How Talk Radio and Fox News Brainwashed My Dad

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Tom Joad, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. Private Citizen

    Private Citizen Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2014
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    Good video. What was the end scene all about with Jewish guys pushing people around?
  2. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    So many "progressives" are hiding the U.S. New World Order agenda its NOT FUNNY. Anti-war fraud and serial propagandist Mike Malloy did huge lip service and propaganda to support the argument Occupy /Hong Kong is some sort of genuine organic home grown political movement. It took him four years to admit Syrias war and ISIS is a U.S. plot. What lies. Its just like the LIHOPers crappola, John Stewarts CFR guest line up and indoctrination and $30 million a year PAYOLA SALARY. LIHOPers, "failed intel", the so called Boston Bombers getting past legions of security and bomb sniffing dogs, the Democrat lemmings don't have a leg to stand on, like Tarpley who argued Obama was the lesser of two evils. Who can argue that COINTELPRO shills DON'T dominate the broadcast airwaves 24-7 in America?

    Since Democracy Now and so many other liberal conservative indy media outlets radio and blogs ARE NAROWLY FOCUSED ON Snowden, police state, wiretapping, govmnt “leaks” and former NSA defense/intel spies “activists” and “whistleblowers” can CONTROL THE NEWS HEADLINES AND TOPICS ON A DAILY BASIS, to dispense propaganda and lip service WITH THEIR PRE FABRICATED phony activist SPIN AND MIND CONTROL the U.S. Government has effectively wrenched the control and domination of blogs,internet radio AWAY FROM THE GENUINE ANTI-WAR MOVEMENT and into the hands of Psyops officers. But I bet you didn’t notice how the radio shows topics switched from covering war atrocities in 7 states and false flags by the White House to fears of the police state and the need for “safe fracking techniques.” I’ll take LandDestroyer anyday over that BlackListedNews site which as slid completely into the dumpster. After doing some good coverage of the war in Syria during 2011-2013, it has REALLY GONE DOWNHILL. Its all constant FEAR brainwashing and they might as well be working for the NeoCons over there. Libertarians like him are trying to make you buy all this paranoid, gun nut, survivalist crappola, one radio station was actually selling hazmat suits and Geiger counters! They’re so worked up about fear and the police state, or the bomb, or whatever they don’t bother covering hard news on the ground in U.S. occupied war zones, its all hyperbole and indoctrination as much as they are about activist paralysis making you so afraid of NSA booga booga - SO you wont go out and protest against the illegal wars or blog about them - (the same basic purpose of Snowden - fear and psychological warfare.) William Binney this, James Bamfords interviews Snowden “ISIS is Mossad” misdirection (ISIS is wholly owned subsidiary of American CIA) even Snowden can’t get his sources right – whatever – be VERY AFRAID is the whole point. So whoever is the target of the latest FBI sting over at astroturf govmnt front ANONYMOUS and their Guy Fawkes masks or whatever, so you won’t notice they’re attacking/hacking for Uncle Sam and likewise there is NOTHING NEWSWORTHY about their three ring circus fear psyops and stunts. Its just another way the government sets up phony activist fronts so CENTCOM or whoever can engage the grassroots.

    The Snowden Hoax, How a Lie Traveled Around the World Before the Truth Could Get Its Boots On

    The better video than Architechs and the "blame the jews" 9/11 research is Zwickers the Great Conspiracy. Its a MIHOP video like David Ray Griffin and not this "failed intel" limited hangout, Able Danger excuse the LIHOPers lip service people often use. Before Tarpley was telling listners to "realign behind Obama" he was MIHOP as well. Lets be clear - the U.S. Pentagon/CIA executed the 9/11 False Flag. They did it before - squeezing the Japanese oil supply lines and picking up radio communications of the Japanese bombers before Pearl Harbor, they knew Japan would strike. They MIHOP.

  3. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Don't know. Anyone who follows Gordon Duff, Veterans Today is either dumb or a bigot, same with anyone who follows Fetzers radio show 9/11 space beams/holocaust revision crap.

    BIG BROTHERS MINISTRY OF TRUTH – Pacifica Radio, NPR, and the Pentagon megaphone “”

    In Dec. the Houthis overthrew the government in Yemen, and poof all the sudden Al Queda starts attacking them.Go figure.Al Queda always appear everyhwere the United States wants regime change. That is because Al Queda is controlled by the CIA to destablize countries for the CFR's oil congolmerate members and the NWO.

    Meanwhile, CIA conduit paid (Ford Foundation) Democracy Now has been saying all during the month of Jan. that the Houthis and Yemen government are still waging the battle. The government was defeated the entire month and Goodman reported as if the battles had not been decided or victorious by the Houthis.

    (e.g.)Amy Goodman, like the shills at and Scott Horton show are doing historical revisionism and spin. Scott Horton actually said ISIS was created by Bush during his Iraq years. What lies. Its like the Democrat Party scum on Progressive Voices who lay blame for Syria solely on Saudi Arabia because they are protecting their Pres. Obama whose admin., in fact, - and of course, its obvious to a fifth grader - created ISIS to destroy Assad.

    Likewise – Eric Margolis CIA Pimp, guest of Scott Horton and Pentagon megaphone fake “” establishment propagandists and limited hangout, wrote on the increasingly irrelevant Information Clearing, “Were the Saudis Behind 9/11?,” and is typical “failed intel” Abel Danger limited hangout LIHOP crappola. To be sure, the USA MIHOP on 9/11, I think any 9/11 Truther will tell you. ICH is a haven for CONTROLLED ASSETS and Foundation funded parallel Left.

    CFR media members like Fox/CNN/PBS/NBC/NYT/WaPo are always war propagandists who uncritically parrot war lies and censor criticism of the war machine. They also continually parrot the lies for the oil cartels that Al Queda/ISIS are some autonomous terror group because it serves the NWOs ultimate purpose - control of the worlds natural resources and energy. All roads lead to Rome, and that is why the Saudi and Israel scapegoating is hogwash.

    Dio - All The Fools Sailed Away


    Obama and the CFR

    "The 2004 Democratic National Convention may be remembered most for a young and energetic senator that immediately drew comparison to the Kennedys. Obama's speech launched his name and image into the public spotlight, and his
    fresh style of rhetoric filled a growing anti-war political void –
    He voted against the Iraq war and wasn't afraid to criticize it's
    handling. Excitement and support for the senator eventually
    snowballed into his current presidential campaign. He enjoys a
    popular image as a liberal democrat, and his harsh criticism of the
    Iraq war has earned him support from a population united in it's
    discontent with the current government. To a select crowd of
    Americans, Obama preaches against the handling of the Iraq war. To
    other more private groups, Obama advocates military strikes on new
    middle eastern countries. Obama has aligned himself with several
    lobbying firms and nongovernmental organizations who seek further US
    militarization of the world. In several speeches and essays, Obama
    makes his foreign policy goals clear – and he is not anti-war. Is
    Obama intentionally sending a deceptive message to his constituency?

