You would 'guide' your child by telling her that its tough luck if she's happy with her choice of partner, you don't like them and she should therefore dump them and find someone you approve of. That is not good parenting.
Yes I would! Some of you people make me wonder how the species has made it this far. It is the same thing as any other deviant behaviour. A parent is to raise a good citizen and guide them with wisdom; thus, not allowing them to make decisions that can make them a social outcast.
Don't see why it would be. Normal means average, unexceptional. Normal is a statistical result of mediocre performance, insignificant luck, average choices, and/or unambitious goals. The only folks who think normal is an admirable objective are the ones in the bottom 50% of any sample. It's silly to obsess on who's "normal" or "not normal" -- because it's ok to be exceptional, being average isn't that special, and because none of us are entirely normal. .
Or... Normal is an exclusive minority between the utterly outrageous and the pathetically inept. So normal would be exceptionally well balanced, logical, and sustain a suitable level of actual character. IOW non-extremists (AKA democrats/republicans). It is abundantly obvious how individuals occupying both ends of the extreme mentality would be in a perpetual state of rationalizing their own superiority over everybody else assuming they are the norm.
ex·cep·tion·al adj \ik-ˈsep-shnəl, -shə-nəl\ Definition of EXCEPTIONAL 1: forming an exception : rare <an exceptional number of rainy days> 2: better than average : superior <exceptional skill> 3: deviating from the norm Examples of EXCEPTIONAL We're bending the rules for this exceptional situation. an exceptional student in math The seafood dishes at this restaurant are exceptional. a separate school for exceptional children First Known Use of EXCEPTIONAL 1787 Related to EXCEPTIONAL Antonyms: common, customary, normal, ordinary, typical, unexceptional, unextraordinary, usual
The point I was making is about extreme illogical characteristics of the human race where there is nothing exceptional about either end of the convoluted scale of extremism other than exceptionally ridiculous. Grasping on one word and trying to distort the intent of my statement doesn't change anything. Normal in this example is a ‘typical’ small minority that is well balanced, logical, and sustain a suitable level of actual character. Your rational is that the extreme at one end or the other is some how exceptional, but they are neither normal or exceptional, unless we are talking about conforming to a standard that is exceptionally defective. Example; In a room full of honor graduates, exceptionally intelligent would be normal. Normal- Conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected. I’m not sure what sort of exceptional behavior, other than strange you are implying about the extremist nut jobs on either end of the scale when it comes to human behavior, but I am interested in learning.
Bingo! I'm really a pansexual. I could care less what is between a person legs. Im more attracted to a persons brain and what is inside it.
You can't focus on one word and disregard the context of the rest of the statement. So in that regard, I guess, based on your last comment, we mutually do not have a clue as to what the other is trying to say.