Remains of 215 children found buried at former B.C. residential school, First Nation says

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Destroyer of illusions, Jun 1, 2021.

  1. Destroyer of illusions

    Destroyer of illusions Banned

    Aug 8, 2014
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    Do you understand what you are writing? Who canonize the alleged "saints"?
    This is done by the highest church hierarchs. I gave you a description of the "morality" of these hierarchs above. And if lovers, murderers, child molesters, thieves ... and so on (these are the highest church hierarchs) cananize a certain character, then can you really take such "saints" seriously?
  2. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    Who canonizes Saints, the people do. The priests and bishops usually object to the attention given to someone in that respect, since it pushes their more liberals constituents away from the Church. This is why the appeals by the people to have someone canonized/glorified usually go directly to the Patriarch or Pope - whatever the case may be.

    The difference between you and me, is that you're giving your opinion on what you have read, which in turn is the opinion of the writers. My opinion is based solely on my own personal experiences. I know Saints, or rather future Saints personally, and I'll say one thing: Do not think that this world and the existence we live in is the only one. It is not, there is another and greater one that binds and holds us together.

    The more humanity pulls away from the natural order of things, the more cracks will appear geologically and figuratively. May Our Lord have mercy on us.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2021
  3. Destroyer of illusions

    Destroyer of illusions Banned

    Aug 8, 2014
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    Obviously you are a believer. You've probably read the Bible. And I would like to hear your opinion about the biblical saints recognized by authorities in all biblical religions.
    1. What do you say about Abraham, whom some theologians call the only mortal who was a friend to God.
    One stroke from the life of Abraham. According to the Bible, when Abraham came to Egypt, he hid the fact that he was married, but passed himself off as the brother of his wife. And Abraham actively traded his wife. In fact, Abraham was a pimp.
    2. Righteous Noah. How do you feel about the fact that Noah cohabited with his daughters?
    3. Jesus nicknamed Christ. How do you feel about the fact that Jesus and the apostles stole? At the same time, he stole not because he was hungry, but because of pride.
    "And when they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage to the Mount of Olives,
    then Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them: go to the village, which
    right in front of you; and immediately you will find a donkey tied up and a young donkey with her;
    untied, bring to me. And if anyone tells you something, answer that the Lord needs them; and immediately he will send them.
    The disciples went and did as Jesus commanded they
    : they brought a donkey and a young donkey and laid them on
    their clothes, and He sat on top of them" (Matt. 21: 23-23, 39)
    You can talk a lot about an adulterer, a traitor, a thief, a murderer, King David. Or about the Jericho harlot Rahab, who betrayed her people and other biblical "saints". (it should be noted that both David and the harlot Rahab were from the family of Jesus, nicknamed Christ)
    But tell me please - what do you believe in? Priests of all stripes give you a moral guide - thieves, perverts, traitors ... and others like that. What do you believe in?
    Take Jesus Christ for example. He never spoke out against slavery and the exploitation of man by man, never once opposed the occupation of their people. He made friends with traitors and scoundrels, such as tax collectors (it should be noted, tax collectors in favor of Rome).
    Jesus, who lived at the expense of society, but did not give anything to society.
    What do you believe in? To a paradise life after death? And who will take you there? The one who stole the donkeys?
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2021
  4. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    You're projecting your own contemporary beliefs and intents into everything and everyone in the Bible. One should never judge the ancient past by the moral laws that were established by Christianity and Judaism. In everything there is a growth process, and that includes religion as well.

    Many Christians believe falsely that the Old Testament God is not the same God as in the New Testament, but He is the same God. God expressed Himself in the OT in the only way people could understand Him in that time and place. This is why He presents Himself to the Hebrews as a stern punishing and even murderous father who wants to punish His children.

