Questions for Tea Partiers

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by NoPartyAffiliation, Aug 9, 2011.

  1. NoPartyAffiliation

    NoPartyAffiliation New Member

    Jun 25, 2011
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    I moved to Nevada from Houston a while back. Houston is great. It is also mostly Conservative. Not Conservative like I see today but more like Reagan / Bush era Conservative. I liked that.
    So when we got here, a new friend invited me to one of these Tea Party meetings. It was actually a Tea Party in that they served tea but it might have been accurately called a Tea Soda & Beer Party. It was nice and seemed as social as political. Lots of people who knew each other and hated Obama - whom they all seemed to actually believe is both Kenyan and Muslim.
    My friend asked what I thought afterward (he was obviously in recruiting mode) and I ended up on this and two other boards.
    So I'd like to get some clarification from Tea Partiers as there seems to be a lot of conflicting or even self-contradictng posts.
    1. One poster claims the ONLY thing the TP is concerned about is the budget. I don't find this credible. What say you?
    2. Lots of you claim you want to return to a Constitutional government. The problem I have is that you all seem to believe that only your interpretation of the Constitution is the right one. Ex: I asked about owning a machine gun, RPG or Nuke under the 2nd Amendment. Three TP's who agreed with each other all responded. They gave three different responses and reasons why. Then they all claimed the USC never needs to be interpreted. Connect those dots..
    3. Do you believe Obama is a Kenyan? Muslim? Really?
    4. Would you overturn Roe v Wade?
    5. Would you close all our foreign military bases? Most? Some? None? THis is an area you guys seem pretty diverse on.
    6. The list a government agencies you would eliminate is also quite varied. EPA? CIA? USDA? FAA? I don't find any of those UnConstitutional and although I know there is waste and inefficiency, would keep them all. I can explain my reasoning and if you disagree, guess what? That doesn't mean you're "an ignorant statists ******* socialist!" or whatever. But I'm curious as to how extensive a list you have.
    7. So. Can I go get my Rocket Propelled Grenade launcher now? They had cannons back in the FF's day! How about mounting a .50 cal on my upstairs porch overlooking the street? My own personal nuke?
    8. Health Care. Hmm. I think ObamaCare sucks balls. What would you do about healtch care for the poor? Anything? Nothing? Soylent Green?
    9. Gay Marriage. Will it make you gay? Do you not care?
    10. Gays in Military. Will our troops become sissies?
    11. Taxes. Flat tax? Fair tax? Thumb tax?
    12. Do you think Michelle Bachmann was correct when she said the Founding Fathers worked tirelessly to abolish slavery?
    13. Do you think Sarah Palin is unfairly attacked by the Media?
    14. Do you think FOX is too liberal? Fair and unbiased? Has a Conservative agenda?
    15. Do you think any of our problems are in part, the fault of Bush?
    16. How about that water-boarding!
    17. Was the debt ceiling thing all the Dems fault?
    18. Do you think Job Creators like Big Oil and MNE's should get special tax breaks or subsidies that other companies do not? Why?
    19. Is America a Christian Nation? What does that mean?
    20. How about PAC and lobbyist contributions? Keep em secret?

    These are some of the things where you guys seem to have more diversity of views. I've seen TP's who have as much disdain for Bush as Obama - well almost. There are TP's who don't care what gays do or where. Others want to send them to camps to get cured by God. It's all over the place.
    So you can just go with Yes or No but I came here to learn about you guys and so far, I've found out I'm a Liberal because I don't think carrying an M-4 into my local pub is a good idea. LOTS of tongue in cheek here folks - btw, if you guys didn't get so instantly pissed off at everyone who disagreed with you, you would get much more attentive ears. Have a little humor!
  2. akphidelt

    akphidelt Banned

    Oct 13, 2010
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    It really doesn't take much to be a Tea Partier. You just have to follow 3 simple rules.

    1) Hate Obama
    2) Be Constitutionalists unless it conflicts with your religion
    3) Hate Govt
  3. Emagatem

    Emagatem New Member

    Oct 30, 2010
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    Besides a few points, the Tea Party isn't very homogeneous.
  4. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I'm a conservative, but not a TPer. TP folks think the past can be restored. I don't.

