How Talk Radio and Fox News Brainwashed My Dad

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Tom Joad, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. ManifestDestiny

    ManifestDestiny Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2013
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    To us, its for oil. To them, its Jihad.
  2. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    a) ISIS - Al Queda is being paid $$$ by the CIA to overthrow Syria, and control areas of Iraq

    b) Mike Malloy, Tom Hartman, Rush Limbaugh are all shills to protect the establishment Dems/GOP by scapegoating religion Muslims, and the Saudis for policy clearly designed and implemented by the U.S.

    c) Without the CIA and secret directives signed by Obama and Bush to train death squads, terrorists in Syria and Iraq would not exist.

    d) the "Syrian National Coalition" is a transition government formed by the U.S. to take power, just as they formed a Libyan govmnt before that American led war started.

    Well I hope the racist Arab and Muslim haters aren't going to Mike Malloy and Rush Limbaughs radio shows for the two minutes hate. That is the problem with talk radio whether its Tom Hartman, Norm Goldman or whatever - they want to brainwash you to always be hating something, religion, other races, the tea party, Republicans. I myself am a Liberal, but I'm seeing a ton of LIES by the Left Wing radio since Obama took over. Theses hosts know all the Democrats have moved to the Right, and are identical to the NeoCons. But Liberal radio shows leave out the names of the guilty - John Kerry, Hillary, Feinstein, Susan Rice and her venomous threats at the U.N., Leon Pannetta, Howard Dean, Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, have all made statements supporting the escalation and bombing of Syria, but you wouldn't know it from listening to "progressive" radio - its censored down to one phrase: "the Saudis funded the Syrian rebels."

    LIARS !!! REGIONAL POWERS use bases like Jordan and Quatar UNDER INSTRUCTIONS FROM WASHINGTON !!! :evil:


    80,000 Attend “Friends of ISIL” Meeting in Villepinte

    Newt Gingrich, Rudolph Giuliani, Diane Jones, James Jones, Maryam Rajavi and José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, Mujahedin-e Khalq rally in Villepinte, Paris, 27 June 2014


    "While the main objective of the meeting was to support the Mujahidin military base in Iraq, Camp Asharaf and their fight against Iran, MEK president Maryam Rajavi seized the opportunity to violently lash out against Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and rejoice over the progress achieved by the Islamic Emirate in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)."


    “ISIS –An American-CIA-Mossad-Saudi Intel Covert Operation”
    John McCain with FSA fighers, with al-Baghdadi in the right-hand corner below with the Syrian flag in the background.


    Iraq and Syria: “Coalition of the Guilty”

    By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya

    "The IS’s pseudo-caliphate has become a multi-billion dollar business enterprise, because Washington has allowed it to become one and facilitated its business transactions via Turkey. Who can believe that the US government and its EU partners that are so sanctions gung-ho and have exerted themselves in all types of ways to block the trade and financial transactions of their enemies and rivals, cannot do the same thing for the millions and billions of US dollars and euro worth of oil that have been stolen from both Syria and Iraq?"


    ISIS: Region-wide Genocide Portended in 2007 Now Fully Realized By Tony Cartalucci

    "Dead American Journalist the Latest Ploy to Cover-up Regional Genocide Years in the Making"

    "ISIS’ Multinational Military Force the Product of Years of Western State-Sponsorship"
  3. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    For all the establishment/ U.S. government shills on the "Progressive" and Republican radio and TV there are literally hundreds (if you include newspapers) of government apologists for massive corruption. It is still not a reason to lose hope. Change is still possible. Maybe one day we will even have an election that isn't fixed.:omfg: But keep fighting for what you believe in - peace, justice, freedom, and progress.


    "These chickens__t, pathetic signatories, as well as other well known "leftists" such as Amy Goodman, Juan Cole, Josh Landis, Michael Alpert, Stephen Zunes, and others, are case examples of weak, pathetic traitors to humanity worldwide. They have willfully traded honest systematic analysis for emotional string pulling -- only real lives (not theirs) are involved. Nobody forced these people to become public intellectuals; they could be greeters at Walmart nation, like the rest of us shmoos. "

    Snowden verbally chastises Putin even after he averted the ruthless U.S. bombing of Syria last year. Abby Martin excoriates Russia and scapegoats them as aggressors. But you can rise above all the Liberal and Conservative fakers who act as bulwarks against the majority of Americans, - 80% of them who are liberal, anti-war, and peaceful and truth loving - no matter what the fixed elections, faked polls, and contrived red-blue state maps do to keep the masses divided amongst themselves and trapped in the illusion that their country is "democratic" when vote in rigged computers or a ballot system that has always been rigged.