    That is a fallacy, because God is Pure Creation, and Pure Creation cannot negate from what He created or He wouldn't be a Pure Creative Force. Whatever destruction happens in this world, whether it's from natural means or from man, occurs when man pulls away from God's Love that binds everything and everyone. This Love is the basis of every relationship that exists, whether it's between people, animals or what not. Think of a world without it.

    Everything we do, say and feel affects everyone and everything in this world, but it's not something people can understand, especially before the advent of Christ, so God in the OT instead of trying to explain that what happens is a consequences of their own actions, presents it as a punishment from Himself.

    Now about Abraham. The only thing that puzzled me in the OT is why Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son when God asked him, since he should have known that God would never ask him such a thing. Afterwards I realized that the time Abraham lived in people worshipped specific idols, depending on the needs and desires of the person worshipping them.

    When God decided to reveal Himself to Abraham, Abraham had no knowledge of what God consisted of and could only relate God to the idols he knew, so it didn't seem strange to him since sacrificing ones first born to appease an idol/demon, was common practice among the Semites. By stopping Abraham from doing it, God was revealing to him that human sacrifice was something He disapproved of.

    Later on when God felt the time was ripe and man reached a level where He could reveal Himself even more so, God gave Moses the Ten Commandments. By doing so, God showed the Hebrews what virtue is and what God consisted of.

    Again when God felt the time was ripe, and people grew to a level where they could comprehend God even further, He showed the world that He consisted of Pure Love in the Person of Jesus Christ.

    One should never judge the limited morality and knowledge of the people that existed at the time of Abraham and later Moses to the virtues that we know today, and had become universal through the spread of Christianity.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2021
  5. Pants

    Pants Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I don't quite understand why you find it necessary to downplay this horrific issue. In fact, they have records of over 4100 students dying at residential schools - and these 215 appear not to have been included in the records. So how many more are there? Canada has a long history of poor treatment of indiginous peoples and this is just one of the examples. More and more, however, the government is acknowledging that fact - as it should.
    Eadora likes this.
  6. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    There were always a lot of deaths among children, especially if they were boarding at institutions. Winston Churchill was at a top British boarding school, and had his nanny not realized that he was sickly and being mistreated, he probably would have died. Yet Churchill's father was a top Lord in Parliament.

    So to believe mistreatment was only towards the indigenous children is a fallacy, although I'm sure it was a lot worse for them. It really depends on how difficult a child is.
  7. Pants

    Pants Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I recommend (if you are interested) you read up on the residential schools for aboriginal children in Canada - the reason for the existence of them and the history of abuse. It was so horrific that the government of Canada issued a formal apology to native tribes in 2008 for the way they basically stole their children and how they were treated.
    Eadora likes this.
  8. Destroyer of illusions

    Destroyer of illusions Banned

    Aug 8, 2014
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    In other words, you consider it normal to cohabit with your children, as the "righteous" Noah did, to steal, as Jesus with the apostles, and act as a pimp, as Abraham did. Did I understand you correctly?
  9. Pants

    Pants Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2018
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    This is a statement given to the press by Murray Sinclair, who chaired the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC):

    I wanted to take the opportunity to speak to you regarding the situation that has come to the public's eye about the discovery of bodies at the residential school in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada.

    When I was asked to chair the Truth & Reconciliation Commission, I thought that I had a pretty good idea of what to expect. Discovering what was going on in the schools, I thought, would be accomplished by listening to what the survivors told us and recording their stories. I undertook that part of the work openly and willingly, with what I thought was a good understanding of what they were going to tell us.

    But the stories from the survivors proved to be horrendous. One of the most common stories that we heard were from survivors who talked about the children who died in the schools and whose deaths they witnessed. Just as often, we heard about the loneliness and separation from their family — how they lost so much.

    One aspect of residential schools that really proved to be quite shocking to me personally, was the stories that we began to gather of the children who died in the schools. Of the children who died, sometimes deliberately, it was at the hands of others who were there, and in such large numbers.

