Trolling? Just trying to have a good laugh guy. Last time I checked humor was rumored to be therapuetic. That's why I theorize that people who seem to have no sense of humor are either retarded or crazy.
When I say I’m attracted to a persons brain rather than gender, I don’t find moronic comments like: very funny. In-fact I find them very childish and trollish. You are free to continue the troll fest.......
Wow!! I haven't been spurned like this since.....well....yesterday. It looks like I need to either turn "pansexual" or do illicit things with my brian or just go without.
Like butthurt (no pun intended) folks trying to derail a thread located in the "Humor & Satire" forum by calling other people trolls?
Actually a woman I met the other day was a doctor and she told me that the brain was the most erotic organ in the human body. However, I was staring at her chest at the time and had to have her repeat what she was telling me.
You must be one of those unenlightened people who base sexual attraction on physical characteristics. Pfft, it's the 21st century, man! I'm telling you man, she's got the sexiest brain. You don't know what you're missing.
That is what alcohol is for my dear brewster. In fact, you could argue that all alcoholics are pansexuals.
Hate? Who says I hate them? I'm sorry, you are saying that I hate them. I wasn't paying much attention. So why do you say I hate them?
No one gets my humor apparently. When I said that you can just call me a "panbigot" it is because anyone who disagrees with the homosexual lifestyle is labelled a bigot so I just assumed that I would be treated in like fashion for not agreeing with the pansexual lifestyle. What I don't understand is that I may disagree with people who commit adultery or who "swing" but am not called an "adulterphobe".
you see how you can’t rly use the in that context right? i suppose you can but i don't think it would be grammatically correct. so okey... what do you hate about pansexual lifestyles? i mean since you just heard of such a thing and you already disagree with it..... wouldn't that be prejudice? do you employ prejudice without hating? and if you do, how do you manage to pull it off?
Don't let them get to ya Blackblack, they are nothing more than common trolls. You wont be able to get any serious conversations from trolls.
Simply put, I don't agree with people who sleep around. It spreads disease, wreaks havic on the family, and increases abortion rates etc. Of course, I've seen heterosexuals get married whom I would never have married for various reasons. The great thing about America is that they don't have to have my permission, however, when they take my tax dollars and shove their sexual orientation in my face it's time for them to take a step back and get a clue.
If the line worked, I would be afraid of what I might find when I got home with them. All I can say is, take a good long hard look at their adam's apple.