    Gatekeepers have always run the media, now activism so obviously puts phony outrage to control the herd, Facebook runs the sheeple sometimes, but you can rise above it. Astroturf Tea Party crackpots and fake wimpy Liberalism are promoted and co-opted by two corrupt parties.

    Be a true believer. Don't back down, push ahead, force the issue, and demand an end to the perpetual war insanity.:thumbsup::hmm:
  4. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Its not an accident how the faked "antiwar" radio shows like Alex Jones, Jack Blood, and Mike Malloy all switched to doing Ebola Virus fear propaganda shows after Obamas Sept. 10th anouncement to escalate the Syria and Iraq wars. Its a distraction device sideshow, like Bill Mahers attacks on Islam. Mike Malloy did the same, to cover for the Obama CIA proxy war in Syria - its not a coincidence - its a deliberate falsehood planted by the New World Order lackeys!

    After the phony chemical weapons threat last year at this time, and when the Syria false flag was exposed, all the radio shows switched topics to the "looming U.S. Government Shutdown" fiasco. Funny how these controlled Limited Hangout programs work ... ignore the big scandals in order to fixate on more nebulous ones.

    Thats why we raise red flags when the media so obviously and intentionally censor pertinent facts about the collective mind blindness of much of the "progressive" left and "alternative" media. Such as the alledged victims in the Syria chemical attack never exhibited the well known symptoms catalogued in previously documented chemical weapons bombings - (e.g. the Iran-Iraq war, which the U.S. started when Saddam Hussien was our ally) - foaming at the mouth, heavy skin discoloration, massive seizures . It cannot be a coincidence when multiple major news stories are summarily debunked in many cases, the same afternoon or the next day they are presented by the Lamestream media. But still - we have supposed "anti-war" commentators like Tom Hartman and Mike Malloy providing left cover for the Democrats by excising certain facts from their broadcasts. And Tom Hartman and Mike Papantonio both exclaimed - along with Chris Hedges on the Ford Foundation funded Real News Network - that they had no doubt "Assad caused the chemical weapons attacks." Chris Hedges even played the "senior analyst" card insisting his experience in reporting abroad left "no doubt" of Assads guilt for Ghouta when confronted in the interview. To be sure, establishment lackeys on the Ford Foundations Real News Network also insisted that Assad held the majority of the blame for civillian deaths, as endless reports of bombings and killings by terrorists in Syria are routinely ignored. The regime change lobbys many mouthpieces found on Al Jazeera America and on the online English speaking Middle East version of the outlet were adept at using the "anonymous sources" and staged YouTube videos along with the universally debunked Syrian Observatory group who are astroturf fronts for U.S. imperialism. It serves a dual purpose - to protect the Democrat President Obama when videos surfaced on YouTube of U.S. special forces directing Al Queda attacks, pictured literally side by side with ISIS-FSA inside Syria, and a time years previous when establishment hacks in the media and govmnt were all denying these facts. Second, it protects President Obama from the same accusations of intentional war criminal abuses levelled by the Left at Republican leaders - lying America into another war, instead painting Obama as the unwilling dupe, spineless, ignorant, or a victim of circumstance, (Ray McGoverns view) rather than describe Obama in the same way as they do Bush, intentionally diabolical and evil - a fact which is the clear truth - and a characteristic of both parties as they drive ever closer to the goals of the New World Order. Mike Malloy even stated recently, for example, that for his entire life he thought that "one world government was a great idea." What a dope. And yet these so called "anti-war" progressives like Malloy and Hartman ask us to pay attention and listen to the same tired old Lamestream media sources they read from on the air - Al Jazeera, NBC, CNN, NYT, The Nation magazine, PBS, NPR, and CBS - the "progressive" radio hosts use the same regressive news outlets who lied us into this perpetual war on terror mess in the first place. The blogosphere writers who regularly take the Lamestream medias liars on and whip them on a year in and year out basis, essentially bankrupting and making TV news irrelevant are RARELY featured in these radio shows - why - is it because they are CENSORS FOR OLD MAN WHITEY? or COINTELPRO? :eekeyes:

    Commies and 9/11 Truthers Fight Each Other for Control of Pacifica Radio
    by Daniel Greenfield

    "”Amy Goodman’s an evil b___ch.” -Marc Cooper, former news director at KPFK

    Within a few months, Democracy Now! was privatized. In what may have been a reward for Amy Goodman’s support of the revolution, she was handed complete ownership of the show. For free. In fact, they paid her to take it, handing Goodman a contract worth hundreds of thousands of dollars a year — and gave her an automatic 4 percent raise every year, regardless of the size of her listenership or the money she raised.