    Survivors talked about children who suddenly went missing. Some talked about children who went missing into mass burial sites. Some survivors talked about infants who were born to young girls at the residential schools, infants who had been fathered by priests, were taken away from them and deliberately killed — sometimes thrown into furnaces, we were told.

    We had no expectation that this would be a part of the work we were doing. We asked the government to allow us to conduct a fuller inquiry to that part of the work of the TRC, to explore that on behalf of the survivors and Canadian public. We submitted a proposal, as it was not within the mandate of the TRC, and that request was denied. So largely we did what we could, but it was not anywhere near what we needed to investigate. Now we are seeing evidence of the large number of children who died.

    We know there are lots of sites similar to Kamloops that are going to come to light in the future. We need to begin to prepare ourselves for that.

    Those that are survivors and intergenerational survivors need to understand that this information is important for all of Canada to understand the magnitude of the truth of this experience.

    Since the revelation of what has happened at Kamloops has come to light, I have been inundated with calls from Survivors. Hundreds of calls, often just to cry. I can hear not only the pain and the anguish, but also the anger that no one believed the stories they had told. I can also hear their sense that they have lost some hope that maybe those children that hadn't returned might still be found. They now know that may not happen.

    My heart goes out to the Survivors, the children and families of Survivors who never made it back. I know this is a hard time. But we must persevere in our investigation that we must know what happened at these schools. We need to ensure that we put in place healing programs and foundations that will help survivors to gather and share their memories and stories.

    I pray for you all and hope that you can find a way to continue on in a good and healthy way.

    Eadora likes this.
  10. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    To me what you stated is as unnatural as the practice of throwing one's baby off a cliff if they were deformed, which is what the Spartans did, or throwing one's first born into a fire to appease an idol as the Semites did. But it's because I was raised in a Christian world - something that's changing fast as you can see with the proselytizing of sexual deviances and the rainbow flags flying all over. I assume it's to lessen the population growth. (I have a suspicious nature)

    Anyway if you keep judging the past by your present day values, you're not going to learn very much. Come on; Pimping, stealing, Incest? If God saw Noah and Abraham as being the most righteous among men, then just imagine what the rest of the world must have been like?

    The problem we have today is that people are ignorant of the practices and customs in the pre Christian world since everything was written down by monks and their writings were discarded during the Protestant Reformation.

    The information the monks had would have come from the only people with the courage to render into that pagan world, which would have been Christ's Disciples and the Saints who came after them. Needless to say, they were all martyred. Virtue is never an easy thing, but Europe did become Christian and it did spread out from there. This is why I'm not critical of colonies. I think the good in the end outweighed the bad a hundred fold.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2021
  11. Space_Time

    Space_Time Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Getting worse:
    Eadora likes this.
  12. Pants

    Pants Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Horrific! And this is only the tip of the iceberg I fear. They should be digging up the area surrounding every single one of these schools.
  13. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    Americans treated Native Americans no better than Canadians treated First Nations (their term for indigenous peoples).
  14. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    Dig they will after going over school sites with ground penetrating radar.
    Pants likes this.
  15. Pants

    Pants Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2018
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    All of North American has failed their indigenous peoples terribly. We even have a thread here at PF suggesting that reserves be abolished. At least in Canada there is a tax free status for the indigenous, but that simply isn't enough. We find it convenient to simply ignore situations that may make us uncomfortable, or those which don't impact us directly. And, of course, this isn't just a Native issue.
    Eadora likes this.
  16. Space_Time

    Space_Time Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    The fallout continues:
  17. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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    Pants I am Canadian living in Ontario. Got your points. I prefer to defer to people like Murray Sinclair who will help others deal with it but not let anger consume their souls. Its all I can say for now on it. You know words are meaningless for what you try to explain. I got you.
  18. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    Last edited: Jun 25, 2021
  19. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    Strange - That is what Doug Ford the Premier of Ontario said - "TRAGIC"
    ........... I have to wonder if YOU or HIM have any Idea as to the difference between
    ................................................................... what is a Tragedy & what is an Atrocity ?

