Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. emerges as frontrunner among declared 2024 Democrats

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by InWalkedBud, Apr 20, 2023.

  1. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    UNEXPECTEDLY! Just When Dem Debates Would Have Been Interesting, DNC Says There Will Be No Debates.

    A Doddering old man and 'Kennedy calling out state and corporate fascism.'

    JFK and RFK JR

    'That’s precisely why the debates won’t happen. The Democratic National Committee knows that the less the public sees the dementia patient who pretends to be president, the better. They’re going with Biden for reelection, and they know that he can only hurt his own chances by standing toe-to-toe against a man who can actually articulate a coherent sentence and defend his positions.'

    'And so despite the fact that RFK, who has never been a national figure, immediately jumped to 14%, there will be no real Democrat race. There will just be a coronation.'

    RFK would wipe the floor with Biden in a debate.

    A New Hope.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2023
  2. Darthcervantes

    Darthcervantes Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 4, 2018
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    If this isn't proof of corruption, I don't know what is. I personally think its insulting to democrats to CHOSE for them. really sick stuff!
  3. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Well we've known this since the hacked DNC emails showed that the DNC rigged the primaries to help Hillary 'beat' Bernie. If they will rig their own primaries, of course they will rig a the general election.
  4. RodB

    RodB Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 29, 2015
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    Such as fraudulently stealing (albeit not directly) elections?????
  5. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    The argument of "stealing the election" is more of an excuse than a reason. And yes, both sides used it. The only difference is that with the GOP, it actually was used to attempt to overthrow the government whereas only a few Democrats stood up, objected, and were shot down by Biden, then VP, and we moved on mostly.

    It's those little details that separate the actual truth from the perceived truth that is perpetuated by social media.
  6. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    He has medical conditions that affects his vocal cords.

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Takes On the Fascist Uniparty

    He based his candidacy in the American Revolution: 'He chose to launch his campaign in Boston, just a few miles from Lexington and Concord. It was on those fields and pastures, 248 years ago on April 19, that the American Revolution commenced. “The embattled farmers stood/ And fired the shot heard round the world.”;

    '“The British had passed an oppressive law raising the taxes on tea,” the result of a deal that the “British crown made in collusion with the British East India Company.” And that provoked the Boston Tea Party. Then RFK Jr. added his own further take on what sparked the Revolution: “the corrupt merger of state and corporate power.”'

    RFK is right.

    RFK explains that 'the history of the United States is the story of ongoing efforts to restrain abusive power, to keep government and private interests within the metes and bounds set by the Constitution. Even opponents of his candidacy will have a hard time arguing with that.'

    It's inarguable.

    RFK 'hammers “the establishment” relentlessly, attacking crony capitalism, the military industrial complex, and hubristic imperialism of the type that led to the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003.'

    And he's quite right to do so.


    RFK takes both both parties to task, 'the fact that he is a Democrat means that his criticism of the Democrat Party cuts deeper, as when he jibed that his party must be more than just “neocons with woke bobbleheads.”'

    'Kennedy’s critique is completely bipartisan. He connected the intelligence failures of the 1962 Bay of Pigs invasion during his uncle’s administration with the subsequent much larger failure in Iraq during the Bush administration four decades later.'


    RFK Brings The Truth:

    'And in the middle of the Bay of Pigs, [JFK] realized they were lying to him, and he realized the function of the intelligence agencies had become to provide the military industrial complex with a constant pipeline of war. And he came out during the middle of the night during the Bay of Pigs catastrophe, and he said, I want to take the CIA… and shatter it into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.'

    'The neocons and CIA got to go into Iraq and do regime change. We spent $8 trillion and what did we get for it? Nothing . . . Iraq is now much worse off than it was when we went in there. We killed more Iraqis than Saddam Hussein ever did.'


    RFK sounded the trumpet:

    'My mission over the next 18 months of this campaign and . . . throughout my presidency will be to end the corrupt merger of state and corporate power that has ruined the economy, shattered the middle class, polluted our landscapes and waters, poisoned our children, and robbed us of our values and freedoms.'

    His Call is to Republicans, Democrats, and Independents, who are AMERICANS FIRST

    'We are going to take back this country. You give me a piece of ground and a sword and I’m going to take back this country with your help—the help of all the homeless Republicans and Democrats and Independents who are Americans first.'


    'The great challenge of our time is opposing those who are “threatening now to impose a new kind of corporate feudalism on our country to commoditize our children … to poison our children and our people with chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs.”'

