Minimum Wage

Discussion in 'Opinion POLLS' started by Lazarus, Dec 5, 2013.


Should The Minimum Wage Be Raised

Poll closed Feb 3, 2014.
  1. Yes, to 15.00 Dollars

  2. Yes, to 10.00 Dollars

  3. No

  1. Lazarus

    Lazarus New Member

    Jul 6, 2013
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    Should the minimum wage be raised?
  2. teeko

    teeko New Member Past Donor

    Jul 17, 2008
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    Yes!! It should and soon
  3. Doc Dred

    Doc Dred Banned

    Dec 6, 2009
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    i nearly Barfed when Obama said it should be raised to 10 dollars so these people could save and one day own their business…
    how out of touch is this guy..
    i'm a lefty and puked...
  4. Mayor Snorkum

    Mayor Snorkum Banned

    Oct 11, 2012
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    Of course not.

    If a person isn't hiring someone for a job, he have no interest in how much the employee is paid. That's a private matter between employee and employer.

    If the can't live on that wage, that's the employee's problem. To cope with the problem, the employee can:

    A) Find another job that pays more.
    B) Find another job that pays the same, or less, and work longer hours.
    C) Adjust his lifestyle until expenses do not exceed wages.
    D) Starve.
    E) Any mixture of the above.

    It's a free country, not only for the employee, but the EMPLOYER, as well. Legislated minimum wage violate this principle. NOWHERE in the Constitution is the federal government allowed to dictate wages to anyone.
    Steady Pie and (deleted member) like this.
  5. Mr. Swedish Guy

    Mr. Swedish Guy New Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    No, it should be abolished.

    It's both morally wrong, and contra-productive.
  6. flyboy56

    flyboy56 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 17, 2013
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    Raising the minimum wage might drive employers to hire more experienced workers rather than hire a young person without experience. Minimum wage jobs are meant to be entry level positions to give young folks the opportunity to enter the work force where employers are willing to train them.
  7. Crawdadr

    Crawdadr Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2009
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    Larger companies may be able to absorb those costs but what you are really saying is the small business should just close up shop because the cost of growing beyond a simple one or two man shop is beyond them due to the cost of having employees. That has been one of the biggest impediments to growing my uncles butcher shop. The cost to employ some one does not make sense to how much he would get for having that person work there.
  8. KevinVA

    KevinVA New Member

    Sep 20, 2013
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    Are there more people like you in Sweden? I find myself agreeing with you more and more.

    Agreed on abolishment. The free market will correct wages on its own through competition. Increased minimum wage will result in immediate inflation across the board. You might think it's a great idea now, but when that $1 menu turns into a $3-5 menu, you'll be cursing McDonalds and Burger King instead of who's really responsible - you.
  9. Doc Dred

    Doc Dred Banned

    Dec 6, 2009
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    The reality is this.

    Most small business actually offer a higher wage and incentive to keep good workers.

    These franchise houses of really harmful fast food joints, burger king mcdonalds , fish joints, and pizza places, make huge profits.

    Billions a year, they are stock market motivated and don;t really care about the fact the food they serve is absolute garbage and should only be used as if you are in some kind of kid carnival mood and want to live the advertising .

    the billions are not shared with their employees.

    the minimum wage is not up top par with inflation.

    there was a time when fairness was the norm and that a minimum wage job could be enough to live a meagre lifestyle.

    way back in the day…

    now it's a joke.

    and worse yet the president of the united states think if it was ten dollars an hour it would solve the person's life to the point where they could save up!!!!

    as for $1.00 value menus…what kind of food do you really want to digest…it's cancer in a box…a heart attack to go….

    this acceptance of these places in the Society south of the border is frightening.

    if you actually go to any of these places more than 3 times a year…you are insanely corrupted into thinking you are eating food.
  10. Doc Dred

    Doc Dred Banned

    Dec 6, 2009
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    Why would you actually care about the price of food in the places mentioned…it's cancer causing heart attacks to go..

    extremely processed and loaded with science to entice you to buy, with salty sour taste sugary nightmare science.

    it's not meant to be eaten other than maybe two or three times a year.

    it's not food.

    i visit america and people talk about these places like it's a place to eat.

    the movie Fargo is a prime example of the average knowledge base of the "Foody" american style.