    In a recent speech
    given to the American Israeli Political Action Committee, Obama
    outlines a plan for U.S. hegemony. He suggests polarizing political
    alignments that are already breeding anti-U.S. sentiment.
    Specifically, Obama pledges unfaltering military support to Israel.
    The U.S. has long supported Israel – this year they were given $30
    billion for defense of the young state. To put this in perspective,
    less than $7 billion has been federally granted to rebuild homes
    destroyed after hurricane Katrina. Although the U.S. has always
    given billions in aid to Israel, his alliance backs preemptive
    strikes against countries deemed a threat. Israel is unpopular in
    the region, and is threatened by Iran's desire for modern nuclear
    energy in the future. Regarding Iran's nuclear program, Obama states
    “We should take no option, including military action, off the
    table”. The US has already constructed massive permanent military
    bases in Iraq and Afghanistan to serve as hubs for such an operation.
    The fleet of aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf continues to
    grow, while politicians and media simultaneously hype a nonexistent
    enemy. This reckless policy leaves the U.S. on the brink of full
    scale war at all times.

    Obama differed from
    many of his peers by admitting the Iraq war was heavily motivated by
    Iraq's oil reserves. Iran's oilfields, and the military buildup of
    the Persian Gulf creates and incentive for military action. It has
    been questioned if the U.S. military even has the capability of
    securing the strategic oil reserve. Iran has some of the most
    lucrative oilfields in the region, and provides energy to Asia and
    Europe. International economies would be disenfranchised with the US
    military disruption of its energy supplies. Meddling in other
    countries' foreign affairs has spurred backlash against the U.S.
    This phenomenon is referred to as “blowback”, or, the
    consequences from provoking actions. Ignoring this cause and effect,
    Obama advocates troops in Iraq be redeployed to Pakistan and
    Afghanistan to fight amorphous groups of “terrorists”. Regarding
    the war on terror, Obama differs from his colleagues in that he does
    not believe nuclear weapons should be used – a small concession for
    an ambitious military operation. This policy still backs preemptive
    strikes and the further militarization of the middle east, all at the
    expense of US resources.

    Obama outlines his
    ambitious geopolitical plans in a recent essay for Foreign Affairs
    magazine. Foreign Affairs is published by the Council on Foreign
    Relations, which describes itself as a non-partisan group of which he
    is a member. Established in the 1920's and headquartered in New
    York, its membership includes prominent politicians and business
    elite, including heads of academia and media. The organization seeks
    to centralize both political power and market power to craft
    legislation outside the checks and balances of democracy. The CFR is
    rarely mentioned by the mainstream media, making it difficult to
    fully gauge its influence. When it is mentioned in the press, it is
    likely whitewashed as trivial or irrelevant. Notable members of the
    CFR include:

    Dick Cheney

    John Kerry

    Bill Clinton

    Al Gore

    Ronald Reagan

    George H. W. Bush

    Gerald Ford

    Richard Nixon

    John, David &
    Nelson Rockefeller

    Condolezza Rice

    Paul Wolfowitz

    Alan Greenspan

    Colon Powell

    Henry Kissinger

    Angelina Jolie
    (Yes, the actress has a five year term membership as an

    Its membership list
    is a who's who of Washington and Wall St. elite going back nearly a
    century. It should not be surprising that most presidential
    candidates in the 2008 election are CFR members. Candidates do not
    advertise their CFR membership to the public. They pose as
    “liberals” and “conservatives” to control all aspects of the
    debate. The CFR has stacked the deck for the 2008 election with
    several members in the race from both sides of the isle:

    Democrat CFR

    Barack Obama

    Hillary Clinton

    John Edwards

    Chris Dodd

    Bill Richardson

    Republican CFR

    Mitt Romney

    Rudy Giuliani

    John McCain

    Fred Thompson

    Newt Gingrich

    The mainstream
    media's self-proclaimed “top tier” candidates are united in their
    CFR membership, while an unwitting public perceives political
    diversity. The unwitting public has been conditioned to
    instinctively deny such a mass deception could ever be hidden in
    plain view. Presidential Candidate & Congressman Ron Paul is
    the only “top tier” candidate who is not a member of the CFR.

    Although many
    politicians hold membership, It must be noted that the Council on
    Foreign Relations is a non-governmental organization. The CFR's
    membership is a union of politicians, bankers, and scholars, with
    several large businesses holding additional corporate memberships.
    Corporate members include:

    Halliburton of

    British Petroleum

    Dutch Royal Shell

    Exxon Mobile

    General Electric


    Lockheed Martin


    News Corp (FOX)



    Time Warner

    JP Morgan/ Chase

    & several other
    major financial institutions

    Members are united
    in their interventionist intentions with the goal of a consolidated
    global governance. The CFR's mission is to influence policy through
    the reach of its members and publications. Those who study the CFR
    ideology are recruited and cultured for membership. The best and
    brightest university students are taught to propagate the CFR model.
    Individuals who both subscribe to the CFR ideology and can bring an
    element of capital (political status, business influence, money) to
    the group will be given membership. Members meet at the CFR
    headquarters in Manhattan and Washington DC, and round-table style
    discussions are held for its membership to discuss foreign affairs
    and make recommendations on policy. The CFR often creates “task
    forces” to report “findings and policy prescriptions” (
    for specific current world events, and also publishes the periodical
    Foreign Affairs magazine. CFR authors are often found in mainstream
    media publications. In a recent issue of TIME magazine, one CFR
    member writes: “The US should make (Pakistani President & US
    intelligence asset) Musharraf the best dictator he can be”.
    Another author, this time in Newsweek magazine objectively argues to
    the readers that the world really isn't all that bad in an article
    titled “Don't Worry, Be Happy”. Currently, the front page of features essays on European anti-terrorism measures, radical
    Iranians, and the reemergence of the nuclear threat (CFR members in
    government control the nuclear football). Many prominent
    publications are influenced and controlled by the CFR:



    US News & World

    Atlantic Monthly


    & several major
    publishing houses

    Members of the CFR
    in the media intend to inject it's pro-globalist arguments into the
    mainstream consciousness. Although the CFR is self-described as a
    non-partisan association, it unabashedly promotes a
    one-world-government agenda without regard for US sovereignty or the
    desires of the American people.

