No, they just are trying to patent some standard pig BREEDING techniques, and they claim ownership of ALL pigs born by that breeding.
Right. And frankly, so what? More accurately, Monsanto dumped millions of dollars of R&D into a specific gene sequence. When it became apparent that it was not netting the results they hoped for, they patented the gene sequence, and dropped the project until a later date. It was never - as the Mother Earth News hippies claimed - an effort on the part of Monsanto to "patent the pig."
They are a large corporation, therefore they are corrupt and they pollute. But our local nut-jobs, like Euphoria, need to open their eyes to some of the GOOD that has been brought about by companies like Monsanto.
. The links are to Factual Articles & Peer Reviewed Science Yet I am sure that such will appear as Tripe to anybody ...... Who prefers to swill in a troth of Willful Ignorance ................... .have fun in your feed, Big Georgie The stupidity lies in Willful Ignorance & Ignorance lies in empty One Liners that offer absolutely NO Substance ............................... or Rebuttal Dispute any of the Facts brought forward ..................... Or be the FL We are NOT interested in companies 'like Monsanto' ................ Here we deal with & expose Monsanto Perhaps rather than vacuous blather Big George ........ could bring forward some of the Inspireing Humanitarian GOOD that Monsanto has accomplished Such Facts would bring a welcomed balance to this Thread Do you homework & enter the Debate - you may be sure that I have done mine ...................................... or **** . .
You explanation does not even make a modicum of sense. And since I posted what the "Mother Earth News" hippies actually SAID, we can see your claims ere entirely bogus. Monsanto game plan is simply to patent procedures, plans, information and/or gene sequences in ANY living process so that when ANYONE goes to raise or sell products of any similarity at all, even if it is pigs or plants they have sole for generations, needs to include a MONSTER budget for Monsanto lawsuits! BTW, Its funny how the Right Wing never proposes "tort reform" for businesses like Monsanto.
Every large corporation does pollute and has corruption, but there are varying degrees between companies. Monsanto is on the more extreme end of both, which is why they are criticized more than the norm.
I've done the research, retard. You have not. Monstanto was working on a gene sequence. They were NOT trying to patent the pig. Go smoke some pot, grope up some stoned girl, roll around in the mud and call it a day. The FACT is that you know NOTHING about what you're speaking of.
No, not really. They're criticized more than most, because retarded city people don't understand what RoundUp is, nor do the understand what RoundUp Ready Hybrids are. Neither do said retarded city people understand why farmers don't plant bin-run corn anyway, so the "no-plant contract" is irrelevant. And most of all, there's not one single person - who screams about this whole Monsanto pig thing - who has one lick of knowledge about what was going on. They were researching gene sequencing and splicing. It didn't work out. They patented their research, and shelfed it.
Here's the tip of the iceberg, George.,0,1067053.story As I've said before, my beefs with them are more straightforward. And again, I'm not suggesting that they're the only company who does nasty things, but they're certainly less ethical than the norm.
Right. That makes sense, and they SHOULD be liable for a huge chemical pollution problem. In the city where I live, there used to be a HUGE lead smelting plant right alongside the river. It closed probably 40 years ago, but they've been doing industrial clean-up ever since. Was the company negligent? Probably not. 125 years ago, nobody knew how dangerous lead is. Unfortunately, the company is still liable. Was Monsanto negligent in that West Virginia case? Maybe. Intentionally negligent? We don't know. But they ARE liable, and they MUST remedy the situation. And of course they are, like every corporation, going to fight it. THAT is a legitimate reason to be angry at Monsanto. But all this Zombie Pig crap, and Engineered Crops nonsense? Not so much.