    'His critique extends way-y-y beyond mere partisanship. For instance, we might recall his April 13 broadside tweet aimed at Microsoft mogul Bill Gates’ so-called “philanthrocapitalism,” which Kennedy describes as “a strategy of amplifying his billions by appearing to solve social problems with technologies that he controls and profits from.”'

    'RFK Jr. is not afraid to attack powerful targets. He has been relentless in his criticism of Anthony Fauci, Big Pharma, and Big Health. In his announcement speech, he showed genuine sophistication in explaining how government regulation actually works: “These regulatory agencies [have] become the sock puppets for the industry they were supposed to be regulating.”'



    'he was blunt: “The lockdown was the biggest shift in wealth in human history. We shifted $4 trillion from the middle class in this country to the super-rich. We created 500 new billionaires.” Speaking of one “old” billionaire, he had this to say about Jeff Bezos’ company: “Amazon closed down all of its competitors; 3.3 million business shut down.” He added, “I’m in a lawsuit involving Amazon for censoring one of my books. They were censoring people who criticized the lockdowns while they were raking in money from the lockdowns.”'


    'the “horseshoe” (that although the working/middle class is currently divided into red vs. blue, regular folks have more in common with each other than with their respective party elites)'

  7. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    As I understand it, the only reason RFKjr has no traction in the Dem party is his position on vaccines.

    However, there is some misrepresentation on RKF's vaccine stance, he's not against vaccines in principle, he does have some vaccine safety issues, such as the use of thimerosal (which has a mercury component, or something like that ) in vaccines, as do I.

    I think once one examines his actual position on vaccines, one will learn that his concerns are documented very well. How accurate they are, I don't know, but I've been paying attention to RFKjr over the years, given that I have some vaccine concerns as well (though I"m not anti-vaxx, not by a long shot, either).

    I don't think he will beat Biden in a primary, but if he does, he would definitely beat Trump in the general, because he's much closer to left populism than Biden is, in my view, in my opinion, once he becomes more well known. He's not that well known, however.

    I wish he could win, I like Robert Kennedy Jr. He is the real populist. Trump is a fake populist. You can't be a populist and self deal gazillions in tax cuts for yourself and your cronies. Moreover, a populist would not be anti-abortion.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2023
  8. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Media Smears Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. For "Conspiracy Theories" Even As Many Turn Out True.

    'Yesterday, Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. appeared on a Twitter Spaces panel co-hosted by Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard, and venture capitalist David Sacks. He spoke for over two hours on a range of issues, including the war in Ukraine, energy policy, gun control, and the origin of SARS-CoV-2. And Kennedy deplored the corporate takeover of the Democratic Party, excoriated President Biden’s pro-war instincts, decried the domination of US foreign policy by neo-cons and promoted renewable energy.'


    'Kennedy believes that the war in Ukraine is being fueled by “the neo-cons in the White House” who want “regime change with the Russians.” In his campaign announcement speech, he described his mission as ending “the corrupt merger of state and corporate power” that is threatening “to impose a new kind of corporate feudalism in our country.”'

    'a dizzying political realignment has scrambled all of the traditional categories and left in its wake just two sides: not left and right, but insider and outsider. And no matter the substance of one’s beliefs, to the media, “outsider” means, by default, “right-wing conspiracy theorist.”'

    '“The Democrats slowly became pro-corporate, pro-war, and pro-censorship,” said Kennedy, and “Republicans became anti-censorship, pro-civil liberties, and anti-war. There's been this tremendous realignment.”'

    'Kennedy’s zealous support for free speech runs counter to the media’s goal of “combating disinformation” by monitoring and censoring ordinary people online and thereby establishing themselves, once again, as the arbiters of truth and falsehood.'
  9. PPark66

    PPark66 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2018
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    Hopefully the media will do a proper thorough vetting of the candidates unlike the 2016 cycle.

    Currently he’s got name recognition and good will from those that remember his father. I suspect that won’t last.
  10. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Fake News. He's polling nearly 20% against an incumbent. The last time an incumbent Democrat President faced someone polling this strong against him was when Uncle Ted Kennedy ran against the hapless Jimmy Carter. Sure, Carter survived the challenge, only to be buried in a Reagan landslide.

