Part 5 of Post Your Tough Questions Regarding Christianity

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Mitt Ryan, Mar 15, 2013.

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  1. GraspingforPeace

    GraspingforPeace Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2008
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    I didn't say that thousands of sects were exterminated, I said that sects that dismissed the orthodox view of Christ being the Son of God/God himself were exterminated. You really need to learn how to read English.

    Really, is that why I just had to correct you because you were lying about what I was insisting?

    No, I don't believe that there is no God. I believe that that there is no evidence to suggest that there is one. Big difference.

    You mean MYTHS? Yes, every culture has myths. What you're doing is appealing to popularity. Most of the world thought that the Earth was at the center of the Universe for a very long time until Galileo showed otherwise. Does this mean that because most of the world believed in geocentrism, it is correct?

    In any case, this is a widely known fallacy, WanRen, called Argumentum ad populum, or appeal to popularity.

    What did I distort?

    I'm asking you for proof about your claim that the Pyramids were built to ward off natural disasters. Nothing more. Either take back that claim or provide evidence for it. I already know that the pyramids were built for religious and burial purposes.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Except Noah's Flood isn't a parable, it's an essential part to the Old Testament's continuing story.
  2. WanRen

    WanRen New Member Past Donor

    Sep 12, 2008
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    See, you know very well none of my post have I ever said the Bible is incorrect such claim or claims the Bible is incorrect have all been coming from you and your buddies that is why I am here to correct your incorrect understanding of the Bible and now I understand that you accept the Bible is correct, thank God, alleluia :pray:
    Now, as far as you question which is it 1,2,3 or all of the above?
    Biblically, none of the above, the Bible is the Word of God and the Bible states that the great flood was worldwide or cover the earth that destroy humanity except Noah and those inside the Ark.
    Scientifically, all of the above.
  3. WanRen

    WanRen New Member Past Donor

    Sep 12, 2008
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    You need to stop distorting and contradicting yourself and yes learn your own English well too. You said there are thousands of sects and now you are saying they have been exterminated???

    You are actually correcting your own lies or distorting your own lies which ever you wanted it.

    How do you know there is no God or gods? Again you are denying that since the recorded known human history religion, gods or God has always been part of the civilization and societies development. So you mean Central Americam tribes, North American tribes, Africans, Egyptians, Chinese etc. have not been practicing religion since their history begun?

    For you it was a myth that ancient civilization practice religion we know it is a fact that they do practice religion. What I am doing is accepting facts and reality. Galileo was a Christian scientist and it was his work and subsequently succeeding Christian scientist that will advance science and technology further.

    Then you should stop appealing to your own false sense of faith that there is no God because that is the popular appeal right now.

    Many things.

    You claim the pyramids are for warding off natural disaster, I clearly stated it was for relgious that include praying to gods against natural disasters. Oh, this is one of the distortion you did.

    A continuing story about the birth of Israel.
  4. WanRen

    WanRen New Member Past Donor

    Sep 12, 2008
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    Well as one of the reason for the Crusade was Muslim aggression that is a good start. At the same time without Muslim aggression or Islam there won't be a Crusade or maybe there would be if the Byzantine were defeated by the Persians???

    I thought you are a keen historians and yet you refuse to research or read further the true history of Islam and Mohammed. Yes, Mohammed and his officers ate of poison food but Mohammed ate less plus as soon as the poison was obvious Mohammed had the girl executed (this is one reason why Muslims hate Jews). Muslim physicians quickly try to cure and control the poison that is why Mohammed survive for three years but for three years he was weak and in pain he died a slow painful death not a martyr's death.

    Mecca and Medina in fact that region had several Jewish and Christian population they are part of the general Meccan population.

    Another distortion, I never say anything the Crusades were innocent your words not mine. Muslim initiated wars against Christians and Jews in Mecca or what is now Saudi Arabia then against the Byzantine then against Western Europe then then the world. The crusades was a neccessity to stop Muslim aggresion.

    Another lie or distortion, I said the Christian nations of today are no longer Christian in nature they are now secular.

    That is how you cherry pick to distort my words
    My words Christian nation do not because at that time there was only Catholic West and Orthodox East. Now, former Christian nations are secular , I guess you want to reverse what I am talking about. Here is a simpler English for you; Former Christian nations are NOW secular.
  5. GraspingforPeace

    GraspingforPeace Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2008
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    I was specifically responding to the bolded portion of your text when I said that. I guess I should have told you this straight away because of your poor English/reading comprehension skills.

    I DON'T. There COULD be, but I see no conclusive evidence that there is for certain. How do you know that there is one for certain?

    I am not denying that at all. Of COURSE there were religions. You REALLY need to go back to English reading comprehension classes.