    The goals of the
    CFR is best described by its very own members. Bill Clinton's
    Georgetown mentor and CFR member Carroll Quigley states: “The
    Council on Foreign Relations is the American branch of a society
    which originated in England... (and) ...believes national boundaries
    should be obliterated and one world rule established.”. Quigley
    differs from many of his CFR colleagues in that he believes their
    plan for a new world order should be more publicly disclosed. In his
    book Tragedy and Hope, Quigley concedes he is unique among his peers
    in that he believes the new world order plan of global government's
    “role in history is significant enough to be known”. Quigley
    also admits that the two-party system allows for both groups to be
    controlled at the highest level but operate like bitter rivals. As
    Quigley says, this gives the voters the chance to “throw the
    rascals out at any election without leading to any profound of
    extreme shifts in policy.”. Controlling Washington elite allowed
    private central banks to “dominate the political system... ...and
    economy of world as a whole” and implement a new system of
    “feudalist fashion” through “secret agreements”. Although he
    believes the CFR's intentions should be more public, Quigley
    understands the average person doesn't understand feudalism or
    serfdom and will never read his book.

    Surprisingly, many
    of its own members admit the CFR goal is to subvert the democratic
    process. CFR member and Judge Advocate General of the US Navy
    Admiral Chester Ward writes “The main purpose of the (CFR) is
    promoting the disarmament of US sovereignty and national dependence
    and submergence into and all powerful, one world government.”.
    This high ranking military officer went on to explain their
    procedures for influencing policy, claiming: “Once the ruling
    members of the CFR shadow government have decided that the US
    government should adopt a particular policy, the very substantial
    research facilities of the CFR are put to work to develop arguments,
    intellectual and emotional, to support the new policy and to confound
    and discredit, intellectually and politically, any opposition.”.

    The CFR's strategy
    is also being used to promote world government as well as the new
    environmental agenda. Obama and most candidates have made the
    environment a major issue in the policy. The CFR has long suggested
    a global tax, specifically identifying the environmental movement as
    a means for its advancement. All CFR candidates align themselves
    with the position that the government has both the ability and
    responsibility to maintain the world's environment. Good intentioned
    individuals may genuinely seek environmental protection, but
    nongovernmental organizations are quickly capitalizing on land
    acquisitions and taxes in the name of global warming. While most
    scientist agree the planet earth is undergoing a degree of climactic
    change, the CFR admits the environmental argument will be used to
    erode national sovereignty and build up their global authority.
    Proposed “Carbon Taxes” place carbon expenditure ratings on
    mundane human activities. Contrary to popular misconceptions, CO2
    is by no means a pollutant. As an essential gas for life, plants
    thrive on increased levels of CO2 which in turn they produce higher
    levels of oxygen. Furthermore, carbon based life forms emit carbon
    to the atmosphere, hence a “Carbon Tax” is a tariff for doing
    nothing but maintaining life. A popular movement lead by the CFR's
    own Al Gore would have you believe CO2 is the root cause of
    environmental woes while ignoring real industrial pollution in
    developing countries. There are serious environmental problems that
    are ignored in favor of issues that can be used to tax the broad

    protection has already lead countries to willingly surrender control
    of natural resources. The US has ceded control of natural resources
    to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural
    Organization (UNESCO) in a land grab under the guise of environmental
    protection. UNESCO is part of the United Nations, an organization
    controlled by many CFR members like permanent US ambassador John
    Bolton. The CFR's President Richard N. Haass boldly admits “Some
    governments are prepared to give up elements of sovereignty to
    address the threat of global climate change.”. He adds that this
    “Globalisation thus implies that sovereignty... ...needs to become
    weaker.”. While it is important to be conscious of humans' effects
    on the earth, nongovernmental organizations like the CFR see an
    opportunity to redistribute wealth through selective enforcement
    targeting the US. The CFR openly states its intentions of using the
    environmental movement and other emotional arguments to build up
    global authority and undermine US sovereignty.

    The CFR backs other
    programs that promote regional governments. Another ambitious goal
    of the CFR is the implementation of regional unions under the control
    of a central world government. World leaders are moving towards a
    regional partnership of North America consisting of Canada, the US,
    and Mexico. In 2005, the CFR released a report titled “Building
    an American Community” which sought to eliminate borders between
    the three North American countries. One part of the plan called for
    decreasing government control of cross-border traffic in an effort to
    dissolve national borders. Robert Pastor, a vice chairman of the
    task force that released “Building a North American Community”,
    names the “Amero” as a hypothetical unified North American
    currency similar to the Euro. Carried out with precision, the
    private, run-for-profit federal reserve bank has massively devalued
    the US dollar, allowing foreign corporations to buy up US resources
    for literal pennies on the dollar.

    The European Union
    is a similar model to the North American partnership. The EU was
    hugely opposed by Europeans, and took a half century for the
    complicit European power elites to fully implement the union.
    During his time as Prime Minister, Tony Blair tried several times for
    the United Kingdom's adoption of the unpopular EU constitution that
    was also staunchly rejected by French and Dutch voters. The current
    Prime Minister Gordon Brown continues to advance a similar
    constitution under a new name. Like the EU, American countries would
    keep their governmental infrastructure but all policy would be
    superseded by a regional constitution.

    Already in place in
    North America is the Security and Prosperity Partnership (
    established in a meeting between Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox,
    and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin. The SPP consolidates
    protection of the North American Union by establishing a security
    perimeter extending north of Canada to the Mexican/ Guatemalan
    border. This measure was authorized under Bush's ambiguous executive
    authority, thus avoiding any congressional input or oversight. It is
    a precursor to a trilateral authority between the three North
    American economies.

    A similar measure
    to the SPP in the establishment of a unified North American region is
    the NAFTA “Superhighway” which eliminates border restrictions on
    shipping, allowing imported goods destined for the US to arrive in
    North America at ports in Mexico. Rather than arriving at the port
    of Long Beach, imported goods would enter the US via a “port” in
    the mid-west that lies along the shipping lane. This measure has
    been unanimously opposed by US cities in proximity of the highway,
    but the democratic voice is ignored as the government covertly
    advances. Congress has largely looked away from the issue. Members
    who are aware of this plan avoid this issue and prefer that it stay
    secret, and the CFR presidential candidates will not address it. The
    presidential candidates' association with the the self-described
    “shadow government” compromises the the voting process and
    defrauds the constituency.

