How Talk Radio and Fox News Brainwashed My Dad

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Tom Joad, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Does this mean you won't like me on Facebook?

    Oh shucky darn.
  2. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Weren't you that guy, a couple pages back, who is always defending Snowden?

    Tsk, tsk.

    And you people think Facebook-Twitter isn't information warfare. Where do you think Zuckerbergs billions came from?

    The Pentagon says: " I am Facebook. You are now hypnotized and under my power.":omfg:

  3. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Note to radio hosts:

    being a democrat party shill doesn't pay - be more objective and factual when examining the obama white house, and above all stop the tiresome sermons on the gop.

    Liberal Commercial Talk Radio Disappears in NY, LA, SF in 2014

    Only NPR is left.


  4. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    What leftists have never comprehended is that conservative radio hosts don't just push ideological talking points, they methodically analyze issues and events and point our why things happened the way that they did. All leftist hosts, on the other hand, do is rant and EMOTIONALLY declare themselves correct and then spit on everybody Right of Center. The former used logic and applies reason and the latter rants and pushes screed.
  5. BPman

    BPman Banned

    Nov 26, 2014
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    No. Are you sober? :roll:
  6. timslash

    timslash Banned

    Nov 20, 2014
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    Same situation with left wing media, u know?
    It's main goal and the work of social media - to impose their views to other people.
    If you wanna have your own opinion - just stop listening to someone else's (of course i'm talking about mass media)
  7. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    We knew the progressive radio and anti-war blog movement was largely COINTELPRO (i'd say 90% of them) because when Obama got in and continued all the wars, the blogs censored comments, prog. radio shut down the callers who protested anti-war humanitarian views like Randi Rhodes who screamed shrill at her listeners protesting Afghanistan - "I can't take you people!" and hung up on them.

    Listen to them today - they STILL SAY after 7 years of a Democrat White House and Democrat funding of the war machine legislation, all the Obama led wars are still Bushes and the GOPs fault. Its ludicrous! They say this all day on Tom Hartman, Mike Malloy, Scott Horton, Ring of Fire, Sam Seder, Ed Schultz, MSNBC. Daily Kos, Demoocratic Underground. They are paid COINTELPRO shills just like Fox.

    Hey progressives, I call SHENANIGANS on you!


  8. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    On the other hand, in not just differing opinion that is the problem. It is radio hosts partisan and establishment damage control, lying, and calculated propaganda.

    I mean the sheer amount of deliberate lies is proof of a totalitarian society in American.
    You cannot have a democracy without free speech. And the U.S. government knows this, and actively subverts democracy by controlling the media.

  9. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    63 is a internet radio station to stay away from. It is run by an alcohollic, wacko who rages at his unpaid hosts, then fires them. One host in the station was arrested and fired for dealing meth. Appearing on there are some of the usual disinfo agents and cointel spooks which have multiplied exponentially since 9/11 Truthers began to be infiltrated by misdirection agents and military types. The well known holograms on 9/11 peddlers Fetzer, Barrett and the always antisemitic faker Gordon Duff of the dreadful veterans today. Its a case study in alternative media psy-operations and a bizaree radio experience of UFOs, Chemtrails, new pop psychology mumbo jumbo, ghosts, walk-ins, and other fear mind control jargon and buzzwords. A complete sham.

    one former host tells the back story ...
    Assault on Alternative Radio Hosts and Media: Follow the Money
  10. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Yes. BTW on Freedomslips I heard that the Greys are in charge of all the aliens at Area 51. Its good to know. :alientwo::lol:
  11. TomFitz

    TomFitz Banned

    Jan 9, 2013
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    Being a GOP shill pays quite well, though!

    Although not nearly as well as it used to.

    The audience is getting old, and the advertisers are no longer comfortable with the vitriol and race baiting.

    Rush Limbaugh had to cut his price after the Sandra Fluke episode, and he still got downgraded in several of his major markets.