    That is NOT what I said. I said "You mean MYTHS? Yes, every culture has myths." I straight away admitted that ancient cultures had myths, not that it was a myth that those cultures had religions. THIS is why you shouldn't even be debating anybody who speaks English because you clearly are not capable of understanding what people are saying.


    Can you define what a logical fallacy is? Do you know what logic is?

    Which is what "warding off" is, WanRen. I could easily change your sentence to be "include praying to gods to ward off natural disasters". This is EXACTLY what you are trying to say.
  6. GraspingforPeace

    GraspingforPeace Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2008
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    ...The Persians? What Persians?

    Mohammad didn't eat any poisoned lamb at all, he spit it out. Also, there is no known poison used during the ancient world that would take three years to kill a person.

    Perhaps a small part. The rulers of Mecca were Arabs of the Quraysh tribe.

    You continually make excuses for the Crusaders committing atrocities. Do you or do you not condemn the Christian massacre of Jews and Muslims in Jerusalem?

    That isn't cherry picking words, that is you being terrible at English. When you use now at the beginning of a sentence like that, it is meant to signify an introduction to new information such as "Now, I am going to talk about politics in America."
  7. WanRen

    WanRen New Member Past Donor

    Sep 12, 2008
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    You are just using the English language issue as an excuse.

    I know God exist because of history not just faith but history. You on the other hand is basing on your faith there is no God denying history, history that you seem to claim to be of great knowledge but now it is clear it is not.

    See, you change your position again now you believe and accept that religion is part of human history now do you believe that God or gods goes hand in hand with religion?

    Your English is hardly high class.

    Same with you.

    Logic is anything that conforms with practicality and reality. Logical fallacy is = falsehood. Now, the logic is that religion and God goes hand in hand and that religion has been part of human civilization since it's known recorded history. The logical fallacy is to deny that.

    Ah, but you omit that the warding off is not just part of the reason for the pyramids which is also for religious reasons you want to negate the religious aspect and make it appear that it is only for warding off natural disaster. By the way it is also use as a burial for the Pharaohs and also as a monument for their glory.
  8. cupid dave

    cupid dave Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    It is told in metaphor which parallels the appearance of the three racial stocks, (sons of Noah), of Modern Homo sapiens that spread Out-of-Africa and around the Globe, even to the mountain tops, 40 thousand "days" or millennia ago CONCURRENT with the total extinction of all other types of humans from whom we evolved:

    Gen. 6:7 And the LORD, (the force behind the ever unfolding Reality of the Universe) said, I will destroy man (of these types and species) whom I have created (for the purpose to mentally model my image of Reality), destroy them, (of these types and species), from the face of the earth, (deeming them extinct); both (this species and kind of) man, and (his present abstract idea of) the beast (of the earth), and (his idea of) the creeping thing (of the earth), and (his idea of) the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them (in this process of evolution).
  9. WanRen

    WanRen New Member Past Donor

    Sep 12, 2008
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    I will give you the benefit of the doubt in pretending to be ignorant of the Persians during the Byzantine era. The Persian empire or Sassanid were at war 602- 628 with the Byzantine during the rise of Mohammed. The Byzantine were busy fighting the Persians if the Byzantine had lost the Persian whose religion was Zoroastrianism would have or not resulted for a Crusade, or the Persians could have been successful in defeating the Muslims.

    I can understand your love and deep devotion for Mohammed that you are ready to deny facts no matter what it still doe snot change the facts that Mohammed die of food poisoning, that he was a warlord and that Jews and Christians were his targets. During that time 600 AD poisons were already available.

    Here is another point of your lack or weak in history.

    The Quraysh tribe that have left Mohammed alone but Mohammed kept harassing them.

    I have said and again you have clearly not read my post, the Catholic church condemn the atrocities committed by some leaders of the Crusades not only in Jerusalem but in Constantinople. The brutality of the Muslims and the wars is what it was like during that time.
    And you continue to deny that the Muslims were the aggressors if not for their aggression there would be no Crusade.

    Again, using English as an excuse you wanted it to be meant the way you wanted it and you want to distort it to make it appear that I said what I did not. Yes, NOW as the present read the sentence not just cherry picks cut words, unless that is your true intention which I have no problem I will just correct you so that the general public may be aware of the truth.
  10. MrConservative

    MrConservative Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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  11. GraspingforPeace

    GraspingforPeace Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2008
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    ... What do you think the various Inquisitions were?
  12. GraspingforPeace

    GraspingforPeace Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2008
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    Yes, because it is blatantly clear that you are misunderstanding almost everything anybody has said and it is incredibly hard to understand you because you are poor at English. It isn't an excuse, it is a fact. Almost every poster that has talked to you has complained about your English. Do you seriously think that you are good at English? You aren't. I can hardly understand what you're trying to say half the time. I'm not trying to be an (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*), but your English is a barrier to conversation.

