Not according to Cohen. Cohen said Trump never wanted or expected to win the election. When was Daniels paid? Yeah.
Clearly Obama "meant' or "intended" to commit the fraud, you gave a pass to that...didn't you. So what is your point now?
Asked and answered as part of the testimony. Question.. are you currently engaged in negotiations for shortening your sentence... answer... "Yes". We can pull the transcript if necessary, but everyone knows what Cohen was doing on the stand, selling his future book and trying to shorten his prison term..
Translation: How would Cohen lying about Trump to help Democrats take him down help his chances of reducing his sentence?
...that "translation" does not answer my question, nor does it phrase my question in a manner that would actually result in an answer to my question. Democrats trying to "take down Trump" are not authorized to reduce Cohen's sentence.
Yeah but it does answer your question. When you tell the people who are putting you in jail what they want to hear, they take it easier on you.
You should ask him. Cohen was asked, and answered this question as part of his testimony. I don't expect that you'll burden yourself with actually finding your own answer though... huh?
Oh I heard him explain the rationale behind a 35(b) motion, but that can only help him if he provides substantial assistance or prosecution of another person. Lying does not help.
I just listened to a montage of the Mainstream Media that ran over a minute of them all calling Cohen's testimony "EXPLOSIVE". Clearly a huge talking point went out to all the Leftists. I know they got caught and had to close down "JOURNOLIST". If you are a Leftist and you don't know what "JOURNOLIST" was, then you are just a sheep and are likely still one today. It's funny how they agreed upon one adjective and repeated it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. "EXPLOSIVE" !!!!! OMG!!!!
Did Cohen testify that Trump told him to lie to his wife because he didn't want her to know about the affair? Yes or no?
No. How does that lack of a testimony help Trump's case? Hell, even if Trump HAD told Cohen to lie to his wife, how would that even be relevant?
And what would allow that statement to be believed enough to provide substantial assistance? Corroboration.
He's trying to claim that not embarrassing Melanie was Trumps only motive... that's always a crowd pleaser... dont try and stop him..
BUZZZZ... what is less than 130 thousand, Alex?? Isn't it $2700?? I'm not sure as I'll never be approaching that number myself.. always investigate to see if a crime existed which can successfully be prosecuted so long as you have a reasonable belief that a crime exists. You want to argue that the State of New York does not have a reasonable belief that a crime exists? You go for it.
So then Comey should have recommended Prosecution and let the DoJ do their job.. Thanks buddy! See we can agree!