    No one under the age of 50 listens to AM radio, and people who think and read newspapers never listened to it.
  12. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    The New World Order controls the media thru the CFR channels making them worthless either the TV, newspapers or foundation funded public radio. If you noticed all the establishment hacks like Katrina Vanden Hovel of the Nation mag on MSNBC with her limited hangout dogma for the three ring circus, her rag cheerled the mass death in Libya, and is u.s. imperialisms champion defender. Medea Benjamin/Code Pink never covered Syria until years later after it was well underway, and on her trip to Syria said next to nothing. She also pulled punches of Democrats on Libya and Afghan wars pulling stunts on Kissinger only because it was pledge time. Ford Foundation and George Soros of the Carlyle Group financed the Left so they could make it docile and toothless, and subservient to the Elitist warmonger class. MSNBC Amy Goodman /Rachel Maddow can change the subject with her ivory tower guest lists of multimillionaire "liberals" like Chomsky, Nader, Michael Moore to push Patrick Cockburns lies, sterilize the Obama Syria death squads stories, or turn Freddie Gray police killing riots into a sermon about jobs, education and unemployment. Jon Stewart had Judith Miller of the WMD Iraq lies last week for some high five BS for Stewarts 30 million a year salary from the CFR conglomerate. Hollywood elites and politics have widened the gap between the top down controlled media barons/hosts and the working poor spectators of Democrat corruption and death. On TV and radio Elite media types seem to be talking to each other not the audience in the least! The censorship in mass media is too constant to be coincidence. They are controlled dissent. Bought and paid for.

    the democratic partys pres. obama led war on syria has been the most cold, calculated ruthless policy together with iraq and yet - almost no progressive radio hosts cover it, dont you find that amazing? the smirking chimp website writers idly throw political footballs around, spinning party electoral politics, unwilling for push for an end to the carnage, while tens of thousands die in syria, not a word of disgust at the presidents sept. 11th anniversary press conference endorsing more training of terrorists in syria. see no, hear no, speak no evil from the sam seder, mike papantonio, tom hartman, leslie marshall radio demagogues willing to peddle misinformation about syria as if ISIS is the "just war" target of obama (and not the close ally of u.s. imperialism) when all evidence points to the fact that ISIS in not the target at all in the 2800 syria-iraq airstrikes. but the hosts of radio are given their plausible deniability and false radio news bytes so that they may continue their role as u.s. propganda assets. even dennis kucinich admitted on presstv that the u.s.syria war was for control of oil but you will scarcely hear that anywhere on terrestrial radio, npr or pacifica radio affiliates. and there is virtually no criticism of obama for the escalation against innocent and defensless peoples as there was for republicans executing Bushs war. it as if there was a war and nobody in broadcast media came to report on it, which brings me to the conclusion that they are 90% coinelpro agents of the state in the broadcast, corporate news sites as well as internet radio. why the mass silence and censorship, the urge to protect obama from obviously impeachable offenses, even on right wing stations ,who instead have these piecemeal clinton emails faux controversy, are obviously controlled assets. we are being dumbed down, systematically and delibarately herded like cattle to fear, be agitated by nonsense, empty emotionalism, tv programs devoid of point and substance, treated to rigged elections and sports distractions, lied to by globalist satellite news wag the dog disinfo programming, subjected to autotuned, lip synced, performed mimed music concerts, ad saturated shallow meaningless dramatic stage plays and comedy brainlessness, the capialist rape of the mind and soul while real news is buried by your favorite niche audience host, or public radio program.the asbsolute know nothingness of even so called 'alternative' icons sitting idly on shows for hours saying nothing of substance is staggering. this is corporatism, this is fascism, people who talk and say nothing, even on the supposed 'free' internet radio shows, their silence is deafening, i suppose maybe the internt clique of radio people are tring to land some gig at a high paying conglomo and are keeping their lips shut, or maybe they were establishments plants, FBI, and never were part of the antiwar movement to begin with. the spinlessness is absolutely astounding, they just sit back and play philosopher while the bodies pile up, drowned by their own cult of personality, and egoism.

    At any rate, the powermad oligarchs DO NOT want you to have any time to think and choose as an individual any original thought, at any time. They are only interested in mass conformity and subjugation. Phony opposition."In George Orwell's "1984," Winston Smith (the protagonist who spends his days rewriting the news at the Ministry of Truth) becomes disillusioned and wants to join the underground resistance to the Party. He eventually learns that the opposition is really an illusion maintained by the Party itself to snare discontented people such as himself."

  13. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Don't be so closed to the idea - Orwells 'Newspeak' is alive and well in America.

    Did you ever see an Obama, White House press conference with Jay Carney or Robert Gibbs?

    It was all 'NewSpeak' all the time, esp. RE: foreign policy!
  14. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    A monopoly of media and political parties controlled by u.s. intel?

    More truth tellers needed on the airwaves folks. The kind who dont BS you with fake change for 'the climate' and fake astroturf 'grassroots' political antics and establishment candidates.