    What history proves God's existence?


    I haven't changed my position at all. That is what I said in the first place. You just can't understand what people are saying and it is getting incredibly frustrating.

    Actually, it is pretty good. My mom is a grammar teacher.

    You can't even create correct sentence structure, you are hardly a good judge of what good English is.

    Sorry, that is absolutely incorrect. Go look up the definition of logic.

    Logical fallacies are the rules of logic are broken.

    That wouldn't be a logical fallacy, it would just be an incorrect statement.

    NO, I don't. I want you to provide evidence that one of the purposes for the creation of the Pyramids was to ward off natural disasters.
  13. MrConservative

    MrConservative Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Which inquisitions? Some were ran by the state, others were ran by the state. Besides, many beliefs the Church considered heretical believed Jesus was the Son of God, just like the Church. Christian theology had already been very well established at the time of medieval inquisitions. If you want to find proof that the church persecuted people that believed Christ was not the Son of God, you would have to go back to before the Bible was put together and this would have been a time before the Church had that much power and would not have been able to strong-arm the secular authorities in carrying out punishment on heretics.
  14. GraspingforPeace

    GraspingforPeace Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2008
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    How do you know what would have happened had the Sassanids won?

    I have no love for Mohammad, I have a love for FACTS. What poison kills somebody three years after it is taken?

    Yep. Why are we even talking about this? The Quraysh were mostly Arab pagans. This has nothing to do with your claim that communities of Jews and Christians were exterminated.

    Then what the hell are you complaining about?!

    You're lying, again, what a big surprise. Do you not remember me saying "I accept it as ONE of the reasons." like four posts ago?

    No, WanRen, that is the meaning when you use the word "now" as the introduction of a sentence. It is not my fault that you didn't know this, it is yours.
  15. cupid dave

    cupid dave Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    They were to that Theocracy as Treason Trials and executions in a Democracy is.

    Both are merely governments protecting their sovereignty.
  16. GraspingforPeace

    GraspingforPeace Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2008
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    Sorry, my friend, you're wrong:

    - - - Updated - - -

    The Church is a government?
  17. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    I think he/she reads english perfectly. Now the posts are bordering on fraud. Changing what folks say and claiming they lie. This is the most dishonest way to debate. There is nothing in any of the posts that can be considered as truthful.
  18. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    Here is just 1 admission that you believe their were survivors other than the ark. There are many more posts of yours like this.
    So you don't believe the bible based on this statement.
  19. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    Except you have stated that not all humanity was destroyed. Which would be the bible is wrong or you are wrong.
  20. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    Everyone would understand what your fabricating much easier if you'd post in your native language.
  21. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    Here you claim differently than the bible states.
    Bible says all were killed. But ark riders.
  22. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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  23. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Mormons are not Christians. The reason Mormonism is not Christian is because it denies one or more of the essential doctrines of Christianity. Mormonism denies that there is only one God in all existence and also denies the forgiveness of sins alone in Christ alone.

    Therefore, it is outside Christianity. It is not a Christian religion.
  24. WanRen

    WanRen New Member Past Donor

    Sep 12, 2008
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    What is blatantly clear is that you and your buddies have been distorting facts and using my English as an excuse because I have effectively shut you all down.

    The evolution of man and creative mind of men and women, the beauty and harmony of this universe is filled with the history of God existence. And you what history that proof the none existence of God.

    Ok so you change you mind again that religion is not part of history????

    What is frustrating is your own inconsistency that I have reveal and that is what's bothering you, maybe you think because I am not an Englishman I can not understand you English.

    Then, she's probably disappointed with you if she knew you are distorting and inverting facts with word twisting and cherry picking.

    So are you. I have an excuse you don't.

    That is why you are full of contradiction because your logic is all twisted.

    And this mean contradicting the existence of God.

    Wow, another English grammar twisting, you should be a politician.

    I guess you have not read all my links to you, is this your intentional or unintentional ignorance or word distortion? As you have said, you don't want to look things up for me so I like to suggest you do the same for yourself.
  25. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Quote Posted by GraspingforPeace:

    That's the most asinine thing you've said yet. The scientists have biases (BIASED TOWARDS WHAT?!) and yet you are perfectly fine with putting every ounce of your belief with the Bible when it presents no evidence at all besides saying something happened?! That's the most hypocritical thing I've ever heard anyone say; it is obvious who here is biased and it isn't the scientists.

    Where have you been? Living under a rock? Of course there are scientists who are biased, a lot of them are because most of them are atheists.
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