She's So Beautiful [video=youtube;5xHFPaINK48][/video] Moi r > g Crimean prosecutor confirms attempt to attack office prevented SIMFEROPOL, December 19. /TASS/. Crimean Prosecutor Natalia Poklonskaya confirmed to TASS that an attempt to attack her office was prevented. Thanks to militia guards who were in the office, an attack on people, including staff of the prosecutors office, was prevented, she said, praising the militia. Well done, she said commenting on media reports on perpetrators planning to blow up the Crimean prosecutors office. . . In America lots of people would be killed when someone goes "postal". Moi r > g But fairer in the Republic of Poklonskaya No
Sweet Nyasha gives us her New Year's Wishes. That dress so fumpy. how could they make her wear that . . [video=youtube;187PtO46Wsk][/video] Yo Jeanette DEAR pay attention to the one minute mark. Moi r > g View attachment 32856 Russia's Polar Partner
The dress is frumpy, but she might have attended Church services, and the Russian Church is quite conservative. Notice her arms are covered, and it's closed up until her neck. Or she might be trying to throw off her sexy image because of her position. As for Tsar Saint Nicholas II, I noticed the picture immediately. He is Russia's special protector. Here he is at Livadia, the royal palace in Crimea. [video=youtube;O4xS4dp4Jwc][/video]
Yes. I saw the picture of "Bloody Nicholas" on the desk before she mentioned him too. My grandfather had such stories of being in "round ups" and in Nicky's jails and escaping. Still, Jeannette DEAR I knew you would appreciate the last Czar's picture, just differently. Thank You for the rationale of the frumpy dress. What a horrible neck line, and the way it works with the torso. Why not a wheat sack for Orthodoxy sake? Itchy cloth for Christ's sake. Literally. Thanks again. Moi Priest Keep Man Apart From God <Tolstoy> I learned it in a Young Indiana Jones Chronicle episode. r > g View attachment 32930 What would Jeannette's sainted Czar do in position ? View attachment 32931 Oops he tried that with Japan
Our Lady Protector of Crimea has been recognized by what passes as the Russian Royal family. On July 20th, 2014, Natalia Poklonskaya was awarded the Imperial Order of Saint Anastasia by the Head of the Russian Imperial House, HIH Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna during the latters official visit to Moscow. This is female Imperial Order of Merit of St. Anastasia. I thought some guy was head of the Romonov family. Lots of good pictures too. at the link above. Where is America's Natalia Poklonskaya ? Attorney General nominee Lesbo Lynch Moi Notice Nyasha's hands at the link photos. Absolutely, femmy finger lengths r > g No
The two competitors, on occasion of their last meeting, were elaborating complicated strategical plans, having in mind the same target ... Crimea? Not exactly ...
I was looking at Natalya's pictures, and boy she has my granddaughters eyes; exactly. Must be the Greek and Genovese ancestry.
Tomorrow, March 18th (already there in Moscow time zone) is her 35th birthday! It appears she will be going on a vacation and touring the Russian countryside. Good for her! I hope she enjoys her rest, after what has probably been a year with a lot of work and stress. Happy birthday Natalia Poklonskaya!
Can we elect a queen of PF? If it's between Natalia, the Hilldebeest and Moochelle it should be pretty obvious who'd win.
How sad only we few, here in the West appreciate such an association of Truth and Beauty in one package. And NO Brunette Okay, You disagree with Crimea becoming Russian, YouTube her captioned interview of the Ukrainian Constitutionality of the Putsch in Kiev and how she wished to resign and was advised to take a break from Kiev. Crimea is nice this time of year. I believe "she" is an honest conscience in action. If ever a "beauty" rather than a "borderline IQ" found themselves in a Forrest Gump bio, - Witness! Check out the captioned interviews at YouTube via Search, Natalia Poklonskaya. And she succeeded. Hillary can only envy. Putin / Poklonskaya 2018 or whenever. Moi r > g Nice little article and video of Natalia Poklonskaya Protector of Crimea Enjoy. Truth and Beauty in one package. Moi r > g No
She is cute, but she not beautifull than 20 % of girls and womans in my city ; )) I mean that she not so extra-beautifull as everyone thinks.
Natalia Poklonskaya marched in the V-Day parade! Read the rest here: Thats awesome! Her grandfathers were killed in World War II by the Nazis, so I suppose this event was extremely significant to her.