    Barack Obama has
    captivated voters from all parties with his refreshing new style of
    rhetoric. He has the voting record to back his criticism of the Iraq
    war. But like his CFR colleagues, he vows to continue the pursuit of
    a shadowy enemy under the vague threat of “terrorism” - a policy
    that has cost citizens their personal liberties, trillions in debt
    and untold lives. The war on terror has been crafted to spend the
    US into bankruptcy and setup a domestic police state. Money
    continues to be being printed out of thin air by the private
    run-for-profit Federal Reserve, while China remains leveraged with
    over $1 trillion in US dollar holdings. In the middle east, the
    CFR's blank check for U.S. military operations will deplete U.S.
    resources while inciting sectarian strife and anti-U.S. sentiment,
    ignoring the history of blowback as documented by the CIA. Obama and
    other CFR candidates affiliation with the organization is not
    promoted on their websites or in any press releases because the
    organization has centralized political power and financial capital to
    set policy the public would otherwise oppose. The career
    politicians in the CFR know corporate sponsorship is frowned upon by
    voters. The Council is one of the major conduits between government
    and business leaders in the US. The CFR is guaranteeing power by
    owning all the horses in the race that is the 2008 election. Obama
    is captivating unlike most of his competition, undoubtedly
    intelligent enough to understand his political niche. Another CFR
    US president guarantees more of the same costly foreign policy that
    protects corporate interests and isolates the US. Like his
    colleagues, Barack Obama's stated foreign policy intentions foment
    the long term militarization and balkanization of the middle east
    while resources will continue to be spent in deficit to finance an
    illegal foreign policy. Only when the control of the CFR is fully
    exposed will the voters have a real democratic choice."
  4. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Counterfeit Progressives



    Snowden is scripted, reading from cue cards? CIA in alternative media? (uh oh, looks like Juan Cole was just the tip of the iceberg)

    hypocrisy of the anti-war movement

    "purposeful marginalizing of 9/11 Truth by leaders of the antiwar movement. He also discusses how he believes these same leaders weakened the antiwar movement with their
    partisanship and hypocrisy. "

    Censorship from Stage "Left"

    Cindy and Ted share their experiences of being banned from the CIA-Democrat website,Daily Kos.

    Anti-War movements in the U.S. have historically tried to co-opt and silence members.

    "In relating his other activities in the 1960s, he assesses his relationship with the civil rights movement, particularly his friendship with Martin Luther King, Jr., and his activities in the anti-war movement." NGER

  5. Pork_Butt

    Pork_Butt Active Member

    Dec 26, 2013
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    Soooooo, hows that Air America working out for ya?
  6. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    the main problem with the "alternative" media is that former govmnt people and "embedded" type reporters are really clouding the issues, IMO. ray mcGovern, cia robert fisk, snowden, etc. the "sanctimonius" chris hedges once stated due to his "travels and experience abroad with the haditha masscare in syria in the 80s, he had no doubt Assad caused the chemical attacks". what bs. And liars like Amy Goodman got her millions secured from the Pacifica foundation while all the union workers and reporters got fired from wbai, kpfk, kpfa, etc. michael moore and ralph nader also declined to use union workers for the films and naders public citizen. although no one listens to establishment gatekeepers like goodman, abby martin and rt, their ratings suck, they still provide lies and cover for the rest of the radio broadcasters.

    Thru the CIA front "professional left" centralized control of blog headlines and topics w/ a herd mentality combining truth and disinfo hype grandstanding on israel, russia, and protecting the democrat party from scandal for creating al queda in syria/ISIS. long after obama is gone, progressive media will be in tatters, never to recover their reputation destroyed like michael moore, who have become obama apologists. they never brought up how arming of al queda and libya, syria are the massive high crimes and misdemeanors worthy of impeachment by democrats, the betrayal of american troops who sacrifice to battle terrorism, and aid and abet like nbc,cnn,fox in covering up the true sponsor of terrorism (america) in the region of syria,iraq, as the former air america hosts cover up up for the president on their faux left shows.

    A broadcast on the ADD plagued, fear mongering but generally accurate jack blood show featrured NSA agent scott rickard, 2/24/15. He was analyzing ISIS saying it was the french foreign legion mercenaries, but admitted later that they were aided by the us when pressed by jack. like ray does, scott tries to pull a fast one like people who say isis is mossad (snowden). isis is american mercenaries, period. the goal is control of iraq and overthrow assad. the fact that israel aids america in the field is incidental, as they have oil interests, but they are always aiding but the the new world order strategy is purely american. progressives you have been had. the media is bought and paid for, including the soros funded on the left and even robert parry who like to blame republicans and goes decades back in history to avoid blaming democrats, although his research is flawless, his agenda is clear, like others to exculpate the democrat white house and congress. among those mentioned who has chronicled on broadcast media (besides PCR) the overt warmongering and diplomatic statements of john kerry over time?

    In dec 2014 Kerry stated that "it was time for a political solution to the conflict in syria". did it get swept under the rug? only fearmongering sells on radio-tv? the blame game to israel and bush? few progressive types in broadcasting have any credibility left - cindy sheehan, lendman, corbett and there is way too much gatekeeping. project censored is a farce, mike malloy asked on his show last week "are we at war w/pakistan?" to which his wife kathy replied, "i dont know". we all know the answer is yes. progressive media is a coopted tragedy in this country. gary null had the CFRs scott horton on last week, and that channel is now a haven for cia front think tanks.
  7. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Air America Radio played an important role in refuting the lies of the Iraq War for the two years it was on the air.

    And you can bet grannys savings the number of dead american soldiers is over 50,000 as well. the u.s. military used a falsified method for counting war casualties. the 6,600 figure is tabulated by soldiers killed inside the theatre of operations - but when a wounded american was taken by medivac to the field hospital (the majority of deaths) they were NOT counted as war casualties. This fact has been reported a half dozen times in the prog blogs and is one of the most suppressed facts and biggest lies in broadcast media of the iraq war. america is a military dictatorship.
  8. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Yeah - after six years of obama wars, at this very moment Mike Malloys guest host is some d-bag on faux "progressive" (translation: democrat party shills) KTNF Minnesota talk radio is live on the air cramming support for warmonger Hillary Clintons presidency down our throats.:thumbsdown::psychoitc::grandma:

    what fascist a--holes - f bombs - pentagon lackey media

    Killery Clinton - the al queda supporting butcher of Libya, Syria


    Al Qaeda Levant aka FSA Targets Civilians Directly

    Shocking Facts Exposed, A Syrian Infiltrator Behind Enemy’s Lines

    Top 10 Bogus ISIS Stories

    radio podcast:What You're Not Being Told About ISIS and Its US Support

  9. onalandline

    onalandline Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 9, 2008
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  10. Tahuyaman

    Tahuyaman Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2014
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    Your tin foil hat is too tight.
  11. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    on the other side the libertarians,many of whom like Paul opposed libya, syria correctly and in radio shows also, rallied unceasingly against obamacare and for the right of americans to gain access to less expensive healthcare were wrong also, lets hope they dont do it again (i.e.), Jack Blood, Joyce Riley, Monica Perez, - but still - such libertarian shows are entrenched in police state fear mongering, fema camp perpetual fear broadcasting, gun nut paranoia, (jack blood show had AK-47 ads blasting loud gunshot noise had me channeling deputy dawg, "duuuh, that's a nice pea shooter you got there Muskie") rather than espouse nonviolent philosphy, activism, and peace demonstrations - did anyone cover the recent syria protests? anyhow as much truth as his libertarian cohorts tell, they are not at all empowering (like ron paul institutes daniel mcadams) but their messages are drowned in psychological warfare, constant powerlessness, demoralizing and dehumanizing hopelessness like their progressive counterpart mike malloy who has to have fear somrthing the koch, religious right, obvious gop hucksters, and whose shows need their audience to fear SOMETHING gun confiscation or immigrants co-opting their base. they have become the equivalent of howard beales network host after ned beatty read him the riot act and so howard became a pastor preaching the futility of the individuals alienation from society.

