Really? I can think of many incredible accomplishments by American Negroes. First of all, they supplied the labor free of charge that drove our economy for the first 80 or so years of our nation's history. They did it under duress but did it nonetheless. They also created music that the entire world reveres. Jazz, bee bop, rap, soul, blues, rock n roll, gospel, hip hop, their contributions to the culture of the world are immense. They did it all because they feel, they care, they grasp the fundamental id, the hidden secrets to all of us, because they suffered, truly suffered yet kept on, kept keeping on and we should be damn proud of them. As for other things, they did it all and will keep doing it. Go to NOLA, see for yourself just how powerful black culture is....
Jacques Barzun observed that there are three major staple crops: maize, wheat and rice. Rice provides the most calories per acre but requires a lot of work which led to the high density and high cooperation cultures of Asia. Maize provides the least calories per acre but requires little work to grow which led to the low density and individualistic cultures of the New World. Wheat is in the middle in terms of calories and work which lead European societies to balance cooperation and individuality which enabled them to conquer the world. Potatoes, I've read, are actually not that good for making vodka because the high pectin content encourages a bacterial fermentation into something unpleasant. Grain based vodkas are much cleaner.
The article is from National Review magazine and references documents from the Rutgers School of Law. What do you feel the article is not credible? Quotes from Hitler’s Table Talk: “Christianity is a rebellion against natural law, a protest against nature. Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure.” “The reason why the ancient world was so pure, light and serene was that it knew nothing of the two great scourges: the pox and Christianity.” Hitler's Table Talk is the best source we have regarding Hitler's true opinions. Hitler's private conversations show his hatred of Christianity.
Not for me. "You" kill in industrialized dimensions human beings. If someone believes in the natural human rights then "abortion rights" are a delusion. Sure exists some reasons to do an abortion. For example if a baby had died yet or has no chance to survive or the mother herself has the serios risk to die. Her life has a higher priority. But this very few real reasons explain not mass-abortions. "To be black" should not be for example an indicator for abortions. I heard 3/4 of the killed human beings are black. It's not only a bad law. It shows the incompetence of the American system of injustice and in general the inability of formal dead structures to be able to learn. "You" ride a blind dead horse since 44 years now and give in the world in many ways bad standards for the value "life". It exists nothing what gives something the right to be a human being. Human beings are what they are. They grow for example. If an ET is a reasonable sensible human being - whether it looks like a spider or a football is unimportant in this context - then you also don't have the right to kill the breed of ETs. The problem is in this case to see it. But how should anyone in the whole galaxy be able to trust in a species which is not able to recognize the own breed - or much more worse: Is able to recognize the own breed - but kills it? Let me say: We are a shame for all life in the milky way and even in the whole universe. It were 9 people who decided this. 7 of them made a wrong decision. The losers in this dirty game will never be able to agree or to disagree, although it's clear they like to live. The "human world", which we all create, denies their right to be able to learn and to discuss.
Also a fat kitty in a box could discuss about whether Mr. Schrödinger lives or is dead the same time of his existence. You did not understand what I said, although I am a mammal, because I used the German language - the language which dogs don't have to learn, because they understand it immediately.
Oh you understood ... perhaps not really. The question is "Lives and is dead Schrödinger?" outside of the box of the cat? And what do we know: lives he or is he dead? How do you discuss with a cat about such problems? With what kind of species at all are you able to speak about such problems? It exists no flow of language "Half-cat and half-human"-speaker for example. This language is not existing. We are alone in this position under all other creatures of god. What doesn't mean his creation is not lovely.
My cat has emotions -- he loves me. He cuddles with me and licks my fingers. He dreams -- he twitches in his sleep. When he was a tiny kitten he would dream of nursing and his mouth would imitate nursing in his sleep. When he got older he loved running, and his paws and feet would imitate running. Now he imitates grabbing things with his paws in his sleep. So he has an intellect. He enjoys his favorite games of climb the tree to chase the birds, and chase the kitties across the lawn. He fears dogs and cars and strangers. He meows whenever he wants something or when something is happening that he does not like. He purrs when he is happy. So he communicates. He is definitely alive. I will dread the day when he finally dies, since his lifespan is twenty years and my remaining life likely to be more. I hope he will become my cat in the next world too.
Well I am hardly one to get involved in a religious debate about what is and isn't vodka, but there are certainly beverages which advertise themselves as vodka made from grains and even apples. Whiskey, I think, is restricted to beverages distilled from 100% barley and barrel aged. Bourbon must be >50% corn and aged in charred barrels and Rye >50% rye.
So you are not able to discuss about Schrödingers law with your cat. And you are not able to use an interpreter English<->Cat to solve this problem. How comes?
