Hog wash. There are no explosive ejecta before the perimeter columns collapse inward. You are stuck with the weakend perimeter columns being pulled inward by the sagging floor trusses.
OMG another one for the ridiculous trougher theories archives! had nothing to do with weak columns and there is all sorts ejection. sheees
oh there is a way, but I already proved that it was not due to floor collapse, that is absurdo max comedy ridiculous, but there is a way it can happen.
Proved what? I was saying that there were no explosive ejecta from the floors on which the columns buckled inward before the top of the building started to move. Not, do you have an explanation for the inward buckling of the perimeter columns other than the weight of the floor slabs pulling them in?
so explosions after they buckle is acceptable to you but before they buckle is not, tell us how that works.
What look like explosives going off to you is actually hundreds of pounds of pulverized drywall being squeezed out. Explosions that occur after an event cannot cause the event. No explosive charges went off before the columns buckled. They would have been observeable in the smoke and flame they would have ejected.
no there are several squibs prior to the event, and after maintains the event. I already proved to you that explosives do not always eject debris during a demolition, why do you keep pretending that its not an explosion unless you see the kitchen sink fly out.
None of what I have seen idiots post as photos or video of squibs have been squibs, so the burden of proof is on you. Your argument is the counter-intuitive. You need to bring something besides your attitude to this. No, you haven't.
proving it is one thing troughers accepting the proof is entirely another story that is an HE demolition, squibs, no visible large chunks of debris.
No, of course not. There are numerous small ones, though, despite your attempts to hide them by the use of the crappiest possible format and worst image quality on the net.
not hiding anyting, they serve their purpose just dandy. Why would you then claim there were no HE forcing me to correct you like literally everything else troughers claim out here
What detail is discernable in your GIF still does not resemble what was going on the the towers when the walls buckled inward.
You have none of those, either. No explosive charges went off inside the tower before the walls buckled inward. Thus, they were OBVIOUSLY PULLED INWARD. The only existing mechanism for doing that was sagging floor trusses.
thats not true, you agreed that loss of the core would also do that. and its impossible if its due to heated trusses, I showed you that. 75% of the exoskeleton would have to be completely gone and 83% of the core for it to cave.
No, you did not prove that, nor did you show us any other phenomenon that could pull the columns inward to initiate collapse.
Senile? I would not argue if somebody suggested that you were getting dementia pugilistica from being slapped down so many times, but I still know what I am talking about. You have not shown any method by which the columns could be pulled inward other than by the weight of the floors.
That is the most childish piece of crap that anybody has posted here in a long time. This is Wiley Coyote fantasy. You do no get to cut the top off of a tree and watch the bottom fall to the ground. Then twoofers wonder why I talk about them like little children! Yeesh!