A "wall" (translation: physical barriers and personnel where needed) may help, but it won't be worth spit if we don't have an effective program to stop employers from hiring illegals, even as domestics and day labor. The Bloviator-in-Chief isn't biting the hand that feeds--emoloyers hiring them. Why isn't Trump saying anything about the employers at his rallies? Do you think he just forgets to mention it?
American poet Emma Lazarus (1849–1887) wrote the poem the New Colossus in 1883 to raise money for the construction of a pedestal for the Statue of Liberty.
Really? If they're in the door, why would their interest be any different from the rest of the people here?
It's a wonderful poem. It's an essential part of who we are. But it shouldn't be used to justify massive, uncontrolled immigration. My family came from Europe from 1850 to 1900. Many came through Ellis Island where the screening process was very strict.
Yes, I'm concerned about illegal immigration because we're not getting a diverse immigration that encourages people to blend into our society. I want to choose a doctor from Rwanda, a computer programmer from India, a teacher from Canada, and an engineer from Japan. We can have a guest worker program if we have an effective e-verify system to stop employers from hiring illegals, including those who came through the front door on a now expired visa. I've had a lot of liberal support for this comment: "I submit a realistic solution includes an effective e-verify system with prosecutions of employers hiring illegals; more effective border control that includes physical barriers and patrols; chain migration limited to spouses and minor children; limited (how many?) numbers of refugees; and a solution for dealing with illegals already here, including DACA; a visa worker program; and a largely merit based immigration system." Would you rather have the fun of attacking "libs" or get something done?
In some placed in our country it as bad as it gets already! Now with unfettered immigration policy's we are just increasing the area sizes and the numbers of the thugs that control them.
So what? They might as well bay at the moon. The vast majority of American Muslims think they're idiots. Did you know there are 1,000 Muslim New York police officers?
Europe is different than here where most Muslims fit into society. ISIL isn't dead, unfortunately. Muslims immigrate here to end up with a better standard-of-living.
I guess it's theoretically possible that your position could be well represented among Democrats in general, however it's not at all represented among your elected representatives.
I don't see that much difference here than in most European countries. Only because most of the Muslims here are born here. If we had the numbers Europe has, I don't think there would be that much difference in what Europe is going through with them. They are bringing their customs and sharia law with them to Europe. ISIS is all but finished as a fighting army. They only control one small section near the Iraqi/Syrian border. Not enough reason to keep flooding in Europe like they do. It's got so bad Italy is preventing ship loads from docking. Germany is paying many of them to leave. If your coming there for better life, than you should behave when you get there. Try and fit in.
Have you been to Europe? Do you know what's going on there? They lost control of their borders and a lot of Muslim male refugees landed and are now floating around Europe as cheap labor. So, what do young men do who don't have women (European women aren't generally interested in poor, ignorant, chauvinist men)? They often misbehave. If Europeans had control of their borders and admitted Muslim families, they'd have a lot fewer problems. I first noticed the problem when my wife and I were looking over the harbor at Villefranche-sur-Mer near Nice, France. "Check this out!" my wife said. She pointed to about a dozen Muslim men sitting on a sea wall about 20' above two topless women sunbathing below.
I think Democrat pols concluded there's no margin in negotiating with Trump because he doesn't keep his deals. If they could get something as part of the bargain, I think the Demo pols would make the deal along the lines I suggested.
Europe is much less accepting of Muslims than we are. That said, I agree we would have more problems than we do if we had an influx of self-selected Muslim men. Customs, yes; Sharia law, no. They might think Allah tells them Sharia is the way things should be, but that won't get them anywhere in Europe. They're running around in other countries, but everyone is on to them. They won't get an opening like they had in Iraq and Syria. Some have embraced life in Europe, but others have not. That's what happens when you lose control of your borders and the opportunity to vet immigrants. Note to this country about our southern border.
Republicans are as good as holding the door open, too, by not going after people and businesses hiring illegals.
It isn't a million, but a million wouldn't even be close to the many, many millions who would come here every year with truly open borders.
Get serious. Trump never put anything on the table. Democrats aren't stupid enough to end up negotiating with themselves. There's a difference between political deals and business deals. Trump hasn't pulled off any of the latter that I can see.
Just because someone is impatient and doesn't want to wait is no excuse for entering illegally. My Grand parents waited 6 months in 1900 when they immigrated here. Immigrate legally or face the consequences of your impatience. Why would they be allowed on our property to seek asylum? Asylum seekers must see asylum on the first country they enter, that would be Mexico for central Americans. Crossing Mexico to come to the US is an invalid argument.
Here in Arizona, we passed a law punishing business who intentionally hire illegals and don't use E-Verify. The Obama administration sewed Arizona to stop it. It went all the way to the USSC and Arizona won. But every Liberal judge that voted, voted against Arizona.
Perhaps because, by and large, we've risen above irrational xenophobia and because most of us are aware that generous immigration policies are why we are here in the first place.
Exactly. And anyone against unfettered immigration, they refer to as a racist. Also, I am so tired of this "we're all immigrants" argument. Surely if I am seventh generation, I can stop being referred to as an immigrant.
You aren't an immigrant. Your ancestors were. As were mine. Aside from criminal background checks, I think it should be about as easy for immigrants today to come here as it was for my ancestors. My general approach to all issues of liberty -- immigration, gun ownership, marriage, speech, property rights -- is that the burden of proof is on those who wish to limit said liberty. I'm pro-immigration because it is consistent with the rest of my libertarian views. I probably disagree with whatever reasons you have for restricting immigration beyond, say, keeping violent criminals out, but that doesn't mean your views are racists.