  12. doombug

    doombug Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
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    More garbage churned out by the left wing propaganda machine. Anyone who buys into what the left spews needs their brain washed.
  13. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    The Left hasn't cornered the market on crazy - the GOP congress are voting in lockstep w/ McCain and the NeoCons into more war on Syria and pushing for war w/ Iran.

    Paul Craig Roberts 2013 : Syria : Washington Is Insane:thumbsup:

  14. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    We all saw it on YouRube, but as usual, the truth always gets deleted:laughing:
  15. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    In short, the Democracy Now , "war and peace report," is in fact, the war and propaganda report. It is designed specifically to reinforce the corrupt 2 party system by perception management and superficial examination of politics and highlight ONLY those pre-determined resolutions to corrupt govmnt policy that the Elites will allow in order to APPEAR as if the PROGRESSIVE ASTROTURF CIA funded movement is actually genuine and not the controlled activist acting studio that it really is. It is covertly designed to create the perception that establishment liberal and democrats are responsive, and acting out the will of the people, and create faux consensus, when mass censorship is exercised on a grand scale everyday by these "alternative" (actually mainstream, and commercialized) "progressive" "grass roots " (actually establishment controlled from contributors, guests to financing) news sources. the packaging has become so transparent, activists appear so docile, unagitated, using the vernacular of trained ideologues, think tank jargon or the bureaucratic lexicon of groupthink, strategically placed buzzwords [i.e. - "climate change"] and soundbytes that in no way represent the common man, woman activist on the street, or indy blogger. The verbage is so thoroughly emasculated, devoid of passion, stoical, as it displays the obviously coached, rehearsed, scripted lines of a professional marketing huckster. That together with the obvious curtailing of recent Democrat war crimes video and news coverage of bloody massacres in Syria removed from the public consciousness of the Democracy Now stage play solidify the evidence of CIA coercion and control.


    progressives and grassroots are supposed to fight for the voiceless victims of US empire and wars first and foremost, not be some cult of "green awareness" geeks.they're shills before and they're shills now.

    U.S.-backed Syrian Opposition Linked to Bilderberg, CFR, Goldman Sachs & George Soros

    And their planted media stories are shills and spin to provide them cover. Why?

    the Ford Foundation is connected to the Syria genocide thru the opposition:

    "Back a few years, in 2005, Kodmani was working for the Ford Foundation in Cairo, where she was director of their governance and international co-operation programme."

    The Syrian opposition: who's doing the talking?




    "This is quite likely due to the fact that the intelligence community and corporate America pretty much controls all the media."

  16. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    when progressivism becomes regressive * we have seen the media being weaponized against the anti-war left in the form of subverient radio news coverage, scare mongering, and mass censorship in service to the democratic party and/or the govmnt. the best term to describe them, and whom one scholar refers to these "agents of the state" there are many examples. abby martin will scold the russians for the ephemeral incursion, blubber tears for michael ruppert then deny her prior 9/11 activist stance, endless religion and politics (matters of state and belief are seperate) sermons to divde and conquer for the benefit of the party, facts purged down the memory hole, the crimes of the guilty whitewashed, public dissent on airwaves cutting off callers, and this is not the clear channel npr and fox only, but tom hartman as well, a bulwark against the left, a spokesman for the democrat party, not the people. pacifca radios lies for empire and regime change, their agents purposefully placing the blame elsewhere for american and democrat slaughter campigns in syria, libya and elsewhere, no accountability for democrats hand in the continued iraq genocide, as the audience endures the faux progressive legacy of brainwashing. now the democrat election food fight heats up, the 'net roots radio' will be favoring their woman warmonger, but i wont waste one breath on that idiot white house decorator and window dresser for mass murder and imperialism, we all know her and (which) "path to persia" she used the brookings document where the eltitst think tank delineates their strategy for guerilla terrorism on the citizens of syria, so elequently described on the jack blood show , and that is what the faux progressives are trying to convince us is the lesser of evils. what lies. fear and lies that is all the democrats have left on the 'progessive voices radio' nowhere to be heard is the quotes of 'more war' from democrat leaders in their mentally deranged state of perpetual violence on the innocent. they merely gatekeep and hide the daily crimes of syria car and marketplace bombings by obama financed al nusra/isis, civillian torture and murder, the 2,000 airstrkes on iraq and syria, its endless mass censorship, and orwellian control of the public mind. will the democrat lip service radio hucksters continue to sell their subscriptions, take ford foundation donations, and lie to the anti-war public, as they bury the news and and fail to correct lying headlines that bolster the war state that ultimately conceal mass death from their listeners, ad infinitum until the total destruction of syria is merely academic, or will they fight for a peaceful way and finally excoriate their corrupt rulers?
  17. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    reluctantly riding in cars with dopey media icons* it reminds me of the latest louie ck episode, not merely philosopical nihlism which i am sure louie would admit, but NOTHING AT ALL, there is no story, no substance - but seinfeld is so superior to our kitty cat videos, NOT. his nonsense is sponsored by sony but (like chomsky endorses this above establishment, the conglomo/ nwo octopus tentacles amy goodman democrat party interview) jerry convinced this to no one. they only give you satelllite bandwith if you are smut shallow like 'broad (lame) city' or amy schumer - note to the unwary skype is not secure use a phone - graphic sexual sickness - public radio is the morally bankrupt equivalent as is the foundation funded spokesmen, buffoonery is the last bastion of the fascist mind control, the no think state of america the eltist scourge on the free spirits and heartfelt souls inhabiting the 'eternal present' (as the eternal champions moorcock calls it) while the weapons of mass malevolence - shooting violence, murder scene, child rape, racist 'law and order' propaganda, where arabs and blacks are all angry criminals and killers, but jewish are to be sympathized for holocaust, and spanish americans are sneaking theives and rapists, such is the stereotyping of the media and news is no different with african americans being shaded dark in photo and art, menacing, arabs are portrayed with slanted diabolical eyes in court sketches, with pointed ears and black or opaque visages, the just sleeping photo of tsarnev is pasted everywhere while a bright light of flash gives him the slanted evil eyes big brother wanted and so we have the perp walks and fergason abuse and jails on 'cops' and msnbc jail shows, beating people enforcing the draconian state, jackboots, the ever present psychological warfare of oppression.
  18. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    How do these anti-war progressive radio hosts hope to put a stop new wars like in Syria when they are still wasting time talking about issues like Bush, Vietnam, and the toppling of Irans Mossadegh in the 1950's?