    In Fargo she ate Arby's for lunch like it was a normal thing to do…

    as for the minimum wage in america…modern day slaves to the rich.

    watching the fox news blurbs on late night talk show hosts about this matter…

    it's cruel..unwarranted..blame the person without an education for the problem…like they can afford an education if all they can do is work at rotten ronnie's.

    lets go to Down's Syndrome society and figure out how to abuse these people for less than minimum wage.
  11. KevinVA

    KevinVA New Member

    Sep 20, 2013
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    lol... it was an example. Take any business and it applies there, as well. These two companies both have $1 menus, where I believe many people probably order from around the country. That would be one of the easiest examples of change, especially since people in these positions make minimum wage. Whether you like the food or not, is of no consequence and has no merits on the discussion.

    Maybe you haven't noticed, the times you visited America, but our poor is much better off than the world's poor. In fact, most people in poverty here would be seen as pretty well off in some countries. You'll also notice that most people in poverty do not have a problem with gaining weight, due to the amount of food they consume. You can thank the fast food industry for that.

    Millions of people eat at fast food restaurants every day. It's a fast and easy lunch break and won't break the bank. To each his own... if you hate fast food, don't eat it. I don't see how other people eating that food effects you in any way.
  12. Mr. Swedish Guy

    Mr. Swedish Guy New Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    No, sadly not, but thanks.

    yes indeed.
  13. SMDBill

    SMDBill Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2013
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    I own a small business and I pay 38% above minimum wage ($10/hr) to two employees. My business is not fast food but the minimum wage applies to all. So let's say it gets to the dreamed-of level of $15 per hour. My profits are what they are based on the price I can market the service for versus the costs of running my business (out of my home to cut costs) and the wages I have to pay. So if you get your way and my wage costs rise by 50% (biggest raise I've ever heard of and about 46% larger than I have ever received in any job in my lifetime) what do you think will happen? My costs go up so I have 2 choices: 1) raise prices to customers that covers $5/hr per employee x the number of hours they will work; or 2) cut employee hours as much as possible to protect profit at current levels (which are low anyhow). Which do I do?

    Choice 1: I raise prices for my customers and they begin to slowly decline services, choosing instead to do the work themselves. Wow, out of business in no time! Bad choice.

    Choice 2: I decrease their hours to levels I can afford. I get less work done, which means less cash flow and less profit, which leads to unsustainability and eventually out of business. Bad choice.

    Please let the current or would-be small business owners understand better how paying more can in any way help our country. After all, major corporations don't employ the majority of low wage workers. Most local McD's are not corporate owned and may likely be single franchise establishments (small business with a big company name). And please make sure you include in the explanation a way to protect profits, because what is called "profit" in my sole proprietorship is actually my income that I also can't afford to do without.
  14. Doc Dred

    Doc Dred Banned

    Dec 6, 2009
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    or three you take less profit and enjoy the benefits of a higher reward. the reward of helping others to live comfortably..

    if your business cannot handle a 64 dollar a day increase in wages per employee…than you might want to reconsider other options of a livelihood.

    also the increase wage would be taking off your taxes at the end of the year…yes no , partially taken off?

    is it really going to ruin you..
  15. SMDBill

    SMDBill Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2013
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    So you obviously have never owned a business, nor do you understand taxes? The "write off" you stated amounts to only a % of the write off amount truly saved in taxes.

    You are quite generous to reach into my pocket to hand them $64 new dollars EVERY DAY that they neither generated business for, worked any harder for, nor carried any responsibility for. Do the math. What's $64 x 22 work days per month? That's right....$1,408. You just reach right in and take $1400/month that I can't afford to give up because it's MY income and you hand it to employees who already earn nearly 40% higher wage than others who do the same job for other companies. You sure are one swell person for being so generous with MY money. If I lose $1400 per month, I'm out of business. I live on that money and I'm not earning even what the average middle class worker earns in a job they work for someone else. But yet you're generous enough to just give it away because of your perception that somehow business owners happen to be wealthy? That's insane. Most small business owners get by, or they get by and can actually save a little bit for the future. And many of them are fortunate enough to help create a job or two in order for others to earn an income in bad times like this.