    With that caveat in mind, I think there are only two things TP people agree on, i.e., balanced budgets and small govt. There is no consensus on social issues, foreign policy or national security policy.

    I cling to the ideal of individual liberty. That is the basis for the Social Contract. There is no consensus in America on the ideal of equality of outcome just as there was once no consensus on the issue of emancipation.

    A small federal govt. would be a weak federal govt. It could not pursue an ambitious foreign policy abroad or income redistribution and entitlements at home.

    The answers to most of your questions flow from the desired weakness of the federal govt. One cannot be free in the sense in which I write as long as a powerful and centralized federal govt. exists.
  5. Dave1mo

    Dave1mo New Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    Question, Tea Partiers:

    Where was the outrage when Bush raised the debt limit 7 times in his tenure?
  6. akphidelt

    akphidelt Banned

    Oct 13, 2010
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    That's an easy answer, they didn't even know there was such thing as a debt limit because Fox News never told them.
    CarlB and (deleted member) like this.
  7. MissJonelyn

    MissJonelyn New Member

    Jul 10, 2011
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    The Tea Party didn't exist during Bush's tenure so not only is your question a trick question, it's also a dumb one.

    The REAL question is why is raising the Debt limit a failure of leadership under Bush but suddenly the best thing a leader could do under Obama?
  8. jorbaud

    jorbaud Banned

    Jul 29, 2011
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    Well the Tea Party wasn't around back then. They started because they did not want taxes raised not because of the debt limit. Taxed Enough Already = Tea.
  9. MissJonelyn

    MissJonelyn New Member

    Jul 10, 2011
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    We're against raising debt limits too.
  10. Dave1mo

    Dave1mo New Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    Wait, so these people didn't exist before the last election cycle? They were born in the last 2-3 years? If so, how is it that they can vote already?
  11. MissJonelyn

    MissJonelyn New Member

    Jul 10, 2011
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    THE TEA PARTY -- the movement itself -- didn't exist.
  12. Dave1mo

    Dave1mo New Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    So, as individuals, they didn't see the impetus to organize when George Bush was doing the same thing? I can't imagine why...
  13. MissJonelyn

    MissJonelyn New Member

    Jul 10, 2011
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    You nor I know what they did as individuals. Your question is targeted at Republicans, not the Tea Party.
  14. Johnny Dangerously

    Johnny Dangerously New Member Past Donor

    Jan 19, 2009
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    Yep. Because the TEA party is forward thinking enough to realize that unsustainable debt = higher taxes at some point. Something that many on this forum don't seem to get.
  15. NoPartyAffiliation

    NoPartyAffiliation New Member

    Jun 25, 2011
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    Wow! What a great post. I agree with you Albert! (it was bound to happen eventually...)
  16. Dave1mo

    Dave1mo New Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    The Tea Party has been hijacked by Republicans. New name, same thing.
  17. Johnny Dangerously

    Johnny Dangerously New Member Past Donor

    Jan 19, 2009
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    Dude, get over George Bush and move on. The guy's gone, Obama's the man now. He has caused more debt in his short tenure in office than George Bush did his whole 8 years. How does that even compare?
  18. Nunya D.

    Nunya D. Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2010
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    OK, I'll play. Don't know if I will have the time to carry on a discussion about my comments, but I will try.

    1. I think the TP is concerned with a lot of things, not just the budget. The budget just happens to be at the forefront at the moment The TP started because people were upset with how the Government is representing people. The Government is getting to the point where they are controlling people's lives for "their own good". Sin taxes are a good example of this.

    One belief that seems to be common with most TPers is that the Federal Government was never intended to be the "top dog". It is believed that State Government's were intended to govern and the Federal Government was intended to only address those issues that affect the nation as a whole, such as the military and commerce across state borders.

    2. When the 2nd amendment was written, there were not any weapons like .50 cal MG or Rocket launchers. Personally, I think it is reasonable to expect that a person can keep weapons needed for personal protection to include handguns and semi-automatic rifles. If people use them responsibly there is no problem. It is the irresponsible people that need to be punished, not ban them from responsible people because of actions of the irresponsible.

    3. It doesn't matter at this point. His beliefs and birthright should have been addressed prior to election day. He is what he is....and at the moment, he is the POTUS.