. RoundUp ! Is that the same Carcinogenic Herbicide RoundUp, that has to be dumped in ever increasing mega doses upon a major percentage of our corn, soybean & canola because of the RoundUp resistant weeds that are now showing up all over the World ? 7. New Study Links Monsanto's Roundup to Cancer 26. Lab Proof Monsanto’s Products are involved in Cancer 36. THE PUSZTAI AFFAIR - Monsanto Lies & attempts at cover up ----------------------------- Is that the same RoundUp, that has been implicated in the Sudden Death Syndrome That is beginning to wipe out many farmer's crops ? 18. Genetic MeltDown & Sudden Death Syndrome I-V Genetic Meltdown & Sudden Death Syndrome ----------------------------- Is that the same RoundUp, that has resulted in Lower Crop Yields putting the Lie to Monsanto’s claims of a Higher Yield ? 11. GM Crop Yields Lower Than Traditional Crops 20. Exposed: The Great GM Crops Myth of Higher Yeilds Exposed yet again 34. Lower Yield & the Failure of GMO Crops – 2 posts ----------------------------- Is that the same RoundUp, used on GM crops, who’s GM progeny pollute other adjacent natural crops and enable Monsanto to sue farmers whenever they show up on that farmers land ? 22. Monsanto & the Bullying of Farmers Monsanto’s Harvest of Fear ----------------------------------- Exposing Talking Head Corporate Shills is fun & easy to do .............. It is like Peeling Bark off of a Dead Stump All they have is a quiver of cheap ridicule and a short Rope ....... Upon which they soon proceed to Hang themselves ------------------------- So you are speaking throught the lens of a vested interest "The FACT is that you know NOTHING about what you're speaking of." . ------------------------- BTW - Where have I mentioned Pigs ? Or is it just that you are sub consiously, Self Conscious when indulging in your ...................................... Ridicule ? . By calling everbody who opposes you a retard, it just makes you look stupid & devoid of any ........................................ RealIntellect SO Learn to Behave yourself Georgie .
OR Come & Get IT SOoooo--eeee ! In which case I am going to enjoy metaphorically ............................... kicking the feces out of you .
. Intentionally Negligent ? Monsanto Reaches Settlement On Agent Orange Class-Action Suit But makes sure that the Gag Order Imposed during petrial is Left in Place Fact is West Virginia is just the latest in a long list of A purposed Pollution, Lies, CoverUp & Avoidance By these Corporate Maggots Check out the Horror they Perp’d in Aniston Alabama Nothing has changed with these Maligant Tumors on feet Monsanto Found Guilty of Polluting Monsanto Fined $700 Million for Poisoning People with PCBs UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Criminal Investigation of Monsanto Corporation - Cover-up of Dioxin Contamination in Products - Monsanto Purposly Hid Decades of Polution in Aniston Alabama [ame=""]Monsanto hid Decades of Polution in Aniston Alabama - YouTube[/ame] .
You been smoking that SuperWeed again? That your Best Shot Georgie ? I mean Geezzz - that's weak in the wrist Send me a PM - & request my free broucher Outlining lessons on how to execute a proper Put Down --------------------- Monsanto Farmlands Plagued by Superweeds In another case of what the h__ll could go wrong, a herbicide and frankenseed resistant superweed is fast gaining foothold in Monsanto farmlands. Nature striking back? The gospel of high-tech genetically modified (GM) crops is not sounding quite so sweet in the land of the converted. A new pest, the evil pigweed, is hitting headlines and chomping its way across Sun Belt states, threatening to transform cotton and soybean plots into weed battlefields. In late 2004, superweeds that resisted Monsantos iconic Roundup herbicide, popped up in GM crops in the county of Macon, Georgia. Monsanto, the US multinational biotech corporation, is the worlds leading producer of Roundup, as well as genetically engineered seeds. Company figures show that nine out of 10 US farmers produce Roundup Ready seeds for their soybean crops. The Monsanto Superweed Explosion Threatening the Heartlands Googling for Superweeds can give you the Creeps ! .
Newsflash, Eudorphwad. In light of the FACT that ALL weeds will eventually grow resistant to the same herbicide, there's an easy solution. Use a different herbicide.