    Your generosity is commendable, but it's not backed by common sense or an understanding of small business. And yes, it would ruin me, but thanks for offering it up to the employees so I can go out of business and no longer pay them anything.
  16. Doc Dred

    Doc Dred Banned

    Dec 6, 2009
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    I do own a business…no employees though..
    in Canada employee wages are a business expense.
    You add up all your business expenses and subtract that from the gross intake or profit…and then you get taxed on the remaining ..

    is it different in USA…employee wages are not a business expense?

  17. SMDBill

    SMDBill Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2013
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    Of course they are an expense. And as a sole proprietor the business is combined with my personal salary from my regular job. A reduced taxable amount by $1 does not put $1 in my pocket. That was my point. It's only a savings of what I would have paid in taxes, which is a percentage of that dollar (and not a large one).

    My point is that I know many small business owners earn enough to live on and giving away a huge amount to employees only harms the business. If we were a major corporation, maybe it wouldn't hurt as much, but as a very small business with 2 employees it puts me at a point where either my prices are out of range of customers or I have to shut the doors because the profit is too low to live on. Neither is a good thing to happen and all these people crying about flipping burgers for minimum wage are doing is setting businesses up for failure if it takes hold.

    I agree minimum wage sucks, but people who aspire to only that get a life filled with only that. But they're free and can work 2-3 of those types of jobs and have a half-decent income. I've done it myself. Military pay was too low so I worked part time as well because I needed more money. These days people think their few hours is all they should work and they should be given the rest. They won't hustle multiple jobs, won't take risks to setup businesses, yet they expect handouts from those who are willing to grind out work and create jobs for others. I feel good that we currently pay 2 employees nearly 40% more than minimum wage, but they sure don't deserve $15/hour and they work harder than any burger flipper.
  18. Doc Dred

    Doc Dred Banned

    Dec 6, 2009
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    ok so you do agree that raising it to 15 dollars won't actually cost you the total difference after taxes.
    and yes most people don't realize in business you have to earn the money in order to save it from the taxman

    as for this whole issue;
    do they really only aspire to that…how many people cannot find jobs…how many people are living off their savings rather than flipping burgers and will eventually live of credit cards…
    these re hard time for young to find jobs in Canada..

    actually most people i know are working two and three jobs for the big corporations in Canada no longer use anything but part time help to avoid giving them benefits and pensions.

    You think working more than 40 hours a week and not being able to live is what our WWWI and WWWII vets fought for.

    this isn't capitalism it's slavery of the masses..

    once mired in the work 60 hours or more lifestyle the mind becomes numb..pleasure is something other people to have.

    I recall when Archie Bunker's music theme was forced by the government to be changed from..recall them at the piano before each show..

    "Gee were't our salaries great!"


    "Gee our old LaSalle went great"!

    what the hell is up with that eh!!!
    what sort of world do you want to live in…
    BS!!!! chicanery propaganda….
  19. Lazarus

    Lazarus New Member

    Jul 6, 2013
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    wow! some of the post on this are almost funny. Our poor are better off then most poor in the world? this is an augment for what? your conscience? And the ever popular "I'll go broke if I pay a living wage" first lets look at what are the options. 1. a person makes enuff money at his / her job to pay rent and eat. 2. the person does not make enuff at his / her job to survive and has to get government assistance. dam I forgot, #3. the insane myth that some submit on this form, just go get a better job. because we all know that poor people get low wage jobs because mostly because they turn down good paying jobs. and we know as a fact that the economy has moved to a servest economy and i'm sure poor people are to blame for that as well.
    but i'm going to submit that if the income inequality continues to grow it will drag each and everyone down with it. in fact it all ready is. no economic recovery? you can blame whoever you want but the fact is people just don't have the money to spend to drive the thing. and 70% of the economy is consumer driven. if you give theses workers a raise to 10 dollars an hour that money is going to go right back in the market. and that's what crates new jobs. thats what gets poor people off public assistance. that's what makes it so poor people can eat healthy and not on the dollar menu at mcyuk. so cry me a river how we can not do better by those who work but live in poverty, i say we can not afford not to. if you are willing to work you should have the right to be able to pay rent, have healthcare, and "omfg eat.
  20. KevinVA