    At least HE
    didn't Spit in the Face of these victims and inform us that Stalin's Atrocities
    ................................................................................... were far worse that these Tragedies

    I walked away from a career in the early 60's when I SAW - I know the charges now being
    made are REAL - As citizens a Country & Government that claims to be FREE WE have
    to accept an admit to our SHAME & GUILT as citizens, of a Country that perpetrated these
    Genocidal Atrocities, before any Real Healing can begin to occur - These Revelations
    .............................................................................................................................. DISTURB me Anew

    Last edited: Jun 25, 2021
  20. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    YES - It is called Complacency - And it is akin to Complicity
    ................................. this whole thing is wrenching my Guts
  21. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    Canada & The World -Must Never Forget-
    It was Racist Swine - (Freely Elected by the people) - within the Canadian Government -

    Who in their vile attempt to Destroy and Genocide the countries Indigenous Nations,
    were allowed to direct their despicable Criminal Malice towards the Innocent Children
    .............................................................................................................................. of those Nations

    Who forcibly removed those Children from all parental love and care, and who knowingly
    gave them over to Sexually frustrated Religious Nuts. - And any Parent who refused
    .......................................................... to surrender their Child was prosecuted and imprisoned


    This really needs more attention. The unmarked graves of indigenous children
    .... are being found across Canada. Over 1000+ graves found and counting

    ................................... [​IMG]
    I am no expert. I just want this to get the attention it deserves. We lose 12 hockey kids our
    nation stood still. We find 700+ graves in the same provinces it's in the past so we should
    ...................................................................................................................................... "just let it go".
    But it is not the past. The last residential school closed in 1996.

    These schools where literally made to "beat the savage out of the Indians" .
    They where run by the church and Canadian government.
    The kids where subjected to cruel treatment. Beatings, rapes, molestations.
    They where sometimes given new names. Their hair was cut.
    They where not allowed to see their family.
    They where not allowed to speak their language. And so much more.

    The world needs to know Canada's shame. We need to find ever grave. We need to get
    these kid's home. We need to charge those who are still alive who are responsible.
    And the catholic church needs to to own their part in this. And so much more.

  22. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    How Would YOU Feel Towards A People Who Did THIS To YOUR Family ?


    Many Of These Children Are NOW The Homeless & Despised
    YOU Now See Wandering Among Us - Do YOU Wonder WHY ?


    SEE -



    A picture of Canadian Indigenous Children being seized by the RCMP
    to be placed in Indian Residential Schools - Painting by Kent Monkman

    Twentieth Century Forcible Child Transfers: Probing the Boundaries of the Genocide
    Convention, By Ruth Amir PhD, Max Stern Yezreel Valley College, Nazareth, Israel,
    Department of Political Science. I wrote the following for the back page of her book
    after reading it.

    "A well researched report about the horror of "legal" child abduction by the State,
    which deems itself the savior that will elevate the children of what it deems inferior
    cultures to it's notion of 'civilized' heights. Slay their children, or rob them of their
    cultural heritage by removal, the end result is Genocide."

    “I want to get rid of the Indian problem. I do not think as a matter of fact, that the
    country ought to continuously protect a class of people who are able to stand alone…
    Our objective is to continue until there is not a single Indian in Canada that has not been
    absorbed into the body politic and there is no Indian question, and no Indian Department,
    that is the whole object of this Bill.” Dr. Duncan Campbell Scott - 1920

    Scott made his mark in Canadian history as the head of the Department of Indian Affairs
    from 1913 to 1932, a department he had served since joining the federal civil service in 1879.

    Even before Confederation, the Canadian government adopted a policy of assimilation
    (actually, it was the continuation of a policy that British colonial officials had pursued
    since 1713).