A good thought, but it is a Nofly George Can we hope that Monsanto will bless us with Herbicide & GM seed a little less Carcinogenic & little less enviromentaly damaging, than their .........................Round Up offering ? Attack of the Superweed New strains resist Roundup, the world’s top-selling herbicide a quote from the article – I recommend the whole article Regarding the use of other herbicides: Not exactly: It turns out the widespread use of Roundup has led to the evolution of far-tougher-to-eradicate strains of weeds. As a result, rivals such as Dow Chemical (DOW), DuPont (DD), Syngenta (SYT), and Bayer see an opportunity. They hope to revive sales of older herbicides still able to kill many Roundup-resistant weeds, allowing them to challenge Monsanto’s dominance in genetically modified crops. Still, the substitutes could eventually create weeds that survive multiple chemicals, just as increased use of antibiotics in pigs and chickens has led to the evolution of bacteria that resist multiple drugs, says Charles Benbrook, chief scientist at the Organic Center in Troy, Ore. “It’s akin to putting gasoline on a fire to put it out,” he says. “It’s a very high-risk gamble for the U.S. biotechnology and pesticide industry to go down this road.” (perhaps that is why we do not see a new Herbicide & accompaning GM seed on the market ) ------------------------------------- Monsanto's "Superweeds" Gallop Through Midwest a quote from the article – I recommend the whole thing …… in many cases, Monsanto's market dominance is so complete that farmers literally have no other alternative than to buy Roundup Ready seeds. For example, it's virtually impossible to buy non-Roundup Ready sugar beet seeds. As for Monsanto, well, as I reported Tuesday, Roundup sales are booming. The company expects to clock $700 million in profit from that product alone this year. And it has a plan for complaints about Roundup resistance. It will develop crops resistant to other poisons, creating whole new cycles of profit and ecological destruction. Meanwhile, Roundup's status as a relatively benign agrichemical poison is coming under withering attack. The latest: in a report last month (PDF) the European NGO Earth Open Source delivered an impressive body of evidence that Monsanto's flagship herbicide causes "endocrine disruption, damage to DNA, reproductive and developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity, and cancer, as well as birth defects." Those are explosive claims, given that Roundup and other forms of glyphosate are now the most-used herbicide in the world. ------------------------------------- . .
You're not listening are you FL ReRead my above post & see why ... they have NOT done that ... Then Take a Bite of this ...... Monsanto Apple ... Monsanto's Roundup Spawns Superweeds Consuming Over 120 Million Hectares Monsanto's best-selling herbicide Roundup has created a new category of superweeds that are heavily resistant to the herbicide that Roundup contains known as glyphosate. These resistant weeds currently cover over 4.5 million hectares in the United States alone, though experts estimate the world-wide land coverage to have reached at least 120 million hectares by 2010. The onset of superweeds is being increasingly documented in Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Europe and South Africa. Meanwhile, Monsanto pushes its genetically modified crops and biopesticides under the guise of helping the environment and reducing pesticide use. In reality, the resistant weeds are now so resistant to Roundup that they require significantly more pesticides. Due to the large-scale use of Roundup, pesticide spraying will have to increase worldwide in order to combat the new superweeds. Of course the company is refusing to accept responsibility for the escalating cost of combating the weeds, stating that "Roundup agricultural warranties will not cover the failure to control glyphosate resistant weed populations." ---------------------- Superweeds, Mutant Insects, and a Devastated Environment Roundup is not the only Monsanto invention tearing up the environment and producing super resistant organisms. The usage of genetically modified Bt, a biopesticide manufactured by Monsanto, has created a number of new mutated insect species. Research has confirmed that at least 8 populations of insects have developed resistance, with 2 populations resistant to Bt sprays and 6 species resistant to Bt crops as a whole. As a result, biotech scientists are now further genetically modifying the Bt to kill the mutated insects. This is despite the fact that tests have indicated that the additional modification will provide 'little or no advantage' in fending off the super insects. All of this is being done instead of simply turning to sustainable and organic farming practices that do not yield super resistant, mutated organisms of any kind. Even the researchers conducting the research on Bt concluded that alternative organic farming methods would provide a more environmentally-friendly alternative in which there would be no dependence on bloated corporations like Monsanto: Alternative organic, sustainable methods of farming provide a realistic alternative, independent of reliance on agrobiotech corporations. .
In light of the FACT that my entire family has been in agriculture for generations, I can say - with absolute, 100% certainty - that you are completely stupid, and ill-informed. Just shut up and go smoke your organic weed.
. Stupid & Ill-informed, While it is me who here provides the Facts While you provide ONLY Insult & your personal absolute 100% certainties A very Light Fact indeed, considering the absolute certainty of you're Willful Ignorance & considering that but a few posts ago you were a Scientist, involved in the Genetic modification of pigs & now you are a multi-generational farmer That is why I avoid making claims as to any professional qualifications I might have, AS on a public forum such as this -- You can't prove them - & doing so only makes you look arrogant & STUPID at the same time ( So are you going to be a Rocket Scientist next week, Georgie ? ) Fact is by HotWireing the system, as you suggest, they know, that they will soon run out of Options & you are still NOT dealing with the Proven Fact that the continued use of these Herbicides together with GM Seeds has led to Lower Crop Yeilds ............................................................ & Sudden Death Syndrome & no sir I will NOT Shut Up - as you request I will continue to dissect you like a BUG so long ...... as you persist in making a FOOL of yourself .
Yep, more moronic drivel. Go smoke your organic weed. Meanwhile, some of the rest of us will choose to NOT live in the world of make-believe.