    KevinVA New Member

    Sep 20, 2013
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    When were things good, last you remember, for your country? I can tell you the year for the United States. People always (*)(*)(*)(*)(*) about unemployment, but things were much better in 2006/2007 than they have been in the last 6 years. They were even better in 2004-2005, prior to inflating gas prices. The same corporations existed at those times, entrepreneurs still existed... but the economy changed. Why? How? Politics... Change the politics and you can fix the economy. Get government out of the free market. Big business and the entrepreneur shouldn't be blamed for the hardships of the unemployed or those with low salaries - it's that of politicians who hold the reigns of the economy that you should be waving your finger.

    Businesses are already strapped for cash, due to the economy, via regulations, taxes, etc. I just can't wrap my head around the idea that the private industry is at fault... when it's the private industry that employs the majority of Americans. In times where we have a spurring economy with lower unemployment... where do you think those citizens get those jobs? Here's a hint: it's not the government.
  21. SMDBill

    SMDBill Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2013
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    Ok, so I raise wages by $10/hour and I save $1-2 of it on taxes at the end of the tax year. So I lose only $8-$9/hour effectively. Little difference when my salary is directly impacted.

    I'm not saying it is a good thing to need to, but when ends don't meet people can often do more than they are doing, even if unwillingly. I hated working part time and losing time with my family on top of the military hours that were often 12 hour days or longer. But I had a choice to spend time with them or to afford to feed them while spending a little less time with them. I had an infant who required very expensive food based on allergies so I did what I had to do. I only expect others to do the same when life throws a curve ball. It's never good, never fun, but doesn't mean we should just give out handouts if they're not doing all they can for themselves. People need a hand, no doubt, but it is often requested and asked, like the ridiculous $15/hour fast food wage demands going on right now, without any willingness to work harder first. Nobody owes someone $15/hour for flipping burgers and I think many will take offense who earn less than $15 but more than minimum wage when they see burger flippers suddenly propelled to their wage level and beyond without any skill set. Heck, we have family counselors making less than $30-40k who often have up to masters level educations. To think a person running a cash register deserves the same pay level is ridiculous.

    I call it a crappy lifestyle. But nobody forces anyone to learn no skills and to settle for burger flipping as a career. There are job training programs provided by local and state agencies, there are colleges where anyone can get a loan to attend, and there are jobs if people get up and go get them in a place where they may not live (like North Dakota where Wal-Mart will happily pay $16-20/hour to anyone who will show up and work). We get too much crying and not enough action on the parts of people in despair. There are answers but sometimes the answer, such as "you'll need to go to North Dakota to get that job", are just not what they want to hear so they ignore it. They're free people. They're not forced to stay in areas with no jobs.

    If I were doing without and desperate, you can bet I'd be at my local Wal-Mart meeting with the manager to see if there is a way to get one of those jobs in North Dakota and maybe a bus ticket to get there so I can start working. The oil industry can also use help there. But nobody is talking about that while they complain about what's not being given to them. There are skill-less jobs waiting for bodies, but instead of getting up and going to them people get together and march outside the businesses that pay them to complain about the fact that the company doesn't pay them more for having zero skills. My answer is to look at job openings all over the country, figure out in-demand skills, figure out how to GET those skills, then fill a job. We need nurses, nursing aids and other lower end healthcare workers at very high rates. It doesn't require a degree in rocket science, but it DOES require motivation and a willingness to work and learn. The answers are out there but it's easier to complain to the give-away party and wait for the money to roll in for zero effort other than a vote.
  22. Lazarus

    Lazarus New Member

    Jul 6, 2013
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  23. robini123

    robini123 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2004
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    Poll choices too limiting. I am for raising the minimum wage, but leave it to economist with a PhD. in front of their name to find an optimal bell curve. Raising it comes with its downsides just as leaving it as it is does.
  24. KevinVA

    KevinVA New Member

    Sep 20, 2013
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    Is that the same economist that believes that Keynesian economics actually works? If so, no thanks.
  25. robini123

    robini123 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2004
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    Not sure how you arrived at that from what I said. The best way to base a wage increase would be by looking at a wide spectrum of views not just one. I have no allegiance to a party so I favor no horse in this race.

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