Bored to death is more like it. Do not over-estimate your own brilliance. No, we do not need any more #17 Sweeney/Martin diversions.
I told you not to over-estimate your brilliance, and you done it again. Color me amazed. Got some evidence now?
I'll wait for the op, by the off chance that there is someone here that might actually engage in something other then pro-wrestling Hulkster.
I'm sure the shills have an explanation for explosions taking place assisting the...I mean, before the aluminum plane penetrated the steel. I'll wait. - - - Updated - - - Shills would say it was the bearded cave dwellers that instituted the put options (if they even admit there were unusual put options activity).
I am betting that there was a hell of a lot of transformers on that side that got so exited and scared they exploded in a premature detonation. [video=youtube;1uwOL4rB-go][/video]
Easier than finding a lunatic at a 9/11T gathering. There were none. Most rational people would just say it is irrelevant and a distraction.
I know the building was so scared that it peed its panties and blew up in anticipation of the plane hitting. got it!
There are no explosions prior to the impact of the aircraft. That bloody simple. We knew this ten years ago.
yeh truthers beating up troughers ssdd - - - Updated - - - blind or are you simply misrepresenting the matter again
No proof of any planes exist, has ever existed, or will ever exist. NO MARKINGS, NO WINDOWS equates to no planes, period, end of story.
Quit lying seven,there WERE markings,as well as windows...One just can't see them easily because of the out of focus and magnification degradation of your clips
Of course he's not bringing evidence, how on earth can he? I mean, he is actually trying to say no plane hit the towers! Who on earth can provide evidence to prove that?! lol It's like asking someone to provide evidence that the earth is flat.
Or that the sky is covered in 'chemtrails' or the FDNY are complicit in 3000 murders or No one died on 9/11. And asking them for evidence makes us 'shills'.
The windows are dark, and located right above that dark line. United was painting their aricraft DARK GREY and blue at that time. There is a United logo on the tail. FAIL.
what a cluster (*)(*)(*)(*)! you boyz need to get your stories straight! that cj's vblurry evidcence not mine DOH! LMAO