    According to former board member Tracy Rosenberg, Goodman now gets fees of around $650,000 for the right to air her show and for her fundraising services. Rosenberg says: “When you go to business school, they tell you that’s how not to sign a contract.”

    Today, Pacifica’s debts amount to roughly $3 million; $2 million of that is owed to Democracy Now!, which is also the name of an independent nonprofit run by Goodman."

    Commies and 9/11 Truthers Fight Each Other for Control of Pacifica Radio | FrontPage Magazine


    but Pacifica Radio "progressives" along w/ NPR, PBS have a long history of being U.S. govmnt establishment fronts (i.e. - astroturf) or cointel ops and not at all "independant" as they claim ...

    The Ford Foundation and the CIA:A documented case of philanthropic collaboration with the Secret Police
    by James Petras

    "Numerous supposedly "independent" CIA sponsored cultural organizations, human rights groups, artists and intellectuals received CIA/FF grants. One of the biggest donations of the FF was to the CIA organized Congress for Cultural Freedom which received $7 million by the early 1960s. Numerous CIA operatives secured employment in the FF and continued close collaboration with the Agency (Ibid, p. 143).

    From its very origins there was a close structural relation and interchange of personnel at the highest levels between the CIA and the FF. This structural tie was based on the common imperial interests which they shared. The result of their collaboration was the proliferation of a number of journals and access to the mass media which pro-U.S. intellectuals used to launch vituperative polemics against Marxists and other anti-imperialists. The FF funding of these anti-Marxists organizations and intellectuals provided a legal cover for their claims of being "independent" of government funding (CIA). "

    The Ford Foundation and the CIA: A documented case of philanthropic collaboration with the Secret Police, 12/15/01




  5. proof-hunter

    proof-hunter New Member

    Mar 11, 2007
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    Al Sharpton serves the purpose of making Black people so mad, they will tune in the next day. The right does the same thing.

  6. Private Citizen

    Private Citizen Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2014
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    What was that quote.... I think Mark Twain said it. " It's easier to fool someone than it is to convince someone they have been fooled"

    I refer all to the Waldorf Statement... as proof to brainwashing and propaganda. Every thing about this statement is anti American, but it is portrayed as American.
    The Waldorf Statement:

    "Members of the Association of Motion Picture Producers deplore the action of the 10 Hollywood men who have been cited for contempt by the House of Representatives. We do not desire to prejudge their legal rights, but their actions have been a disservice to their employers and have impaired their usefulness to the industry.
    "We will forthwith discharge or suspend without compensation those in our employ, and we will not re-employ any of the 10 until such time as he is acquitted or has purged himself of contempt and declares under oath that he is not a Communist.
    "On the broader issue of alleged subversive and disloyal elements in Hollywood, our members are likewise prepared to take positive action.
    "We will not knowingly employ a Communist or a member of any party or group which advocates the overthrow of the government of the United States by force or by any illegal or unconstitutional methods.
    "In pursuing this policy, we are not going to be swayed by hysteria or intimidation from any source. We are frank to recognize that such a policy involves danger and risks. There is the danger of hurting innocent people. There is the risk of creating an atmosphere of fear. Creative work at its best cannot be carried on in an atmosphere of fear. We will guard against this danger, this risk, this fear.
    "To this end we will invite the Hollywood talent guilds to work with us to eliminate any subversives: to protect the innocent; and to safeguard free speech and a free screen wherever threatened.
    "The absence of a national policy, established by Congress, with respect to the employment of Communists in private industry makes our task difficult. Ours is a nation of laws. We request Congress to enact legislation to assist American industry to rid itself of subversive, disloyal elements.
    "Nothing subversive or un-American has appeared on the screen, nor can any number of Hollywood investigations obscure the patriotic services of the 30,000 loyal Americans employed in Hollywood who have given our government invaluable aid to war and peace."
  7. Deno

    Deno Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2013
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    Hey, I love Rush.

    He tells it like it is.
  8. Deno

    Deno Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2013
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    Why is the truth caustic to liberals?