[video=youtube;KBJMMHyAlAU][/video] Write YOUR Congressperson and demand she be removed from America's Banned List. All her American Assets are frozen. as if she had any BTW the Russians still take their experience with the "FASCIST" as they term them much more seriously than we in the west. Moi Putin / Poklonskaya 20whenever r > g View attachment 35328 America's Crimea View attachment 35329
Crimea's Prosecutor Poklonskaya Gets Rank of General
Do you think that she might be interested in a potentially somewhat humorous attempt to create two hundred million 3 year and six months…… to seven year….. acting jobs for a combined Chinese, Russian, Indian and Mongolian army of actors…. (not including actresses)!? Artistic Hollywood style "Armageddon" could bring world out of recession?! ….A serious attempt to replicate "Armageddon" would create a minimum of two hundred million jobs in China, India, Russia and Mongolia alone....... not to mention the number of jobs this would generate in Israel and the surrounding nations. Revelation 9:16 "And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them." China now holds so many American dollars that any possible way to cooperate at a higher level seems to be worthy of consideration. One of the "stages" is the Jerusalem Third Temple complex. Without conflict a film is boring and we all know that lots of conflict surrounds the idea of rebuilding the Third Temple. Two logical years for this to happen are 2030 (only fifteen years in the future) and also 2070. Rebuilding of Jerusalem Third Temple may be least expensive way to stabilize climate?
My Moscowvites are really unaware of her. Is she gaining popularity in Russia at all? btw Russia Today explains her popularity: At a media conference she spoke up for rebellious local authorities, denounced the armed coup in Kiev and declared Crimeas refusal to submit to the new Ukrainian authorities. Her harsh words and stern expression contrasted greatly with her cute blond appearance and unusual voice, sparking an instant internet meme. Lookism is alive and well and biologically motivated! Don't fight nature. Y'gotta her. Considering her responsibilities, it is obscene she is on the West's Hit List. She can't travel to America and her foreign assets are frozen. And what do we get out of it all? America can certainly do better. Agree? Moi Putin / Poklanskaya 2016 or whenever r > g No Russia's Polar Partner
Europe According to Vladimir Putin
Back to our Natalia Natalia Poklonskaya: the Theotokos is guiding our Russia In her interview with The Komsomolskaya Pravda Russian newspaper the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya answered the question, why she particularly venerated the Holy Russian Emperor and Passion-Bearer Nicholas II Alexandrovich. She also was asked whether she believed that monarchy would return in the future. Indeed it was a flagrant crime when Tsar Nicholas Alexandrovich was dethroned and then all his family was brutally murdered, said the Crimeas Prosecutor General. And what is better and what will be next: a monarchy or a republicis not my business. . . . The title Theotokos (in Greek, Θεοτοκος is a Greek word that means "God-bearer" or "Birth-giver to God." Will Natalia play the "Mary" card to further her political goals. Of course not, She has no political goals. Moi Putin / Poklonskaya 2016 or whenever r > g But, fairly controlled in the Republic of Poklonskaya No Russia Elections 2016: Crimea Prosecutor Natalia Poklonskaya To Run For Russian Parliament?July 20 2015 The prosecutor general for Crimea may run for the Duma, the Russian parliament, in the 2016 elections, reported Izvestia, a Russian newspaper, according to Sputnik News. Natalia Poklonskaya, the pro-separatist official, was designated an "action target" by the U.S. government in December 2014 for "illegally seizing state power." "The party depends on strong candidates, on authoritative personalities," the anonymous source from the United Russia party told Izvestia. "Work on the upcoming elections to the Duma is already underway. Naturally, we are considering candidates who would benefit both the party and Russia as a whole, such as, for example, Natalia Poklonskaya. Discussions on the formation of a list in Crimea are taking place," the source said. Poklonskaya's appeal as a candidate is enhanced by her being targeted by the Ukrainian government multiple times and having her life threatened by pro-Ukrainian terrorist groups. As of this weekend, Poklonskaya had not commented to Russian news media on her possible run for election to Parliament, nor had she posted any announcement on social media. The elections are set to take place in December 2016. Duma, Hell, Poklonskaya for President! Mother Russia wills it. [video=youtube;i7vGnKXrVYI][/video] Good music, good quality. Enjoy They already seek to undermine her. Look at this picture they publish a GettyImage too. Oh and be sure to see the upload above, Poklonskaya & The Holy Virgin guides Russia. Y'know she just might be a "good person" they are gonna have to kill some day. Moi r > g View attachment 36547 Russia's Polar Partner