    Was the Green Party co-opted? Yes.

    Censorship – A Liberal Value
    By Michael Cavlan

    "At many anti-war rallies in the Bush years there were chants of “Who Is A Terrorist? Bush Is A Terrorist.” So I decided to chant out “Who Is A War Criminal? Obama Is a War Criminal.”

    "We were asked to leave the protest march.In deepest irony, four months later, the organization that had organized this event were infiltrated by the FBI and have a number of them facing a Grand Jury investigation. Instituted by and authorized by the Obama Administration." :icon_jawdrop:


    Infiltration of Political Movements is the Norm, Not the Exception in the United States.
    By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers
    "The judge asked the Special Agent in Charge how many FBI agents worked in Camejo’s presidential campaign; the answer was 66 agents. Camejo estimated he had a campaign staff of about 400 across the country. Once again that would be an infiltration rate of 1 out of 6 people. Camejo discovered that among the agents was his campaign co-chair. He also discovered eavesdropping equipment in his campaign office and documents showing the FBI had followed him since he was a student activist at 18 years old."



    That together with the obvious curtailing of recent Democrat war crimes video and news coverage of bloody massacres in Syria removed from the public consciousness of the Democracy Now stage play solidify the evidence of CIA coercion and control. Amy Goodman would rather cover the arctic drilling than save innocent Syrians and criticize Obama arming the FSA. Pulitzer prize has a long history of awarding govmnt hacks, a WWII correspondent on the marshall plan got the prize after he categorically lied there no redioactive fallout from hiroshima in the papers. Such liars are handsomely rewarded $$$ (i.e.) Amy Goodman and her millions. Democracy Now is funded w/ defense and oil stocks like pacifica, npr, what more proof do you need? Then much of the Lefts radio silence on Syria and Iraq, blaming bush for "ISIS" yeah obama did sign the executive orders for CIA to do arm the syria and its "ISIS" origins. its clearly revisionist writing winston smith style down the memory hole. of course - how else would obama justify asking for 40 billion more in iraq, syria war spending! and 2800 airstrikes in iraq and syria is not enough to destroy "ISIS". come on. so many phony progressives are protecting obama its sick. or acheiving miraculous undetected travel Syria to Iraq beneath the radar of military intel. This is the dirty double game obama is playing w/ false pretext to gin up alliied support while fomenting u.s. trained, armed al queda chaos. No Greenwald, Taibbi, Abby Martin, Patrick Cockburn, Gnome Chomsky there is no al queda outside u.s. control. It is used by the Pentagon to regime change oil profcuing nations. That is why your defence of the official version of 9/11 is a transparent sham. if it looks like a rat, smells like a rat its a rat .ok well - the spooks are coming out of the woodwork, the stunts on RT ukraine "incursion" its a bit too creepy and continous, too many "progressives" involved in censorship, silence, and in the betrayal of the anti-war movements hardcore have to ask yourself - why would abby martin suddenly and publicly disavow her previous 9/11 Truth activism by stating "9/11 wasn't an inside job"?

    Media Outlets Such as ”Democracy Now!” are Establishment Controlled News Sources

    Who Funds the Progressive Media?

    Is Abby Martin an Inside Job?
  15. NothingSacred

    NothingSacred Active Member

    Jun 4, 2012
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    Look, I hate lowlife, scumbag welfare whores and food stamp dirt bags as much as any ditto head, but I also at the same time realize that my real enemies are Wall Street and rich corporations, so I vote leftist, I mean far leftist, not right of center moderate like Obama! Sure, I'd gladly smack some welfare queen scumbag in the face with a tire iron for laughs if I could get away with it, GOD knows I HATE them, but given the choice, I'd lynch the Wall Street CEOs from trees in central park 1st! It's a matter of degree, who is hurting ME more, it's clearly the TOP 1% azzholes sucking up all the resources that could make my upper middle class life better.
  16. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Top quality truth teller podcasts - free download

    :wink: :thumbsup:

    Also: whats w/ the new obsession on progressive radio RE Bernie Sanders - is it a way to keep the masses distracted from the current Obama wars brutality, civillian deaths, and corruption? Some progressives are still on the blame Bush hypocrisy? No kidding!
    Brad Hoff, Managing Editor of Levant Report and a former Marine, discusses the newly-released DIA documents showing that, as far back as 2012, the US government foresaw the Islamic State as an asset


    "war on ISIS is fake" - Eric Margolis talks to Lew Rockwell about whether it’s a put-up job.