    Good thing the ole man wasn't a sucker all his life.
  9. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    I always thought Nazis were just homos who couldn't come to terms with their sexuality, and therefore persecuted others in often violent and malicious ways.

    You have to admit the Iraqi prison scandal and Dick Cheneys torture tactics are awfully homo-erotic.:thumbsdown::nod:
  10. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Glenn Beck likes dressing as a Nazi -

    Rush just acts like one.

  11. Private Citizen

    Private Citizen Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2014
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    To us it's enslaving people (taxation) and steal natural resources (oil, water, opium, gold, silver, copper, presious stones, rubber trees, and any other valued dirt. For them it's protect their land, and family from the invaders.
  12. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    The whole Libertarian thing is a sham and false talking points.

    How many of the people here have actually met a "Libertarian" in a bar or in real life ???

    You haven't because "Libertarian" is largely just a bogus philosophy created for GOP radio hosts and websites to try and appeal to a larger audience, and to give the GOP a more "alternative" or "grassroots" veneer.

    It is artificial, however.
  13. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    How many broadcast radio and TV are just window dressing for fascism anymore?

    The shills, govmnt stooges, disinfo agents, Party lackeys

    Brandon Turbeville,, Dennis Kucinich have all advanced the idea that Obama is actually aiding ISIS, the boogeyman Pentagon PSYOPS are using via the CIA linked SITE group to justify bombing Syria. These hosts like Hartman and Mike Malloy are notorious for turning down the volume of the caller while speaking his comments and simply talking over the latter half of the listeners point during the live broadcasts. Both hosts as well as Bill Maher claim Americans are all stupid morons, implying they get what they deserve and so forth. So the public is being scapegoated for the moronic behavior of controlled assets, shills, and Party hacks for their back stabbing tactics used on the public listener to protect Obama during election cycles, and to protect the Democrat Party rather than protect the human rights, anti-war values, and free speech of the public citizens. Anyone who followed Iran/Contra in 1980′s, or the Obamas war in Libya can see that. I called into Mike Malloy and said Syria was exactly like Libya started by Obama and Malloy screamed at me “No comparative analysis, we don't do that on this program” this is a seperate issue and so forth, cutting me off. Mike Malloy actually said ISIS was a group caused by religion and sprung up by independantly of America. After 4 years of wall to wall censorship on his show Mike Malloy confessed just last week that Syria-ISIS was a U.S. plot. Gee.This is the guy who headed up anti-war marches? Everyone knows Obama created it to depose Assad. And even better broadcast media recognize that Obama is helping ISIS-AlQueda not attacking them. I mean, I’ve known Syria was started by Obama and the FSA were just a bunch of bloodthirsty killers since March 2011, before I read LandDestroyer, BlacklistedNews websites, etc. Hartman, Malloy, Progressive Voices, Pacifica Radio,BradBlog's Brad Friedman are MEGA GATEKEEPERS for the Democrats. Brad actually runs which support Arab Spring regimes changes by the State Dept. So when said "activists" above work to discredit various protests, whistleblowers, or movements, with disinfo on Syria (which the anti-war movement should out protesting against) you can see how various groups are being sabotaged. Democracy Now, Progressive Voices Radio, Pacifica Radio, Code Pink, Occupy Hong Kong, Tea Party, are all ASTROTURF fronts or CIA Foundation funded or State Dept. establishment fronts.

    Thoughtcrime equals double plus ungood

    Bob Feldman did a great post noting how Chomsky got 350,000 from the Foundations for Gatekeeping/being a shill check this

    Left Media & Left Think Tanks: Foundation-Managed Protest? =2007092993347560

    army_of_fake_social_media "friends" to_promote_propaganda

    "It's recently been revealed that the U.S. government contracted HBGary Federal for the development of software which could create multiple fake social media profiles to manipulate and sway public opinion on controversial issues by promoting propaganda. It could also be used as surveillance to find public opinions with points of view the powers-that-be didn't like. It could then potentially have their "fake" people run smear campaigns against those "real" people. As disturbing as this is, it's not really new for U.S. intelligence or private intelligence firms to do the dirty work behind closed doors." nds_to_promote_propaganda

    "In-Q-Tel, the investment arm of the CIA and the wider intelligence community, is putting cash into Visible Technologies, a software firm that specializes in monitoring social media."

