Sexy Natalia Poklonskaya she is the Putins new hot prosecutor assigned by Russian for Crimea ! / Breaking News March 13 deputies of the Supreme Council of Crimea approved the 33-year-old Sexy Natalia Poklonskaya as hot prosecutor of Crimea Prior to his appointment Poklonskaya served as chief prosecutor of a department of the Main Department of the Attorney General in Simferopol. Immediately after the appointment of Ms. Poklonskaya gave a press conference broadcast STRC Crimea, where, in particular, called the Kiev authorities devils from the ashes. And the Asians seem to love her where a video of her went viral and stimulated lots of "art" Click the images, it is worth it Search her name. I believe her phenomena is a riot. A funny riot. Not a Slavic Riot. Natalia Poklonskaya wonders what a beautiful sexy lady has to do to be taken seriously by the World. She may be the first female leader of Russia. Y'think? She's got a Wiki page Moi View attachment 27141
I have known of her and her phenomena for a few months. She didn't until an NTV report. I just figured with all the Russia/Ukraine stuff going on, her story was interesting biographically and as an object of art. I laughed at the cartoon above. I wonder how many Americans would get it? If you search her name, you will find she is a busy lady. Most recently telling Crimea's Tartars to behave or lose their "council". Moi No
An anonymous Board member PM'ed me in reply to my request of his opinion, knowledge of NP. Permission granted to share - It is a reflection of modern humanity. Natalya made a career in Crimea. She resigned during the coup in Kiev. That moment it was dangerous. In a couple of weeks Poklonskaya agreed to a job which 4 men before her refused being scared. The 3rd day after her appointment a chief prosecutor of Sevastopol was captured while getting a huge bribe. She was in different troubles prosecuting guys with power and criminal connections. But who the hell heard about it?!!! She is sexy and there are some pictures of anime style about her - that's where the popularity comes from. I mean of course she is asked to make photos. It's an information war after all and Poklonskaya is a good image of Russia comparing her outfits with accusations of 'invasion'. So it is good that Moscow is resisting in an information war with these things. But in general how can a humanity restore peace or establish peace since it is basically interested in blondes, cartoons and kittens? We have a major gap with the Russkies regarding, Cute Sexy Babes In Uniform Enforcing Laws on a government check that is. This gap is wider than the phoney missile gap because it is real. Those were Hollywood Prop missiles in May Day parades. Natalia P is real. And America has nothing like her. Moi Unlike Hillary or Merkle, Natalia is bossy and has her own estrogen too No Poland awards top prize to Crimean Tatar leader Poland on Wednesday 5/7/14, awarded a prize for championing democracy and human rights to Mustafa Jemilev, a leader of the Tatar community in Ukraine's Crimea peninsula who says he was barred from the region after Russia annexed it. Outside Agitators ? ? as they use to say in the sixties. Sweet, Natalia is taking on the restless Tartars in Russian Crimea as of this date, ala calm down or lose your council. Poland has no appreciation of beauty. Why would they make Natalia's job more difficult in this manner ? I mean y'gotta a sexy babe in uniform. Who is accomplished at her job too, showing real chutzpah. Moi Is this whole thing a Polack joke ? No
Sometimes, y'gotta admit, the West takes things too far. Look who is on their new banned from getting a visa list and assets hit list. EU Adds 13 People, 2 Firms to Ukraine List European Union foreign ministers added 13 people Monday to their visa ban and asset freeze list over Ukraine's crisis but are not expected to decide whether to impose tough economic measures on Russia before Ukraine's May 25 elections, officials said. <edit> --Natalia Poklonskaya, prosecutor in Crimea. And the French. Et tu les Francais ? I remember the day when The French stood for appreciating a beautiful young lady. Also, considering her role in combating corruption involving putting her life at risk - The E.U. could have placed her on their, Will Watch List for violations of Euro sensibilities and profits. Really, E.U. c'mon guys. Moi No I wonder how they voted. Natalia Poklonskaya, View attachment 27295 Crimea's controversial prosecutor general appointed by the new de-facto Russian administration, launched criminal proceedings against Mejlis (Tartar) chairman Refat Chubarov and other leading Mejlis figures. BTW what makes her "controversial" ? Of course we do not expect Muslims to appreciate a beautiful woman as we do "The French". I mean theirs are kept under wraps. Moi No