    9/11 Free Fall – Operation Mockingbird

    9/11 Free Fall: Phil Restino– 9/11 Truth, developments in Iraq, and the hypocrisy of the anti-war movement


    New World Order, CFR, Global Elites - James Perloff

    mind control research and the crafting of popular culture.




  17. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Democrat Media More Lies and Hypocrisy

    Another truth teller, Stephen Lendman says the Iran nuclear deal most likely will not prevent the war with Iran. And in my opinion that is the reason Obama trained, armed and financed the Al Queda in Syria, FSA, and Al Nusra groups is because he knew the ground war w/ Iran would go foward, and in fact wanted this to happen despite all these Liberals excuse that Obama is a merely a hapless vicitm of international events and other peoples agendas (Saudis, Israel). We know that when Obama is portrayed as a victim of world events beyond his control - its all a fat lie. Like with these dramatic photos posing on "PBS Frontline, Obama Wars". Obama himself made the billion dollar deals to secure bases from Turkey and Jordan to launch the U.S. CIA trained terrorists into Syria. There would be no 160,000 dead people in Syria, none at all, if it wasn't for the Obama administration. And also Obama promised military equipment and other financial/military aid to other members of his "coaltion of the willing." So the MSNBC liars, Maddow, the Nation, Chris Heyes, John NIchols, Juan Cole and all these protectors of the White House are nothing but stenographers for U.S. imperialism by re-inventing history. Tom Hartman, and other liars on Progresive Voices Radio are similar in their lies and acting like Democrat astroturf phony opposition to war. While lying daily to protect Obama effectively censoring the truth in their so called "reporting" to protect the Democrats - Tom Hartman, Mike Malloy, Leslie Marshall and all the others are already ginning up votes for Bernie Sanders who is just another one of the same establishment Democrats except in name. What establishment stooges! :thumbsdown: :puke: :juggle: :unclesam:


  18. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    People would listen if they discussed real news on it and not partisan lies.
  19. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    TuneIn and IHeart Internet Radio are Clear Channel companies and "Big Brother is Watching" New World Order apps ...:icon_jawdrop:

    Out of the hundreds of stations my anti-virus has been picking up and blocking several malicious malware apps from the various Liberal talk stations streaming devices. Often, the websites will have browser hijacks and bandwidth hogs aside from the usual pop up ads before a radio broadcast begins.

    Because TuneIn and IHeart are Clear Channel companies typically perceived as a conservative Republican affiliated sponsors, and programs contain many faux Liberal hosts, phony GOP people posing as Left Wing, company people allowed these malicious PC hijack malware to proliferate over so many years on TuneIn, plus a variety of sound quality issues varying sound levels, interruptions, streams not found but promoted, the apps were allowed to suffer for years w/o repair.

    Norm Goldman, Hartman, Mike Malloy, Leslie Marshall, etc "radio royalty" (1260 am) "iheart" "for your information network" all have resulted in malware notices from my anti-virus blocking malicious streams and sites and advertisers attempting to take control of our PCs and browsers, steal and slow bandwith, and even break into our software. I think this is not an accident and clearly represents an attempt to interlope into our personal privacy and computer and internet security, violating our surfing habits and news data collection usages. Further - and IHeart networks are aware of these intrusions and profit from stolen data and hacked accounts for govmnt spying and "Big Brother is Watching" NWO nefarious purposes.
  20. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Syria Democrat Slaughter - "ISIS is U.S."





    Very long but worthwhile - author over emphasizes Israeli role but otherwise brilliant article on U.S. Psyops, false pre-text oil/gas wars --- Must Read for Truthers !!!:thumbsup:

    Western State Sponsored Terrorism: False Flags Spreading Islamophobia, Race and Religious Wars and New World Disorder

    By Joachim Hagopian

    December 25, 2015
    November 13th, 2015 Friday the Thirteenth Paris Attacks

    "Again timing is everything when it comes to false flags. October saw Putin
    shocking and rocking the boat making an enormous dent indestroying ISIS
    infrastructure and with the Syrian army cutting off Islamic State&#8217;s vital supply
    line from Turkey into northern Syria, an ISIS longtime stronghold. The US policy
    of protecting the terrorists in its pretend war was abruptly turned upside down.
    Obama&#8217;s status as a world leader was badly upstaged and humiliated at the
    September 28th UN meeting when Putin outed him as a fraud and liar and again
    weeks later when he exposed the fact that the US and the West including France
    were the chief ISIS financiers "


    Over 3,300 Killed in Iraq During November
    December 2, 2015

    Margaret Griffis reports for Antiwar:

    During November, this column found 3,341 people were killed and 1,776 more were
    wounded in violent encounters across Iraq. That&#8217;s up from the 3,071 killed and
    1,160 wounded in October.


    Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: False Flags Over Turkey -

    Guns and Butter
    State Terrorism: Franco American Style - Michel Chossudovsky, #334

    Syria Democrat Slaughter, Brandon Turbeville like Sibel said "ISIS is U.S."

    Last four free podcasts are particularly brilliant from the old pro on the Tracks

    Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: 13 Questions About San Bernardino Bloodbath -

    &#8220;The Terrorists R Us.&#8221; The Islamic State &#8220;Big Lie&#8221;

    By Prof Michel Chossudovsky

    "This article was first published in September 2014 at the outset of Obama&#8217;s bombing campaign allegedly directed &#8220;against ISIS&#8221;. These bombings were never intended to destroy ISIS. Quite the opposite. The &#8220;Forbidden Truth&#8221; is that the Islamic State is an instrument of Washington, a US &#8221; intelligence asset&#8221;. ISIS is not an independent entity, nor is it an &#8220;outside enemy&#8221; which threatens global security, as conveyed by the Western media. It is a CIA sponsored intelligence asset. "

  21. petef56

    petef56 Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2008
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    Just perhaps, the above can be explained by saying; "Ignorance is bliss"


    PARTIZAN1 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2015
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    You mean Saint Rush - He has been canonized by the church of the gooey death and discount house of worship in Del Rio Texas

    - - - Updated - - -

    The OP that MUS.. His dad would go outside and inhale vigorously of the cigarette smoke !!1 ha ha
  23. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Yeah -

    The talk radio and TV hucksters think if they can put on a 10 man side show circus
    debate with the Trump at the helm and all his free TV - radio publicity that messages of reason by the likes of Rand Paul can be ignored and blotted out. His father, Ron Paul criticized the military industrial complex and the bought off media debate hosts just stopped asking him questions and for responses.

    It seems the medias primary function these days is to keep people in ignorance.:censored::frustrated:
  24. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Stories of Amy Goodmans Democracy Now radio and other phony "Liberals" ...:eyepopping:




    but first ...



    Astroturf and manipulation of media messages | Sharyl Attkisson

    My point has been to document the case that most - lets say 90% - of the "Progressive" and corporatist news sources, (radio, TV and websites) e.g. - Robert Fisk, Glenn Greenwald, Jeremy Scahill, Norm Goldman, Tom Hartman, Democracy Now, Mike Malloy, Noam Chomsky, Pacifica Radio, NPR, as well as CNN, NYT, FOX,
    who deny that President Obama started the Libya and Syria wars

    I am a liberal, but am unbiased enough to document the times so MANY "Progressives" are willing to lie and cover up for the Obama White House, in the same way NYT, CNN and FOX covered up war lies for Bush in Iraq. If you have a problem with the truth - I cannot help it. Maybe if you won't believe it from me, maybe you will believe it from a Republican ....

    Rand Paul: We armed ISIS in Syria


    LEAKS ?

    Clearly the Obama White House was trying to orchestrate their "Benghazi moment" to get their WMD chemical weapons false flag event off the ground for intervention in Syria

    "Military Intervention In Syria", US Training "Rebels" Since 2011 And The Complete Grand Plan - The March 2012 Leak

    "I kept pressing on the question of what these SOF teams would be working toward, and whether this would lead to an eventual air campaign to give a Syrian rebel group cover. They pretty quickly distanced themselves from that idea, saying that the idea 'hypothetically' is to commit guerrilla attacks, assassination campaigns, try to break the back of the Alawite forces, elicit collapse from within. There wouldn't be a need for air cover, and they wouldn't expect these Syrian rebels to be marching in columns anyway.


    "There still seems to be a lot of confusion over what a military intervention involving an air campaign would be designed to achieve. It isn't clear cut for them geographically like in Libya, and you can't just create an NFZ over Homs, Hama region. This would entail a countrywide SEAD campaign lasting the duration of the war. They dont believe air intervention would happen unless there was enough media attention on a massacre, like the Ghadafi move against Benghazi. They think the US would have a high tolerance for killings as long as it doesn't reach that very public stage."