    "Visible crawls over half a million web 2.0 sites a day, scraping more than a million posts and conversations taking place on blogs, online forums, Flickr, YouTube, Twitter and Amazon. (It doesn't touch closed social networks, like Facebook, at the moment.) Customers get customized, real-time feeds of what's being said on these sites, based on a series of keywords."

  14. Private Citizen

    Private Citizen Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2014
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    Henry Adams was my g/g/g/ grandfather I like your signature! Like the post as well:thumbsup:
  15. CJtheModerate

    CJtheModerate New Member

    Jul 8, 2013
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    This thread has been going on for almost as long as I've been a member.
  16. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Evidently brainwashing DOES work.
  17. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Angel Clark, a radio host of the supposed "anti-war" LRN.FM – The Liberty Radio Network, stated she was glad Quaddafi "got what he deserved" (shot and sodomized with a bayonet) but that she was against the Libya war. Quaddafi as she well knows, did not do Lockerbie or kill his own people, so why did he deserve this? This is supposed to be the non-violent, anti-war radio station?

    "Libertarian" is, like the Tea Party, a philosophical contruct of the 1%. Look at those "Libertarian" radio hosts like GCNs Joyce Riley or Monica Perez, who viciously opposed ObamaCare. So those people with illness who need affordable health care deserve to die because the rich 1% says so? Even when Monica Perezs son has downs syndrome? How would he survive if he was uninsured? The fact is, he would die like many other uninsured would.

    That is what astroturf political groups do, create platforms according to rich fatcat donors, not their conscience!
  18. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    If you are talking abou Obamacare, you are not talking about healthcare but insurance. You have any idea how many people are treated without health insurance before Obamacare? As it is, and as people are discovering, with Obamacare the deductibles are so high that they are avoiding going to the doctor and on top of that, they have to pay monthly anyway.

    BTW, Quaddafi deserved it because Hillary Clinton said he did.
  19. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Some unreported news stories Talk Radio has ignored of late ...

    Paris Shooting Suspects Under French Radar for YEARS

    Iraq 2014:
    48,590 Killed and 26,516 Wounded

    114,000 US contractors active in Afghan war

    "The report, titled “At What Risk? Correcting Over-reliance on Contractors in Contingency Operations,” also stated that “about 200,000 contractor employees are working in Iraq and Afghanistan,” roughly equal to the American military forces deployed there in years prior to the report."

    Senator John McCain’s Whoops Moment: Photographed Chilling With ISIS Chief Al-Baghdadi And Terrorist Muahmmad Noor!

    More than five million displaced by war in first half of 2014

    "As of June 2014, the three million Syrian refugees now account for 23% of all refugees being helped by UNHCR worldwide.

    Despite dropping to second place, the 2.7 million Afghan refugees worldwide remain the largest protracted refugee population under UNHCR care. Following that, the leading countries of origin of refugees are Somalia (1.1 million), Sudan (670 000), South Sudan (509 000), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (493 000), Myanmar (480 000) and Iraq (426 000).

    Pakistan, which hosts 1.6 million Afghan refugees, remains the biggest host country in absolute terms." Security&Itemid=114

    Proof oil and energy giants ARE ripping us off – as prices tumble we pay 40% too much for power and 18% extra for petrol


    Ex-spies Infiltrate Hollywood


    Hedge funds gave Mugabe $100M for genocide, got platinum mines in return

    "Och-Ziff is under investigation for its deals in Zimbabwe and DRC, including allegations that it deliberately and illegally disguised its involvmeent. Cohen left Och-Ziff in 2013, shortly after buying a $22M country estate outside London: “Ewhurst Park, the more than 900-acre spread includes a sprawling main house, cottages, a church, a large lake with ducks, a boathouse, bridges, wooded areas, fountains, and formal gardens.” Cohen wouldn’t provide a comment to Businessweek on the deals."

    "Four days later, Camec announced it was using the money it raised to purchase a joint venture with the Zimbabwe Mining Development Corp., or ZMDC, Mugabe’s state-owned mining company. The joint venture owned the platinum stakes on the Great Dyke that had been taken back just a few weeks earlier from Anglo American. The price included $5 million in cash; Camec issued shares to partners whose identities were shielded by a shell company based in the British Virgin Islands; and $100 million to Mugabe’s government. Camec said the $100 million was a cash loan “to comply with its contractual obligations to the government of Zimbabwe” for the platinum claims. It said the money would be repaid out of ZMDC’s share of future platinum earnings. Camec’s balance sheets for the period make clear that funding for the platinum rights came from the private transactions involving Och-Ziff."