    RFK, on vaccines, simply does not swallow the official line, which given our recent history, is more and more a mainstream reaction, given the obvious propaganda that makes up so much of the official line.

    mRNA Propaganda Roundup: Pfizer Knew mRNA Shots Sicken Infants in April 2021

    'Chronicling the lies, distortions, and abuses by the Public Health™ authorities.'

    'Per internal Pfizer documents forced into the public domain by court decree, we know now that the company knew way back in April 2021 of the risks its mRNA gene therapy posed to infants.'

    'Pfizer documented adverse effects in no less than 19% of the babies – almost 1 in 5 — that it observed to be exposed to the spike proteins produced by their mRNA shot.'

    'None of these findings, of course, were voluntarily disclosed by Pfizer, the Public Health™ authorities, or the corporate state media that the biomedical state effectively owns.'

    'To this very day, as a matter of fact, the CDC recommends that all pregnant women get shot up, as does the legacy media.'


    '“On Tuesday, the WHO issued an alert that there had been a rise in ‘severe myocarditis’ in newborns and infants between June 2022 and March 2023 in Wales and England,” per The Epoch Times.'

    '“The end of COVID-19 as a global health emergency is not the end of COVID-19 as a global health threat.
    The threat of another variant emerging that causes new surges of disease and
    death remains, and the threat of another pathogen emerging with even deadlier potential remains.”'

    The solution will be lockdowns and mail in ballots.
  11. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Was just watching-

    MUST WATCH! Dr David Martin's presentation during the International Covid Summit - YouTube

    Interesting history between COVID and pfizer
  12. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    I am against vaccines to infants. i feel a limited number of vaccines should be administered and not until a child is 2 years old, when their immune systems are developed, and only a few, spaced out, and no multiple vaxes in a single jab. the MMR vax should be separated out and administered in 2 week intervals, each.

    Kennedy isn't really against vaccines, and I think his data supports the above. I agree that there are negative studies which pharma has suppressed.
    Mrs. b. and Zorro like this.
  13. modernpaladin

    modernpaladin Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 23, 2017
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    I don't think his charisma is lacking, though his vocal disability is a very unfortunate one. I've been begging the D's to put up a new JFK for years so I can stop voting for R's all the time. RFK is the closest by far. Still waiting for some clarification from RFK on his stance on gun rights tho... But ya, I don't think even JFK risen from the grave would get far with todays 'left'. 'Liberal' aint even close to what it used to be.
  14. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Those are my feelings as well, spread out the vaccines, hold off as lo-ng as you safely can so that the child has more body weight, and wait if they are at all ill.

    Here is another issue emerging, do not take more vaccines than you absolutely need.

    [​IMG] › 35475680

    Repeated vaccination and 'vaccine exhaustion': relevance to ... - PubMed

    Repeated vaccination and 'vaccine exhaustion': relevance to the COVID-19 crisis Repeated vaccination and 'vaccine exhaustion': relevance to the COVID-19 crisis Repeated vaccination and 'vaccine exhaustion': relevance to the COVID-19 crisis Expert Rev Vaccines. 2022 Aug;21(8):1011-1014.doi: 10.1080/14760584.2022.2071705. Epub 2022 May 3.
    RodB likes this.
  15. RodB

    RodB Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 29, 2015
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    I agree with all of this, but think we have to be cautious and not go overboard. There are a few vaccinations that are extremely beneficial and cause no harm (and I think given at 2 to 4 years old): smallpox, DPT, polio, maybe mumps, and measles, for example. The problem is that today the CDC, FDA, AMA recommend a whole plethora of shots and many that I mentioned given multiple times. Pneumonia among maybe 2 or 3 (shingles and meningitis e.g. -- though Medicare doesn't cover them) are right to be given to adults.
    Zorro likes this.
  16. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    RFK Likens U.S. Leaders to Teenagers Playing World of Warcraft

    'Robert F. Kennedy Lays Out His Vision for a New Direction for American Foreign Policy “Like teenagers playing World of Warcraft, these warmongers inside U.S. leadership draw up war games and scenarios and pretend that a nuclear war is winnable…I call on every American to join in a new peace movement to make your voices heard, to reject the insanity of escalation, and to celebrate no longer the wartime President but a President who keeps the peace."'

    'Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy delivered a foreign policy speech at Saint Anselm College in Goffstown, New Hampshire Tuesday night. Kennedy advocated for his uncle's approach to U.S. foreign policy and lamented what America's "militaristic foreign policy" has done to the country.

