Oh come on now, you know I wasn't talking about the deceaseds family members. You Ozians are finding it harder and harder to derail, so you go off in some bizaar direction hoping to get some traction...sheesh. Maybe it's time for your handlers to bring in the "A" team
There may have been some people killed in the towers. The numbers have been greatly exaggerated though, in order to keep the propaganda rolling. No victioms on any planes - because there weren't any. NO PLANES at WTC NO PLANES at the Pentagon NO PLANES in Shanksville Thanks for completely derailing my thread. Debunkers are unable to even look at the basic facts.
Sorry dude, I wasn't trying to derail. I am not going to discount the possibility that something outside of high explosives knocked down those buildings, and the possibilty that someone or something altered the videos of that day. It just doesn't make any sense to watch those vidoes and disregard the aircraft strikes and not disregard other parts of the video. I think we can agree that those buildings were brought down intentionally, to me the question is who? We find out who, and we will know why.
i agree with the no plane theory because not one ground reporter or ground witness saw or even heard a plane only on a screen monitor or on the phone by an actor or tv employee
Are you seriously saying we do not have death certificates or any of those other things for victims of 9/11? Idiotic. Plainly idiotic and ridiculous. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_September_11_attacks#cite_note-52 http://articles.cnn.com/2005-02-22/...technology-dna-testing-diane-horning?_s=PM:US There are hundreds of Workers' Compensation death claims in NY for 9/11, among 45,000 NY Workers' Compensation claims relating to death, injury, and cleanup-related occupational diseases from 9/11. http://www.workerscompinsider.com/archives/001116.html It is plainly moronic to say there aren't death certificates or other evidence of deaths from 9/11.
Can you produce any of them? Your links are to TeeVee sights (already proven complicit) and to workman's comps for the cleanup. Let's make it easy. One live eyewitness who saw a plane strike the tower. Let him or her testify. I copied this paragraph from your link Which mean of 3000 supposed deaths, only around 1500 could be found or identified. Why is that? Sounds like infalting the numbers to me.
I insulted the idea of 'no planes', not you. And are you THAT thin skinned?......you have to KNOW the sort of reaction that would result from your views
Some of us would appreciate it if your theory wasn't such an insult to one's intelligence. It's about the dumbest 9/11 theory I've personally encountered, which, considering some of the competition it has, is saying something.
LOL... So you have no salient response, so you resort to attacks. Predictable insane nonsense from you as usual. They're a matter of public record, so yes, I can. But why should I do all the legwork for lazy 9/11 Deniers who've already shown me, over ten years, that they will not accept any actual evidence no matter how compelling, unless it confirms their delusion. Well, if you get NYS eCase access (to Workers' Comp claims system), I can give you the ECF numbers and you can review them yourself. Or, if you have Westlaw access. There are thousands of them recounting what they witnessed. Their accounts are all over the internet. People wrote freakin books about it. Again, as I've said... No matter what we provide, you will dismiss it, because you're not interested in truth, you're interested in maintaining your ridiculous delusion. Because a gigantic building fell on top of them. Duh.
I really hope the OP is just trolling with this particular theory, because it's so ridiculous that I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt..
Nah...you're just comfortable this one won't get legs, but, just in case...you'll beat it down a little more.
Your story is the perfect illustration of the denial of reality. Your assertions are assumptions, not proven claims. When presented video of a plane crashing into a building you assume that the video was faked (somehow). When presented with testimony that conflicts with your view you assume the witness is lying. When presented with plane debris you assume that it was planted. When presented with family members that lost loved ones, you assume that they are lying. When presented with scientific data that conflicts with your view, you assume the scientists that generated it were lying. When presented with argument that conflicts with your view you assume the poster was paid. You're going to have to come to terms with this at some point in your life. If you don't you're going to get so paranoid that you lose touch with reality all together.