    ‘We didn’t even really know who we were firing at’ – former US drone operator
  20. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    There is a lot of propaganda and censorship out there. But there are a lot of new internet radio outlets as well. Some good shows as well. I recently found this one. Not bad. This one is from, the Libertarian "Liberty Network."
  21. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Read about Nation magazines founder Katrina Vanden Hovels father, (who was CIA) and his desire to kill Castro by any means "even a mob hit." These are the kind of people at the Ford Foundation who fund PBS, NPR, Pacifica Radio, Democracy Now, and along with Soros, Code Pink. They're CIA funded, fake fronts for Liberalism/Progressivism.

    Alternative Media Censorship: Sponsored By CIA's Ford Foundation?--Part 3
  22. Private Citizen

    Private Citizen Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2014
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    I started reading your link today. It's a good read. I didn't know the CIA was using PBS. My wedding photographer was an editor at PBS. Makes me think... I'm still reading it just wanted to say thanks for the link.

    One thing I did notice was RFK was being blackmailed by the mob to go after Castro because the mobs casino's were getting taken by Castro. The article makes it seam like RFK had a hard on for Castro but I don't think that is how it was. I could be wrong though it's been a while since I read about it.
  23. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    I was lstening to a lecture about 9/11 that stated America killed "6-7 million people in Afghanistan." There was no timeline, but I am assuming it was over the period between 1980 and the present after Reagan signed the executive order escalating aid to the Mujadeen. It was a speech by David Ray Griffin. I noticed his speeches were ALWAYS censored to a half hour on Foundation funded Pacifica Radio. Pacifica usually used David Ray Griffin as a prop for pledge drives giving away a DVD for 150.00, etc.The latest stunt by Code Pink was probably a sounbite for Pacifica Radio fund drive, Democracy Now audience has nosedived. But if you didn't buy, Pacifica only aired DRG's airplane phone calls/nanothermite subjects on 9/11. This had the effect that many people had no idea of the wargames on 9/11 topic or many other different aspects of his lectures. This is how Foundation funded censorship works. They preserved the "just war" narrative for Af-Pak and limited critiques to Bushs Iraq. They are major GATEKEEPERS on war and Syria, Libya is well. This is directly the result of control by the Council on Foreign Relations and the CIA. You can find old David Ray Griffin 9/11 lectures that were preserved online to listen to and you'll be amazed how good some of the rare ones are, and how big the cover up really is.

  24. Private Citizen

    Private Citizen Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2014
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    I have heard a few speeches of his. I know Kevin Barret personally. I went with him to a 9/11 truth convention in Chicago 12 years ago. David Ray Griffin was there along with Alex Jones and Willy Rodriguez, the janitor in the world trade center. Kevin is constantly giving me video's on 9/11 and other stuff. I don't spend much time talking about 9/11 anymore unless it's with my kids. I use to do a tv show on public access and we showed truth video's on 9/11 and other government and corporate crimes. I'm definitely aware of the cover up of 9/11. Is there anything new they discovered?
  25. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    PCR is the man. Great stuff on ISIS,France, Syria.

    The Cowardly and Despicable American Presstitutes
    http://www.informationclearinghouse.i nfo/article40906.htm

    I'll never forget when press faker Gordon Duff/Webster Tarpley attacked PCR in separate broadcasts on World Crisis and Fetzers show. Tarpley dissed PCR as responsible for Reagan trickle down economics. Tarpley, Mr. "realign behind Obama" . Gee Web, he only singlehandedly butchered 80,000 Syrians, why not love Obama as the lesser of two evils at election time?:roll:

    Duff was not even interested in giving a reason. But Gordon even admits hes a an infiltrator. And so many sites partner w/ Tarpley/ VT its a shame (RT, PressTV,New Eastern Outlook)

    (e.g.) Truth tellers like Lendman get mixed up with them. Split screen on RT with Tarpley-Lendman on Syria false flag, Lendman told truth while Tarpley tried to divert attention to some nonsense from his book, he serves a purpose, just like Chomsky.

    "Prominent U.S. left writers have also received large individual grants from different foundations. Noam Chomsky, for instance, was given a $350,000 Kyoto Prize grant by the Inamori Foundation in 1988."

    Left Media & Left Think Tanks: Foundation-Managed Protest?

    Gordon Duff admits to VT disinfo

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