  19. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    go get your feeding fenzy under control

    - star wars those bar wars * always stick up for what you believe. the truth is out there. you have to fight for peace in the upside down world of warmongers of the us govmnt. there was a story on RT back some years ago where us military contractors cleared out an entire street of local denizens in an Afghan neighborhood. they refurbished the houses with u.s. taxpayer money so they could continue to ratchet up the war machine with increasingly wasteful and expensive luxury. the pictures showed how the americans and their agencies just swept away the locals and some big scam was going on. there were no taliban or enemies around, just like w/ the war in pakistan, the u.s. manufactured an enemy for balkanized policy for the pipelines, any 18 year old civllian male was falsely descibed as "militants" in news or casualty the late sherman skolnick used to describe 'the oil soaked, oil money riddled press' the newsmen are direct shills of the military war complex. when obama started the war in syria, most all the liberal press sought to change the subject to almost anything else, desperate to keep the 2 party food fight alive for mass commercialized consumption, and tabloid fodder. the media, in fact, appears to be one giant mass stupefaction factory, contructed for fearmind control and to exacerbate conflict between classes, races, for the benefit of elites, to keep the masses down and prevent their upward mobility into higher social can see the mindlessness of the constant consumerism, spend ad infinitum mentality advertising and product placement sans substantive dialgue, plot or meaning. mindless displays of sex, food, cars, jewels, and garbage no one needs, the capitalists want programmed pod people perpetually pushing beyond their purchasing power. to do this, they must amplify the hatred, distrust, enmity, fear, jealousy, prey upon the insecurity and desires of the weak and the poor, and the have nots, a super cynical, cold calculated ploy to condition the herd to always be wanting more, and to be envious of others, to condition perpetually hungry consumers for social conflict based by religion or region. catty women on 'the younger' tvland discuss pubes, boobs, smut or amy schumer dullard porno monologue debased broadcast racist ranting dehumanization so the public is programmed to be alienated from their own empathy, movies condition instant, automatic fight/flight action-reaction, split second no think brainlessness, the wanton sickness and malicious mind manipulations of the globalists hate your neighbor policy of constant division and chaos all over global satellite, for control of markets, sell guns, weapons, mass marketed with violence, and hatred.

    democrat obama, dictator of cruelty* it was reported on radio podcast that the yemen war was being run by an american 2 star general. this fits the pattern of lies and censorship begun w/libya and syria by democrat media radio and blog hosts.the 2 party oligrachy is setting the stage for the next republican in sheeps clothing to ratchet up the wars after obama leaves. although people like ray mcgovern hopelessly try to paint the obama admin as unwilling victims in larger plots by the neocons, obamavery carefully put all the pieces into place, arming /training mercs, securing bases nearby for launching syrIa invasions, pushing false pre-texts, heightening warmongerr rhetoric, empty excercises of moderate verbage charades to appear 'reasonable' and reluctant while endorsing neocon extreme policy behind the scenes. and this is where we see the 'liberal' media in their capacity as 'agents of the state' to hide the truth, hide bombings by the syria terrorists, hide by the democrat design, to censor state apparatus psyops exposed, the obama doctrine hand in hand with cheney and mccain - the supposed democrat adversaries - so thoroughly and carefully crafted media narratives to tell certain facts while conealing the big picture, the callousness of the state dogma and propaganda, the never seen faces of the slaughtered in syria, to provide air time for more devious fake progressive democrat shill media marketing gimmicks, focus group semantics and wordplay, the sanitized language of think tank speak, the new world orders globalist elties paid for astroturf reporters, scholars and activist rendering blogs and news meaningless with neutered language, radio hosts cutting off callers comments in midsentence, or limited to 30 seconds, soundbytes of empty pandering, fictitious representation of the anti-war public outcry against the continual syria slaughter by establishment shills and censors, soros affiliated symbolic sermons bereft of the absolute heinous atrocity of the democrat funded terrorist mutilatiions of adults, women and children, the wry cynical humor of liberal radio hosts concealing the democrat war crimes or placing the syria war count blame on ephemeral factors - like religion and others who did not sign the democrat white house war directive, the commander in chief and his democrat CFR benefactors, the total loss of credibility within the broadcast media and the legacy of unreality staining our american heritage, and anti-war movements credibility and compassion, we willnot forget your betrayals, your cointelpro agents, and democrat party shills and your orwellian mind control techniques used to protect the party.

    from washingtons blog -It’s Dishonest to Talk about Benghazi Without Talking About the Syrian War

    go get your feeding frenzy under control pt II

    if america got rid of the CFR you rectify the problem of constant war powers abuse and war starting, methinks.none of this would have happened if obama had decimated libya, of has very good reporting we esp like bill auken peace!- with regards to yemen, it's like the callers to clear channel right wing radio nuts used to say during the run up to iraq - "the reason we're going to iraq isn't because of oil, but we ain't LEAVING without it," (hardy har har) :(

    but like with much of progressive radio, people wont admit obama is worse than bush, and his liberal faux left veneer provides him cover like his defenders on nbc, (longtime gop and military marketing whores) and his propagandist the daily show w/ jon stewart who praised the slaughter of libyans, like ed schultz did.the magnitude of the disaster which will befall the u.s. if the proxy wars against the iran-syria-iraq region are let to continue unabated. an entire three state land mass run by al queda ... are they insane? as with new oil/gas fields discovered every day, there is no "peak oil," and it peak oil was a sham created by the big oil cartels. as with the privatized oil gangsterism i described last time in which u.s. military afghan contractors with their rows upon rows of brand new duplex townhouses built by a giant taxpayer scam featured on RT years ago, the 250,000 count of contractors in iraq, and afghan including security for american personnel holds true. it was reported there were 14 u.s. bases in afghanistan while efforts to rebuild civillian homes were cheap stucco concrete walls that the citizens could crumble with their hands. you see where the emphasis lies, american bases ad infinitum the world over eternal puppet installing world police. by now it must be consuming more waste and money than it produces.the u.s. govmnt could outlaw and cut the waste out if they wanted, but its clear they dont want to be accounable and clean up the mistakes of bush-cheney and the democrats who enabled them with war funding votes. .i am reminded of another old RT special years back had reported the oil companies spills all over mexico, and unregulated cartels paying workers nothing, and not paying when they were injured, this is the big oil conspiracy like the gulf spill and the stranglehold over u.s. legislators. it has been reported that mexico has a u.s. controlled puppet govmnt as well. like india mexico has been a dumping ground for big industrial polluters. why do our citizens in media fall silent u.s. govmnt funded al queda and not report civillian deaths by in the face extreme human rights violations and hideous killings in syria and libya by the democrat warmongers? are they paid shills? are they spies working in media? why are the media censors working in radio and elsewhere not inclined to speak up and voice consistent dissent towards democrat party led killings and atrocity? in turkey, the muslims protested dissent against erdogan for his aiding syria terrorists, but our own radio hosts want to talk about keystone and the trans pacific nafta rehash, why?i say it is because they are not what they seem and are "agents of the state". it is the only answer that makes sense, as humans are naturally innate about saving their fellow mankinds plight in places like syria.

