I know she was almost assassinated at least once, and saved by the guards in the building. It's a dangerous job because of the extremist and criminal Tatars living in Turkey, and who have been refused entry back into Crimea. They are bound to be connected to the MIT (Turkish Intelligence), and assassination is second nature to them. Natalie took the position because no one was willing to do so. Too dangerous!. She must have been either desperate, had a strong faith or felt it was her duty towards Russia? Probably all of the above. From what she said about Maidan, and how the drums were beaten continuously morning and night by the 'Nazis', makes me feel that satanism must be alive and well in that part of the world..which would account for the immense cruelty in the past towards the Jews, Armenians, and especially the Poles, as well as today towards the Russians. She made the right decision by leaving. Good for her!
What about their Roman Catholicism? Those you accuse are Roman Catholic, Si? At the borders of the Russian Orthodox. Time for the Pope to visit. Don'tchya just love Christ follower?
Natalia is expected to be in Parliament in 2016 as a member of Putin's Party. Really. Putin / Poklonskaya 2016 And for a chuckle Moi And please write your congressman to have this single working mother removed from the sanctions list. Her American assets are frozen. And it is unjust r > g View attachment 37438 The Ukraine of North America!
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natalia_Poklonskaya In 2015 Natalia announced that she would be running as an MP in the Duma for the United Russia party. Throughout Russia she is recognized as a potential candidate for the presidential elections in 2018.[54] She is listed at number 16 on Forbes' list of most promising politicians. Why can't "The West" have babeilicious female candidates Babeilicious indeed Moi r > g
This is an excellent question! I have somebody in mind who I may well attempt to convince to campaign for the office of POTUS in 2020 or 2024. She is the author of this book........ https://www.tatepublishing.com/bookstore/book.php?w=9781682702017
Crimea's First Babe is moving to Moscow. I believe I'd rather live in Crimea. http://www.fort-russ.com/2016/09/crimeas-poklonskaya-moves-on-to-state.html Crimea's Poklonskaya moves on to State Duma career September 27, 2016 - Fort Russ News - PolitRussia - translated by J. Arnoldski - On Monday, Crimean Prosecutor Natalya Poklonskaya wrote a statement on being released from her position. Today I wrote a statement in order to be relieved of my duties as Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea in connection with my election to State Duma, RIA Novosti quotes Poklonskayas statement. According to her, her statement has already been sent to the General Prosecutor of the Russian Federation. Insofar as Ive already been elected a State Duma deputy, my powers are suspended and I am exempt from the duties of Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea and an moving onto my elected office. My experience as a prosecutor will be kept, but I will work and fulfill my duties as a deputy, as this is an elected post, Poklonskaya explained. At a congress of the United Russia party on June 27th, Russian Prime Minister and party chairman Dmitry Medvedev proposed to include Poklonskaya in the list of candidates for the State Duma. The Crimean prosecutor, in turn, reported that she would be ready to go to work in the lower house of parliament if elected. The next day, in an interview with Moslente, Poklonskaya stated that, if elected, her priority in State Duma work would be people and their problems, including those of the residents of Crimea. Later, Russian President Vladimir Putin specified that, if Poklonskaya were elected a deputy, her priorities would include the construction of roads, control over the flow of public funds, and the restoration of cultural monuments. I searched for this news for some days after the Russian election and could find nothing definitive. A special THANK YOU to Jeannette for finding this more definitive news of Crimea's First Babe. And she is such a good girl who regards the holiness of the Czar. And the Holy Mother [video=youtube;187PtO46Wsk]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=187PtO46Wsk[/video] Moi r > g View attachment 45971 Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic, regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.
http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/next-putin-iron-princess-crimea-8713307 Next Putin? 'Iron Princess of Crimea' who became manga sex symbol in Japan takes next step to Kremlin Crimea's chief prosecutor Natalia Poklonskaya is a rising star in United Russia, a centrist, pro-Putin party. August 24, 2016 The so-called 'Iron Princess of Crimea' Natalia Poklonskaya who went viral after she became an anime sex symbol has been tipped as the new Vladimir Putin. The 36-year-old chief prosecutor has announced she will be running for a seat in Russias State Duma, the lower house of the countrys parliament. Poklonskaya hopes to enter the Kremlin on the ticket of United Russia, a centrist, pro-Putin party. She is often referred to as a potential candidate for the 2018 presidential elections and is listed in Forbes' list of most promising politicians. Check out the video above where she speaks of The Holy Virgin guiding Russia. Ole time Russian Orthodox Religion, It was good enough for Czar Nicholas 2. Let's pray "they" don't kill her! Moi r > g View attachment 46882 Build The Wall, & Make Ottawa Pay For It. Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic, regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.
Natalia is now in the Duma. And she is quite concerned about besmirching Czar Nicky 2. http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/kremlin-threat-to-ban-film-about-tsar-s-love-life-rm9k66rb5 Kremlin threat to ban film about tsars love life A pro-Kremlin MP has asked prosecutors to investigate whether a film being made about Tsar Nicholas II and his ballerina lover is an anti-Russian and anti-religious provocation. In the latest sign of a government clampdown on the arts, Natalia Poklonskaya said the film would be banned from cinemas if it was found to be insulting to believers. She said she was acting on complaints from citizens, including an organisation called Tsars Cross, which claimed the film besmears the name of a holy person. Nicholas II, who was murdered with his family by the Bolsheviks in 1918, had an affair with Matilda Kshesinskaya, a celebrated ballerina, before his marriage to Alix of Hesse, The question remains whether Natalia will be the first female chief executive of Russia. Really. The Margaret Thatcher of Russia would make Putin look like a wus. Moi r > g View attachment 47044 Russia's Polar Partner Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic, regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.
