So far I have proven that no one seems to have witnessed the "plane crashes" first hand. We already know what the "entire WORLD saw happen" ... on TEEVEE. Do you believe EVERYTHING you see on TEEVEE? Pony up a witness, if you are so very sure.
We're not ignoring the topic. We're saying it's asinine. It's asinine to Provided such a person would post in the thread and described what they witnessed, what would that prove to you? What would you do if a person who lived or worked in NYC on 9/11 and saw it happen posted here? Prediction: You would attack the person, railing them with more illogic and insults, and would not believe their story. Because you're not interested in the truth. You're interested in maintaining your delusion. Right? If a personal witness to 9/11 posted here, you would simply ignore them or call them a co-conspirator. You wouldn't change your ridiculous, preposterous position in the slightest. Do you disagree? If you're not going to change your position, what difference does it make?
If something was on TV, and thousands of witnesses in person did not see planes, would one of those thousands of people not speak up and say what was on TV was faked? Just curious.
Nuh uh troofer, it's still up to you to prove there were no planes, thr fact that you can't find a witness is the same problem as'reover a thousand miles from NYC And do you disbelieve everything you see on T.V.?
As I've already stated more than once, I am not here to change anyone's mind about anything. I would very much like to converse with someone who saw the "planes" crashing into the WTC. So far, no one seems to have.
Yes, I do. It's a medium designed for fiction. I have not called anyone names or insulted anyone. I would appreciate the same courtesy.
Television is not a medium designed for fiction. It's a technology that allows the encryption of light into an electrical signal that can be unencrypted by a receiver. Just because you can watch a work of fiction with it, does not mean it was designed for it.
Yet you can't prove the events of 9/11 as they were seen on T.V. were faked .....and I called no names nor insulted you......I merely call you what you are....a troofer, at the very most it shows my utter lack of respect for your arguments
What would it serve? You'd call them a fraud or liar and revert to your initial story, that it was all a big hoax and TV trick. You aren't going to modfy your delusion.
YOu are neither psychic, nor can you acurately predict what my questions to them might be. YOu don't know me well enough. The obvious thing is that you don't know any witnesses, because none exist. I welcome you to hold on to your PLANE MYTH belief as long as you can. Perhaps you are starting to notice your lack of evidence, though?
Sorry, you haven't proven a (*)(*)(*)(*) thing,since you obviously never set out to find a witness at all And Yes, I saw it happen of Television(not teevee) but I don't automatically suspect that what I witness happening like on n9/11 was 'faked',and until you provide PROOF it was, the medium is sound as far as I'm concerned... And still, you're making the claim, the proving it is your responsibility, because when we hear numerous witnesses say in the media and books, that they saw the planes crash,we don't automatically think they're lying
oh blurry and out of focus? and that matters how? Since the hole was either black of it was flames? Like the first plane that looked more like a bird it was so blurry? I mean if I really put the brain in warp drive I suppose I could conjure up that being a plane LOL Was that one good enough for you?
No,because you're deliberately downplaying the witnesses identification by being 'cute'. There WAS a large hole.It was in all the AP photos we printed in the paper the night of the 11th
hole = plane did it? hardly lets see the certified records by those witnesses and what they saw. no records no certs to bad no witness
So what made the hole,brainiac? And it's still up to you to find witnesses to the fact,as every sane individual on the planet knows there were planes
You 9/11 Deniers can't even keep your own nonsense straight. This is a "no plane/directed energy weapons" thread. The OP thinks "controlled demolition" people like you are all government plants.
Directed Energy Weapons are the only logical conclusion someone can make after examining all of the data. It has been proven that the powers that rule routinely employ disinformation agents to misdirect from the truth. The easiest way to spot them is their insistance on things such as "nanothermite" or "exposive residue". But that is not what this thread was intended for. I simply wanted to view the video and se what we learn. NO PLANES crashed at the WTC. NO PLANES crashed at the Pentagon NO PLANES crashed in Shanksville
IF you believe that,YOU have NO functioning BRAIN. Make believe 'energy beams' are NOT the 'only logical conclusion' may as well claim Aliens did it...
See his post right above this one. You simply didn't read enough of Hunter's posts. That's what I was saying.