well that isn't true unless you count laws against murder and armed robbery to be "gun control". I want you to list specific gun control laws and show where each one saves lives. I bet you cannot. rather you make the nebulous charge that gun control saves lives and never back that up with any proof concerning a specific law. Now putting felons caught with guns in jail saves lives because violent felons, while incarcerated, cannot kill honest citizens. Same with giving those who use guns to rob additional time in jail saves lives when those robbers are serving extra time. But those laws are not what leftwing GCAs call "gun control laws". They want laws that ONLY restrict what law abiding gun owners can do now. Like waiting periods, or magazine bans. There is no evidence that laws that ONLY reduce the legal actions of honest people save lives.
people like me are why Kavanaugh is on the court. I donated money to help get Trump elected. I worked hard to get him elected. I donate money to senators who voted for Kavanaugh. I won, your side lost.
Gun control saves lives. I ave posted lots of evidence even on this thread. You have posted zero evidence. It must be because you do not have any. So we will continue to post the evidence and you will continue to make unsupported claims that are easily dismissed. And that is fine by me. Lol
has anyone seen Vegas list a specific gun control law-and then provide evidence that this specific gun control law saved lives? I sure haven't seen it.
You are replying to me in the third person. Lol. I am right here. Please point to the post number where you posted verifiable evidence. Would you like to see mine? Lol
good point. but I suspect the answer is no-we have never seen a specific law that he supports proven to reduce firearms deaths
Nor have we ever seen evidence from you. Please feel free to ignore me. But if you post here you will be expected to provide evidence
Same result ... chalk outline drawn around the body of knife wielding loser. :: Distinction ... Idaho sharpshooter has legal right to carry and isn't prosecuted for defending himself.
Cities: El Paso. Homicide rate of 2.5 per 100,000, which is lower than your "safe" city of NY, NY, which is at 3.4. Several other large cities, with populations of at least a quarter-million people, all with pro-2nd Amendment laws, have low "gun death" rates as well. So much for your "simple fact."
And as a former law enforcement officer I am far more interested in the homicide rate than in the suicide rate. Suicide is a choice, made by an individual. A person attacked by a criminal has a right to defend themselves and gun control precludes that.
We DO need to choose. We need to choose actions that can improve public safety without infringing upon the rights of the individual to live - or die - as they wish.
The ant-gun left doesn't care about anything other than making it as hard as possible for the law abiding to exercise their right to keep and bear arms, and are not interested in any 'solution' to whatever 'problem' they present that does not move us toward that goal.
Gun control is 100% contraindicated in any society based upon freedom and liberty.... and there is zero evidence it achieves anything beneficial in and of itself either way.
Well that is simply untrue. You probably would not live in a place with NO gun control of any kind. We call those places war zones.