Power is limited, wealth isn't a pie to be split up amongst socio economic groups. This simple concept will help deter the idea that artificial re-allocation of wealth isn't detremental to the creation of more wealth/economic growth.
McCain is the lowest of the low. Recall his attempt with Kennedy to pass an immigration amnesty bill in 2007? There is no disaster or suffering suitable for the degenerate.
Actually, everyone pays taxes, just not everyone puts in for Income taxes the same. Everyone pays sales taxes, gas taxes, plus various other taxes that aren't tied to income. Everyone gives and everyone gets. Just disproportionally based on ability or desire. I think my issue here is this idea that every single person who doesn't make more then 30-40k a year is somehow a deadbeat layabout who just want's to sponge off of everyone else. I know there are those who do, but there are those who are stuck at the bottom for reasons other then personal laziness, and lumping them all together does a disservice to those who are actually working and fighting there way up from the bottom.
Im going to make make a bet thread, where folks will publicly vote in a poll as to whether or not the GOP will gain or lose seats in the House and Senate in 2014. if you lose the bet, you will have to change your avatar to Barack Obama if you are a Republican/Conservative or Sarah Palin if you are a Democrat/Liberal.
Isn't it funny how they try to paint Democrats as a "my way or the highway" party, yet its the Republicans who are threatening to to take the bat and ball home if they don't get their way.
The idea that somehow the same people who attend "Food Stamp Friday" are going to rise up and attain the same level of success as the taxpayers who pay their monthly stipend is ridiculous. If Democrats really wanted to help elevate the poor, they would give up on their left-wing policies. Left-wing Democrat elites need a permanent and growing underclass, though. That's how they stay in power.
That's not my argument, at all. There are a lot of very hard working people who don't make a lot of money. The difference is that those people aren't constantly agitating the Government to take more money from Group A in order to redistribute the wealth to them. They don't believe it's the Governments responsibility to provide breakfast and lunch to their kids, even when they are on Summer break. They don't want the Government to provide free day care, free health care, free birth control, etc.
Un-principled politicians like McLame are the major reason for any GOP dysfunction. He's a old politico who just loves being coddled by the media. If elected President he would have been the rights Jimmy Carter .
A lot of those people who you are counting have had the food stamps and other welfare benefits when they needed it. Nowadays, they don't expect it because they know they don't qualify for it. the question isn't about how to describe those who are on welfare, the question is how to improve welfare. Why do you think there are no WOTC for employers who can hire someone who was on SNAP, welfare, etc, and now only qualified disabled veterans for WOTC.
I'll bet you every single con in this thread that is hating on McCain, voted for him in 2008. LMAO Comedy gold.
Put your money where your mouth is! Democrats should therefore change their positions on the issues of Immigration, Budget and Obamacare to match that of the Republicans! Just to show how willing to Compromise they are! You said it, now do it! -
I am someone that while a conservative,but I do try to look at things the way they are,not the way I wish them to be. On the budget,I do not think the criticism is quite fair. On Obamacare,well I do disagree with the Cruz position. However,it is their position and well within the principles of the party to oppose that bill. It is also not a popular piece of legislation,so I don't think that is the main problem. Immigration. Well,I actually think the criticism is very unfair. The senate bill,because it raises revenue can not be passed anyways in the senate. Besides,the house has every bit the right to draw up their own bills and not just be a rubber stamp.
That doesn't make any sense, because the people who don't make much money even though they work hard, use those same social programs that you decry. Those same social programs that Everyone who pays taxes (income or otherwise) put into. It's not just 'the wealthy', it's everyone. The wealthy just pay more because they make more (well, those who don't use highly paid lawyers to eke out every deduction possible, but that's the system at work). I agree that there are limits to what people should get from these programs, but their existence is essential in this day and age.
The general Republican approach is epitomized in the War On Drugs. Do we want people addicted? Of course not. Do we want young people drawn into a life of drugs? Do we want stoned drivers on the roads? Do we want to pay for the medical problems drugs cause? No, no, no. So what should we DO about drugs? Well, there's the brute force approach - make the punishments excessive, pour trillions of dollars into enforcement, laws, courts, jails. Put electric fences on the borders, beef up customs, pay other nations to enforce our drug laws. Make drugs illegal and MEAN it. Alas, the results are plenty of people in jail, high crime rates, powerful international drug cartels, plenty of corruption here and internationally, fear rather than respect for the law, and no reduction in drug use at all. As a failure, the brute force approach to drugs is the shining poster child. In other nations, they've taken a very different approach - make most such drugs legal, regulate their manufacture, import and sale, tax them at an affordable rate. Result: no change in drug use, but no insane jail-building boom, no high crime rates, no profits for the international cartels, and no trillions of dollars pizzled away down the rathole. And the Republican response to all this: MORE money, more police, more customs agents, more secret informers, higher fences, stiffer punishments! We will FORCE the problem to go away! When you've dug yourself into a hole, dig faster and deeper! And why can't Republicans see the incredible damage they're doing? Because any other strategy, and their election opponent would accuse them of wanting to get our kids addicted! And when we see austerity programs choking economies and bankrupting whole nations, the Republican response is MORE austerity. How else can we balance the budget? When you live in a nation of jingos, you better be jingoistic. That's where the votes are, in red America.
McCain (2008 loser) also said he'd may support Hillary over Rand Paul. I think he's just another senile Arlen Specter.
yes of course compromise with the losers. If it wasn't for gerrymandering the republicans would have lost their house majority, the rest speaks for itself. Actually, there have been quite a number of times that the democrats have attempted compromise. They compromised on obamacare. They compromised on the "grand bargain". they compromised on the debt ceiling hostage taking. They compromised on the stimulus bill. I could go on, but it doesn't much matter. Ideological intransigence is the republican parties stated legislative strategy. Amazingly the entrenched right ignores this fact and demands that the winning party in power who garnered millions of more votes should simply be the republicans boot licking toadies doing what boehner and the boys tell them too. You really are quite amusing.
The folks who swear the GOP will win more House & Senate seats in 2014 are the same folks who swore even a mouse could defeat Obama in 2012, and that the GOP would win more seats in 2012 due to ObamaCare. how'd that work out again?
We are the same folks who said the Democrats would get their asses waxed in 2010 because of Obama Care, you lost a historic 69 seats in congress in one election. When Obama Care belly flops like a Boeing 777 coming in to low, 2014 will make 2010's losses look small.
The GOP is transforming.... and thank God! Currently there are over 50 TEA Party politicians sitting in Washington D.C. and many more sitting in Governor seats. There is a swell of new talent and the RINO's like McCain, Graham, etc.... are dinosaurs that I won't miss. TOP 10 TEA PARTY LEADERS.... that's some talent! The future looks great!!!!
It does not matter what the Republicans do. The majority want Socialism. McCain tried to out socialize the Democrats and lost. Romney tried to moderate the conservatism and lost. In America normal American values of free enterprise and people managing their lives themselves, is now dead. McCain is an idiot by the way.
McCain is no genius either. He was not in the top of his class and he dropped a bomb off a parked plane to set off the Forrestal on fire killing many. Of course, it was "not his fault" as bombs drop of planes all the time. The Republicans keep nominating moderates and wondering why they lose. Nominate a real Conservative like Cruz or Rand Paul and watch the victory happen.