Speak for yourself buddy - they all come under the heading of 'racket' to me. My parents-in-law and surrounding neighbours were kept awake night after night by steel drum bands after some West Indians moved in nearby, and I can assure you that you wouldn't have 'revered' that if you'd lived there too.
With our nukes we are about 400 years in the future. That's not good too. And "whiteness" is not really existing. Blond hairs for example exist also under "blacks" and the melanin production corresponds with the latitude. A browner skin protects better against the sun in the South and a white skin helps better against depressions in the North. There are some predispositions and some fluently factors. The people of the future are perhaps able to change the "color" (its not really a color) in a wider spectrum. This would be better for people who have to travel around the world. By the way: Did you ever see in your live a red "Red Indian"? "Red Indians" are not really red. In old cards "white" meant "known" - "black" meant "unknown" (Africa) - ¿or was it in the opposite? - "Yellow" was Asia and "Red" America. Asians are also not yellow.
In Hitler's own written and spoken words he declares himself to be a Christian. When someone calls themself a Christian then who knows better than themselves as to what they believe? Plenty of photos of Hitler doing what Christians do. Here is one of him praying.
Ok let's talk about the Schrodinger's Cat thought experiment (scientific philosophy) by Erwin S. of the same name.ödinger's_cat I like Wiki's summaries because they are usually pretty good. We (my friends and I) first learned about this in high school (gymnasium/oberrealschule). The Physics teacher (who happened to have a Ph.D. -- it was a private Catholic school) explained the problems of quantum mechanics and how it leads to quite ridiculous situations. After Physics in high school I took 3 more Physics classes in college and then gave up on Physics. Also gave up on Chemistry. Also gave up on Mathematics. Also gave up on Biology. Finally ended up in Business and specifically in Taxation -- more specifically International Taxation. And that's what I did throughout my career. Therefore Physics Philosophy over quantum mechanics does not really concern nor interest me. While I do consider Philosophy one of the 3 most critical aspects of life, I do not consider quantum physics as particularly important. Scientific theories come and go. Right now in the course of history we (the population of Earth) seem to be stuck in a post-Einstein phase. This reminds me very much of the post-Aristotle phase which locked up ancient and Medieval history until the breakthroughs of Galileo and Newton etc. Ergo all signs point to quantum mechanics as being a modern fallacy. My view. The most practical application of Physics is currently Nuclear Physics and specifically the building of nuclear power plants and nuclear warships. Their taxation falls in the category of regulated industries, and they pay taxes like any other business organization once the regulatory commissions have agreed on prices with them.
I bought two "Omni-shirts" yesterday as sun shields for backpacking and hunting. White skin is definitely NOT a good defense against the Sun.
Traditionally, vodka is made by the distillation of cereal grains or potatoes that have been fermented, though some modern brands use other substances, such as fruits or sugar.
Bourbon is French whiskey. I don't really have a taste for it but it is quite popular world wide at the moment. I like gin, rum, tequila, especially mescal tequila, and pure moonshine (99% distilled corn liquor). Vodka is a girlie (or Russian) drink.
There are ZERO links to any of the alleged sources. The site itself has absolutely nothing whatsoever about how it is funded and who is running it. The article is full of allegations without any substantiation. National Review has a right wing bias. Furthermore your linked book is hearsay. Mein Kampf and Hitler's speeches are his own words proclaiming himself to be a Christian.
Your problem to believe in soviet propaganda and the leader of the Nazis Adolf Hitler - not my problem. What Traudl Jung said makes much more sense for everyone who hears this: Hitler was a social Darwinist. For sure Nazism and the Christian religion are not compatible - but I don't explain now to you the basics of the Christian religion. It's for everyone more easy to see that the Nazis were not Christians - independent from their completely antichristian murderous behavior: The leading Nazis and members of the SS nearly never married in a Christian church. And it were not bishops and priests who perpetually entered and left the headquarters of "the leader".
It's extremly difficult to find photos with Hitler in context "Christian religion" or "church". And the very few pictures have normally completly wrong comments in the internet. Every Christians knows immediately that this is a wrong interpretation. In such a way prayed no one in Germany at this time of history. The people in the background are also not prayerful. I would say Hitler studied something on the floor. Perhaps he prepared a new scene for a performance.
And how do you explain this all now your cat - in which language? I would say "the human language" - not a special language but the background where all languages are able to grow - is perhaps the greatest wonder which explains why we are able to call ourselves "children of god" and our languages let us look for transcendence. And in this contact with the transcendental world we lose always also a voice of god with every species which we murder out.
The photographs don't lie! Here are some from Hermann Goring's wedding in the Berlin Cathedral. You can see Hitler in both since he was the best man.
Your denial of Hitler's own words and the photographic evidence does not alter the reality that Hitler was raised as a devout Catholic and claimed to be a Christian in his own writing and his own speeches. He even banned the German Atheist movement. Those are facts you cannot refute.