    The long term goal was to bring the Native peoples from their ‘savage and unproductive
    state’ and force (English style) civilization upon them, thus making Canada a homogeneous
    society in the Anglo-Saxon and Christian tradition.

    In 1920, under Scott's direction, it became mandatory for all native children between
    the ages of seven and fifteen to attend one of Canada's Residential Schools.


    Last edited: Jun 26, 2021
  23. Pants

    Pants Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I just read this article (One priest's message to the church: 'Shut your mouth and just listen' - and wanted to share a piece of it. It is written by a pastor in Manitoba who is addressing the failings of the church to take responsibility:

    My dear bishops, my dear priests. We no longer have authority, moral authority, over our people. Stop kidding yourself like you do. You don’t. Take off your robes, your shoes, and your rings and your crosses. Sit yourself in a chair. And listen. Listen. Listen until it hurts. And keep listening. Only then, only then will we ever have a shot at healing.

    I am only pastor of St. Ann’s in Flin Flon. To Indigenous people here in my care, in my past, throughout our country I, Paul Bringleson, a priest of the most holy Roman Catholic Church, apologize.

    We failed you. It’s time for us to be truly accountable with that, and for that.

    For those who have left the church over this, I’m sorry.

    For those who stayed, I’m sorry.

    We need you. The church is better off with you than without you. We don’t give up on a family member. Don’t give up on the gospel. Even though we’ve had a piss-poor way of representing Christ over many years in our country, there are those of us who want to stay, to be a part of your life in whatever way we can, in whatever way you want to.

    Help us to understand. Call us to accountability.
    Eadora likes this.
  24. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    enuine Remorse
    - staunches a Bleeding Wound
    ...................................... YOUR Priest seems to Qualify -

    & let us remember it wasn't only the Catholic Church - Anglicans & United
    ..... are both deeply- Implicated - But finally, our gaze must finally be cast upon
    ......513...... our Government and when we do that - We Implicate OURSELVES
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2021
  25. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    The Canadian Genocide being perpetrated against \
    its Indigenous Peoples, never really ended with the closing of the Residential Schools !
    It just changed its Venue - and the dirt of it, may NOW be found hidden under the RUGs
    of a skewed "Child Foster Care" and an overtly "Racist Justice System"

    There Are More Indigenous Family Separations NOW,
    Than During Residential School Program

    From The Article:
    More First Nations families are being separated now than during the years of residential
    schools — and some are still dying in government care as Indigenous children make up
    the bulk of Canada’s foster care system

    ...the separations are a result of the federal government’s refusal to comply with a 2016
    legal decision that required it to end its discriminatory provision of services.

    “The last residential schools closed in 1997. That trauma echoed forward. And then these
    First Nations children and families had fewer public resources to be able to deal with it.
    But they were often judged by Canadian public who didn’t know any better… And that
    perpetuated the cycle of racism and the cycle of trauma.”

    Canada's Prisons Are The 'New Residential Schools'

    From The Article:

    A months-long investigation reveals that at every step, Canada’s justice system is
    set against Indigenous people

    While admissions of white adults to Canadian prisons declined through the last decade,
    Indigenous incarceration rates were surging: Up 112 per cent for women. Already,
    36 per cent of the women and 25 per cent of men sentenced to provincial and territorial
    custody in Canada are Indigenous—a group that makes up just four per cent of the
    national population. Add in federal prisons, and Indigenous inmates account for
    22.8 per cent of the total incarcerated population.

    In Canada, the Indigenous incarceration rate is 10 times higher than the non-Indigenous
    population—higher even than South Africa at the height of apartheid. In Saskatchewan,
    if you’re Indigenous, you’re 33 times more likely to be incarcerated, according to a 1999 report,

    This helps explain why prison guard is among the fastest-growing public sector occupations
    on the Prairies. And why criminologists have begun quietly referring to Canada’s prisons and
    jails as the country’s “new residential schools.”


    Last edited: Jun 29, 2021

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