in the Holocaust denial section of a forum.
Different topic, but considering the type of war that was fought and how hard both sides fought I have no doubt that officers of all the major countries were captured, tortured, and even killed. So what is your "intention"? Since so far it seems we are debating either the absurd or the obvious.
we shall see about that. anyway, denying that millions of Jews were murdered by the Nazis and their allies is Holocaust denial, and is as absurd as suggesting cats are really fish. - - - Updated - - - we shall see about that. anyway, denying that millions of Jews were murdered by the Nazis and their allies is Holocaust denial, and is as absurd as suggesting cats are really fish.