Did it work in Belgium, France, Austria, Finland, Sweden and Switzerland who all have higher suicide rates than the US?
Yeah, our mental health system has so much more room for 21 million exams a year. When you overturn the 2A, get back to us on that permit to purchase idea.
Australia's suicide rate went down. All other factors being equal more gun ownership means more suicides.
"Andrew Anglemyer, PhD, MPH and colleagues reviewed 15 published studies comparing the odds of being a victim of suicide or homicide between persons with and without access to firearms. All but one of the 15 studies reviewed reported significantly increased odds of suicide and homicide victimization associated with firearm access. 'To our knowledge,' said Anglemyer, 'this is the first systematic review and meta-analysis to estimate the association between firearm accessibility and suicide or homicide victimization.' " https://physiciansnews.com/2014/01/23/guns-at-home-increase-risk-of-death/ Fourteen out of fifteen studies show that guns increase the risk of homicide and suicide. Can the gun apologists here counter this with their own studies? Or will they resort to more cherry picking?
They also increased their anti-suicide programs. Female suicide rate didn't move. https://www.theguardian.com/austral...ks-calls-for-national-target-to-reduce-deaths
Since when? Has it gone down since Sep 25, 2018? https://www.theguardian.com/austral...ks-calls-for-national-target-to-reduce-deaths
With Donald Trump in office and Brett Kavanaugh sitting on the united state supreme court, can it be said with any degree of fact that the united states is not a corrupt nation where rule of law is not observed?
Is it being claimed on the part of yourself that there are no significant number of firearms being trafficked into the city of New York from other states? If it is occurring in the city of Chicago, why is it not also occurring in the city of New York?
The above statement operates on the assumption that firearms were not an already-present aspect of the equation being discussed. Real life indicates such is not the case, as firearms are always present, it is simply the prohibited individuals who more readily have them, and the prohibited individuals who are more willing to use them against others.
If the afflicted individual does not have any care or consideration for their own continued existence, pray tell why should anyone else? Why should the life of the individual be regarded as having greater value to society at large, rather than the individual who cannot muster enough to care about themselves?
And everyone present saw how such a proposed system worked out with regard to the individual David Katz.
Need one actually say anything on this matter beyond simply pointing to the Heller and McDonald rulings? Both rulings effectively stated that the misuse of privately owned firearms is not grounds for government attempting to restrict the private ownership and legal use of firearms.
I am doing what I can to make sure gun banners and gun controllers will have any laws they manage to pass struck down by federal courts.
that gun controllers want to harass lawful gun ownership. yes I agree that is what the evidence shows.