Oh that? Yes Zionist J-Ws the ones that refuse to follow the rule of law OR Orthodox Jewish law, and had no qualms about burning 300,000 innocent men women and children THOSE J-Ws. The same J-Ws that get all Jews booted out of every country that ever let them in for subterfuge. I dont think I need to repost the hundreds of countries, that has to be close to every country on the planet, and now the irony we see Jews that want to boot out the J-Ws! The same cult that lied to us about the holocaust to steal trillions! Got it! You better hold on to your panties because they now OFFICIALLY control America! The way I see it, when your own people want to kick your asses to the curb, its time to pay attention! .
The Palestinians had several chances to have their own state, and walked away from each one, starting in 1948. They have no one but themselves to blame for their current predicament. There is a price to be paid for 72 years of political stupidity and military incompetence. The Israelis owe them nothing.
They weren't. I'll ignore the rest of your post. I don't think you're interested in facts. Writing a documented, serious reply, would be a waste of my precious time. You more or less admitted that much in another thread, if I remember correctly.
Seems they were! LOL Highly desirable history! I posted FACTS, you cant accept the facts, sorry not my problem Your serious has no bearing on the facts, and like so many Zionists is nothing more than disinformation, like the 6 million lie, that Zionists foolishly cling to. You remember wrong.
and your point that a shtty unacceptable deal to cloud matters further is better than no deal is a prima facia joke. The outcome would have been the same and only produce deeper **** to wade through get get a 'real' resolution. Apparently you think the Pals are supposed to be fools for the J-Ws. Pals are clearly much smarter than you like to advertise. The J-Ws violated every other agreement with them, yet by your logic that would somehow magically change, pullease.
Both Jack and Koko are spinning the terrifying and unjust illogic of judging and blaming one individual for the actions of others in their grouping (be it Palestinians in Jack's case or Jews in Koko's) and blaming the present day people for the actions of past people. This is also the same illogic that would punish today's white Americans for what other white people do or did to native Americans and/or black people. That some Jews did something long ago shouldn't be relevant to how you feel about a given individual Jew today. That Israel does something today shouldn't be relevant to how you feel about any individual Jew either, unless they push and advocate for the oppression perpetrated by the regime. Likewise, it isn't relevant and should not be held against Palestinian children today that Palestinians and Israel failed to reach a deal a near century ago for a Palestinian state. All that is relevant is that people are being oppressed TODAY, by a state that purports to stand as a symbol against the Holocaust no less, and that this very powerful state, backed by the most powerful state on the planet, "justifies" this oppression by the illogic of punishing the many for the violence of the few. Prejudice and hatred towards Jews worldwide should be spoken out against. But so should prejudice and hatred towards Palestinians. A state doesnt have any credibility in claiming to be "home to the Jews because Jews were/are oppressed elsewhere" if that state then turns around to oppress others. It is the height of hypocrisy.
You sound like someone who is not aware of American history, so let me tell you few fact - I am sure Wikipedia will confirm it. Originally all land in America belong to Indian, Great Brittan took it from Indian by force or purchased it. Because of the high taxes imposed by Britain on the settlers, the settlers decided create their own state. And how it was in Palestine? Little different, but only a little. There was always a small Jewish community in Palestine. To escape European antisemitism European Jews decide to settle in Palestine (for the very similar reason pilgrims left Britain) . Up to 1918 Palestine was under the Ottoman rules, from 1918 under a Britain rule. The only legal way to settle there was to purchase a land, so this was the way Jews were able to settle . And the same way as Americans decided to create their own state against Britain wishes,Jews decided to create their own state against Britain wishes - very similar. The moment Jews declared they are creating Israel - action supported by UN resolution - Egypt, Transjordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq refused to accept the UN resolution and attack Israel. Up to 1977 no Arab country wanted to talk with Israel. I have no doubt that Israel made many mistakes, but Palestinians... This until recently was a charter of Palestinian Hamas organization: https://fas.org/irp/world/para/docs/880818.htm [...] The time(16) will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them); until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: 0 Muslim! there is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him! This will not apply to the Gharqad(17), which is a Jewish tree (cited by Bukhari and Muslim)(1. So I doubt you can draw any parallel between Palestinians and Americans.
you left out a few details, like the years long jewish arab war that preceded the war of independence which began upon the publishing of the partition agreement. Land changed hands thru force of arms then.
