I know this. The marriage of the evil Goering (his brother is called "the good Goering") changed nothing that the Nazis had less than nothing to do with the Christian religion and nearly no one of the leading Nazis and the SS married in a Christian church. In case of Goering his wife Emmy Sommermann liked to marry in this way. The marriage was in 1935 in the "Berliner Dom" (=cathedral of Berlin) - a protestant church. As far as I know in the moment Goering was not a protestants - and in 1935 the Nazis were worldwide a very well respected organization - also in the USA. You have to see in case of the Nazis always also the logic of time. It could be interesting for you that I subsume people who are arguing like you (="Who is interested in truth as long as I'm able to use propaganda?") under the category "structural Nazism". Why so? Tell me something about Israel, this wonderful modern democracy in the Orient where so many nice lovely Jews are living.
So now you are forced to move the goalposts when faced with irrefutable facts and evidence? That is a de facto concession that you have conceded your position. Have a nice day!
Eeek - Hitler said something? Do you like to say it speaks? Don't try to tell me nonsense. He was baptized and was in catholic (= public) schools. Quite normal where he was born. What you say is just simple bullshit. Because of the "blue moon of Kentucky" the moon is not blue with a Swastika in the USA. You know on your own that you are wrong. Lots of people told this to you in your life. You don't believe them - you believe in Hitler. Crazy.
I studied a gigantic amount of pictures from Hitler now. I'm not able to find the picture where this picture is extracted from. Give me the concrete date, place and situation. Now immediately please.
The link was already provided in the post. Just click on it and scroll down. Who knows, you might even learn something about both Hitler and the Nazis and their ties to Christianity.
Concrete question: Which picture used this criminals - you are in my eyes a criminal too - to make this what the english speaking world calls "fake news" and we call normal "disinformation" - in your case we would call it even "criminal disinformation", because we speak about the crime genocide in this context. As far as I know never anyone saw Hitler praying. I'm sure you know very well the disinformation which you propagate is intentionally faked. So give me the correct identifcation for this picture (what we are able to see is only a section) as if you would use it for a serious scientific research. And don't think it is a joke what you are doing. Lots of people have worldwide gigantic problems because people like you are propagating hate against Christians.
Your ignorance annoys me enough to compel me to respond. 1. The Christ Myth theory has gained popularity among scholars since the early 2000s and continues to do so at a rapid pace in recent years. 2. Some ancient scholars? Lol. No. The earliest claim was made by Celsus, a second-century critic of Christianity. (His critique still holds up, btw.) 3. Italy was part of the Roman Empire, but the Roman Empire was more than Italy. A "Roman soldier" could have been of any ethnicity in the Roman world. 4. "Arab" is a vague term. If Jesus ever existed, he probably wasn't the blue-eyed Aryan you wish him to be.
Brandy is distilled wine, yes. Always has been and will be. It is also that which gives you the worst headaches because they only distill it once or twice. That leaves many of the toxic chemicals in it and concentrates them.
Cat language is a series of meows and howls. If you accidentally step on the cat's tail he/she will howl. Otherwise they mostly meow or purr. My cat thinks he is still a kitten and that I am his mom. So he uses kitten calls for me when he wants something -- mostly food or to be let outside.
Nonsense. The article references a Rutgers Law School presentation entitled "The Nazi Master Plan: The Persecution of the Christian Churches". Since Hitler was a notorious liar how can we trust what he said in his speeches? Hitler's Table Talk is corroborated by people like Goebbels. Goebbels wrote in his diary that Hitler "hates Christianity, because it has crippled all that is noble in humanity." Here's historian Ian Kershaw: "Hitler's impatience with the churches prompted frequent outbursts of hostility. In early 1937 he was declaring that 'Christianity was ripe for destruction', and that the Churches must yield to the "primacy of the state", railing against any compromise with "the most horrible institution imaginable". Here's a Hitler Youth marching song: We follow not Christ, but Horst Wessel, Away with incense and Holy Water, The Church can go hang for all we care, The Swastika brings salvation on Earth.
Hitler & history's most important atheist quote: Hitler often visited the Nietzsche museum in Weimar and publicized his veneration for the philosopher by posing for photographs of himself staring in rapture at the bust of the great man. quote: Finally there was Nietzsche's prophecy of the coming elite who would rule the world and from whom the superman would spring. In The Will to Power he exclaims: "A daring and ruler race is building itself up.... The aim should be to prepare a transvaluation of values for a particularly strong kind of man, most highly gifted in intellect and will. This man and the elite around him will become the 'lords of the earth'." Such rantings from one of Germany's most original minds must have struck a responsive chord in Hitler's littered mind. At any rate he appropriated them for his own--not only the thoughts but the philosopher's penchant for grotesque exaggeration, and often his very words. "Lords of the Earth" is a familiar expression in Mein Kampf. LINK
Regarding mankind's greatest accomplishments, here are some possibilities: The Renaissance Charity Technology usually both harms and helps. Medical technology is sometimes an exception. Louis Pasteur and Alexander Fleming and John Snow have benefited mankind.
Nix refrigeration. Refrigeration led to air conditioning. The advent of air conditioning led to the population of Southern States booming. This in turn led to the rise of the religious right, the Reagan revolution, the rise of the Tea Party, eventually Trump, and the fall of the US as a world leader. So Refrigeration killed America.
My favorite story related to Voyager is that of Blind Willie Johnson. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blind_Willie_Johnson
Thank you for ADMITTING that NO LINK to this imaginary "presentation" has been provided. Furthermore a "presentation" is NOT a paper subject to peer review. It is merely someone's OPINION. Ironic given that you are trusting what was said by the "notorious liars" that he surrounded himself with like Goebbels. Thank you for effectively discrediting your own sources. Too bad you cannot provide a credible link to substantiate that "song". It certainly is NOT the lyrics to the OFFICIAL Hitler Youth song. Furthermore can you PROVE that it was written by Hitler because if you can't then it is utterly irrelevant.
Your DESPERATION is palpable since you have resorted to calling Nietzsche "history's most important atheist"! Better alert the media that you have just promoted him to that status. I am sure that Marx and Einstein will be pleased to know that they are no longer the "most important" in the history of the world. After all it isn't as though their thinking changed anything about the world as we know it today.
You say the documents are imaginary. Is the BBC part of a conspiracy: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/1753469.stm Please admit your error. I guess you didn't notice the Goebbels quote came from his diary. Why would he lie in his diary? If I knew you were such a poor debater I wouldn't have bothered with you. Here you are: http://bede.org.uk/hitler.htm
I don't know why you are throwing a tantrum. Nietzsche's ideas were more profound than Marx's derivative ramblings. Marx's ideas did change the world, Marxist regimes killed millions of people and deprived millions more of basic rights. However, Nietzsche also changed the world with his celebration of cruelty and conquest and elitism. Einstein said that he was not an atheist. He believed in Spinoza's god or "a superior mind that reveals itself in the world of experience". So it looks like you are wrong again.
Thank you for proving that I was right that there was no such link on your original website. Too bad that you utterly failed to admit that you were wrong about the missing link in the first place! Goebbels was the minister of PROPAGANDA! He made his living by LYING! All he ever did was LIE! And you are gullible enough to believe the chief liar of the 3rd reich? Ironic! Good to see that you are learning that providing links is part of good debating practice. Your next lesson is to be able to post CREDIBLE links. Unfortunately the link you provided quotes a SINGLE SOURCE for that alleged song lyric. Without independent corroboration it falls under the definition of HEARSAY. Better luck next time but at least you are making progress which is a good thing.