    4. No, but that does not mean I approve of abortion as a convenience.

    5. Some foreign bases are no longer needed, but there is a problem with shutting some of them down. Positions will need to be found for those people that currently are stationed at those bases. If none are available, then the military will need to downsize. Military downsizing causes unemployment.

    Yes, some overseas "trimming" needs to take place, but it needs to be done with care and foresight.

    6. I would eliminate any Federal agency that could and should be handled on a state level. The Department of Education, for instance. States should be in control of how their education is conducted. There is no need for the Federal Government to be involved in this area.

    The list is too extensive to go through:

    Any department that does not deal with military or interstate or national commerce should be shut down. If it is indeed an agency that needs to regulate consistency between states, then that agency should be very minimal in size and should work with the individual State's Departments. In other words, Federal agents should work a supervisors or conductors....maybe 1 person per 10 states.

    7. Was there really a serious question in there?

    8. Every State in the Union has programs that address health care for the poor and elderly. This is a State issue, not a Federal issue.

    9. This is a State issue, not a federal issue. It only becomes a Federal issue when the marriage needs to be recognized across State lines. For the Federal Government to get involved, a Constitutional amendment should be created that recognizes Gay marriage first.

    10. Personally, I thought the "don't ask, don't tell" policy was working very well. You are dealing with a diverse military which includes those that are not comfortable with gays. Even though a person might feel that it is wrong to be uncomfortable with gays, it is still those people's feelings and beliefs. They have just as much rights to those feelings and beliefs as anybody else.

    11. Progressive Flat Tax.

    12. Some did....some didn't.

    13. Absolutely. When there is general hatred directed toward the children of the politician...just because they are related, then they have gone too far.

    14. Fox is no worse or better then any other news agency. As far as reporting the general news (not talking about their talking heads) they are pretty balanced.

    15. Of course....but some of the problems can also be traced clear back to Carter and all of the Presidents after him....and maybe even some before him.

    16. Our enemy beheads and tortures our people and it amazes me that we want to play by some self made rules. Torture has been used by EVERY President since Washington. The world is not always a nice place. Bad people do bad things. Why make things easier on people that vow to destroy us?

    17. Not all, but I think the repubs did the right thing. Spending needs to be decreased. The debt ceiling needed to be increased, but we need to plan ahead so we are just not increasing it again in 6 months.

    18. No. All corporations need to be treated equally. Special instances where some corporations are treat differently should only be to decrease consumer costs and those instances should be rare.

    19. Yes. Christianity is still the main belief, but it might not be for long. Should Christians get special treatment or benefits? No.

    20. No, all contributions should be disclosed.
  19. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Bush was an enabler of leftists, not a conservative. Dammmmm him to hell. If you think you have caught conservatives in a contradiction you misjudge our views. To the extent Republicans are enablers of leftists they must be purged.
  20. Johnny Dangerously

    Johnny Dangerously New Member Past Donor

    Jan 19, 2009
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    OK, which is it? You libs love to point out how the TEA party is splitting the Republican party, but now you're saying they're the same thing?

    No, the TEA party started because the Republicans weren't doing their jobs in looking out for the people's interest. There were too many RINOs.
  21. MissJonelyn

    MissJonelyn New Member

    Jul 10, 2011
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    According to the left it was always a Right leaning movement. Simply because their ideals don't coincide with the left side of the spectrum. People can join the TEA Party if they're Republican or Democrat.
  22. MissJonelyn

    MissJonelyn New Member

    Jul 10, 2011
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    The media will always distort what the TEA Party stands for. Ever since the very beginning:

    [ame=""]‪Chicago Tea Party that Susan Roesgen Missed‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
  23. NoPartyAffiliation

    NoPartyAffiliation New Member

    Jun 25, 2011
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    That's reasonable. I own a business and employee taxes bug the batcrap outta me. I think they should get rid of those on any company that hires 100% American / pay all their taxes only in America. Take all the breaks and subsidies away from Big Oil, Multi-National Corps to help off-set it.
  24. Dave1mo

    Dave1mo New Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    Um, no. People like Bachmann are not representative of the left.
  25. MissJonelyn

    MissJonelyn New Member

    Jul 10, 2011
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    Did I say that she was? I said that anyone can join the TEA Party regardless of party affiliation. Pay close attention, especially to 4:00.

    [ame=""]‪Chicago Tax Day Tea Party‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

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