    "We should, [President John F. Kennedy] said, 'begin by looking inward.' Yes. Back in 1963, a politician really said that," RFK said. "A political leader voiced what would be considered today a spiritual maximum or a spiritual principle. Let's take up that call from 60 years ago and ask Americans, all of us, to reexamine our attitude. We have been immersed in foreign policy discourse that is all about adversaries and threats and allies and enemies and domination. We have become addicted to comic book good versus evil narrative that erase complexity and blind us to legitimate motives and legitimate cultural and economic concerns and legitimate security concerns of other peoples and other nations."

    "We have internalized and institutionalized the reflex of violence as the response to any and all crises," he said. "Everything becomes a war. The war on drugs. The war on terror. The war on cancer. The war on climate change. This way of thinking predisposes us to wage endless wars abroad, wars, and coups, and bombs and drones and regime-change operations, and support for paramilitaries, juntas, and dictators. None of this has made us safer and none of it has burnished our leadership or moral authority."

    Hear! Hear!

    Finally, the return of a Democrat who gets it.
  17. Checkerboard Strangler

    Checkerboard Strangler Active Member

    Apr 12, 2016
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    He is the 2023 reincarnation of Lyndon LaRouche. Just as unhinged, just as idiotic, just as puerile.
    And he comes with the bonus of being backed by Flynn and Bannon.
  18. Izzy

    Izzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2022
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    Have to see if any media outlets have been reporting this.
    This is as sick as Junior is, the little hot house fragile flower.

    'RFK Jr. threatens DKos diarist: Pay me $1 million or else!'

    "Last month I informed the Daily Kos community about the draft defamation complaint I received from Robert F. Kennedy’s attorneys concerning a 2020 post I wrote about his speech in Berlin that was organized by a right-wing extremist group. He was asking for a “monetary settlement” before filing the complaint in the Southern District of New York. I refused, of course, to discuss any settlement for this ridiculous lawsuit.

    Last week Kennedy, through his attorneys, demanded a $1million settlement from my insurance carrier for “estimated damages” in excess of $1.5 million or he would “initiate the suit by the end of the month if unable to resolve the matter.” Exactly what these “damages” are has so far not been explained.

    Why is he pursuing a defamation against me when major media groups such as The Daily Beast, The National Review, The Washington Post and others have called RFK Jr. a charlatan, an anti-Semite, and other derogatory appellations — far more damaging than anything I wrote? My guess is that he thinks shaking down my insurance carrier would be easier and quicker than going after these large media groups. No doubt he needs the cash for his “campaign” now that money from his MAGA Republican donors has dried up as his poll numbers plummet.

    Needless to say, this latest threat from RFK Jr. will be ignored.'


    RFK Jr. intends to sue me for defamation for a ...

    Daily Kos › stories ›

    Jul 15, 2023 In May of this year I received a draft civil complaint from Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s attorneys that they intend to file in the Southern ...
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2023
  19. Izzy

    Izzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2022
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  20. Darthcervantes

    Darthcervantes Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 4, 2018
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    RFK is what happens when a TRUE democrat refuses to cave in to the mob. He is actually one of the only REAL democrats left in politics, the rest are dirty Marxists.
  21. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    I don't agree with everything RFK says, the main one on vaccines. However, if he were president, he said he was 'evidence based' on his stance, and that gives me encouragement that he wouldn't do anything that is insane.

    But, on a host of other issues, RFK is a liberal, make no mistake about it. He, unlike Trump, is a TRUE 'populist', as am I. I, too, am a free speech advocate and I'm not comfortable with media's shut down of videos which do not put vaccines in a good light, we need to hear all points of view. Much of science is backed by Pharma, and pharma has paid billions in corruption/fraud fines. My dem colleagues are not listening, and they should, to RFK. So, I could live with him being president. If you are going to vote for him, then we can find some avenue of agreement.,
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2023
  22. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    I understand that. We're a constitutional liberal Democracy. I have no problem with honest disagreements with Liberals. RFK simply strikes me as an honest decent man who loves America and who, if given the opportunity would serve Americans with every fiber of his being.
    I was planning to, but, voting against Trump in the primaries may be a better use of my vote. If Trump's already locked it up, I'll probably vote for RFK, if there is still an opportunity to derail Trump, then I'll need to vote for whoever looks like most like he could derail him, unless it's Ramaswamy, or one of the war mongers.
    Patricio Da Silva likes this.

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