NO. Crimes of the past DO NOT justify crimes of the present. EVER. You can't point to the Russian revolution, to WWII, to the haulocaust, to the conquests of the British empire, to the invasions of Rome, to the Crusades, to Vietnam, to the Korean War, or to any other event and suggest that is a justification for humanitarian atrocities and violation of law agreed by the majority of nations on Earth today. ANY form of that idea is no more than advocating a downward spiral into the end of civilization. You can use this as a test. If you're ideas lead to the end of all law, then you should ****.
Very true but we all fought and won the right, they haven't. If they want to stay there then that's fine but they need to take it.
The USA stands for the rule of law - not "might makes right". We and nearly all the rest of the entire world agree that countries may not acquire territory by war or other force. PLUS, when peaceful means do cause a country to increase in territory, all those living in the acquired area retain full rights to their property and become full citizens of the new country in which their property resides. Israel is breaking ALL of that in their ethnic cleansing. There is NOTHING EVERN SLIGHTLY legal about what they are doing - even if you decide by some sort of perverted religious hatred that humanitarian atrocity is somehow a good thing.
Oh please, politicians can say whatever they want but might is right is the way the world actually works. By the way, opposing British rule and their taxes was against the law so are you sure you want to keep that talking point? Land belongs to no one except those that can stick their flag in it and defend it.
No country in the world is today governed (or even populated in most cases) by its original inhabitants.
Id argue we mostly stole it from the indians. This is from another thread but is better placed here! Biden is bought and paid for by zionists, his ass is pwned! He aint working for us, hes working for them. Its not possible to become president of the us unless you profess how anxious you are to bend over and take it from israel. ‘Zionist’ Biden in his own words: ‘My name is Joe Biden, and everybody knows I love Israel’ Posted: Wednesday 03.18.2020 2:19 am Revised: Friday 03.20.2020 2:19 am Ramzy Baroud Elections, National Election, Opinions, Other Voices, Palestine, U.S.A “I am a Zionist. You don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist,” current Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden, said in April 2007, soon before he was chosen to be Barack Obama’s running mate in the 2008 elections. Biden is, of course, correct, because Zionism is a political movement that is rooted in 20th century nationalism and fascism. Its use of religious dogmas is prompted by political expediency, not spirituality or faith. Unlike President Trump or Bernie Sanders, Biden’s only serious opponent in the Democratic primaries, Biden’s stand on Israel is rarely examined. https://www.arabamericannews.com/20...-joe-biden-and-everybody-knows-i-love-israel/ feel free to stop back if you can source and provide valid citations, your family history is meaningless to the subject matter UNLESS you have valid citations, you posted none, I expect you like many before you will post none.
Israel has the chosen people and is where the second coming will be. Zionists are the rightful heir to Jacob's inheritance, and their land is a nuclear power. whoever supports Zionism are well fed.
WTF are you talking about? Maybe you should read the thread before posting ya think? If you seriously think thats the case explain why real Jews condemn zionist J-Ws: I dont recall ever seeing any zionists as the chosen people of G-D, citation please
I've noticed long ago that history and accuracy are the greatest enemies of anti-Zionists. Damn allergies... Your arabamericans are either unaware, or don't care, that Zionism predates the 20th century by almost two thousand years. Hasidic Zionism predates the 20th century by 300 years. Modern Zionism also predates the 20th century by half a century. Please explain how can Zionism be rooted in 20th century ideologies. Time machine? Pfftt.
Very simple, that is the zionism 'they' are talking about, israeli zionism is a political movement that is rooted in 20th century nationalism and fascism. English apparently is not your primary language. Real Jews condemn zionism and the state of israel, so you want to argue that real Jews should go against their religion to join the nationalist fascist zionist movement of today headed up by rothschild banking cabal?
Only orthodox Jews are real Jews, Zionists hijacked Judaism for their own agenda as you can see that is contrary to orthodox Jewish practice.
You have no authority to make such a categorical statement. I'm actually not sure anyone does, because the term "Jew" means more than one thing, and also because the diaspora resulted in intermarriag with members of other groups. So if what you call a real Jew marries what I guess you'd call a part-Jew, the offspring might or might not deserve the designation, depending on the definition. Now, if God himself comes down and tells me I'm wrong, I'll happily agree.