    And we can go straight down the line and name all the "anti-war" left people in broadcast radio/tv who turned into pro-war shills once the Democrats got in - Rachel Maddow, Ed Schlitz, Amy Goodmans R2P lies, Cenk Uygars Armenian holocaust denial, Tariq Ali signing the Assad regime change support, Ian Masters bogus Pacifica Radio "arab spring" lies, Brad Freidmans organization which supports "arab spring" regime changes , the Pentagon stealth war campaign, Ed Snowdens personal attacks on Putin, etc. Cointelpro is alive and well.

    go get your feeding frenzy under control pt. III
    blame the saudis, of course. just like the bought off section of the foundation blogs did w/ syria in order to protect their democrat president. zunes has no cred left, like when amy goodman began to air interviews w/ cohen on russia, the establishment hack polemist on loan from pbs him lehrer us govmnt front war apologists and stenographers. of course the constnant fear mind control headlines in newspapers and webzines as well as google news,yahoo, are to boost the cost of oil and defense stocks and keep them artificially high. ("The press is the hired agent of a monied system, and set up for no other purpose than to tell lies where their interests are involved. One can trust nobody and nothing." Henry Adams) it is as if spooking invenstors is their primary task. it is like homeland security and the fbi whose task is to set up entrapment plots and staged terror scares to keep the public frightened and willing to surrender tax dollars to the massive national (in)"security" war machine. a local outdoor ampitheatre concert hall was being used as a base for homeland security, complete with jackbooted thugs walking around in body armor during a show, and a social security service office built in the shape of the zigguraut of the moon was also tuned into a military intel, homeland security branch. That the CFR needs to have their member corps. profit from fear is no secret, they have to sell those weapons to someone, and that is the only means they have to steal nations oil is by scaring us with phantom threats in their CFR controlled press outlets. Carlyle, Haliburton, Soros, Ford all the usual CFR suspects. But when a caller into the norman goldman radio show "where independance is the norm" tried to dicsuss the CFR, he was instantly shut down twice, not allowed to finish a sentence. "oh that council on foreign relations stuff is crap" norman said, with no facts to back himself up. it is like the media hosts aboid the subject that alnusra-isis-fsa is an instrument of u.s. foreign policy not some saudi religious plot, which is what the democrat hucksters in media are using as a lie to protect their man obama from war crimes charges. this is the same as a policeman saying "I tried to grab my taser" after he slaughters the defenseless - an intnentional falsehood constructed to conceal the establishment perpetrators guilt.:S

    ISIS is not ‘Blowback’ from Western Foreign Policy; They ARE Western Foreign Policy
    "A prevalent liberal cliché is the “blowback” theory – the theory that ISIS terror attacks, and indeed the group’s very existence, are somehow in retaliation to US/Western/”Israeli” foreign policy actions.This is a disingenuous theory that is disseminated in order to keep the empire’s citizens on side. Crucially, it distracts from a key truth."
  20. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    Make your post to long, many won't read it.
  21. BPman

    BPman Banned

    Nov 26, 2014
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    And trying to make 'too' into the preposition 'to' will confuse too many. :wink:
  22. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    f-bombs on the democrat party fashion parade 'its the old shuck and jive' beneath every stone unturned lies hidden another american armed, trained, funded terrorist mercenaries - chechnya rebels, boko haram, the fsa, taliban, al queda, libyan fighting group, muslim brotherhood, lashkar-e-taiba, al nusra. british colonial yemen back in the day, soliders would covertly set off bombs in crowded marketplace or urban area so they woulld have an excuse to move troops into any area they wished, the americans work the same way for their pretexts to invade countries. the various 'conventional wisdom' from people like patrick cockburn, who is an establishment hack doing damage control for the powers that be, is that saudis create fund al nusra, that explanation is a smoksecreen and perhaps makes help elements of the public broadcasting national petroleum radio sleep better at night, or might help fundraising at these democrat party fashion parades and cheerleading sections in our the faux left townhalls of amy goodman, tom hartman and norman goldman. so much media now is merely advertising, amy goodman, tom hartman are just lip service for the party it is no different than product placement in a sitcom selling beers, cellphones, people giving each other diamonds every week, proposal as redundant plotlines, their democrat politics is a marriage sales gimmick, programming everyone to be mindless consumer zombies -programming people to have 'traditional' families, get pregnant, honeymoon or spend in Vegas, its low comedy worse than roseanne,friends, how i met your mother, and family guy put together. the only difference is that amy goodman, tom hartman and norman goldman are selling ephmeral policy changes, war propganda news coverage, brainwashing, emotional pandering, and empty symbolism. the cable channels/public tv think if they put a black man in the daily show slot we wont notice what obama shills they are defending and making jokes about the presidents mass syria libya butcherings and executions and the news shows are the worst satire of pure lies, journalism fakery, bought and paid for conglomerate censored spokesmen this is what fascsim has come to, actors playing pr shills in the public forum to do damage control for abhorrent govmnt policy, scapegoated on those ominous and myserious foreigners, those 'other' races, but according to them, obama is basically a good guy, just a victim of policies by 'other' people - never mind cindy sheehan was chained to a wall in her jail cell, the mass graves of democrat wars, who started them and continue to fund terrorism, your lovable fearless leader .