These are acts of certain monarchists and orthodox fanatics. Poklonskaya — the monarchist. On the other hand, in Russia after the West dictatorship of tolerance comes and if in this movie examination finds an insult of feelings of believers, then hire of the movie can be forbidden. It is lousy, but that's another story.
Yes, I understand Natalia Poklonskaya is a monarchist, via the Russian Orthodox Church. The monarchy and the Church had a special relationship in old Russia. Would you please write again, in different words, your meaning in the second paragraph. Bold Font. I am not sure I get it and I am interested in what a real Russky has to say about Natalia Poklonskaya. And do you really believe Russians could live with full freedoms and liberties like the West without dissolving like the Arab Spring to Islamist? Russia needs a strong leader. Rurik, Lenin/Stalin, Putin. Now and then a great military leader like Alexander Nevsky or General Georgy Zhukov. Natalia understands just how much Freedoms and Liberties Russians can manage, safely Moi r > g View attachment 47045 Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic, regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.
I will try to write with simpler words. So the translator will better work I consider that in the West there is something that is called "tolerance dictatorship". For example, there is some minority. His representatives consider themselves oppressed. And in fight for the rights they receive more influence, than the majority. I don't consider it correct. All shall have the equal rights within the law irrespective of belonging to minority. In Russia it is worse or better earlier, but was so. Therefore minorities had no special rights in comparison with the majority. Now in Russia tolerance begins to appear. An example — a case with the movie "Matilda". I don't know what this movie from the art point of view, I didn't see it. But earlier would come to nobody to mind him to forbid. But now he treads on religious corns of Christian minority. And therefore there is a speech about the ban of his hire. The minority (3-10% of fanatical Christians) dictates the choice to the majority. It is very bad, I believe. I can't speak for all Russians . People with different views differently treat Poklonskaya. The integrated views, I think, that it causes feeling of respect by the internal force. Besides, Poklonskaya is the beautiful charismatic woman. What adds a certain weight to the Russian policy. And here to her beliefs of the relation contradictory. I, for example, can't perceive monarchists seriously. They as though profits from a century before last The Russian psychology essentially differs in nothing from western We think also. It would be strange if was differently. The Russian culture and Russian langauge are considerably constructed on the western culture and the western languages. Even our main religion, Orthodoxy, has come to us from the Greek culture (though through Byzantium). The countries of the West among themselves differ often more, than Russia from any country of the West Any country for prosperity needs the strong leader. De Gaulle, Churchill, Thatcher, Reagan... When the wheel has a weak leader, the country begins to fall into decay. I think that with the advent of nuclear weapon time of great military leaders has passed. If nuclear weapon begins to be used, then military leaders will solve nothing. For now it isn't applied, there comes first of all time of strong politicians. View attachment 47045 Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic, regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.[/QUOTE]
I hope you don't mind if I butt in with an opinion. I'm only part Russian and I live in the U.S. so I don't fit your "real Russky" criteria. However I do spend a lot of time posting on VK (Facebook for Eastern Europeans) political groups and they seem to love her in Russia. I haven't taken a scientific sample but the posts about her are overwhelmingly positive. Much of these positives feelings for her appear to be (as Balancer noted) based on her charisma and beauty. However Russians also like what she has to say. She's definitely someone to watch.
Good luck. Sadly my Russians tell me she comes off as a religious nut in the Duma. Or like the Christian Right. It was so wrong for her to leave Crimea as Chief Prosecutor where she could be a Big Fish in a Small Pond and become a Duma member. I think I would rather live in Crimea than Moscow. Well, we will have our pictures and memories
https://www.rt.com/politics/429876-state-duma-trump-crimea/ ‘Prove that you are independent’: Russian MP Poklonskaya invites Trump to Crimea Ex-chief Crimean prosecutor and now-Russian MP Natalia Poklonskaya invited President Trump to visit Crimea to see how true his alleged statement – that Crimea is Russian – is. Poklonskaya made the invitation soon after Buzzfeed quoted two unnamed diplomatic sources as saying that at a recent summit, US President Donald Trump told G7 leaders that Crimea is Russian because everyone who lives there speaks Russian. . . . . That was June '18. Too bad the story has disappeared if ever reported in The West. ooopsy, here it is in Newsweek, below the below What a cool move if Trump did take his own, fact finding tour of Crimea. More https://www.newsweek.com/trump-visit-crimea-prove-understandsdemocracy-russian-politician-979750 Moi My mother's mother and father came to in 1905 from Kiev, Russia!
Sadly lost in the Duma where she is portrayed as a religious fanatic. She should have never left, Crimea. Enjoy or not. She was a Babe To The World. And a Power Babe at that.
Sadly the Russian babe didn't remain in Crimea where she was a big fish in a little pond. Meanwhile, N. Korea has theirs. Power & Babeilicious Moi
Both are good inspiration for anime Power Babes! Straight photo, anime or in leather Yes Mistress Moi