^^Beautiful^^ Here's some more pictures, from Turkey: And of course, since it's Eid al-Adha today, can't forget the Kaaba: Salam
So come and take it then. Why did you make it problem? Come, see and f.o... as imperialist coalition did in 1922... Also you can't get whatever you want in your life, boy. You will learn it. Cheers.
Oh yeah!... I forgot. Christians murdered or force converted all of them. BTW exactly what nukes does the Greek Orthodox church have?
Who said anything about the greek?They are a dying bunch and will soon be absorbed by their neighbors one way or another.
Constantine who gave it the name became a christian and is a founding member of the catholic church... We'll get it back for him.
Actually, the Roman Catholic Church as we know it was founded after his death. He made Christianity the official religion of Rome. When he died, the Empire broke into two factions, the Holy Roman Empire, which founded the Roman Catholic Church, and the Byzantine Empire, which founded the Orthadox Christian,also know as Orthadox Catholic Church. He played no part in the actual founding of either.
The catholic church started with St-Peter... hundreds of year befor the birth of Constantine... He was baptized into the catholic church before his death in 337AD. You are right he isn't a patriarch of the church. But he is the one who enabled the catholic to posper and overtake the other christian sect. The great schisme that splitted the catholic church and the orthodoxe eastern church happened in 1054, way after Constantine death...
The Catholic Church lost Constantinople because they were dicks and treated the Greeks like they were less than Christian. It wasn't stolen. The Greeks of their own free will left the Catholic Church. Why do you hate free will?
Nobody wants it back, you just want to troll. Nothing new there, but why the obvious cheap one liners lately? Not feeling well these days?
Do you speak for everybody now? I know you are a bit pretentious in your post but aren't you going a bit overboard with your ego? I post as I please. You are in no way oblidge to read my post you know... I only read yours out of pity and charity most of the time. TaTa...
Constantinople was Stolen ? Hmmmm ... this sounds like the same argument the North American Indians use. Ye Stole me land ! Sounds like you are wanting Theocracy once again. Good luck with that.
Actually no, I'm all for secularism... But since Turkey is rapidely joining hand with the muzzi islamic theocrat all over the ME and turning their back on us, I don't see why we shouldn't change their mind... By force if needs be. The trouble today, is that nobody really want to fight a real war, nobody whant to really hurt the enemy. Me? I would do it the old fashion way. It's the only way to do a job that last. Look at Germany and Japan for example. Just for a moment, do the following experience. Take the news from the last 20 years or so. Remove all the killing done by islamist and jihadist all over the globe. Now compare that total number of victim to what we really have today. See that would be a net improvement on life just right there. If that isn't enough, try for a moment to imagine the quality of life of girls and women in Afghanistan, Iran, and the Gulf State without Islam. Think about all those women being able to marry who they want, dress how they please, be able to talk to anybody without getting beaten or killed. Now, wouldn't that be nice! You want something more on a local scale? How about Somalia? Wouldn't be nice if those children their could go to a normal school and not one where they teach you how to kill? They could instead learn how to read and write, learn a trade and work and feed themselves. They could even vote to elect a government that would represent them. Now I'm sure you will come back with the crusades, which happened hundreds of years ago before we even had democracy and secularism. Or you maybe even able to find one or two case of modern day christian act of violence. But even then, you would be hard press to balanced the sheet. You could also try to bring the Afghan and Iraq wars into play, but you have to remeber that in the case of the first, it was in response to an hostile act from Islamist, and for the second, more people have died from islamist/jihadist attack than from the invasion forces. All in all the world wouldn't miss Islam all that much. We learned to tame our religious belief in the west. The muslims don't want to. They could have done it by now, hell they had 1400 years to do it, but they don't want to. Sometime it take an intervention from outside to speed up the process.
Turkey is the least Theocratic of Muslim countries. Im not a big fan of war. I would claim that the trouble is that spending on wars that do not exist is threatening the long term security of the nation. OK .. agreed there would be less killing. Now take the news over the last 30 years and remove all the killing done or supported by the US over the world. A much bigger improvement. That would be nice. The best solution to this problem IMO is to convince people to stop believing that there are human beings walking the planet that speak for God. This was a big part of the intention of the US constitution. As long as the west continues to force religious beliefs on people by allowing religious justification to be used in making laws .. what lesson is that for Islam which does the same thing resulting in the demonization of women. . We do not have to go back that far. Just look at the Genocide committed in WWII by Croata against the Orthadox and Jewish Serbs. Suharto - Indonesia Pinochet - Chili Duarte - El Salvador In each of the above cases you will find Christians supporting of the wrong side. There are many others. Iraq had nothing to do with the Saudi Arabian funded, supported Wahabists that did 911. All but 2 of the perpetrators were Saudi as well. Still not sure what the rational was for Iraq but what is a certainty is that it had nothing to do with Iraqi involvement in 911 because it did not exist. What is also true is that the killing of Muslims by Israel has been pissing the Muslim world off for years. This does not justify 911 IMO but it was not like these folks just woke up in the morning and decided to attack USA because they were jealous of the American Dream. I certainly would not miss Islam and agree that religious belief in the West has been tamed. I certainly would not miss the religious right trying to force their religious beliefs on others in the USA.
Yeah, Nosferax, these women are going to be so so sooo thankful to you for enabling them to marry who they want with no men left to choose from. I'm sure this source is unpretentious enough even for you: Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/a...e-million-women-robbed-war.html#ixzz1dGrQYXsR
But you speak for everybody? Quite clear it isn't very important anymore seeing as nobody is taking about taking back. Except one person on an Internet forum. What's the saying? Don't cry over spilt milk... Salam
1: The question came because you correlated the word 'utopian' with the idea of bombing a mosque in some way. 'coming from someone with Utopian in their handle' The same argument could be said for you. you constantly say 'we' when refering to christianity yet I am sure a great deal of christians couldn't care less what happens in constantiople. Would it be nice to have it back? Sure. Is it worth bombing the (*)(*)(*)(*) and going to war over? Not really. Also I don't think the roman catholic church has nukes at its disposal. Unless you are refering to America. In which case you obviously have no idea how little die-hard christians are left in America. (ESPECIALLY in positions of power where would have the authority to fire nukes or cruise missles) A percentage of other views of faith is increasing in america, you would need a valid reason for bombing a mosque besides "they took our land!". If we are going to sue this argument we would also have to go out and help every other faith in America who has ever had their land stolen (which means back to the middle east) and afterword just hand america back to the indians.