Is Putin exploiting this Russian babe via an unknown Russian artist contributing to the Net Affair with Natalia ? Russian dolls: Artist creates beautiful anime-inspired portraits As Japanese and Chinese netizens fervour for Prosecutor General of Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya shows no signs of abating and has inspired anime fan art that has overtaken her online presence, we bring you a selection of other beautiful digital artworks from the creator of one of the stunning anime-inspired depictions of Ms. Poklonskaya thats been gaining so much attention. The illustrations are the work of a mystery Russian artist, whose name is rendered in Japanese as Iira. A long-term anime fan, Iira creates new digital images every day. While Iira has yet to reach the dizzying levels of internet fandom that Natalia Poklonskaya has attained, these pics are certainly worthy of your online attention! Check out the link for some of the latest images. Here are a few, click on an image, you won't be sorry and when she isn't working I really do find it "funny" that this single working mom trying to be an honest and effectual prosecutor - becomes known to us in such a manner. I wonder what kind of boost an American female candidate might garner by becoming an anime sensation. Or would it injure her credibility ? Remember to appeal to your government representative, ie. congressperson; to have sweet Natalia Poklonskaya's name removed from the "Ban List". Stephan Colbert had "Possy Riot", and they floored Colbert even with a translator. Wouldn't it be great to see Natalia on Colbert too? Her name needs to be removed from the "Ban List". Moi No
Yes, Our Lady of Crimea has a Facebook page. After an exhaustive review, I did a search and find she has lots of Facebook pages. Watch Out Putin Watch Out World, She has come in our time. Moi Klick da images No
Here it is Moi , the page to petition the White House for Our Lady of Crimea, Natalia Poklonskaya. Go to it man, and we'll all sign.
I'll sign second. I can't find where anyone has initiated the petition. Natalia Poklonskaya Moi No
First up, The Fame . Being patriot is trendy: Russians give up "I love NY" T-shirts for "Crimea Is Ours" An upswing of patriotism in Russia after the return of Crimea amid a cooling-off with the West has manifested itself in a new T-shirt trend as more and more Russians choose T-shirts with patriotic prints like "Russia", "I Am Russian", "Crimea Is Ours" and "Nyash-Myash" (the latter slogan became widely popular thanks to Crimea's Chief Prosecutor Natalya Poklonskaya nicknamed "Nyasha"). <edit> And in the Leadership Style department - Flaunting her diplomatic credentials: Meet the new foreign minister (Irina Filatova) of self-proclaimed Republic of Lugansk in Ukraine Irina Filatova(left) appointment follows on from Natalia Voronina,(right) who was recently declared the new Minister of Culture of Donetsk People's Republic, another self-proclaimed state in eastern Ukraine. More images and story at the link. Our Lady of Crimea, Natalia Poklonskaya has demonstrated leadership that allows even beautiful, or near beautiful women to advance in the government. And not be held back over their good looks. And what do we get in the P.C. West ? Not Pretty, Old ladies in pant suits. Moi No
I agree. But, she has inspired a political style we can only envy in the West ! Our Lady, Protector of Crimea View attachment 27498 has those cheeks that seem to make her pout for us all. View attachment 27501 And that smile that makes one feel they did something right. View attachment 27500 View attachment 27502 That is a powerful combination ! Not to mention she doesn't have to get into a bikini to get attention Moi No
The Truth in Your Hands. Al Siasi has discovered Natalia P and her photos. Even one in blue jeans I had not seen I can't read what they are saying but my guess is they are not ready to stone her for indecency. Is anyone able to translate the idea of her page in Arabic. Or is it Farsi ? BTW there has been no news of her these last days. I wonder if Putin got jealous of her popularity as Stalin would. Is it possible she is now the Chief Prosecutor of Irkutsk, the northern section. Moi No
I do not believe she would let it happen. She is already a single working mother. How can that not endear her to Liberal America. I do search the web for news of Our Lady, Protector of Crimea View attachment 27661 And besides rehash of what we already know being discovered in new media outlets, I did find -- The Republic of Natalia Poklonskaya "The Republic of Natalia Poklonskaya is a huge, environmentally stunning nation, renowned for its sprawling nuclear power plants. Its compassionate population of 378 million have some civil rights, but not too many, enjoy the freedom to spend their money however they like, to a point, and take part in free and open elections, although not too often. . . . " It's kind of cute, as is View attachment 27662 and worth a look. Moi No