So you say you don't know what one is? The hell you say. Well apparantly we have the first openly "pansexal" serving in the United States Congress named Mary Gonzalez of Texas. Mary defines the term "pansexual" as people who are attracted to men, women, men who idenfify as women, women who identify as men, and everything in between. Gay and Lesbian groups around the US are celebrating this ground breaking sexual lifestyle that has been thrust on the national scene......or is nature forcing her to do it? I forget. Anyways, as I sit here enjoying a hot chik-fila-a sandwich, I can't help but wonder if Americans should really be eating more chicken. I mean, maybe they all have the mad cow disease or something. I have, therefore, come up with a term for myself. Just call me a "panbigot". I just can't take this sh## any more.
Pansexuals have no gender preference. They are attracted to a person for who they are, not for their gender. They are not necessarily attracted to men and woman and everything else, they are attracted more to the person inside, than the gender. If you ask me, this is a sexuality that everyone should be. believe the term is bisexual. Anyways, if I promise to support of bisexuals to marry each other so that you can have your "rights" will you all just go away and keep your sexual preferences to yourselves?
HMMM? I have been tri-sexual before I was tryheterosexual many years ago as well but I got married, became monogamous hereto for a while, had kids and now I am asexual. Also yeah no kids unless they want to have sex with each other.
Maybe you should run for Congress. You could be the first tryheterosexual who later became monogamous to be in Congress. It could be groundbreaking and open doors to future tryheterosexuals who later become monogamous as well. After you do it, they may just think it is "cool". In short, start a trend, make a friend. As for the country, pffft, we only care about what kind of sex you enjoy.
The befuddlement that the people who have been trained to evaluate everyone by thei sexual availability and desirability is so sad! The whole idea that you would be attracted, sexually included, to someone as a PERSON just flies right over their head.
Yeah a normal guy running for office! A guy that loves his wife and actually does not sleep around. Where is the fun in that?
Sounds like too many people are too infatuated and judgmental with what other consenting adults do, that is neither none of your business, and did I mention it was none of your business already?
Then they need to **** about it. Open up your life and expect every one to say Amen? Nope; don't work that way.
Most people don't label themselves, others do it for them. Besides respecting people for who they are doesn't seem like a bad thing, just something the judgmental despise.
"Pansexual" is derived from the word "pansexualism," dated back to 1917, which is the view "that the sex instinct plays the primary part in all human activity, mental and physical". Credited to Sigmund Freud, it is a term of reproach leveled at early psychology, and is also defined as "the pervasion of all conduct and experience with sexual emotions". Pansexuality, or omnisexuality, is sexual attraction, sexual desire, romantic love, or emotional attraction toward persons of all gender identities and biological sexes. Self-identified pansexuals may refer to themselves as gender blind, asserting that gender and sex are insignificant or irrelevant in determining whether they will be sexually attracted to others. She obviously relates to her sexuality and isn’t ashamed of it, but she isn’t shoving it down anybody’s throat is she?
So basically she will screw anything....why do we need to know this??? And why does she seem proud to share it? What a preverted world we live in.
She probably wouldn't choose to screw you. lol Basically she is attracted to people for reasons other than their sexual attachments (boobies, penis, vagina, etc...) and is "attracted” to people because of their intellect, their character, their personalities, etc...
WHO GIVES A (*)(*)(*)(*) what she's attracted to??? Why do we need to know this?? She wants America to be in her bedroom? Why? This kind of ridiculous bullsh*t is what makes people upset about the whole anit-gay, anti-gay marriage. My feeling is as long as it doesn't have an effect on my life, I don't care what they do. I just hate this "in your face" garbage!
Well the fact that it is public brings that last sentence into question. As to the rest: I did not ask for an explanation of pansexuality. Not an issue just saying. I mean you replied to "So who said she was pansexual?" but never answered the question.