So what has Our Lady Protector of Crimea been up to lately ? Well it depends on who you ask Ukraine Today: Kremlin prosecutor Poklonskaya targets Crimean Tatars (VIDEO) Ukrainian journalists spread false statement Natalia Poklonskaya, kupivshis on fake social networking Moi, I believe in the association of Truth and Beauty. Moi Natalia's image causes a major "sigh" on me. r > g Natalia Protect Us. No
The valiant efforts continue in the never ending battle for Truth, Justice and the Russky Way ! Crimean prosecutors to check Massandra wine 30 September 2014 - 3:27pm Crimean Prosecutor Natalya Poklonskaya said that materials on Massandra will be sent to the Investigative Committee for checking by the end of the week, Interfax reports. Crimea Head Sergey Aksenov said earlier that Massndra had violations worth 4.3 billion rubles. Crimean Prosecutor Natalya Poklonskaya said that materials on Massandra wine will be sent to the Investigative Committee for checking by the end of the week, Interfax reports. Crimean Head Sergey Aksenov said earlier that Massandra had committed violations worth 4.3 billion rubles. What does it all mean ? Ask Jeannette I do not know. I do know the exceptional lady will not be side tracked over the popularity of her innate beauty. Moi r > g Minimally in the Natalia Poklonskaya Republic. No
Is this our lady consuming the wine in question ? Pic from article linked above More about the wine "Czar Nicholas II founded Massandra in 1894 to provide wine for his summer palace; the double-headed eagle of his seal is still visible on some dusty bottles. During World War II, Stalin ordered the evacuation of 60,000 bottles from the best vintages. In more recent times, there have even been a couple of ill-starred attempts to get American presidents to drink the stuff." Massandra is a different country, like the Vatican in Italy, said Nikolay Boyko, the director general of Massandra for the past 27 years. We live according to our own laws and regulations. I bet it is a syrupy sweet white wine those peoples do . Is our lady is going to bring the Massandra area into the peoples' ways. Hoo Rah ! They sound almost as bad as the Tartars where national unity is concerned. "Winery workers made no secret of their joy at being back under Russian control, however. They painted the main forklift in the cellars with the colors of the Russian flag. " That's good. Updates as they happen, Your everything Natalia Poklonskaya thread Moi In with Natalia Poklonskaya r > g But fairer in the Republic of Natalia Poklonskaya View attachment 30455
Belated Thank YOU CJtheModerate. The latest developments do shake my faith in Beauty and Truth and their association in the Real World. Yes. Our Lady Protector of Crimea She colors her hair. And the artists are on it already. How could you Natalia P. Well I have to sign off because my faith in beauty and truth is a bit fragile right now. edit in "“In the 12 years I’ve spent working in the Prosecutor General’s Office, I’ve been dealing with organized crime and put many criminals in prison. My looks have never been an obstacle – I hope they deceive my enemies,” Poklonskaya said. " Moi She made a better blond r > g View attachment 30806 Support the Alaskan corridor.
Yeah she does look better as a blond. Makes me think of my granddaughter, she decided to darken her hair once, and it didn't become her either. What gets into them?
I know, I know, so many of you wonder What is new with our Nyasha. When not prosecuting she is involved in civic do-goodism and plays a classical piano. I mean an antique one Poklonskaya handed over more than 80 photos of Nicholas II, some of them unique, to the museum of Livadiya Palace. The photos were given to her by a priest from the Assumption Monastery of the Caves in Crimea. “We have to make certain conclusions from what we’ve lived through, learn historical lessons,” Poklonskaya told TASS. “Nicholas II sacrificed himself, his family and what he had for Russia. We should remember and show this achievement so that young people love, value and protect their homeland,” she added. I regret she admires Bloody Nicholas, Last Czar of all the Russias. That's all the Russias. Not just Russia proper. Moi It's NOT fair. They get Natalia Poklonskaya and we get Loretta Lynch r > g The Crimean Republic of Natalia Poklonskaya keeps it fair. No Liberate America's Crimea !
Tsar Nicholas II was called bloody Nicholas because of the protesters who were shot while approaching the palace. In reality Tsar Nicholas was not in Saint Petersburg at the time so he could not have given the order, but Russia did have a free press and the propaganda and lies were used by the Bolsheviks and others to cause chaos and overthrow the Tsar. Putin was discussing history with Russian historians yesterday, because everyone's putting their own spin on things and he wants the Russian people to know the truth. He said the Bolsheviks conned the Russians into believing they would have peace, and also that they would be given their own land and industries. In reality twenty million died because of the civil war, and the government grabbed all the land and industries. As for who gave the order to shoot the protesters, I think it was his uncle the Grand Duke Vladimir, it seems to fit his character. He must have been in charge of Saint Petersburg since his brother was in charge of Moscow. It's also been revealed that the pseudo priest leading the protesters was actually a revolutionist and he did indeed have plans on taking over the palace. I also believe that it was the Grand Duke Vladimir that gave the order for all the Jews to leave Moscow before the arrival of his brother Grand Duke Sergius as governor, because it was completely against Sergius' character to give an order of that nature and especially one that would turn Jewish girls into prostitutes so they could remain in Moscow. Sergius was a highly devout man, and so much so that after he was assassinated, his wife visited his murderer and tried to get him to repent because it's what her husband would have wanted. Anyway Tsar Nicholas II did sacrifice his life for Russia, and his family paid for it as well.
The War with Japan didn't help Bloody Nicholas. I thought the name was related to the masses of Russian war dead fighting the Japanese. PS I am waiting to witness sweet Natalia Poklonskaya do something "Jewish". Restore some old Crimean synagogue or whatever commemoration. PS2 what a shiksa shiksa A Gentile girl or woman, especially one who has attracted a Jewish man. The term derives from the Hebrew word "sheketz", meaning the flesh of an animal deemed taboo by the Torah. Since a Jewish man marrying a non-Jewish woman is taboo also, this word applies to her. Traditionally this is a derogatory term, though in modern times it has also been used more light-heartedly. For example, Seinfeld once did an episode about Elaine's "shiksa appeal". Natalia Poklonskaya definitely has "shiksa appeal" No
Ever date a piano player ? I have. "They" have The Pinch Of Death when they wanna use it. Strong those finger muscles are. Maybe an asset to a beautiful chief prosecutor conducting an interrogative investigation. Moi r > g No
Times are slow, so what has Nyasha been up to? [video=youtube;kPy62ZtJido][/video] Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya congratulates her countrymen from Uyutnoe Village with the Holidays - 230th anniversary of the village (Uyutnoe Village, Saki district, the Republic of Crimea) ...she talking about maidane and Kiev...two years she lived in Kiev..during Maidan she was ashamed to walk on the streets, and she was ashamed when she saw the ukrainian Bandera flags.... Moi r > g View attachment 31792
I think she looks very nice as a brunette! I don't know if this has been posted elsewhere, but here is the official website for the Prosecutor of Crimea: Gives daily updates on whats going on.
Thanks Do they offer a link to an English website? I couldn't find a photos section anywhere on the linked site above. Moi r > g View attachment 31988
No, I'm sorry I couldn't find an english version, or an image section. There are a few pictures in this article:
This is true. Now they won. That is because they were not allowed to spend money for military development, so they spend their resources for the development of other more useful things. Thus, at the end their defeat 70 years ago resulted in their win now.