    Some commentators - not this author in particular - act as the equivalent of agent provocateurs RE foreign policy just as other infiltrators misdirect dissent domestically. of course, racism is falsely injected to conceal the role of democrat ordered crackdowns, illegal arrests, to subdue reason, and manipulate emotions when all races are shot and beaten unjustly. [e.g.] a misdirection agent quizzically leads eric garner/michael brown demonstrators onto the freeway,(directly into the arms of police?) so as to raise the ire of the public, police and media alike rather than the more effective sidewalk, far more reasonable and visible and likely grow and gather momentum..misdirection in foreign policy by contrast, an agent provocateur would convince dissenting voices that their external threats and fears are cultivated by autonomous forces abroad, rather than their own washington establishment govmnt. by concealing the true sponsor of terrorism, the us govmnt wars are falsely justified. The us role in teaching religious ideology directly by cia is done in the case of isis, taliban, al queda, al nusra, etc. The 'progressive' leader provocateur never questioned the authenticity of staged youtube arab spring or shock beheading videos. us govmnt color revolutions are characterzed as 'civil' war or 'civil' uprising', not us pentagon instigated as they truly are.the many, many war by false pre-text tricks by the democrat wh, so recently exposed, are forgotten. liar democrat talking heads aren not villified in the anti-war blogs and not castigated for a half dozen years of democrat war lies and propaganda, except in a few cases. those noting 'progressive' democrat shills hypocrisy are banned at websites, cut off at the knees. in the anti-war movement, this is not only unacceptable at any level, but those practising it should become outcasts.
  23. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    the idea that radio hosts are establishment shills isn't new.

    when the obama donor, tony rezko the slumlord was revealed in the chicago tribune, it was revealed that he allowed his public project apartments to go without heat during the frozen chicago winters. a true fact by a so called "liberal" paper. but this ws NEVER reported on any tv network, progressive radio show, NOWHERE.

    it just shows how the media is used as a tool to protect the white house. like for example how ABC news protected Reagan durin the nicaraguan contra war and mass killings of an elected government there.
  24. whatukno

    whatukno New Member

    Mar 2, 2015
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    I feel so bad for people that watch FOX News and listen to conservative radio.

    They tell these people what to think, who to hate, and they swallow it all up like so much tripe.

    I've given up on most forms of news, they all lie anymore. Just regurgitating bullcrap, you follow a link from one MSM site like FOX, and the real article isn't anywhere near what is reported by FOX.
  25. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    "news is something someone wants suppressed. everything else is just advertising"


    in the new doctor who shows abysmal sci-fi show script, some people are waiting in line at a lunch truck when the server exclaims, "did you hear, obama is going to be on the tele to explain his plan to fix the economy," and on the same show, an evil alien is grilling a scientist on the whereabouts of a space travel portal, the scientist exclaims shaking in fear, "i won't tell you if its going to damage homeland security", (cough gag) homeland security in great britian? are the powers that be ever shamed by the broadcast tv fascist dogma? 'Homeland', the unnecessary all seeing eyeball of endless big brother police secrecy, though no one ever understands why, because there is no answer, the reason for constant homage to the State security is merely because big brother says so, and is not to be questioned, and of course, this is the fascist dogma on State TV we are subjected to, but, it is rather sickening the level to which hollywood actors will sell their soul for their high living standard, will give their allegiance to State fascist policies, endless death entertainment, bolster the use for torture in the scripts, and throw morality completely out the window.

    Lights, Camera… Covert Action: The Deep Politics of Hollywood

    False Flagging the World towards War. The CIA Weaponizes Hollywood

    Why is Hollywood Rewarding Claire Danes and Mandy Patinkin for Glamorizing the CIA?

    it was reported that amal clooney, georges new wife worked for a law firm and that she represented as legal counsel for tyrannical government of bharain who has been, with american support, disappearing people, torturing its own ciizens, indescriminate killings and oppression, so you can see how the liberal establishment is knowingly complicit in evil dictatorship regimes, use their connections to propigate false war narratives in film, become 'connected' thru democrat donations, nefarious ngo plots, connected to astroturf state dept think tanks focus groups used to bolster control and globalist domination of the NWO.

    Hollywood’s Imperial Propaganda

    The Golden Age of Black Ops,Special Ops Missions Already in 105 Countries in 2015

    the main problem with the "alternative" media is that former govmnt people and "embedded" type reporters are really clouding the issues, IMO. ray mcGovern, cia robert fisk, snowden, etc. the "sanctimonius" chris hedges once stated in a video interview on obamas syria war (on the cia front, ford foundation funded, "real news network") due to his "travels and experience abroad with the hama masscare in syria in the 80s", Hedges said due to this experience, he had "no doubt Assad caused the chemical attacks". the what bs. what Hedges didn't say that the CIA funded Muslim Brotherhood had tried to overthrow Bashar Assads fathers government in a coup, and that is why there was a hama attack in the first place. And liars like Amy Goodman got her millions secured from the Pacifica foundation while all the union workers and reporters got fired from wbai, kpfk, kpfa, etc. although no one listens to establishment gatekeepers like goodman, abby martin and rt, their ratings suck, they still provide lies and cover for the rest of the radio broadcasters. Thru the CIA front "professional left" centralized control of blog headlines and topics w/ a herd mentality combining truth and disinfo hype grandstanding on israel, russia, and protecting the democrat party from scandal for creating al queda in syria/ISIS. long after obama is gone, progressive media will be in tatters, never to recover their reputation destroyed like michael moore, who have become obama apologists. they never brought up how arming of al queda and libya, syria are the massive high crimes and misdemeanors worthy of impeachment by democrats, the betrayal of american troops who sacrifice to battle terrorism, and aid and abet like nbc,cnn,fox in covering up the true sponsor of terrorism (america) in the region of syria,iraq, as the former air america hosts cover up up for the president on their faux left shows. Chomsky, Greenwald, Scahill, Abby Martin, dont work as good commentators anymore because they repeat lies and adhere to the false premise that al queda and terror is some legimate enemy abroad, not a cia/mi6 assets used for false pretext to conquer oil fields.

    war is being marketed to americans like so much soap. (mr clean kills germs, removal) . isis is being sold under a false pre-text like al queda was after 9-11, cnn/fox,nbc bullhorned with endless boogeyman videos, bogus isis bin laden boogeyman, when in fact the us govmnt control both terror fabricated isis in iraq, yemen libya syria wherever us wants to seize oil and gas how transparently phony, while radio shock jocks scapegoat islam as the blame game for endless wars, no your fave progressive shows arent screaming stop the war anymore, or no blood for oil, its a democrat killer now you see, so war crimes are someone elses fault apparently, what obvious controlled assets of dissent they are. the conglomerate media and govmnt elites shows that you can always get the herd to shift their focus for weeks on end at any given time, even the alternative media isn't filtered enough to screen out these obvious manipulations and stay alert to other more important stories. (e.g.) the cable held by merkel, re: the 50,000 ukraine dead was censored by almost every prog radio/blog; the obama venezula coup attempt, the 2,000 airstrikes on iraq syria, stories that could be told in 10 minutes but were excised completely. Like with Pakistani PM position, the real reason for cia despots, dictators are set up to pillage the nations resources, land masses ,like Saleh in yemen, like w/ balochistan to balkanize then keep the mass citizens impoverished, so that the nations wealth can be siphond off to their new world order paymasters ... not used to help the countries poor w/ national health care, and food (syria,libya) so was def sec hagel dissmissed for mentioning the NWO - maybe so . The US govmnt is continually trying to cover up the fact that they are the worlds policemen by hiding behind nato,the gcc puppets, coalitions of the willing, despoys and puppet dictators.

    Yemen ex-strongman Saleh amassed up to $60 billion:


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