    "Military Intervention In Syria", US Training "Rebels" Since 2011 And The Complete Grand Plan - The March 2012 Leak

    ______________________________ ______________________________ _________________

    OR would you believe this desciption of how the Obama White House started the war in Syria from Global Research ???

    NATO&#8217;s and Turkey&#8217;s Genocidal War on Syria

    Flashback to 2011

    By Cem Etür | Global Research, April 08, 2014

    In late March 2011, only two weeks after the launch of the NATO-led covert war on Syria, CIA director Leon Panetta secretly visited Turkey&#8217;s border with Syria.48 A month later, Turkish newspaper Sabah announced Panetta&#8217;s visit and CIA&#8217;s cooperation with Turkey over Syria:

    &#8220;CIA Director Leon Panetta made a surprise visit to Turkey at the end of March [2011]. Panetta&#8217;s 5 day visit to Ankara was hidden from the public opinion as a top secret. [...] Panetta met with Turkey&#8217;s National Intelligence Organization (MIT) Hakan Fidan, as well as officials from the government and the General Staff of Turkish Armed Forces. [...] During the consultations, it was pointed out that Syria is at a &#8220;critical threshold&#8221; [...] that the country would be dragged into chaos if Assad doesn&#8217;t take urgent steps. Details of what was described as Turkey&#8217;s &#8220;classified&#8221; [plan] concerning Syria were also discussed. It has been pointed out that the &#8220;classified&#8221; [plan] entails regime change in Syria&#8221;49

    The following day, Sabah revealed Turkey&#8217;s plan for toppling Syrian President Bashar al-Assad:

    &#8220;In the face of the escalation of events in Syria, Turkey [has decided] to launch its classified &#8220;Plan B&#8221; instead of its Plan A which envisaged Assad to remain in power. &#8220;Plan B&#8221; covers the possibilities of chaos, civil war and migration. [...] [The border provinces of] Hatay, Sanliurfa, Kilis and Mardin have been designated for [setting up] reception camps and field hospitals.&#8221;50

    What is particularly striking is that this plan of setting up five refugee camps (including two in Hatay) along some 600 kilometres-long segment of the Syrian border was conceived before any violent incident occurred in north Syria.

    On May 31st, 2011 Turkey hosted a three-day &#8216;regime change&#8217; conference in a five-star hotel in Antalya with the participation of some 300 members of the Syrian opposition.51,52

    The first major false flag attack of the NATO-led covert war on Syria was orchestrated through the military and intelligence cooperation of the U.S. and Turkey. On June 6, 2011, 120 Syrian soldiers were brutally massacred by the Muslim Brotherhood mercenaries in the town of Jisr al-Shughour, located 10 kilometres from the border with Turkey.53 At the time, this report by SANA was largely ignored by the mainstream and alternative media alike:

    &#8220;The Syrian TV broadcast photos of the brutal massacres perpetrated by organized armed terrorist groups against the civilians and the army, police and security forces groups in Jisr al-Shughour in the province of Idleb.

    &#8220;Members of the terrorist groups used government cars and military uniform to commit their crimes of killing, terrifying people and sabotaging. They filmed themselves committing vandalism acts to manipulate the photos and videos and distort the reputation of the [Syrian] army.

    &#8220;The terrorists attacked police and security centers as well as other governmental and private institutions, violated the streets, neighborhoods and houses and used rooftops to sniper and shoot at citizens and security forces. [...]

    NATO?s and Turkey?s Genocidal War on Syria | Fig Trees and Vineyards

    ______________________________ ______________________________ ____________________

    Would you believe these sources on President Obama complicity with Al Queda and subsequent "progressive" censorship?

    EU Sanctions Target Humanitarian Aid and Hinder Restoration of Global Heritage in Syria

    EU Sanctions Target Humanitarian Aid and Hinder Restoration of Global Heritage in Syria | Fig Trees and Vineyards
  25. petef56

    petef56 Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2008
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    I'm a Ron & Rand Paul supporter. However, after watching Rand Paul's performance in the debates and seeing how he can't get any traction, I've come to realize that Rand does not possess the leadership and showman skills that are necessary to win over the American people.

    Trump has the leadership & showman skills, but lacks certain political skills & knowledge that Rand Paul does have. I'd like to see Trump and Rand Paul team up so that the best of each can shine.

    The media is often to blame, but we can't always blame the media when our guys fall short.
    Same goes for the American people where the majority don't even vote.


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